ServiceStack with MiniProfiler for .Net 6 - servicestack

I was attempting to add Profiling into ServiceStack 6 with .Net 6 and using the .Net Framework MiniProfiler Plugin code as a starting point.
I noticed that ServiceStack still has Profiler.Current.Step("Step Name") in the Handlers, AutoQueryFeature and others.
What is currently causing me some stress is the following:
In ServiceStackHandlerBase.GetResponseAsync(IRequest httpReq, object request) the Async Task is not awaited. This causes the step to be disposed of the when it reaches the first async method it must await, causing all the subsequent nested steps to not be children. Is there something simple I'm missing here or is this just a bug in a seldom used feature?
In SqlServerOrmLiteDialectProvider most of the async methods make use of an Unwrap function that drills down to the SqlConnection or SqlCommand this causes an issue when attempting to wrap a command to enable profiling as it ignores the override methods in the wrapper in favour of the IHasDbCommand.DbCommand nested within. Not using IHasDbCommand on the wrapping command makes it attempt to use wrapping command but hits a snag because of the forced cast to SqlCommand. Is there an easy way to combat this issue, or do I have to extend each OrmliteDialectProvider I wish to use that has this issue to take into account the wrapping command if it is present?
Any input would be appreciated.
Extra Information Point 1
Below is the code from ServiceStackHandlerBase that appears (to me) to be a bug?
public virtual Task<object> GetResponseAsync(IRequest httpReq, object request)
using (Profiler.Current.Step("Execute " + GetType().Name + " Service"))
return appHost.ServiceController.ExecuteAsync(request, httpReq);
I made a small example that shows what I am looking at:
using System;
using System.Threading.Tasks;
public class Program
public static async Task<int> Main(string[] args)
Console.WriteLine("App Start.");
await GetResponseAsync();
Console.WriteLine("App End.");
return 0;
// Async method with a using and non-awaited task.
private static Task GetResponseAsync()
using(new Test())
return AdditionAsync();
// Placeholder async method.
private static async Task AdditionAsync()
Console.WriteLine("Async Task Started.");
await Task.Delay(2000);
Console.WriteLine("Async Task Complete.");
public class Test : IDisposable
public Test()
Console.WriteLine("Disposable instance created.");
public void Dispose()
Console.WriteLine("Disposable instance disposed.");
My Desired Result:
App Start.
Disposable instance created.
Async Task Started.
Async Task Complete.
Disposable instance disposed.
App End.
My Actual Result:
App Start.
Disposable instance created.
Async Task Started.
Disposable instance disposed.
Async Task Complete.
App End.
This to me shows that even though the task is awaited at a later point in the code, the using has already disposed of the contained object.

Mini Profiler was coupled to System.Web so isn't supported in ServiceStack .NET6.
To view the generated SQL you can use a BeforeExecFilter to inspect the IDbCommand before it's executed.
This is what PrintSql() uses to write all generated SQL to the console:
Note: when you return a non-awaited task it just means it doesn't get awaited at that point, it still gets executed when the return task is eventually awaited.
To avoid the explicit casting you should be able to override a SQL Server Dialect Provider where you'll be able to replace the existing implementation with your own.


Is it safe to use async helper functions in an Azure Durable Functions Orchestator?

I am trying to track down some occasional Non-Deterministic workflow detected: TaskScheduledEvent: 0 TaskScheduled ... errors in a durable function project of ours. It is infrequent (3 times in 10,000 or so instances).
When comparing the orchestrator code to the constraints documented here there is one pattern we use that I am not clear on. In an effort to make the orchestrator code more clean/readable we use some private async helper functions to make the actual CallActivityWithRetryAsync call, sometimes wrapped in an exception handler for logging, then the main orchestrator function awaits on this helper function.
Something like this simplified sample:
public static async Task RunPipelineAsync(
DurableOrchestrationContextBase context,
ILogger log)
// other steps
await WriteStatusAsync(context, "Started", log);
// other steps
await WriteStatusAsync(context, "Completed", log);
private static async Task WriteStatusAsync(
DurableOrchestrationContextBase context,
string status,
ILogger log
log.LogInformationOnce(context, "log message...");
var request = new WriteAppDocumentStatusRequest
await context.CallActivityWithRetryAsync(
catch(Exception e)
// "optional step" will log errors but not take down the orchestrator
// log here
In reality these tasks are combined and used with Task.WhenAll. Is it valid to be calling these async functions despite the fact that they are not directly on the context?
Yes, what you're doing is perfectly safe because it still results in deterministic behavior. As long as you aren't doing any custom thread scheduling or calling non-durable APIs that have their own separate async callbacks (for example, network APIs typically have callbacks running on a separate thread), you are fine.
If you are ever unsure, I highly recommend you use our Durable Functions C# analyzer to analyzer your code for coding errors. This will help flag any coding mistakes that could result in Non-deterministic workflow errors.
Note: the current version of the analyzer will require you to add a [Deterministic] attribute to your private async function, like this:
private static async Task WriteStatusAsync(
DurableOrchestrationContextBase context,
string status,
ILogger log
// ...
This lets it know that the private async method is being used by your orchestrator function and that it also needs to be analyzed. If you're using Durable Functions 1.8.3 or below, the [Deterministic] attribute will not exist. However, you can create your own custom attribute with the same name and the analyzer will honor it. For example:
private static async Task WriteStatusAsync(
DurableOrchestrationContextBase context,
string status,
ILogger log
// ...
// Needed for the Durable Functions analyzer
class Deterministic : Attribute { }
Note, however, that we are planning on removing the need for the [Deterministic] attribute in a future release, as we're finding it may not actually be necessary.

UndeliverableException while calling onError of ObservableEmitter in RXjava2

I have a method which creates an emitter like below, there are a problem(maybe it is normal behavior) with calling onError in retrofit callback. I got UndeliverableException when try to call onError.
I can solve this by checking subscriber.isDiposed() by I wonder how can call onError coz i need to notify my UI level.
Addition 1
--> RxJava2CallAdapterFactoryalready implemented
private static Retrofit.Builder builderSwift = new Retrofit.Builder()
.addConverterFactory(new ToStringConverterFactory());
--> When i added below code to application class app won't crash
--> but i get java.lang.exception instead of my custom exception
public void onFileUploadError(Throwable e) {
Log.d(TAG, "onFileUploadError: " + e.getMessage());
public Observable<UploadResponseBean> upload(final UploadRequestBean uploadRequestBean, final File file) {
return Observable.create(new ObservableOnSubscribe<UploadResponseBean>() {
public void subscribe(#NonNull final ObservableEmitter<UploadResponseBean> subscriber) throws Exception {
// ---> There are no problem with subscriber while calling onError
// ---> Retrofit2 service request
ftsService.upload(token, uploadRequestBean, body).enqueue(new Callback<UploadResponseBean>() {
public void onResponse(Call<UploadResponseBean> call, Response<UploadResponseBean> response) {
if (response.code() == 200){
// ---> calling onNext works properly
subscriber.onNext(new UploadResponseBean(response.body().getUrl()));
// ---> calling onError throws UndeliverableException
subscriber.onError(new NetworkConnectionException(response.message()));
public void onFailure(Call call, Throwable t) {
subscriber.onError(new NetworkConnectionException(t.getMessage()));
Since version 2.1.1 tryOnError is available:
The emitter API (such as FlowableEmitter, SingleEmitter, etc.) now
features a new method, tryOnError that tries to emit the Throwable if
the sequence is not cancelled/disposed. Unlike the regular onError, if
the downstream is no longer willing to accept events, the method
returns false and doesn't signal an UndeliverableException.
The problem is like you say you need to check if Subscriber is already disposed, that's because RxJava2 is more strict regarding errors that been thrown after Subscriber already disposed.
RxJava2 deliver this kind of error to RxJavaPlugins.onError that by default print to stack trace and calls to thread uncaught exception handler. you can read full explanation here.
Now what's happens here, is that you probably unsubscribed (dispose) from this Observable before query was done and error delivered and as such - you get the UndeliverableException.
I wonder how can call onError coz i need to notify my UI level.
as this is happened after your UI been unsubscribed the UI shouldn't care. in normal flow this error should delivered properly.
Some general points regarding your implementation:
the same issue will happen at the onError in case you've been unsubscribed before.
there is no cancellation logic here (that's what causing this problem) so request continue even if Subscriber unsubscribed.
even if you'll implement this logic (using ObservableEmitter.setCancellable() / setDisposable()) you will still encounter this problem in case you will unsubscribe before request is done - this will cause cancellation and your onFailure logic will call onError() and the same issue will happen.
as you performing an async call via Retrofit the specified subscription Scheduler will not make the actual request happen on the Scheduler thread but just the subscription. you can use Observable.fromCallable and Retrofit blocking call execute to gain more control over the actual thread call is happened.
to sum it up -
guarding calls to onError() with ObservableEmitter.isDiposed() is a good practice in this case.
But I think the best practice is to use Retrofit RxJava call adapter, so you'll get wrapped Observable that doing the Retrofit call and already have all this considerations.
I found out that this issue was caused by using incorrect context when retrieving view model in Fragment:
ViewModelProviders.of(requireActivity(), myViewModelFactory).get(MyViewModel.class);
Because of this, the view model lived in context of activity instead of fragment. Changing it to following code fixed the problem.
ViewModelProviders.of(this, myViewModelFactory).get(MyViewModel.class);

Waiting till the async task finish its work without blocking UI thread or Main thread

I am new to multithreading in Android and I have a doubt. I have a AsyncTask instance which I call as BackGroundTask and I start this as:
BackGroundTask bgTask = new BackGroundTask();
However I would like to wait until this call is finished its execution, before proceeding to the other statements of code without blocking UI thread and allowing user to navigate through application.
Please help me so that I can achieve this.
put your code inside onPostExecute method of AsyncTask, which you
wants to execute after work done By worker thread.
Try using bgTask.execute().get() this will wait for the background task to finish before moving to the next instruction in the called thread. (Please note that this will block the called thread until background task finishes)
I have found the answer at
How do I retrieve the data from AsyncTasks doInBackground()?
And the answer is to use callback as shown below which is copied from above shared link:
The only way to do this is using a CallBack. You can do something like this:
new CallServiceTask(this).execute(request, url);
Then in your CallServiceTask add a local class variable and class a method from that class in your onPostExecute:
private class CallServiceTask extends AsyncTask<Object, Void, Object[]>
RestClient caller;
CallServiceTask(RestClient caller) {
this.caller = caller;
protected Object[] doInBackground(Object... params)
HttpUriRequest req = (HttpUriRequest) params[0];
String url = (String) params[1];
return executeRequest(req, url);
protected onPostExecute(Object result) {
Then simply use the Object as you like in the onBackgroundTaskCompleted() method in your RestClient class.
A more elegant and extendible solution would be to use interfaces. For an example implementation see this library. I've just started it but it has an example of what you want.

Async/await in azure worker role causing the role to recycle

I am playing around with Tasks, Async and await in my WorkerRole (RoleEntryPoint).
I had some unexplained recycles and i have found out now that if something is running to long in a await call, the role recycles. To reproduce it, just do a await Task.Delay(60000) in the Run method.
Anyone who can explain to me why?
The Run method must block. From the docs:
If you do override the Run method, your code should block indefinitely. If the Run method returns, the role is automatically recycled by raising the Stopping event and calling the OnStop method so that your shutdown sequences may be executed before the role is taken offline.
A simple solution is to just do this:
public override void Run()
public async Task RunAsync()
while (true)
await Task.Delay(60000);
Alternatively, you can use AsyncContext from my AsyncEx library:
public override void Run()
AsyncContext.Run(async () =>
while (true)
await Task.Delay(60000);
Whichever option you choose, Run should not be async. It's kind of like Main for a Console app (see my blog for why async Main is not allowed).
I would recommend a lower value for Task.Delay like 1000 (ms). I suspect that the worker role cannot respond quickly enough to the health check. The role is then considered unresponsive and restarted.
Make sure the Run method never returns with something like this
while (true)
Or with Task.Delay in your case.

Simpleinjector: Is this the right way to RegisterManyForOpenGeneric when I have 2 implementations and want to pick one?

Using simple injector with the command pattern described here and the query pattern described here. For one of the commands, I have 2 handler implementations. The first is a "normal" implementation that executes synchronously:
public class SendEmailMessageHandler
: IHandleCommands<SendEmailMessageCommand>
public SendEmailMessageHandler(IProcessQueries queryProcessor
, ISendMail mailSender
, ICommandEntities entities
, IUnitOfWork unitOfWork
, ILogExceptions exceptionLogger)
// save constructor args to private readonly fields
public void Handle(SendEmailMessageCommand command)
var emailMessageEntity = GetThisFromQueryProcessor(command);
var mailMessage = ConvertEntityToMailMessage(emailMessageEntity);
emailMessageEntity.SentOnUtc = DateTime.UtcNow;
The other is like a command decorator, but explicitly wraps the previous class to execute the command in a separate thread:
public class SendAsyncEmailMessageHandler
: IHandleCommands<SendEmailMessageCommand>
public SendAsyncEmailMessageHandler(ISendMail mailSender,
ILogExceptions exceptionLogger)
// save constructor args to private readonly fields
public void Handle(SendEmailMessageCommand command)
var program = new SendAsyncEmailMessageProgram
(command, _mailSender, _exceptionLogger);
var thread = new Thread(program.Launch);
private class SendAsyncEmailMessageProgram
internal SendAsyncEmailMessageProgram(
SendEmailMessageCommand command
, ISendMail mailSender
, ILogExceptions exceptionLogger)
// save constructor args to private readonly fields
internal void Launch()
// get new instances of DbContext and query processor
var uow = MyServiceLocator.Current.GetService<IUnitOfWork>();
var qp = MyServiceLocator.Current.GetService<IProcessQueries>();
var handler = new SendEmailMessageHandler(qp, _mailSender,
uow as ICommandEntities, uow, _exceptionLogger);
For a while simpleinjector was yelling at me, telling me that it found 2 implementations of IHandleCommands<SendEmailMessageCommand>. I found that the following works, but not sure whether it is the best / optimal way. I want to explicitly register this one interface to use the Async implementation:
(type, implementations) =>
// register the async email handler
if (type == typeof(IHandleCommands<SendEmailMessageCommand>))
container.Register(type, implementations
.Single(i => i == typeof(SendAsyncEmailMessageHandler)));
else if (implementations.Length < 1)
throw new InvalidOperationException(string.Format(
"No implementations were found for type '{0}'.",
else if (implementations.Length > 1)
throw new InvalidOperationException(string.Format(
"{1} implementations were found for type '{0}'.",
type.Name, implementations.Length));
// register a single implementation (default behavior)
container.Register(type, implementations.Single());
}, assemblies);
My question: is this the right way, or is there something better? For example, I'd like to reuse the existing exceptions thrown by Simpleinjector for all other implementations instead of having to throw them explicitly in the callback.
Update reply to Steven's answer
I have updated my question to be more explicit. The reason I have implemented it this way is because as part of the operation, the command updates a System.Nullable<DateTime> property called SentOnUtc on a db entity after the MailMessage is successfully sent.
The ICommandEntities and IUnitOfWork are both implemented by an entity framework DbContext class.The DbContext is registered per http context, using the method described here:
The default behavior of the RegisterPerWebRequest extension method in the simpleinjector wiki is to register a transient instance when the HttpContext is null (which it will be in the newly launched thread).
var context = HttpContext.Current;
if (context == null)
// No HttpContext: Let's create a transient object.
return _instanceCreator();
This is why the Launch method uses the service locator pattern to get a single instance of DbContext, then passes it directly to the synchronous command handler constructor. In order for the _entities.Update(emailMessageEntity) and _unitOfWork.SaveChanges() lines to work, both must be using the same DbContext instance.
NOTE: Ideally, sending the email should be handled by a separate polling worker. This command is basically a queue clearing house. The EmailMessage entities in the db already have all of the information needed to send the email. This command just grabs an unsent one from the database, sends it, then records the DateTime of the action. Such a command could be executed by polling from a different process / app, but I will not accept such an answer for this question. For now, we need to kick off this command when some kind of http request event triggers it.
There are indeed easier ways to do this. For instance, instead of registering a BatchRegistrationCallback as you did in your last code snippet, you can make use of the OpenGenericBatchRegistrationExtensions.GetTypesToRegister method. This method is used internally by the RegisterManyForOpenGeneric methods, and allows you to filter the returned types before you send them to an RegisterManyForOpenGeneric overload:
var types = OpenGenericBatchRegistrationExtensions
.GetTypesToRegister(typeof(IHandleCommands<>), assemblies)
.Where(t => !t.Name.StartsWith("SendAsync"));
But I think it would be better to make a few changes to your design. When you change your async command handler to a generic decorator, you completely remove the problem altogether. Such a generic decorator could look like this:
public class SendAsyncCommandHandlerDecorator<TCommand>
: IHandleCommands<TCommand>
private IHandleCommands<TCommand> decorated;
public SendAsyncCommandHandlerDecorator(
IHandleCommands<TCommand> decorated)
this.decorated = decorated;
public void Handle(TCommand command)
() => this.decorated.Handle(command));
Note that this decorator is flawed because of reasons I'll explain later, but let's go with this for the sake of education.
Making this type generic, allows you to reuse this type for multiple commands. Because this type is generic, the RegisterManyForOpenGeneric will skip this (since it can't guess the generic type). This allows you to register the decorator as follows:
In your case however, you don't want this decorator to be wrapped around all handlers (as the previous registration does). There is an RegisterDecorator overload that takes a predicate, that allows you to specify when to apply this decorator:
c => c.ServiceType == typeof(IHandleCommands<SendEmailMessageCommand>));
With this predicate applied, the SendAsyncCommandHandlerDecorator<T> will only be applied to the IHandleCommands<SendEmailMessageCommand> handler.
Another option (which I prefer) is to register a closed generic version of the SendAsyncCommandHandlerDecorator<T> version. This saves you from having to specify the predicate:
As I noted however, the code for the given decorator is flawed, because you should always build a new dependency graph on a new thread, and never pass on dependencies from thread to thread (which the original decorator does). More information about this in this article: How to work with dependency injection in multi-threaded applications.
So the answer is actually more complex, since this generic decorator should really be a proxy that replaces the original command handler (or possibly even a chain of decorators wrapping a handler). This proxy must be able to build up a new object graph in a new thread. This proxy would look like this:
public class SendAsyncCommandHandlerProxy<TCommand>
: IHandleCommands<TCommand>
Func<IHandleCommands<TCommand>> factory;
public SendAsyncCommandHandlerProxy(
Func<IHandleCommands<TCommand>> factory)
this.factory = factory;
public void Handle(TCommand command)
Task.Factory.StartNew(() =>
var handler = this.factory();
Although Simple Injector has no built-in support for resolving Func<T> factory, the RegisterDecorator methods are the exception. The reason for this is that it would be very tedious to register decorators with Func dependencies without framework support. In other words, when registering the SendAsyncCommandHandlerProxy with the RegisterDecorator method, Simple Injector will automatically inject a Func<T> delegate that can create new instances of the decorated type. Since the proxy only refences a (singleton) factory (and is stateless), we can even register it as singleton:
Obviously, you can mix this registration with other RegisterDecorator registrations. Example:
This registration wraps any command handler with a TransactionalCommandHandlerDecorator<T>, optionally decorates it with the async proxy, and always wraps it with a ValidatableCommandHandlerDecorator<T>. This allows you to do the validation synchronously (on the same thread), and when validation succeeds, spin of handling of the command on a new thread, running in a transaction on that thread.
Since some of your dependencies are registered Per Web Request, this means that they would get a new (transient) instance an exception is thrown when there is no web request, which is they way this is implemented in the Simple Injector (as is the case when you start a new thread to run the code). As you are implementing multiple interfaces with your EF DbContext, this means Simple Injector will create a new instance for each constructor-injected interface, and as you said, this will be a problem.
You'll need to reconfigure the DbContext, since a pure Per Web Request will not do. There are several solutions, but I think the best is to make an hybrid PerWebRequest/PerLifetimeScope instance. You'll need the Per Lifetime Scope extension package for this. Also note that also is an extension package for Per Web Request, so you don't have to use any custom code. When you've done this, you can define the following registration:
container.RegisterPerWebRequest<DbContext, MyDbContext>();
// Register as hybrid PerWebRequest / PerLifetimeScope.
container.Register<MyDbContext>(() =>
if (HttpContext.Current != null)
return (MyDbContext)container.GetInstance<DbContext>();
return (MyDbContext)container
Simple Injector 2 now has the explicit notion of lifestyles and this makes the previous registration much easier. The following registration is therefore adviced:
var hybrid = Lifestyle.CreateHybrid(
lifestyleSelector: () => HttpContext.Current != null,
trueLifestyle: new WebRequestLifestyle(),
falseLifestyle: new LifetimeScopeLifestyle());
// Register as hybrid PerWebRequest / PerLifetimeScope.
container.Register<MyDbContext, MyDbContext>(hybrid);
Since the Simple Injector only allows registering a type once (it doesn't support keyed registration), it is not possible to register a MyDbContext with both a PerWebRequest lifestyle, AND a PerLifetimeScope lifestyle. So we have to cheat a bit, so we make two registrations (one per lifestyle) and select different service types (DbContext and IObjectContextAdapter). The service type is not really important, except that MyDbContext must implement/inherit from that service type (feel free to implement dummy interfaces on your MyDbContext if this is convenient).
Besides these two registrations, we need a third registration, a mapping, that allows us to get the proper lifestyle back. This is the Register<MyDbContext> which gets the proper instance back based on whether the operation is executed inside a HTTP request or not.
Your AsyncCommandHandlerProxy will have to start a new lifetime scope, which is done as follows:
public class AsyncCommandHandlerProxy<T>
: IHandleCommands<T>
private readonly Func<IHandleCommands<T>> factory;
private readonly Container container;
public AsyncCommandHandlerProxy(
Func<IHandleCommands<T>> factory,
Container container)
this.factory = factory;
this.container = container;
public void Handle(T command)
Task.Factory.StartNew(() =>
using (this.container.BeginLifetimeScope())
var handler = this.factory();
Note that the container is added as dependency of the AsyncCommandHandlerProxy.
Now, any MyDbContext instance that is resolved when HttpContext.Current is null, will get a Per Lifetime Scope instance instead of a new transient instance.
