Based on the below screenshot, i need to select only unicare checkbox details. so this text appears multiple times and on different row numbers. i need to select the first occurrence.
Also, the state name will differ with each user. Brand name[Unicare] will be seen in atleast 3-4 records from the table.
I'm having trouble unmerging cells on the report.
3 Suppliers for the query
I have a SQL query that shows 3 instances of a supplier (left joined to contact) as shown below. However, when running the report for the query the 3 instance of the supplier is merged into one. This is not desirable in my case because when exporting the report to excel, I'd like to be able to sort columns based on other properties, however, this would not be possible due the the merging of the rows. How can I get results to show individually?
Cells are Merged on the report
Within the properties of each Row Group you can specify which columns to group on. You generally don't need a separate group for each field, but that's OK. In your last group, the one called "(Details)", if it is not grouped by anything, it will show one row per line of results from the query. So take a look at what it's grouped by. As long as the rows are in your dataset, the report will group or show them based on how you configure the grouping here. Grouping on nothing means it will show all rows.
Another tip is to align the end of your header textbox with the line of one of your columns. This will prevent it from creating an extra column in Excel for the "City" field.
Your report does not need all of those groupings - the SSRS grouping is not like SQL. You should only group when you want to aggregate data on that field. Normally you might have a company with its address in various fields in one group but you only need to group once on the Company Name or (preferably) ID - not on each field and not a separate group for each. You could then show details of various invoices in other columns that aren't grouped.
But since you want to display the company data on each row, you would not want ANY grouping on the company.
To fix your issues, remove all the groupings (but not the rows) and just leave the detail group (which doesn't have a Grouping).
You can check out MS Docs: Understanding Groups for a better explanation.
I am new to NetSuite. I have set up Calculated Inventory Counts and want to set up some reports based on the counts we have done.
I am attempting to set up a saved search for Items so that I can see which individual items were counted during a range of days, how many adjustments were made as a result, etc.
Unfortunately, I don't see a way to sort items by last count date.
I would be surprised if this has not come up before, but I have searched and not found any relevant answers
Any guidance is appreciated.
Quick answer to get you started: in the Results tab, scroll down to the bottom of the Field drop-down and you will see entries that are followed by and ellipsis ("..."). These are the available joined tables. You can select fields from there that are not present on the record type that you are searching, but are present on linked records.
For example: the Last Count Date is not a field on an Inventory Count transaction, but is on the Item record instead. Scroll down (as per above) to "Item Fields..." and then select Last Count Date from the pop-up list to include that field on the search.
I have a three-column table on excel to keep track of my expenditures; the first column shows what the purpose of the expenditure was, the second shows the amount and on the third I put a "P" for transactions that are still pending on my credit card. I wish to extract the rows of the transactions that are still pending to another table (same sheet) so that I can view what is still pending seperately. It should auto update i.e. new entries should be added as I add new transactions to my table and older entries should be removed if I remove the P from the main table (the transaction gets posted). Thank you in advance.
I would just use filtering. Select the column headers (presumably A1 to C1), then click Home -> Editing (farthest section on right by default) -> Sort & Filter -> Filter.
The column headers then have a drop down menu that allow you to sort your fields alphabetically or from lowest to highest (or vice versa) or oldest to newest. Then below you can select what values to show, in this case "Pending", and only those rows will show. Bottom left of Excel will tell you how many rows out of total rows are showing too so you can quickly see how many transactions are pending.
I will have Multiple Tabs, each tab will be called
Alpha, Beta, Gamma, Delta etc
Every tab will have contain multiple tables containing values, called...
{TABNAME}First, {TABNAME}Second, {TABNAME}Third, {TABNAME}Forth.
this will ultimately give me 4 tables for First called,
AlphaFirst, BetaFirst,GammaFirst, DeltaFirst.....
I was wondering if there is anyway i can pick/input a value in a cell, on a tab with none of these tables, for instance select 'Third'
And below this cell, or anywhere on this tab all version of 'third' will appear, so the tables for AlphaThird, BetaThird, GammaThird etc will appear, either seperatley, or the data merged into a single table.
if you need more information or examples, please let me know and i will update as best i can.
I guess to summarise, is it possible to call forward multiple tables using a cell as the criteria for which tables to call forward.
Further details - Edit
Every table will contain the same column headers and contain the same ranges of data within them. They will always have the same number of columns, However each table can contain any amount of rows.
The values in the tables are all manually typed or picked from a pickList, containing no Formula
To put this into a Scenario, there is 5 shops, a Tab for each, On each Tab is a Table for each Supplier we have, containing any Order information from that store for each supplier.
I wish to choose a supplier on a separate tab and have all orders with that supplier appear on the page for every store. the Store name does not need to be displayed, i just wish to know what is on order with that supplier.
Is there a way to create a SharePoint calculated column that returns a count of the number of entries in a list? So If I have 3 customers in my list with the company "Starbucks" I'd like the field to return "3"
(Edited some wording for clarity per suggestion from dariom).
You may be able to get what you want with another list using a not-so-well-known variation of a lookup column.
Let's say you have a list called Companies with values in the title column like "Starbucks", "Peets", etc. Now you also have the Customers list you refer to, but the "Company" column is a lookup column pointing to the title column in the Companies list.
You can add a count very similar to what you described to your Companies list. Go to your Companies list, add a column of type "Lookup" referring to the Customers list and you'll notice that in the drop-down area where you define the lookup if you point back to the Customers list, you'll have a new option called "Count Related". This is here automatically because it recognizes that the Customers list has a lookup pointing back to this one. Select that Count Related option and now your Companies list will have a column counting how many customers are associated with that company.
No coding, Javascript hacks, or anything. Just hidden SharePoint auto-magic.
No, I don't think there's a way to do this using the out-of-the-box calculated column.
Some other ways you could accomplish this are:
Create a view for your list that with a group by on the company field and include the total count. This is easiest, but might not be exactly what you're looking for.
Create a custom column type that executes a CAML query to find items that you're interested in. There is a learning curve if you've not done it before and if the list that you're adding this custom column to has lots of rows, you'll be executing a query for each row which is inefficient - it'll be OK for a small number of rows.
Use an event handler on the list that updates a column value each time a new item is added or removed from a list. This is easier, but can also be inefficient if you have a large number of items in your list.
As dariom said (damn my slow typing skills, +1!), only the current row can be operated on with calculated columns by default in SharePoint. There are a couple of documented workarounds involving SharePoint Designer or jQuery, though.
You can get a Count of specific list items in an XSLT Data View
To do this you will need SharePoint Designer.
Right click on your SharePoint List view (ensure the list view contains the field you want to filter by) select convert to XSLT Data View. Then in the Data Source Windows select Data Source Tab and drag and drop the field you want to get a total on for the specific items into where you want it displayed in your XSLT Data View. Click on the numerical value that is showing you should get a lightening bolt icon, select the drop down and choose Count, then select again and choose Filter. Select "Click here to add a new clause" then choose your field name again and enter your unique value as Starbucks and click OK, you can repeat this process for other fields you want the totals on. You will now see the total number of Starbucks items in the list.
I got something similar to work in a way similar to Niall. Basically, I:
Based on the source list, created a Data View Web Part (DVWP) on a "test" web
part page.
Added the footer column, which gives a count.
Set the filter for my conditions (i.e., the items I want to count).
In the code, deleted the recurring items row.
I was left with just the footer, which displayed a filtered count for all the list items. I further customized the footer by taking out the shaded background. Finally, I exported this web part and imported it onto the page where I wanted users to see a total of items in the list (which met the criteria).