Azure Deployment Center - scripting - azure

I'm building Azure Function (Premium plan) with Private endpoint.
As I'm using private endpoint, function is not available from the public internet / MSFT managed Cloud pipelines.
Now, idea was to use Deployment Center in Function App to enable CI/CD, but I'm failing to find a way how to script configuration of Deployment Center.
Is there even a way to setup Deployment Center configuration outside of Azure Portal? Using Bicep or Powershell? Essentially, something which will map repository/branch/build pipeline with given slot.
It will be weird to have completely automated process for deployment of infrastructure and then to go there and manually update deployment configuration for each subscription/stage.

you can use github actions to deploy the function, but you have to connect the github to the function through the deployment center.
This is simple process where in deployment center just select github under source and connect the github repository by Loging in the github account.
Another solution would be to use visual studio like tool to directly deploy from to development environment.
Also, you can containerize the function and deploy the container.
Refer the following documentation on all the ways of deployment to the azure.


I've generated resources using Azure Bicep in ADO pipelines. Need to make a new pipeline that will populate the resources with code. Not sure how

I've got a bicep file that has made the following resources: Function app, storage account, app insights, key vault and app service plan, via a build pipeline in Azure Dev Ops Pipelines. I need to populate these resources with artifacts built from source code e.g. adding functions to the function app. I'm not sure how to do this though. Does anyone have any advice or links to tutorials? I'm new to Azure and would appreciate any help. Thanks.
Basically, Azure pipelines working with tasks to deploy artifacts to the resources. These resources can be AKS, IIS or Azure functions as you mentioned. If you particularly looking for Azure function deployment task you can use the AzureFunction#1 task for that.
Here is some additional useful links;,well%20as%20on%2Dpremises%20systems.

Is it possible to add a CI/CD pipeline to an existing app service on Azure? If so, how?

I have an existing app service running on Azure that I previously published directly from Visual Studio. I am trying to get to grips with using DevOps and was wondering if it is possible to add a CI/CD pipeline to an existing app service.
I have seen a lot of tutorials on the web about how to create a pipeline for a new app service (many, of course, are out of date and do not actually relate to what one sees in the Azure portal!) So far, though, I have not come across anything about adding this to an existing app service.
Any advice or links to handy tutorials would be greatly appreciated!
I am hoping that the answer is not delete the existing service and start again from scratch!
If you are a beginner on Azure Devops, I will recommend to use the Azure Devops Starter project to create a pipeline, you can pick AppService as the deployment.
Once the pipelines are created on the Azure Devops , just open the pipeline and select the existing AppService where you want to deploy and also the source from where you want to pull the code. This makes easier rather than creating the stuffs from the scratch.

How to Deploy a React App(code present on github) to Azure WebApp using jenkins and TerraForm

I basically want to deploy(CICD) a React App(simple create-react-app) present in GitHub to Azure Webapp using Jenkins and TerraForm. I am in search of step by step process to do this.
I can't use the Azure DevOps platform since it is restricted in the organization I work.
Here is a tutorial for Deploy to Azure App Service with Jenkins and the Azure CLI might help.
But considering your React App already present in GitHub, there is a easier choice to deploy, which is using Git Action.
Create an App Service on portal.
Navigate to Deployment Center, better to use the Preview version.
Configure the CI/CD:
Go to your GitHub and see the Action logs, which is more clear than portal:

Is it possible to deploy web app to azure without VSCode?

I see documentation on deploying app to Azure using Vscode. But is there a way to deploy without Vscode? Like some direct deployment method through the website?
If you have your source code pushed to any source control in cloud, you can deploy through the Deployment Center or via Azure Devops.

azure pipeline deployment for Cloud services (classic) web app

I am trying to get a deployment working from Azure Pipelines and cannot figure out how to deploy a single "Cloud Service classic hosted" web app. I am not finding much documentation about how to configure my template beyond the basic canned templates Azure offers. Does anyone know of better documentation or an example template to deploy from a build? Previously I was deploying directly from Visual Studio running locally, so this jump to using Pipelines is a big one for me.
