Pointer iteration issue - rust

I try to iterate pointer from an allocated array.
Consider this example:
let layout = Layout::array::<u32>(5).unwrap();
let mut ptr = alloc(layout) as *mut u32;
let base = ptr;
ptr = ptr.add(0);
*ptr = 10;
ptr = ptr.add(1);
*ptr = 100;
ptr = ptr.add(2);
*ptr = 200;
ptr = ptr.add(3);
*ptr = 300;
ptr = ptr.add(4);
*ptr = 400;
let a = *base.add(0);
let b = *base.add(1);
let c = *base.add(2);
let d = *base.add(3);
let e = *base.add(4);
result is:
a : 10
b : 100
c : 0
d : 200
e : 0
What did I mistake, or is it a bug?

You're setting the following values:
base.add(0) via ptr.add(0)
base.add(1) via ptr.add(1)
base.add(3) via ptr.add(2) (on the already modified pointer)
and so on:
ptr = ptr.add(0); // total offset = 0
*ptr = 10;
ptr = ptr.add(1); // total offset = 1
*ptr = 100;
ptr = ptr.add(2); // total offset = 3 <--- whoops!
*ptr = 200;
ptr = ptr.add(3); // total offset = 6 <--- undefined behavior!
*ptr = 300;
ptr = ptr.add(4); // total offset = 10 <--- further undefined behavior
*ptr = 400;
You either need to keep the original pointer or only use ptr.add(1) to advance to the next location.


CS50 pset4 filter reflection

#include "helpers.h"
#include <math.h>
// Convert image to grayscale
void grayscale(int height, int width, RGBTRIPLE image[height][width])
for ( int h=0 ; h<height ; h++)
for (int w=0 ; w<width ; w++)
int i = image[h][w].rgbtBlue + image[h][w].rgbtGreen + image[h][w].rgbtRed ;
float j = i/3 ;
int n = round(j) ;
image[h][w].rgbtBlue = n ;
image[h][w].rgbtGreen = n ;
image[h][w].rgbtRed = n ;
// Convert image to sepia
void sepia(int height, int width, RGBTRIPLE image[height][width])
for ( int h=0 ; h<height ; h++)
for (int w=0 ; w<width ; w++)
float sr = .393 * image[h][w].rgbtRed + .769 * image[h][w].rgbtGreen + .189 * image[h][w].rgbtBlue ;
float sg = .349 * image[h][w].rgbtRed + .686 * image[h][w].rgbtGreen + .168 * image[h][w].rgbtBlue ;
float sb = .272 * image[h][w].rgbtRed + .534 * image[h][w].rgbtGreen + .131 * image[h][w].rgbtBlue ;
int SR = round(sr);
int SG = round(sg);
int SB = round(sb);
if ( SR>255)
SR = 255 ;
if (SG>255)
SG = 255 ;
if (SB>255)
SB = 255 ;
image[h][w].rgbtBlue = SB ;
image[h][w].rgbtGreen = SG ;
image[h][w].rgbtRed = SR ;
// Reflect image horizontally
void swap (int *a , int *b) ;
void reflect(int height, int width, RGBTRIPLE image[height][width])
for (int h=0 ; h<height ; h++)
for (int w=0 ; w<width/2 ; w++)
for (int p=width-1 ; p>=round(width/2) ; p--)
int blue = image[h][w].rgbtBlue ;
int B = image[h][p].rgbtBlue ;
swap(&blue , &B);
int g = image[h][w].rgbtGreen ;
int G = image[h][p].rgbtGreen ;
swap(&g , &G);
int r = image[h][w].rgbtRed ;
int R = image[h][p].rgbtRed ;
swap(&r , &R );
void swap (int *a , int *b)
int tmp = *a ;
*a = *b ;
*b = tmp ;
// Blur image
void blur(int height, int width, RGBTRIPLE image[height][width])
I have written this code for helper.c. It compiles ok and works for grayscale and sepia but fails to reflect the image.
I am stuck in it . Please tell me where have i made the mistake.
// Reflect image horizontally
void reflect(int height, int width, RGBTRIPLE image[height][width])
int tmp[3];
for (int h = 0; h < height; h++)
for (int w = 0; w < width / 2; w++)
// Place the first pixel in a temporary variable
tmp[0] = image[h][w].rgbtRed;
tmp[1] = image[h][w].rgbtGreen;
tmp[2] = image[h][w].rgbtBlue;
// Place the opposite pixel one into the first pixel
image[h][w].rgbtRed = image[h][width - w - 1].rgbtRed;
image[h][w].rgbtGreen = image[h][width - w - 1].rgbtGreen;
image[h][w].rgbtBlue = image[h][width - w - 1].rgbtBlue;
// From the temporary variable extract the first pixel and place it into
the opposite pixel
image[h][width - w - 1].rgbtRed = tmp[0];
image[h][width - w - 1].rgbtGreen = tmp[1];
image[h][width - w - 1].rgbtBlue = tmp[2];
You don't need the third for loop
for (int p=width-1 ; p>=round(width/2) ; p--)
instead, you can assign the opposite pixel inside the second loop as follows:
for (int w=0 ; w<width/2 ; w++)
p = width - w - 1;

Difference between two datetime in c++

I have a two datetime in string format. for example
string str1 = "20160302101710"; //YYYYMMDDHHMMSS
string str2 = "20160302101715"; //same as above
Now, i need difference between two datetime is greater that 24Hours.
I have tried my problem as follows
I parsed the both string and put as follows:
#include <iostream>
using namespace std;
int main() {
time_t rawtime, rawtime1;
struct tm * timeinfo, *timeinfo1;
timeinfo->tm_year = 2016 ;
timeinfo->tm_mon = 03;
timeinfo->tm_mday = 02;
timeinfo->tm_hour = 10;
timeinfo->tm_min = 17;
timeinfo->tm_sec = 10;
rawtime = mktime(timeinfo);
timeinfo1->tm_year = 2016 ;
timeinfo1->tm_mon = 03;
timeinfo1->tm_mday = 02;
timeinfo1->tm_hour = 10;
timeinfo1->tm_min = 17;
timeinfo1->tm_sec = 15;
rawtime1 = mktime(timeinfo1);
cout<<"Diff: "<< difftime(rawtime1,rawtime);
return 0;
But After execution output is nothing.
Can anyone help me how to get the correct answer.
Once I will get the diff in second. then i will convert into hours.
You have to initialize the pointer with valid buffer before dereferencing them.
#include <iostream>
using namespace std;
int main() {
time_t rawtime, rawtime1;
struct tm buf1, buf2;
struct tm * timeinfo = &buf1, *timeinfo1 = &buf2;
timeinfo->tm_year = 2016 ;
timeinfo->tm_mon = 03;
timeinfo->tm_mday = 02;
timeinfo->tm_hour = 10;
timeinfo->tm_min = 17;
timeinfo->tm_sec = 10;
rawtime = mktime(timeinfo);
timeinfo1->tm_year = 2016 ;
timeinfo1->tm_mon = 03;
timeinfo1->tm_mday = 02;
timeinfo1->tm_hour = 10;
timeinfo1->tm_min = 17;
timeinfo1->tm_sec = 15;
rawtime1 = mktime(timeinfo1);
cout<<"Diff: "<< difftime(rawtime1,rawtime);
return 0;
Or you may just use structs without pointer variables.
#include <iostream>
using namespace std;
int main() {
time_t rawtime, rawtime1;
struct tm timeinfo, timeinfo1;
timeinfo.tm_year = 2016 ;
timeinfo.tm_mon = 03;
timeinfo.tm_mday = 02;
timeinfo.tm_hour = 10;
timeinfo.tm_min = 17;
timeinfo.tm_sec = 10;
rawtime = mktime(&timeinfo);
timeinfo1.tm_year = 2016 ;
timeinfo1.tm_mon = 03;
timeinfo1.tm_mday = 02;
timeinfo1.tm_hour = 10;
timeinfo1.tm_min = 17;
timeinfo1.tm_sec = 15;
rawtime1 = mktime(&timeinfo1);
cout<<"Diff: "<< difftime(rawtime1,rawtime);
return 0;
As indicated by R_Kapp, you need to allocate memory or just define a variable.
Modified program:
int main() {
time_t rawtime, rawtime1;
struct tm timeinfo, timeinfo1;
timeinfo.tm_year = 2016 ;
timeinfo.tm_mon = 03;
timeinfo.tm_mday = 02;
timeinfo.tm_hour = 10;
timeinfo.tm_min = 17;
timeinfo.tm_sec = 10;
rawtime = mktime(&timeinfo);
timeinfo1.tm_year = 2016 ;
timeinfo1.tm_mon = 03;
timeinfo1.tm_mday = 02;
timeinfo1.tm_hour = 10;
timeinfo1.tm_min = 17;
timeinfo1.tm_sec = 15;
rawtime1 = mktime(&timeinfo1);
cout<<"Diff: "<< difftime(rawtime1,rawtime);
return 0;
You can use Boost.Date_Time.
This can be done more easily with Howard Hinnant's free, open-source header-only datetime library:
#include "date/date.h"
#include <string>
#include <iostream>
#include <sstream>
using namespace std;
using namespace std::chrono;
using namespace date;
string str1 = "20160302101710"; //YYYYMMDDHHMMSS
string str2 = "20160302101715"; //same as above
istringstream in{str1 + ' ' + str2};
sys_seconds t1, t2;
string fmt = " %Y%m%d%H%M%S";
in >> parse(fmt, t1) >> parse(fmt, t2);
cout << "Diff: " << t2 - t1 << '\n';
Diff: 5s

DirectX 11 changing the pixel bytes

Followed this guide here
I am tasked with "using map and unmap methods to draw a line across the screen by setting pixel byte data to rgb red values".
I have the sprite and background displaying but have no idea how to get the data.
I also tried doing this:
//Create device
ZeroMemory(&desc, sizeof(D3D11_TEXTURE2D_DESC));
desc.Width = 500;
desc.Height = 300;
desc.Format = DXGI_FORMAT_B8G8R8A8_UNORM;
desc.Usage = D3D11_USAGE_DYNAMIC;
desc.CPUAccessFlags = D3D11_CPU_ACCESS_WRITE;
desc.MiscFlags = 0;
desc.MipLevels = 1;
desc.ArraySize = 1;
desc.SampleDesc.Count = 1;
desc.SampleDesc.Quality = 0;
desc.BindFlags = D3D11_BIND_SHADER_RESOURCE;
m_d3dDevice->CreateTexture2D(&desc, nullptr, &texture);
m_d3dDevice->CreateShaderResourceView(texture, 0, &textureView);
// Render
m_d3dContext->Map(texture, 0, D3D11_MAP_WRITE_DISCARD, 0, &mapped);
data = (BYTE*)mapped.pData;
rows = (BYTE)sizeof(data);
std::cout << "hi" << std::endl;
m_d3dContext->Unmap(texture, 0);
Problem is that in that case data array is size 0 but has a pointer. This means that I am pointing to a texture that doesn't have any data or am I not getting this?
currently I found
desc.Buffer; // buffer
I felt the need to create an Answer for this as when I searched for how do this. This question pops up first and the supplied answer didn't really solve the problem for me and wasn't quite the way I wanted to do it anyways...
In my program I have a method as below.
void ContentLoader::WritePixelsToShaderIndex(uint32_t *data, int width, int height, int index)
D3D11_TEXTURE2D_DESC desc = {};
desc.Width = width;
desc.Height = height;
desc.MipLevels = 1;
desc.ArraySize = 1;
desc.Format = DXGI_FORMAT_R8G8B8A8_UNORM;
desc.SampleDesc.Count = 1;
desc.SampleDesc.Quality = 0;
desc.Usage = D3D11_USAGE_DEFAULT;
desc.BindFlags = D3D11_BIND_SHADER_RESOURCE;
desc.CPUAccessFlags = 0;
desc.MiscFlags = 0;
initData.pSysMem = data;
initData.SysMemPitch = width * 4;
initData.SysMemSlicePitch = width * height * 4;
Microsoft::WRL::ComPtr<ID3D11Texture2D> tex;
Engine::device->CreateTexture2D(&desc, &initData, tex.GetAddressOf());
Engine::device->CreateShaderResourceView(tex.Get(), NULL, ContentLoader::GetTextureAddress(index));
Then using the below code I tested drawing a Blue Square with a White Line. And it works perfectly fine. The issue I was getting was setting the System Mem Slice and Mem Pitch after looking in the WICTextureLoader class I was able to figure out how the data is stored. So it appears the
MemPitch = The Row's Size in Bytes.
MemSlice = The Total Image Pixels Size In Bytes.
const int WIDTH = 200;
const int HEIGHT = 200;
const uint32_t RED = 255 | (0 << 8) | (0 << 16) | (255 << 24);
const uint32_t WHITE = 255 | (255 << 8) | (255 << 16) | (255 << 24);
const uint32_t BLUE = 0 | (0 << 8) | (255 << 16) | (255 << 24);
uint32_t *buffer = new uint32_t[WIDTH * HEIGHT];
bool flip = false;
for (int X = 0; X < WIDTH; ++X)
for (int Y = 0; Y < HEIGHT; ++Y)
int pixel = X + Y * WIDTH;
buffer[pixel] = flip ? BLUE : WHITE;
flip = true;
WritePixelsToShaderIndex(buffer, WIDTH, HEIGHT, 3);
delete [] buffer;
First of all, most of those functions return HRESULT values that you are ignoring. That's not safe as you will miss important errors that invalidate the remaining code. You can use if(FAILED(...)) if you want, or you can use ThrowIfFailed, but you can't just ignore the return value in a functioning app.
HRESULT hr = m_d3dDevice->CreateTexture2D(&desc, nullptr, &texture);
if (FAILED(hr))
// error!
hr = m_d3dDevice->CreateShaderResourceView(texture, 0, &textureView);
if (FAILED(hr))
// error!
// Render
hr = m_d3dContext->Map(texture, 0, D3D11_MAP_WRITE_DISCARD, 0, &mapped);
if (FAILED(hr))
// error!
Second, you should enable the Debug Device and look for diagnostic output which will likely point you to the reason for the failure.
sizeof(data) is always going to be 4 or 8 since data is a BYTE* i.e. the size of a pointer. It has nothing to do with the size of your data array. The locked buffer pointed to by mapped.pData is going to be mapped.RowPitch * desc.Height bytes in size.
You have to copy your pixel data into it row-by-row. Depending on the format and other factors, mapped.RowPitch is not necessarily going to be 4 * desc.Width--4 bytes per pixel is because you are using a format of DXGI_FORMAT_B8G8R8A8_UNORM. It should be at least that big, but it could be bigger to align the overall size.
This is pseudo-code and not necessarily an efficient way to do it, but:
for(UINT y = 0; y < desc.Height; ++y )
for(UINT x = 0; x < desc.Width; ++x )
// Find the memory location of the pixel at (x,y)
int pixel = y * mapped.RowPitch + (x*4)
BYTE* blue = data[pixel];
BYTE* green = data[pixel] + 1;
BYTE* red = data[pixel] + 2;
BYTE* alpha = data[pixel] + 3;
*blue = /* value between 0 and 255 */;
*green = /* value between 0 and 255 */;
*red = /* value between 0 and 255 */;
*alpha = /* value between 0 and 255 */;
You should take a look at DirectXTex which does a lot of this kind of row-by-row processing.

NSData from hex String?

I know this question has been asked for ObjectiveC, but my Swift isn't strong enough yet to transliterate the char *bytes stuff.
So given
let string = "600DBEEF"
How do I create an NSData which represents those 4 bytes: 60 0D BE EF?
With the arrival of Swift3 and the new Foundation Data type, I finally circled back to this:
extension UnicodeScalar {
var hexNibble:UInt8 {
let value = self.value
if 48 <= value && value <= 57 {
return UInt8(value - 48)
else if 65 <= value && value <= 70 {
return UInt8(value - 55)
else if 97 <= value && value <= 102 {
return UInt8(value - 87)
fatalError("\(self) not a legal hex nibble")
extension Data {
init(hex:String) {
let scalars = hex.unicodeScalars
var bytes = Array<UInt8>(repeating: 0, count: (scalars.count + 1) >> 1)
for (index, scalar) in scalars.enumerated() {
var nibble = scalar.hexNibble
if index & 1 == 0 {
nibble <<= 4
bytes[index >> 1] |= nibble
self = Data(bytes: bytes)
Now I can construct Data objects in a fashion similar to their printed form:
Data(hex: "600dBeef")
Answer in swift, XCode beta 6
let string = "600DBEEF"
let length = string.characters.count
let rawData = UnsafeMutablePointer<CUnsignedChar>.alloc(length/2)
var rawIndex = 0
for var index = 0; index < length; index+=2{
let single = NSMutableString()
single.appendString(string.substringWithRange(Range(start:string.startIndex.advancedBy(index), end:string.startIndex.advancedBy(index+2))))
rawData[rawIndex] = UInt8(single as String, radix:16)!
let data:NSData = NSData(bytes: rawData, length: length/2)

Extracting vertices from scenekit

I'm having a problem with understanding scenekit geometery.
I have the default cube from Blender, and I export as collada (DAE), and can bring it into scenekit.... all good.
Now I want to see the vertices for the cube. In the DAE I can see the following for the "Cube-mesh-positions-array",
"1 1 -1 1 -1 -1 -1 -0.9999998 -1 -0.9999997 1 -1 1 0.9999995 1 0.9999994 -1.000001 1 -1 -0.9999997 1 -1 1 1"
Now what I'd like to do in scenekit, is get the vertices back, using something like the following:
SCNGeometrySource *vertexBuffer = [[cubeNode.geometry geometrySourcesForSemantic:SCNGeometrySourceSemanticVertex] objectAtIndex:0];
If I process the vertexBuffer (I've tried numerous methods of looking at the data), it doesn't seem correct.
Can somebody explain what "SCNGeometrySourceSemanticVertex" is giving me, and how to extract the vertex data properly? What I'd like to see is:
X = "float"
Y = "float"
Z = "float"
Also I was investigating the following class / methods, which looked promising (some good data values here), but the data from gmpe appears empty, is anybody able to explain what the data property of "SCNGeometryElement" contains?
SCNGeometryElement *gmpe = [theCurrentNode.geometry geometryElementAtIndex:0];
Thanks, assistance much appreciated,
The geometry source
When you call geometrySourcesForSemantic: you are given back an array of SCNGeometrySource objects with the given semantic in your case the sources for the vertex data).
This data could have been encoded in many different ways and a multiple sources can use the same data with a different stride and offset. The source itself has a bunch of properties for you to be able to decode the data like for example
You can use combinations of these to figure out which parts of the data to read and make vertices out of them.
The stride tells you how many bytes you should step to get to the next vector and the offset tells you how many bytes offset from the start of that vector you should offset before getting to the relevant pars of the data for that vector. The number of bytes you should read for each vector is componentsPerVector * bytesPerComponent
Code to read out all the vertices for a single geometry source would look something like this
// Get the vertex sources
NSArray *vertexSources = [geometry geometrySourcesForSemantic:SCNGeometrySourceSemanticVertex];
// Get the first source
SCNGeometrySource *vertexSource = vertexSources[0]; // TODO: Parse all the sources
NSInteger stride = vertexSource.dataStride; // in bytes
NSInteger offset = vertexSource.dataOffset; // in bytes
NSInteger componentsPerVector = vertexSource.componentsPerVector;
NSInteger bytesPerVector = componentsPerVector * vertexSource.bytesPerComponent;
NSInteger vectorCount = vertexSource.vectorCount;
SCNVector3 vertices[vectorCount]; // A new array for vertices
// for each vector, read the bytes
for (NSInteger i=0; i<vectorCount; i++) {
// Assuming that bytes per component is 4 (a float)
// If it was 8 then it would be a double (aka CGFloat)
float vectorData[componentsPerVector];
// The range of bytes for this vector
NSRange byteRange = NSMakeRange(i*stride + offset, // Start at current stride + offset
bytesPerVector); // and read the lenght of one vector
// Read into the vector data buffer
[vertexSource.data getBytes:&vectorData range:byteRange];
// At this point you can read the data from the float array
float x = vectorData[0];
float y = vectorData[1];
float z = vectorData[2];
// ... Maybe even save it as an SCNVector3 for later use ...
vertices[i] = SCNVector3Make(x, y, z);
// ... or just log it
NSLog(#"x:%f, y:%f, z:%f", x, y, z);
The geometry element
This will give you all the vertices but won't tell you how they are used to construct the geometry. For that you need the geometry element that manages the indices for the vertices.
You can get the number of geometry elements for a piece of geometry from the geometryElementCount property. Then you can get the different elements using geometryElementAtIndex:.
The element can tell you if the vertices are used a individual triangles or a triangle strip. It also tells you the bytes per index (the indices may have been ints or shorts which will be necessary to decode its data.
Here is an extension method if the data isn't contiguous (the vector size isn't equal to the stride) which can be the case when the geometry is loaded from a DAE file. It also doesn't use copyByte function.
extension SCNGeometry{
Get the vertices (3d points coordinates) of the geometry.
- returns: An array of SCNVector3 containing the vertices of the geometry.
func vertices() -> [SCNVector3]? {
let sources = self.sources(for: .vertex)
guard let source = sources.first else{return nil}
let stride = source.dataStride / source.bytesPerComponent
let offset = source.dataOffset / source.bytesPerComponent
let vectorCount = source.vectorCount
return source.data.withUnsafeBytes { (buffer : UnsafePointer<Float>) -> [SCNVector3] in
var result = Array<SCNVector3>()
for i in 0...vectorCount - 1 {
let start = i * stride + offset
let x = buffer[start]
let y = buffer[start + 1]
let z = buffer[start + 2]
result.append(SCNVector3(x, y, z))
return result
The Swift Version
The Objective-C version and this are essentially identical.
let planeSources = _planeNode?.geometry?.geometrySourcesForSemantic(SCNGeometrySourceSemanticVertex)
if let planeSource = planeSources?.first {
let stride = planeSource.dataStride
let offset = planeSource.dataOffset
let componentsPerVector = planeSource.componentsPerVector
let bytesPerVector = componentsPerVector * planeSource.bytesPerComponent
let vectors = [SCNVector3](count: planeSource.vectorCount, repeatedValue: SCNVector3Zero)
let vertices = vectors.enumerate().map({
(index: Int, element: SCNVector3) -> SCNVector3 in
var vectorData = [Float](count: componentsPerVector, repeatedValue: 0)
let byteRange = NSMakeRange(index * stride + offset, bytesPerVector)
planeSource.data.getBytes(&vectorData, range: byteRange)
return SCNVector3Make(vectorData[0], vectorData[1], vectorData[2])
// You have your vertices, now what?
Here's a Swift 5.3 version, based on the other answers, and that also supports a bytesPerComponent different from 4 (untested for size different from 4 though):
extension SCNGeometrySource {
var vertices: [SCNVector3] {
let stride = self.dataStride
let offset = self.dataOffset
let componentsPerVector = self.componentsPerVector
let bytesPerVector = componentsPerVector * self.bytesPerComponent
func vectorFromData<FloatingPoint: BinaryFloatingPoint>(_ float: FloatingPoint.Type, index: Int) -> SCNVector3 {
assert(bytesPerComponent == MemoryLayout<FloatingPoint>.size)
let vectorData = UnsafeMutablePointer<FloatingPoint>.allocate(capacity: componentsPerVector)
defer {
let buffer = UnsafeMutableBufferPointer(start: vectorData, count: componentsPerVector)
let rangeStart = index * stride + offset
self.data.copyBytes(to: buffer, from: rangeStart..<(rangeStart + bytesPerVector))
return SCNVector3(
let vectors = [SCNVector3](repeating: SCNVector3Zero, count: self.vectorCount)
return vectors.indices.map { index -> SCNVector3 in
switch bytesPerComponent {
case 4:
return vectorFromData(Float32.self, index: index)
case 8:
return vectorFromData(Float64.self, index: index)
case 16:
return vectorFromData(Float80.self, index: index)
return SCNVector3Zero
// call this function _ = vertices(node: mySceneView.scene!.rootNode)
// I have get the volume in Swift 4.2 :--- this function
func vertices(node:SCNNode) -> [SCNVector3] {
let planeSources1 = node.childNodes.first?.geometry
let planeSources = planeSources1?.sources(for: SCNGeometrySource.Semantic.vertex)
if let planeSource = planeSources?.first {
let stride = planeSource.dataStride
let offset = planeSource.dataOffset
let componentsPerVector = planeSource.componentsPerVector
let bytesPerVector = componentsPerVector * planeSource.bytesPerComponent
let vectors = [SCNVector3](repeating: SCNVector3Zero, count: planeSource.vectorCount)
let vertices = vectors.enumerated().map({
(index: Int, element: SCNVector3) -> SCNVector3 in
let vectorData = UnsafeMutablePointer<Float>.allocate(capacity: componentsPerVector)
let nsByteRange = NSMakeRange(index * stride + offset, bytesPerVector)
let byteRange = Range(nsByteRange)
let buffer = UnsafeMutableBufferPointer(start: vectorData, count: componentsPerVector)
planeSource.data.copyBytes(to: buffer, from: byteRange)
return SCNVector3Make(buffer[0], buffer[1], buffer[2])
var totalVolume = Float()
var x1 = Float(),x2 = Float(),x3 = Float(),y1 = Float(),y2 = Float(),y3 = Float(),z1 = Float(),z2 = Float(),z3 = Float()
var i = 0
while i < vertices.count{
x1 = vertices[i].x;
y1 = vertices[i].y;
z1 = vertices[i].z;
x2 = vertices[i + 1].x;
y2 = vertices[i + 1].y;
z2 = vertices[i + 1].z;
x3 = vertices[i + 2].x;
y3 = vertices[i + 2].y;
z3 = vertices[i + 2].z;
totalVolume +=
(-x3 * y2 * z1 +
x2 * y3 * z1 +
x3 * y1 * z2 -
x1 * y3 * z2 -
x2 * y1 * z3 +
x1 * y2 * z3);
i = i + 3
totalVolume = totalVolume / 6;
volume = "\(totalVolume)"
print("Volume Volume Volume Volume Volume Volume Volume :\(totalVolume)")
lbl_valume.text = "\(clean(String(totalVolume))) cubic mm"
With swift 3.1 you can extract vertices from SCNGeometry in a much faster and shorter way:
func vertices(node:SCNNode) -> [SCNVector3] {
let vertexSources = node.geometry?.getGeometrySources(for: SCNGeometrySource.Semantic.vertex)
if let vertexSource = vertexSources?.first {
let count = vertexSource.data.count / MemoryLayout<SCNVector3>.size
return vertexSource.data.withUnsafeBytes {
[SCNVector3](UnsafeBufferPointer<SCNVector3>(start: $0, count: count))
return []
Today i've noted that on osx this not going to work correct. This happens because on iOS SCNVector3 build with Float and on osx CGFloat (only apple good do smth simple so suffering). So I had to tweak the code for osx but this not gonna work as fast as on iOS.
func vertices() -> [SCNVector3] {
let vertexSources = sources(for: SCNGeometrySource.Semantic.vertex)
if let vertexSource = vertexSources.first {
let count = vertexSource.vectorCount * 3
let values = vertexSource.data.withUnsafeBytes {
[Float](UnsafeBufferPointer<Float>(start: $0, count: count))
var vectors = [SCNVector3]()
for i in 0..<vertexSource.vectorCount {
let offset = i * 3
CGFloat(values[offset + 1]),
CGFloat(values[offset + 2])
return vectors
return []
For someone like me want to extract data of face from SCNGeometryElement.
Notice I only consider primtive type is triangle and index size is 2 or 4.
void extractInfoFromGeoElement(NSString* scenePath){
NSURL *url = [NSURL fileURLWithPath:scenePath];
SCNScene *scene = [SCNScene sceneWithURL:url options:nil error:nil];
SCNGeometry *geo = scene.rootNode.childNodes.firstObject.geometry;
SCNGeometryElement *elem = geo.geometryElements.firstObject;
NSInteger componentOfPrimitive = (elem.primitiveType == SCNGeometryPrimitiveTypeTriangles) ? 3 : 0;
if (!componentOfPrimitive) {//TODO: Code deals with triangle primitive only
for (int i=0; i<elem.primitiveCount; i++) {
void *idxsPtr = NULL;
int stride = 3*i;
if (elem.bytesPerIndex == 2) {
short *idxsShort = malloc(sizeof(short)*3);
idxsPtr = idxsShort;
}else if (elem.bytesPerIndex == 4){
int *idxsInt = malloc(sizeof(int)*3);
idxsPtr = idxsInt;
NSLog(#"unknow index type");
[elem.data getBytes:idxsPtr range:NSMakeRange(stride*elem.bytesPerIndex, elem.bytesPerIndex*3)];
if (elem.bytesPerIndex == 2) {
NSLog(#"triangle %d : %d, %d, %d\n",i,*(short*)idxsPtr,*((short*)idxsPtr+1),*((short*)idxsPtr+2));
NSLog(#"triangle %d : %d, %d, %d\n",i,*(int*)idxsPtr,*((int*)idxsPtr+1),*((int*)idxsPtr+2));
The Swift 3 version:
// `plane` is some kind of `SCNGeometry`
let planeSources = plane.geometry.sources(for: SCNGeometrySource.Semantic.vertex)
if let planeSource = planeSources.first {
let stride = planeSource.dataStride
let offset = planeSource.dataOffset
let componentsPerVector = planeSource.componentsPerVector
let bytesPerVector = componentsPerVector * planeSource.bytesPerComponent
let vectors = [SCNVector3](repeating: SCNVector3Zero, count: planeSource.vectorCount)
let vertices = vectors.enumerated().map({
(index: Int, element: SCNVector3) -> SCNVector3 in
let vectorData = UnsafeMutablePointer<Float>.allocate(capacity: componentsPerVector)
let nsByteRange = NSMakeRange(index * stride + offset, bytesPerVector)
let byteRange = Range(nsByteRange)
let buffer = UnsafeMutableBufferPointer(start: vectorData, count: componentsPerVector)
planeSource.data.copyBytes(to: buffer, from: byteRange)
let vector = SCNVector3Make(buffer[0], buffer[1], buffer[2])
// Use `vertices` here: vertices[0].x, vertices[0].y, vertices[0].z
OK, here is another Swift 5.5 version based on Oliver's answer.
extension SCNGeometry{
Get the vertices (3d points coordinates) of the geometry.
- returns: An array of SCNVector3 containing the vertices of the geometry.
func vertices() -> [SCNVector3]? {
let sources = self.sources(for: .vertex)
guard let source = sources.first else{return nil}
let stride = source.dataStride / source.bytesPerComponent
let offset = source.dataOffset / source.bytesPerComponent
let vectorCount = source.vectorCount
return source.data.withUnsafeBytes { dataBytes in
let buffer: UnsafePointer<Float> = dataBytes.baseAddress!.assumingMemoryBound(to: Float.self)
var result = Array<SCNVector3>()
for i in 0...vectorCount - 1 {
let start = i * stride + offset
let x = buffer[start]
let y = buffer[start + 1]
let z = buffer[start + 2]
result.append(SCNVector3(x, y, z))
return result
To use it you simply create a standard shape from which you can extract the vertex and rebuild the index.
let g = SCNSphere(radius: 1)
let newNode = SCNNode(geometry: g)
let vectors = newNode.geometry?.vertices()
var indices:[Int32] = []
for i in stride(from: 0, to: vectors!.count, by: 1) {
return self.createGeometry(
vertices:vectors!, indices: indices,
primitiveType: SCNGeometryPrimitiveType.line)
The createGeometry extension can be found here
It draws this...
