Glib: Calling a iterative loop function - multithreading

Have a query on timeout calling and GMainContext. It is really confusing to me
Suppose I have the codes below (a bit incomplete, just for demonstration). I use normal Pthreads to create a thread. Within the thread, I run Glib functionality and created a GMainContext (stored within l_app.context).
I then created a source to run the function check_cmd iteratively at about 1 sec interval. This callback (or could we call it a thread?) will check for command from other threads( Pthreads not shown here for update in cmd status). From here onwards, there are two specific command
One to start a looping function
The other to end the looping function
I have done and thought of two ways to create the function and set them to run iteratively.
To create another timeout
using the same method of creating check_cmd
Essentially both to me are pretty much essentially the same method, when I tried both of them. Plan A (as I called it) does not work but Plan B ...actually run at least once. So I would like to know how to fix them...
Or maybe I should use g_source_add_child_source() instead?
In Summary, my question is
when you created a new context and push it to become the default context, do all subsequent function that require main_context will refer to this context?
in a nut shell, how do you add new sources when a loop is already running, ie like my cases
lastly, it is okay to quit the main loop within the callback you have created?
Here is my pseudocode
#include <glib.h>
#include <dirent.h>
#include <errno.h>
#include <pthread.h>
#define PLAN_A 0
typedef struct
GMainContext *context;
GMainLoop *loop;
static _App l_app;
guint gID;
time_cycle(gpointer udata)
g_print("I AM THREADING");
return true;
check_cmd_session(NULL )
while(alive) /// alive is a boolean value that is shared with other threads(not shown)
/// PLAN A
//// which context does this add to ??
#if PLAN_A
g_timeout_add_seconds(10, (GSourceFunc)timeout, NULL);
/// or should i use PLAN B
GSource* source = g_timeout_source_new(1000);
gID = g_source_set_callback(source,
g_source_attach(source, l_app.context);
#if PLAN_A
g_main_loop_quit (l_app.loop);
return FALSE;
liveService(Info *info)
l_app.context = g_main_context_new ();
GSource* source = g_timeout_source_new(1000);
/// make it run
g_source_attach(source, l_app.context);
g_main_loop_run (l_app.loop);
int main()
pthread_t tid[2];
int thread_counter = 0;
err = pthread_create(&(tid[thread_counter]), NULL, &live, &info);
if (err != 0)
printf("\n can't create live thread :[%s]", strerror(err));
printf("--> Thread for Live created successfully\n");
/**** other threads are build not shown here */
for(int i = 0; i < 2; i++)
printf("Joining the %d threads \n", i);
return 0;

In Summary, my question is
when you created a new context and push it to become the default context, do all subsequent function that require main_context will
refer to this context?
Functions that are documented as using the thread-default main context will use the GMainContext which has been most recently pushed with g_main_context_push_thread_default().
Functions that are documented as using the global default main context will not. They will use the GMainContext which is created at init time and which is associated with the main thread.
g_timeout_add_seconds() is documented as using the global default main context. So you need to go with plan B if you want the timeout source to be attached to a specific GMainContext.
in a nut shell, how do you add new sources when a loop is already running, ie like my cases
g_source_attach() works when a main context is being iterated.
lastly, it is okay to quit the main loop within the callback you have created?
Yes, g_main_loop_quit() can be called at any point.
From your code, it looks like you’re not creating a new GMainLoop for each GMainContext and are instead assuming that one GMainLoop will somehow work with all GMainContexts in the process. That’s not correct. If you’re going to use GMainLoop, you need to create a new one for each GMainContext you create.
All other things aside, you might find it easier to use GLib’s threading functions rather than using pthread directly. GLib’s threading functions are portable to other platforms and a little bit easier to use. Given that you’re already linking to libglib, using them would cost nothing extra.


Access the main OMNET++ simulation thread from a working/child thread

I wrote a simple multi-threaded application in OMNET++ that does not call any OMNET++ API in the working thread and is working as expected. I know that OMNET++ does not support multi-thread applications by design, but I was wondering if there is any mechanism that I can use to make a bridge between my worker thread and my code in the main simulation thread.
More specifically, I am saving some data in a vector in the working thread and I want to signal the code in the simulation thread to consume it (producer/consumer scenario). Is there any way to achieve this?
Do I need to design my own event scheduler?
The simplest way to achieve your goal is to use a selfmessage in simulation thread and a small modification of worker thread. The worker thread should modify a common variable (visible by both threads). And the selfmessage should periodically check the state of this variable.
The sample code of this idea:
// common variable
bool vectorReady;
// worker thread
if (someCondition) {
vectorReady = true;
// simulation thread
void someclass::handleMessage(cMessage * msg) {
if (msg->isSelfMessage()) {
if (vectorReady) {
vectorReady = false;
// reads vector data
scheduleAt(simTime() + somePeriod, msg);
The place of declaration of common variable depends how you create and start the worker thread.
The other way is to create own scheduler and adding a condition just before every event. By default OMNeT++ uses cSequentialScheduler scheduler. It has the method takeNextEvent() which is called to obtain next event. You can create a derived class and overwrite this method, for example:
// cThreadScheduler.h
#include <omnetpp.h>
using namespace omnetpp;
class cThreadScheduler : public cSequentialScheduler {
virtual cEvent *takeNextEvent() override;
#include "cThreadScheduler.h"
cEvent* cThreadScheduler::takeNextEvent() {
if (vectorReady) {
vectorReady = false;
// reads vector data
return cSequentialScheduler::takeNextEvent();
In omnetpp.ini add a line:
scheduler-class = "cThreadScheduler"

SAPI 5 TTS Events

I'm writing to ask you some advices for a particular problem regarding SAPI engine. I have an application that can speak both to the speakers and to a WAV file. I also need some events to be aware, i.e. word boundary and end input.
m_cpVoice->SetNotifyWindowMessage(m_hWnd, TTS_MSG, 0, 0);
hr = m_cpVoice->SetInterest(SPFEI_ALL_EVENTS, SPFEI_ALL_EVENTS);
Just for test I added all events! When the engine speaks to speakers all events are triggered and sent to the m_hWnd window, but when I set output to the WAV file, none of them are sent
CSpStreamFormat fmt;
CComPtr<ISpStreamFormat> pOld;
SPBindToFile(file, SPFM_CREATE_ALWAYS, &m_wavStream, &fmt.FormatId(), fmt.WaveFormatExPtr());
m_cpVoice->SetOutput(m_wavStream, false);
m_cpVoice->Speak(L"Test", SPF_ASYNC, 0);
Where file is a path passed as argument.
Really this code is taken from the TTS samples found on the SAPI SDK. It seems a little bit obscure the part setting the format...
Can you help me in finding the problem? Or does anyone of you know a better way to write TTS to WAV? I can not use manager code, it should be better to use the C++ version...
Thank you very much for help
This seems to be a thread problem and searching in the spuihelp.h file, that contains the SPBindToFile helper I found that it uses the CoCreateInstance() function to create the stream. Maybe this is where the ISpVoice object looses its ability to send event in its creation thread.
What do you think about that?
I adopted an on-the-fly solution that I think should be acceptable in most of the cases, In fact when you write speech on files, the major event you would be aware is the "stop" event.
So... take a look a the class definition:
#define TTS_WAV_SAVED_MSG 5000
#define TTS_WAV_ERROR_MSG 5001
class CSpeech {
CSpeech(HWND); // needed for the notifications
HWND m_hWnd;
CComPtr<ISpVoice> m_cpVoice;
std::thread* m_thread;
void WriteToWave();
void SpeakToWave(LPCWSTR, LPCWSTR);
I implemented the method SpeakToWav as follows
// Global variables (***)
long tRate;
HWND tHwnd;
ISpObjectToken* pToken;
void CSpeech::SpeakToWave(LPCWSTR file, LPCWSTR msg) {
// Using, for example wcscpy_s:
// tMsg <- msg;
// tFile <- file;
tHwnd = m_hWnd;
if(m_thread == NULL)
m_thread = new std::thread(&CSpeech::WriteToWave, this);
And now... take a look at the WriteToWave() method:
void CSpeech::WriteToWav() {
// create a new ISpVoice that exists only in this
// new thread, so we need to
// CoInitialize(...) and...
// CoCreateInstance(...)
// Now set the voice, i.e.
// rate with global tRate,
// voice token with global pToken
// output format and...
// bind the stream using tFile as I did in the
// code listed in my question
cpVoice->Speak(tMsg, SPF_PURGEBEFORESPEAK, 0);
Now, because we did not used the SPF_ASYNC flag the call is blocking, but because we are on a separate thread the main thread can continue. After the Speak() method finished the new thread can continue as follow:
if(/* Speak is went ok */)
::PostMessage(tHwn, TTS_WAV_SAVED_MSG, 0, 0);
::PostMessage(tHwnd, TTS_WAV_ERROR_MSG, 0, 0);
(***) OK! using global variables is not quite cool :) but I was going fast. Maybe using a thread with the std::reference_wrapper to pass parameters would be more elegant!
Obviously, when receiving the TTS messages you need to clean the thread for a next time call! This can be done using a CSpeech::CleanThread() method like this:
void CSpeech::CleanThread() {
m_thread->join(); // I prefer to be sure the thread has finished!
delete m_thread;
m_thread = NULL;
What do you think about this solution? Too complex?

Automation implementation using Busy Waiting or Threads in c++

I am trying to automate the handler equipment(a robot picks a chip and put it onto a hardware platform) with the following requirement:
1.There are 6 sites for the handler , once handler puts a device onto that site, handler will return an errorcode:
code1 for ready to test, code2 for error, and if in process no code have returned.
2.There is a master PC that controls the handler operation, and the communication b/w master and site PCs are using Staf
3.I need to use that code to run some tests(which already implemented and working properly).
Handler puts the device in a FIFO order, first site returns code first, and last site returns code last.
4.The Site PC is acting passively, which master PC will determine when to run and how to run the tests. Site PC will only know if handler is ready then execute the tests.
So my question would be: In this case, for the site-PCs(Windows based with perl and .net enabled), is busy waiting method better or is the wait condition mechanism suits better:
For example: the sample code would be:
void runTestonSite()
if(returnCode == code1)
or is there any better way to do this kind of task?
#include <boost/thread.hpp>
void getReturnCode() {
// do stuff
void RunTestOnSite() {
// do stuff
int main (int argc, char ** argv) {
using namespace boost;
thread thread_1 = thread(getReturnCode);
thread thread_2 = thread(RunTestOnSite);
// do other stuff
return 0;
Please advise,

program get stuck in getenv()

I am overloading "malloc" by pre-loading a library. In this custom "malloc", i am using environment variable to distinguish my program to use my custom "malloc" from the general "malloc".
The problem is that, after several "mallocs" the program gets stuck inside getenv() call. I am not able to figure out why the program is getting stuck inside it.
The code is the following:
void* PerfTrackMallocInterposition::Malloc(size_t size) {
// Malloc with statistics
char *checkCDBEnd=NULL;
static const char* CDBEndEnv = "checkCDBEnd";
checkCDBEnd = getenv(CDBEndEnv); //program gets stuck here
void *result = Alloc(size); //Call to custom malloc
return result;
void* result = (*fPMalloc)(size); //call to normal malloc
return result;
I also get a bus error at same position while using this library with vim editor.
Please help me.
Thank You
Are you sure the program gets stuck on the getenv() call? I would be more suspicious of the mutexes: pthread_mutex_lock(&fgPTMutex); will block if another thread holds the mutex

Multithreaded code - force execution order

I have some code that will be accessed from two threads:
class Timer{
void Start(){
start_ = clock_->GetCurrentTime();
running_ = true;
void Read(){
time_duration remaining = clock_->GetCurrentTime() - start_;
void Actions(time_duration remaining);
time start_;
bool running;
I've looked at some other timers available in various libraries, but didn't find any that fit my requirements, thus I'm rolling my own...
The Start() method is called (once only) from one thread. The Read() method is called very rapidly from another thread, the calls will start coming in before Start() is called.
Obviously it is very important that the start_ variable is initialized before the running_ flag is set. This could be solved by adding a mutex that gets grabbed when the Start() method is entered...and is grabbed before running_ is checked in the Read() method...but it seems somewhat unnecessary. If everything here executes in order, then there are no problems. I have no problem with the fact that a Read() could happen while the other thread is in the Start() routing, getting the time from the clock for example...the Read()s happen fast enough that its just not a big deal.
Anyway, I was looking for a way to ensure that the compiler/processor will execute the
start_ = clock_->GetCurrentTime();
running_ = true;
instructions in order they are listed above. (Or if I'm overlooking something else).
You need to make start_ and running_ volatile, and then introduce a memory barrier between the two assignments in Start().
Why not get rid of the "running" flag and use whether the "start" variable is empty as the condition? You don't specify a language but some sort of volatile marker for "start" would be a good idea too. This also assumes that "start" can be written atomically. For example:
class Timer{
void Start(){
start_ = clock_->GetCurrentTime();
void Read(){
if(nullptr != start_){
time_duration remaining = clock_->GetCurrentTime() - start_;
void Actions(time_duration remaining);
volatile time start_;
I'm not sure whether I understand your question, but I think you want to prevent that Read is being executed when the Start method hasn't been set (or hasn't been executed completely) ?
If that's the case, can't you solve your problem by using an AutoResetEvent or ManualResetEvent (depending on what behavior you want).
In the Read method, you could specify that the Read method should wait when the Auto/ManualResetEvent hasn't been set, and at the end of the Start method, you can set the Event.
Why not just stick a
if (_running == false) Start();
In the Read() method.
And either protect Start with a mutex or define it as "critical" to ensure its single threaded.
