UndeliverableException while calling onError of ObservableEmitter in RXjava2 - retrofit2

I have a method which creates an emitter like below, there are a problem(maybe it is normal behavior) with calling onError in retrofit callback. I got UndeliverableException when try to call onError.
I can solve this by checking subscriber.isDiposed() by I wonder how can call onError coz i need to notify my UI level.
Addition 1
--> RxJava2CallAdapterFactoryalready implemented
private static Retrofit.Builder builderSwift = new Retrofit.Builder()
.addConverterFactory(new ToStringConverterFactory());
--> When i added below code to application class app won't crash
--> but i get java.lang.exception instead of my custom exception
public void onFileUploadError(Throwable e) {
Log.d(TAG, "onFileUploadError: " + e.getMessage());
public Observable<UploadResponseBean> upload(final UploadRequestBean uploadRequestBean, final File file) {
return Observable.create(new ObservableOnSubscribe<UploadResponseBean>() {
public void subscribe(#NonNull final ObservableEmitter<UploadResponseBean> subscriber) throws Exception {
// ---> There are no problem with subscriber while calling onError
// ---> Retrofit2 service request
ftsService.upload(token, uploadRequestBean, body).enqueue(new Callback<UploadResponseBean>() {
public void onResponse(Call<UploadResponseBean> call, Response<UploadResponseBean> response) {
if (response.code() == 200){
// ---> calling onNext works properly
subscriber.onNext(new UploadResponseBean(response.body().getUrl()));
// ---> calling onError throws UndeliverableException
subscriber.onError(new NetworkConnectionException(response.message()));
public void onFailure(Call call, Throwable t) {
subscriber.onError(new NetworkConnectionException(t.getMessage()));

Since version 2.1.1 tryOnError is available:
The emitter API (such as FlowableEmitter, SingleEmitter, etc.) now
features a new method, tryOnError that tries to emit the Throwable if
the sequence is not cancelled/disposed. Unlike the regular onError, if
the downstream is no longer willing to accept events, the method
returns false and doesn't signal an UndeliverableException.

The problem is like you say you need to check if Subscriber is already disposed, that's because RxJava2 is more strict regarding errors that been thrown after Subscriber already disposed.
RxJava2 deliver this kind of error to RxJavaPlugins.onError that by default print to stack trace and calls to thread uncaught exception handler. you can read full explanation here.
Now what's happens here, is that you probably unsubscribed (dispose) from this Observable before query was done and error delivered and as such - you get the UndeliverableException.
I wonder how can call onError coz i need to notify my UI level.
as this is happened after your UI been unsubscribed the UI shouldn't care. in normal flow this error should delivered properly.
Some general points regarding your implementation:
the same issue will happen at the onError in case you've been unsubscribed before.
there is no cancellation logic here (that's what causing this problem) so request continue even if Subscriber unsubscribed.
even if you'll implement this logic (using ObservableEmitter.setCancellable() / setDisposable()) you will still encounter this problem in case you will unsubscribe before request is done - this will cause cancellation and your onFailure logic will call onError() and the same issue will happen.
as you performing an async call via Retrofit the specified subscription Scheduler will not make the actual request happen on the Scheduler thread but just the subscription. you can use Observable.fromCallable and Retrofit blocking call execute to gain more control over the actual thread call is happened.
to sum it up -
guarding calls to onError() with ObservableEmitter.isDiposed() is a good practice in this case.
But I think the best practice is to use Retrofit RxJava call adapter, so you'll get wrapped Observable that doing the Retrofit call and already have all this considerations.

I found out that this issue was caused by using incorrect context when retrieving view model in Fragment:
ViewModelProviders.of(requireActivity(), myViewModelFactory).get(MyViewModel.class);
Because of this, the view model lived in context of activity instead of fragment. Changing it to following code fixed the problem.
ViewModelProviders.of(this, myViewModelFactory).get(MyViewModel.class);


ServiceStack with MiniProfiler for .Net 6

I was attempting to add Profiling into ServiceStack 6 with .Net 6 and using the .Net Framework MiniProfiler Plugin code as a starting point.
I noticed that ServiceStack still has Profiler.Current.Step("Step Name") in the Handlers, AutoQueryFeature and others.
What is currently causing me some stress is the following:
In ServiceStackHandlerBase.GetResponseAsync(IRequest httpReq, object request) the Async Task is not awaited. This causes the step to be disposed of the when it reaches the first async method it must await, causing all the subsequent nested steps to not be children. Is there something simple I'm missing here or is this just a bug in a seldom used feature?
In SqlServerOrmLiteDialectProvider most of the async methods make use of an Unwrap function that drills down to the SqlConnection or SqlCommand this causes an issue when attempting to wrap a command to enable profiling as it ignores the override methods in the wrapper in favour of the IHasDbCommand.DbCommand nested within. Not using IHasDbCommand on the wrapping command makes it attempt to use wrapping command but hits a snag because of the forced cast to SqlCommand. Is there an easy way to combat this issue, or do I have to extend each OrmliteDialectProvider I wish to use that has this issue to take into account the wrapping command if it is present?
Any input would be appreciated.
Extra Information Point 1
Below is the code from ServiceStackHandlerBase that appears (to me) to be a bug?
public virtual Task<object> GetResponseAsync(IRequest httpReq, object request)
using (Profiler.Current.Step("Execute " + GetType().Name + " Service"))
return appHost.ServiceController.ExecuteAsync(request, httpReq);
I made a small example that shows what I am looking at:
using System;
using System.Threading.Tasks;
public class Program
public static async Task<int> Main(string[] args)
Console.WriteLine("App Start.");
await GetResponseAsync();
Console.WriteLine("App End.");
return 0;
// Async method with a using and non-awaited task.
private static Task GetResponseAsync()
using(new Test())
return AdditionAsync();
// Placeholder async method.
private static async Task AdditionAsync()
Console.WriteLine("Async Task Started.");
await Task.Delay(2000);
Console.WriteLine("Async Task Complete.");
public class Test : IDisposable
public Test()
Console.WriteLine("Disposable instance created.");
public void Dispose()
Console.WriteLine("Disposable instance disposed.");
My Desired Result:
App Start.
Disposable instance created.
Async Task Started.
Async Task Complete.
Disposable instance disposed.
App End.
My Actual Result:
App Start.
Disposable instance created.
Async Task Started.
Disposable instance disposed.
Async Task Complete.
App End.
This to me shows that even though the task is awaited at a later point in the code, the using has already disposed of the contained object.
Mini Profiler was coupled to System.Web so isn't supported in ServiceStack .NET6.
To view the generated SQL you can use a BeforeExecFilter to inspect the IDbCommand before it's executed.
This is what PrintSql() uses to write all generated SQL to the console:
Note: when you return a non-awaited task it just means it doesn't get awaited at that point, it still gets executed when the return task is eventually awaited.
To avoid the explicit casting you should be able to override a SQL Server Dialect Provider where you'll be able to replace the existing implementation with your own.

Begin/EndInvoke not synchronizing with main thread

I'm creating a networked game in Unity using tcp based sockets.
(I'm new to networking and threading stuff).
I'm using System.Net.Sockets async methods like socket.BeginReceive() and socket.EndReceive().
All the client-server connecting and messaging works. But as soon as I try access anything from a Monobehavior (so that I can actually have any effect on the Unity game), like a gameobject's transform, an exception is thrown telling me that I can only access these properties from the main thread.
My question is: why am I not back on the main thread in the callback to foo.beginRecieve(), or at least after I call foo.EndReceive()? How do I return to the main thread using the async socket api? Will I end up having to use the synchronous socket api and just handle the threading myself so I can properly resync with Unity's main thread?
Any help would be much appreciated.
//code which sets up the callbacks which are executed when a client receives a message from the server
void BeginReceive() => _clientSocket.BeginReceive(_messageReceivedBuffer, 0, _messageReceivedBuffer.Length, SocketFlags.None, ReceiveCallback, null);
void ReceiveCallback(IAsyncResult result)
var msg = _serializer.ByteArrayToObject<NetworkMessage>(_messageReceivedBuffer);
//this clientmanipulation manipulates the game grid and the gameobjects' which it references
//it's in this method that an exception gets thrown and the code breaks
In general for EndReceive:
Before calling BeginReceive, you need to create a callback method that implements the AsyncCallback delegate. This callback method executes in a separate thread and is called by the system after BeginReceive returns. The callback method must accept the IAsyncResult returned by the BeginReceive method as a parameter.
The EndReceive method will block until data is available.
Usually you would use a pattern often referred to as Main Thread Dispatcher using a ConcurrentQueue. For Unity this is quite easy since you already have something that is surely always been executed in the main thread: Update
public class Example : MonoBehaviour
private ConcurrentQueue<Action> _mainThreadActions = new ConcurrentQueue<Action>();
private void Update()
// Handle all callbacks in main thread
while(_mainthreadActions.Count > 0 && _mainThreadActions.TryDequeue(out var action))
void BeginReceive()
_clientSocket.BeginReceive(_messageReceivedBuffer, 0, _messageReceivedBuffer.Length, SocketFlags.None, ReceiveCallback, null);
void ReceiveCallback(IAsyncResult result)
var msg = _serializer.ByteArrayToObject<NetworkMessage>(_messageReceivedBuffer);
// On threads / possibly async code enqueue the action to be invoked in the main thread
_mainThreadActions.Enqueue(()=> {msg.ClientManipulation(_gameGrid)});

Spring Integration Java DSL: How to continue after error situation with the split and the aggregate methods?

My program does the following in the high level
Task 1
get the data from the System X
the Java DSL split
post the data to the System Y
post the reply data to the X
the Java DSL aggregate
Task 2
get the data from the System X
the Java DSL split
post the data to the System Y
post the reply data to the X
the Java DSL aggregate
The problem is that when one post the data to the System Y sub task fails, the error message is correctly send back to the System X, but after that any other sub tasks or tasks are not executed.
My error handler does this:
Message<String> newMessage = MessageBuilder.withPayload("error occurred")
Set some extra headers etc.
return newMessage;
What could be the problem?
I debugged the Spring Integration. In the error situation only first error message comes to the method AbstractCorrelatingMessageHandler.handleMessageInternal. Other successfull and failing messages not come to the method.
If there are not errors all the messages come to the method and finally the group is released.
What could be wrong in my program?
Edit 2:
This is working:
Added the advice for the Http.outboundGateway:
c -> c.advice(myAdvice()))
and the myAdvice bean
private Advice myAdvice() {
return new MyAdvice();
and the MyAdvice class
public class MyAdvice<T> extends AbstractRequestHandlerAdvice {
protected Object doInvoke(final ExecutionCallback callback, final Object target, final Message<?> message)
throws Exception {
try {
result = (MessageBuilder<T>) callback.execute();
} catch (final MessageHandlingException e) {
take the exception cause for the new payload
return new message with the old headers and replyChannel header and result.payload or the exception cause as a payload
There is nothing wrong with your program. That's exactly how regular loop works in Java. To catch exception for each iteration and continue with other remaining item you definitely need a try..catch in the Java loop. So, something similar you need to apply here for the splitter. It can be achieved with the ExpressionEvaluatingRequestHandlerAdvice, an ExectutorChannel as an output from the splitter or with the gateway call via service activator on the splitter output channel.
Since the story is about an aggregator afterward, you still need to finish a group somehow and this can be done only with some error compensation message to be emitted from the error handling to return back to the aggregator's input channel. In this case you need to ensure to copy request headers from the failedMessage of the MessagingException thrown to the error flow. After aggregation of the group you would need to sever messages with error from the normal ones. That can be done only with the special payload or you may just have an exception as a payload for the proper distinguishing errors from normal messages in the final result from the aggregator.

How to use await keyword inside a method without changing the method async

I am developing a scheduled job to send message to Message queue using Quartz.net. The Execute method of IJob is not async. so I can't use async Task. But I want to call a method with await keyword.
Please find below my code. Not sure whether I am doing correct. Can anyone please help me with this?
private async Task PublishToQueue(ChangeDetected changeDetected)
_logProvider.Info("Publish to Queue started");
await _busControl.Publish(changeDetected);
_logProvider.Info($"ChangeDetected message published to RabbitMq. Message");
catch (Exception ex)
_logProvider.Error("Error publishing message to queue: ", ex);
public class ChangedNotificatonJob : IJob
public void Execute(IJobExecutionContext context)
//Publish message to queue
.RetryAsync(3, (exception, count) =>
//Do something for each retry
.ExecuteAsync(async () =>
await PublishToQueue(message);
Is this correct way? I have used .GetAwaiter();
.RetryAsync(_configReader.RetryLimit, (exception, count) =>
//Do something for each retry
.ExecuteAsync(async () =>
await PublishToQueue(message);
Polly's .ExecuteAsync() returns a Task. With any Task, you can just call .Wait() on it (or other blocking methods) to block synchronously until it completes, or throws an exception.
As you have observed, since IJob.Execute(...) isn't async, you can't use await, so you have no choice but to block synchronously on the task, if you want to discover the success-or-otherwise of publishing before IJob.Execute(...) returns.
.Wait() will cause any exception from the task to be rethrown, wrapped in an AggregateException. This will occur if all Polly-orchestrated retries fail.
You'll need to decide what to do with that exception:
If you want the caller to handle it, rethrow it or don't catch it and let it cascade outside the Quartz job.
If you want to handle it before returning from IJob.Execute(...), you'll need a try {} catch {} around the whole .ExecuteAsync(...).Wait(). Or consider Polly's .ExecuteAndCaptureAsync(...) syntax: it avoids you having to provide that outer try-catch, by instead placing the final outcome of the execution into a PolicyResult instance. See the Polly doco.
There is a further alternative if your only intention is to log somewhere that message publishing failed, and you don't care whether that logging happens before IJob.Execute(...) returns or not. In that case, instead of using .Wait(), you could chain a continuation task on to ExecuteAsync() using .ContinueWith(...), and handle any logging in there. We adopt this approach, and capture failed message publishing to a special 'message hospital' - capturing enough information so that we can choose whether to republish that message again later, if appropriate. Whether this approach is valuable depends on how important it is to you never to lose a message.
EDIT: GetAwaiter() is irrelevant. It won't magically let you start using await inside a non-async method.

Async Logger. Can I lose/delay log entries?

I'm implementing my own logging framework. Following is my BaseLogger which receives the log entries and push it to the actual Logger which implements the abstract Log method.
I use the C# TPL for logging in an Async manner. I use Threads instead of TPL. (TPL task doesn't hold a real thread. So if all threads of the application end, tasks will stop as well, which will cause all 'waiting' log entries to be lost.)
public abstract class BaseLogger
// ... Omitted properties constructor .etc. ... //
public virtual void AddLogEntry(LogEntry entry)
if (!AsyncSupported)
// the underlying logger doesn't support Async.
// Simply call the log method and return.
// Logger supports Async.
private void LogAsync(LogEntry entry)
lock (LogQueueSyncRoot) // Make sure we ave a lock before accessing the queue.
if (LogThread == null || LogThread.ThreadState == ThreadState.Stopped)
{ // either the thread is completed, or this is the first time we're logging to this logger.
LogTask = new new Thread(new ThreadStart(() =>
while (true)
LogEntry logEntry;
lock (LogQueueSyncRoot)
if (LogQueue.Count > 0)
logEntry = LogQueue.Dequeue();
// is it possible for a message to be added,
// right after the break and I leanve the lock {} but
// before I exit the loop and task gets 'completed' ??
// Actual logger implimentations will impliment this method.
protected abstract void Log(LogEntry entry);
Note that AddLogEntry can be called from multiple threads at the same time.
My question is, is it possible for this implementation to lose log entries ?
I'm worried that, is it possible to add a log entry to the queue, right after my thread exists the loop with the break statement and exits the lock block, and which is in the else clause, and the thread is still in the 'Running' state.
I do realize that, because I'm using a queue, even if I miss an entry, the next request to log, will push the missed entry as well. But this is not acceptable, specially if this happens for the last log entry of the application.
Also, please let me know whether and how I can implement the same, but using the new C# 5.0 async and await keywords with a cleaner code. I don't mind requiring .NET 4.5.
Thanks in Advance.
While you could likely get this to work, in my experience, I'd recommend, if possible, use an existing logging framework :) For instance, there are various options for async logging/appenders with log4net, such as this async appender wrapper thingy.
Otherwise, IMHO since you're going to be blocking a threadpool thread during your logging operation anyway, I would instead just start a dedicated thread for your logging. You seem to be kind-of going for that approach already, just via Task so that you'd not hold a threadpool thread when nothing is logging. However, the simplification in implementation I think benefits just having the dedicated thread.
Once you have a dedicated logging thread, you then only need have an intermediate ConcurrentQueue. At that point, your log method just adds to the queue and your dedicated logging thread just does that while loop you already have. You can wrap with BlockingCollection if you need blocking/bounded behavior.
By having the dedicated thread as the only thing that writes, it eliminates any possibility of having multiple threads/tasks pulling off queue entries and trying to write log entries at the same time (painful race condition). Since the log method is now just adding to a collection, it doesn't need to be async and you don't need to deal with the TPL at all, making it simpler and easier to reason about (and hopefully in the category of 'obviously correct' or thereabouts :)
This 'dedicated logging thread' approach is what I believe the log4net appender I linked to does as well, FWIW, in case that helps serve as an example.
I see two race conditions off the top of my head:
You can spin up more than one Thread if multiple threads call AddLogEntry. This won't cause lost events but is inefficient.
Yes, an event can be queued while the Thread is exiting, and in that case it would be "lost".
Also, there's a serious performance issue here: unless you're logging constantly (thousands of times a second), you're going to be spinning up a new Thread for each log entry. That will get expensive quickly.
Like James, I agree that you should use an established logging library. Logging is not as trivial as it seems, and there are already many solutions.
That said, if you want a nice .NET 4.5-based approach, it's pretty easy:
public abstract class BaseLogger
private readonly ActionBlock<LogEntry> block;
protected BaseLogger(int maxDegreeOfParallelism = 1)
block = new ActionBlock<LogEntry>(
entry =>
new ExecutionDataflowBlockOptions
MaxDegreeOfParallelism = maxDegreeOfParallelism,
public virtual void AddLogEntry(LogEntry entry)
protected abstract void Log(LogEntry entry);
Regarding the loosing waiting messages on app crush because of unhandled exception, I've bound a handler to the event AppDomain.CurrentDomain.DomainUnload. Goes like this:
protected ManualResetEvent flushing = new ManualResetEvent(true);
protected AsyncLogger() // ctor of logger
AppDomain.CurrentDomain.DomainUnload += CurrentDomain_DomainUnload;
protected void CurrentDomain_DomainUnload(object sender, EventArgs e)
if (!IsEmpty)
Maybe not too clean, but works.
