i3wm i3blocks not displaying cpu_usage viven script - i3

I'm using Fedora i3 on a virtual machine.
I've been wanting to move to Linux for months, but i3blocks has been bugging me.
I can't manage to get blocks such as "cpu_usage" to work.
I've downloaded the scripts from https://vivien.github.io/i3blocks/, chmod +x on them and have put the cpu_usage script in my i3blocks.conf and mod+shift+r to refresh, but nothing, it doesn't work!
Any help would be really appreciated.


Other ways for auto-start script in Kali Linux?

So I'm basically wanting to get a script to run on system boot. It's basically an SSH callback. I've tried a few ways that I've gotten to work in the past on other distributions, but having a little bit of difficulty here.
First thing I've tried was adding the /path/to/script.rb to /etc/rc.local. However, this file does not exist on the latest version of Kali Linux. I tried to create it and replicate my old Ubuntu rc.local file, but it didn't run on system startup.
Next thing I tried was creating an executable bash script in /etc/init.d/, following the update-rc.d script.sh defaults and making the file executable. Restarted and nothing. If I run the script manually, it works. I tried to redirect the output to a file in the tmp folder, but it doesn't appear that there are any errors from what I'm understanding.
Are there any other ways to get an auto run script started other than these two methods? Seem to be the most common way to get this working, but it's just not doing it for me.
Add script to
Run command:
chmod 755 /etc/init.d/script
Run command:
update-rc.d script enable

Raspberry Pi boot script duplicating

I am trying to run a few scripts at each boot of the raspberry pi. I have been able to verify that when they are not configured to start automatically, I can run them, and they all work exactly as intended (and in only one instance). I have tried quite a few methods of autostarting these scripts, and I have found that using a desktop entry in .config/autostart directory to be my preferred way of doing it. I have also tried editing rc.local, crontab, systemd, and entries in .config/lxsession/LXDE-pi/autostart with no more success.
The issue is that when I have the scripts running at boot, there is a duplicate of the script running (I have it set to open a new instance of LXterminal, though there are not duplicates of the terminal). The script runs at boot just fine, but I am cannot figure out why there seems to be a "ghost" version of the script too. I have the autostart commands set to write to log files that show that the scripts are running more than once. I have also tried this on a fresh raspbian install. Could someone help me figure this out? I'm at a loss on what my issue is. This is for use of Amazon Alexa.
This is what I have in /home/pi/.config/autostart/AlexaBoot.desktop:
[Desktop Entry]
Exec=lxterminal -e "/bin/bash /home/pi/Desktop/alexa_boot.sh"
I can post what I have in the autostarted script if necessary. Thanks.
Found a fix for this. My solution is outlined on a similar Github issue, hopefully this is able to help someone with the same issue.

ubuntu backup-manager Permission denied

I've recently installed backup manager onto my ubuntu machine to have automated backup going. The problem is when I go to set up the automatization using this code -
it comes us up saying this "bash: /etc/backup-manager.sh: Permission denied"
I do not understand this error. I've tried change the user who read/writes to someone other than root and that didn't work. I tried changed the chmod number from 770 to 700 and still didn't work.
any info on this is welcome. Thank you to those who help :)
those wondering I am using this tutorial giving to me by the host. https://documentation.online.net/en/dedicated-server/tutorials/backup/configure-backup/start
I'm using the desktop version of ubuntu 16 incase that is needed
The sudo doesn't do what you want in this case. What happens is that the shell evaluates the redirection and attempts to open the /etc/backup-manager.sh for you before the sudo cat even gets started. That fails because the shell still runs as you unprivileged user. You have to say sudo -i to open a new root shell, execute the commands and exit again.
Alternatively you could try sudo nano /etc/backup-manager.sh and paste the contents there. This would work because the editor is run as root and does the file opening itself when you save.

Selenium/splinter taking a browser screenshot not working

I have a script that using splinter to take a screenshot of a certain page.
When I run this script on my home computer (ubuntu) it works perfectly fine (takes the screenshot). When I run it on the terminal (debiuan - sudo python) on my server it also works fine.
However, when I have it run the script on the server it does not seem to be able to save the picture.
Why is this?
I am inclined to say that python does not have write permissions but I run the python script with sudo and I chmod 777 the directory, but it still is not able to save the picture.
Is there any other way I have to give python permissions or is this not a permission issue?
The line where splinter is taking a picture is

Find out how or where a program (script) is automatically starting at ubuntu 14 boot?

Running Ubuntu 14.04, and I have a script that is being run automatically when I boot the machine. For the life of me, I can't remember how or where I did this.
I already checked:
upstart (which doesn't seem to be available here, anyway)
crontab (with #reboot)
.config/autostart (doesn't exist btw)
It's a script of my own, so it's not some kind of malicious virus or malware or anything. I just can't remember how I did this, and would like to know.
It has a distinct name, e.g. like ~/MyScriptXYZ.sh so I could search for that, IF I know how or where..?? (I'm a novice linux user)
A few other places you can look:
crontab -e as your own user and as root (local user crontab)
/etc/profile.d/ or /etc/profile
The last ditch attempt you can do is to cd / && grep -R "MyScriptXYZ" as root - this will take a while but will search all files on your computer for that reference :)
So I stumbled across this question and I managed to solve it for myself:
I was using Ubuntu (chroot) through the Linux Deploy Android app and I also couldn't find it. So to make the answer complete: Use pstree to locate and trace what is currently running and see where it's originating from.
Following Basile Starynkevitch's advice I managed to solve it by going to:
/home/[user]/.config/lxsession/LXDE/autostart and find it the code I added a while ago.
