NLP to analyse requests - nlp

Hi I am trying to analyse descriptions of around 30000 requests to identify common requests as the data has no tags or titles.
I’ve looked at a lot of content on sentiment analysis and I’m currently thinking I need to train a model from a small random sample to better classify the data.
Is there a better approach I should be following?

Before answering your question, I would say what you're looking for has similar solutions to sentiment analysis but is a different case.
If you want to group any documents you have 2 methods to move on with in AI.
1- Supervised Learning (Classifying)
2- Unsupervised Learning (Clustering)
In your case as there is no labeled (tagged) data, then clustering is more convenient.
You can generate the tf-idf vector and use it as the feature for each word and document in descriptions and cluster the data based on that.
Depending on the coding language you use there are a lot of examples on the web but for java you can check out below links,
Carrot Clustering


Detecting questions in text

I have a project where I need to analyze a text to extract some information if the user who post this text need help in something or not, I tried to use sentiment analysis but it didn't work as expected, my idea was to get the negative post and extract the main words in the post and suggest to him some articles about that subject, if there is another way that can help me please post it below and thanks.
for the dataset i useed, it was a dataset for sentiment analyze, but now I found that it's not working and I need a dataset use for this subject.
Please use the NLP methods before processing the sentiment analysis. Use the TFIDF, Word2Vector to create vectors on the given dataset. And them try the sentiment analysis. You may also need glove vector for the conducting analysis.
For this topic I found that this field in machine learning is called "Natural Language Questions" it's a field where machine learning models trained to detect questions in text and suggesting answer for them based on data set you are working with, check this article for more detail.

NLP Structure Question (best way for doing feature extraction)

I am building an NLP pipeline and I am trying to get my head around in regards to the optimal structure. My understanding at the moment is the following:
Step1 - Text Pre-processing [a. Lowercasing, b. Stopwords removal, c. stemming, d. lemmatisation,]
Step 2 - Feature extraction
Step 3 - Classification - using the different types of classifier(linearSvC etc)
From what I read online there are several approaches in regard to feature extraction but there isn't a solid example/answer.
a. Is there a solid strategy for feature extraction ?
I read online that you can do [a. Vectorising usin ScikitLearn b. TF-IDF]
but also I read that you can use Part of Speech or word2Vec or other embedding and Name entity recognition.
b. What is the optimal process/structure of using these?
c. On the text pre-processing I am ding the processing on a text column on a df and the last modified version of it is what I use as an input in my classifier. If you do feature extraction do you do that in the same column or you create a new one and you only send to the classifier the features from that column?
Thanks so much in advance
The preprocessing pipeline depends mainly upon your problem which you are trying to solve. The use of TF-IDF, word embeddings etc. have their own restrictions and advantages.
You need to understand the problem and also the data associated with it. In order to make the best use of the data, we need to implement the proper pipeline.
Specifically for text related problems, you will find word embeddings to be very useful. TF-IDF is useful when the problem needs to be solved emphasising the words with lesser frequency. Word embeddings, on the other hand, convert the text to a N-dimensional vector which may show up similarity with some other vector. This could bring a sense of association in your data and the model can learn the best features possible.
In simple cases, we can use a bag of words representation to tokenize the texts.
So, you need to discover the best approach for your problem. If you are solving a problems which closely resembles the famous NLP problems like IMDB review classification, sentiment analysis on Twitter data, then you can find a number of approaches on the internet.

Need training data for categories like Sports, Entertainment, Health etc and all the sub categories

I am experimenting with Classification algorithms in ML and am looking for some corpus to train my model to distinguish among the different categories like sports,weather, technology, football,cricket etc,
I need some pointers on where i can find some dataset with these categories,
Another option for me, is to crawl wikipedia to get data for the 30+ categories, but i wanted some brainstorming and opinions, if there is a better way to do this.
Train the model using the bag of words approach for these categories
Test - classify new/unknown websites to these predefined categories depending on the content of the webpage.
The UCI machine learning repository contains a searchable archive of datasets for supervised learning.
You might get better answers if you provide more specific information about what inputs and outputs your ideal dataset would have.
It looks like dmoz has a dump that you can download.
A dataset of newsgroup messages, classified by subject

NLP software for classification of large datasets

For years I've been using my own Bayesian-like methods to categorize new items from external sources based on a large and continually updated training dataset.
There are three types of categorization done for each item:
30 categories, where each item must belong to one category, and at most two categories.
10 other categories, where each item is only associated with a category if there is a strong match, and each item can belong to as many categories as match.
4 other categories, where each item must belong to only one category, and if there isn't a strong match the item is assigned to a default category.
Each item consists of English text of around 2,000 characters. In my training dataset there are about 265,000 items, which contain a rough estimate of 10,000,000 features (unique three word phrases).
My homebrew methods have been fairly successful, but definitely have room for improvement. I've read the NLTK book's chapter "Learning to Classify Text", which was great and gave me a good overview of NLP classification techniques. I'd like to be able to experiment with different methods and parameters until I get the best classification results possible for my data.
The Question
What off-the-shelf NLP tools are available that can efficiently classify such a large dataset?
Those I've tried so far:
I tried to train them with a dataset that consisted of less than 1% of the available training data: 1,700 items, 375,000 features. For NLTK I used a sparse binary format, and a similarly compact format for TIMBL.
Both seemed to rely on doing everything in memory, and quickly consumed all system memory. I can get them to work with tiny datasets, but nothing large. I suspect that if I tried incrementally adding the training data the same problem would occur either then or when doing the actual classification.
I've looked at Google's Prediction API, which seem to do much of what I'm looking for but not everything. I'd also like to avoid relying on an external service if possible.
About the choice of features: in testing with my homebrew methods over the years, three word phrases produced by far the best results. Although I could reduce the number of features by using words or two word phrases, that would most likely produce inferior results and would still be a large number of features.
After this post and based on the personal experience, I would recommend Vowpal Wabbit. It is said to have one of the fastest text classification algorithms.
MALLET has a number of classifiers (NB, MaxEnt, CRF, etc). It's written Andrew McCallum's group. SVMLib is another good option, but SVM models typically require a bit more tuning than MaxEnt. Alternatively some sort of online clustering like K-means might not be bad in this case.
SVMLib and MALLET are quite fast (C and Java) once you have your model trained. Model training can take a while though! Unfortunately it's not always easy to find example code. I have some examples of how to use MALLET programmatically (along with the Stanford Parser, which is slow and probably overkill for your purposes). NLTK is a great learning tool and is simple enough that is you can prototype what you are doing there, that's ideal.
NLP is more about features and data quality than which machine learning method you use. 3-grams might be good, but how about character n-grams across those? Ie, all the character ngrams in a 3-gram to account for spelling variations/stemming/etc? Named entities might also be useful, or some sort of lexicon.
I would recommend Mahout as it is intended for handling very large scale data sets.
The ML algorithms are built over Apache Hadoop(map/reduce), so scaling is inherent.
Take a look at classification section below and see if it helps.
Have you tried MALLET?
I can't be sure that it will handle your particular dataset but I've found it to be quite robust in previous tests of mine.
However, I my focus was on topic modeling rather than classification per se.
Also, beware that with many NLP solutions you needn't input the "features" yourself (as the N-grams, i.e. the three-words-phrases and two-word-phrases mentioned in the question) but instead rely on the various NLP functions to produce their own statistical model.

Sentiment analysis with NLTK python for sentences using sample data or webservice?

I am embarking upon a NLP project for sentiment analysis.
I have successfully installed NLTK for python (seems like a great piece of software for this). However,I am having trouble understanding how it can be used to accomplish my task.
Here is my task:
I start with one long piece of data (lets say several hundred tweets on the subject of the UK election from their webservice)
I would like to break this up into sentences (or info no longer than 100 or so chars) (I guess i can just do this in python??)
Then to search through all the sentences for specific instances within that sentence e.g. "David Cameron"
Then I would like to check for positive/negative sentiment in each sentence and count them accordingly
NB: I am not really worried too much about accuracy because my data sets are large and also not worried too much about sarcasm.
Here are the troubles I am having:
All the data sets I can find e.g. the corpus movie review data that comes with NLTK arent in webservice format. It looks like this has had some processing done already. As far as I can see the processing (by stanford) was done with WEKA. Is it not possible for NLTK to do all this on its own? Here all the data sets have already been organised into positive/negative already e.g. polarity dataset How is this done? (to organise the sentences by sentiment, is it definitely WEKA? or something else?)
I am not sure I understand why WEKA and NLTK would be used together. Seems like they do much the same thing. If im processing the data with WEKA first to find sentiment why would I need NLTK? Is it possible to explain why this might be necessary?
I have found a few scripts that get somewhat near this task, but all are using the same pre-processed data. Is it not possible to process this data myself to find sentiment in sentences rather than using the data samples given in the link?
Any help is much appreciated and will save me much hair!
Cheers Ke
The movie review data has already been marked by humans as being positive or negative (the person who made the review gave the movie a rating which is used to determine polarity). These gold standard labels allow you to train a classifier, which you could then use for other movie reviews. You could train a classifier in NLTK with that data, but applying the results to election tweets might be less accurate than randomly guessing positive or negative. Alternatively, you can go through and label a few thousand tweets yourself as positive or negative and use this as your training set.
For a description of using Naive Bayes for sentiment analysis with NLTK:
Then in that code, instead of using the movie corpus, use your own data to calculate word counts (in the word_feats method).
Why dont you use WSD. Use Disambiguation tool to find senses. and use map polarity to the senses instead of word. In this case you will get a bit more accurate results as compared to word index polarity.
