Access the main OMNET++ simulation thread from a working/child thread - multithreading

I wrote a simple multi-threaded application in OMNET++ that does not call any OMNET++ API in the working thread and is working as expected. I know that OMNET++ does not support multi-thread applications by design, but I was wondering if there is any mechanism that I can use to make a bridge between my worker thread and my code in the main simulation thread.
More specifically, I am saving some data in a vector in the working thread and I want to signal the code in the simulation thread to consume it (producer/consumer scenario). Is there any way to achieve this?
Do I need to design my own event scheduler?

The simplest way to achieve your goal is to use a selfmessage in simulation thread and a small modification of worker thread. The worker thread should modify a common variable (visible by both threads). And the selfmessage should periodically check the state of this variable.
The sample code of this idea:
// common variable
bool vectorReady;
// worker thread
if (someCondition) {
vectorReady = true;
// simulation thread
void someclass::handleMessage(cMessage * msg) {
if (msg->isSelfMessage()) {
if (vectorReady) {
vectorReady = false;
// reads vector data
scheduleAt(simTime() + somePeriod, msg);
The place of declaration of common variable depends how you create and start the worker thread.
The other way is to create own scheduler and adding a condition just before every event. By default OMNeT++ uses cSequentialScheduler scheduler. It has the method takeNextEvent() which is called to obtain next event. You can create a derived class and overwrite this method, for example:
// cThreadScheduler.h
#include <omnetpp.h>
using namespace omnetpp;
class cThreadScheduler : public cSequentialScheduler {
virtual cEvent *takeNextEvent() override;
#include "cThreadScheduler.h"
cEvent* cThreadScheduler::takeNextEvent() {
if (vectorReady) {
vectorReady = false;
// reads vector data
return cSequentialScheduler::takeNextEvent();
In omnetpp.ini add a line:
scheduler-class = "cThreadScheduler"


Kotlin: Why isn't job.invokeOnCompletion() block running on main thread?

In my Android application I have code that should run periodically in its own coroutine and should be cancelable.
for this I have the following functions:
startJob(): Initializes the job, sets up invokeOnCompletion() and starts the work loop in the respective scope
private fun startJob() {
if (::myJob.isInitialized && myJob.isActive) {
myJob= Job()
myJob.invokeOnCompletion {
it?.message.let {
var msg = it
if (msg.isNullOrBlank()) {
msg = "Job stopped. Reason unknown"
CoroutineScope(Dispatchers.IO + myJob).launch {
workloop(): The main work loop. Do some work in a loop with a set delay in each iteration:
private suspend fun workloop() {
while (true) {
// doing some stuff here
myJobCompleted: do some finalizing. For now simply log a message for testing.
private fun myJobCompleted(msg: String) {
try {
catch (e:Exception){
println("debug: " + e.message)
Running this and calling myJob.Cancel() will throw the following exception in myJobCompleted():
debug: Only the original thread that created a view hierarchy can touch its views.
I'm curious as to why this code isn't running on the main thread, since startJob() IS called from the main thread?
Furthermore: is there a option similar to using a CancellationTokenSource in c#, where the job is not immediately cancelled, but a cancellation request can be checked each iteration of the while loop?
Immediately breaking off the job, regardless of what it is doing (although it will pretty much always be waiting for the delay on cancellation) doesn't seem like a good idea to me.
It is not the contract of Job.invokeOnCompletion to run on the same thread where Job is created. Moreover, such a contract would be impossible to implement.
You can't expect an arbitrary piece of code to run on an arbitrary thread, just because there was some earlier method invocation on that thread. The ability of the Android main GUI thread to execute code submitted from the outside is special, and involves the existence a top-level event loop.
In the world of coroutines, what controls thread assignment is the coroutine context, while clearly you are outside of any context when creating the job. So the way to fix it is to explicitly launch(Dispatchers.Main) a coroutine from within invokeOnCompletion.
About you question on cancellation, you can use withContext(NonCancellable) to surround the part of code you want to protect from cancellation.

Executing GTK functions from other threads

This question is about GTK and threads.
You may find it useful if your application crashes, freezes or you want to have a multithreaded GTK application.
Main Loop
In order to understand GTK you must understand 2 concepts.
All contemporary GUIs are single-threaded. They have a thread which processes events from window system (like button, mouse events).
Such a thread is called main event loop or main loop.
GTK is also single threaded and not MT-safe. This means, that you must not call any GTK functions from other threads, as it will lead to undefined behaviour.
As Gtk documentation states,
Like all GUI toolkits, GTK+ uses an event-driven programming model. When the user is doing nothing, GTK+ sits in the “main loop” and waits for input. If the user performs some action - say, a mouse click - then the main loop “wakes up” and delivers an event to GTK+. GTK+ forwards the event to one or more widgets.
Gtk is event-based and asynchronous. It reacts to button clicks not in the exact moment of clicking, but a bit later.
It can be very roughly written like this (don't try this at home):
static list *pollable;
int main_loop (void)
while (run)
event_list = poll (pollable); // check whether there are some events to react to
dispatch (event_list); // react to events.
void schedule (gpointer function)
add_to_list (pollable, something);
I want a delayed action in my app
For example, hide a tooltip in several seconds or change button text.
Assuming your application is single-threaded, if you call sleep() it will be executed in main loop.
sleep() means, that this particular thread will be suspended for specified amount of seconds. No work will be done.
And if this thread is main thread, GTK will not be able to redraw or react to user interactions. The application freezes.
What you should do is schedule function call. It can be done with g_timeout_add or g_idle_add
In the first case our poll() from snippet above will return this event in several seconds. In the latter case it will be returned when there are no events of higher priority.
static int count;
gboolean change_label (gpointer data)
GtkButton *button = data;
gchar *text = g_strdup_printf ("%i seconds left", --count);
if (count == 0)
void button_clicked (GtkButton *button)
gtk_button_set_label (button, "clicked");
count = 5;
g_timeout_add (1 * G_TIME_SPAN_SECOND, change_label, button);
Returning a value from function is very important. If you don't do it, the behaviour is undefined, your task may be called again or removed.
I have a long-running task
Long-running tasks aren't different from calling sleep. While one thread is busy with that task, it can't perform any other tasks, obviously. If that is a GUI thread, it can't redraw interface. That's why you should move all long-running tasks to other threads. There is an exception, though: non-blocking IO, but it's out of topic of my answer.
I have additional threads and my app crashes
As already mentioned, GTK is not MT-safe. You must not call Gtk functions from other threads.
You must schedule execution. g_timeout_add and g_idle_add are MT-safe, unlike other GTK functions.
That callbacks will be executed in main loop. If you have some shared resources between callback and thread you must read/write them atomically or use a mutex.
static int data;
static GMutex mutex;
gboolean change_label (gpointer data)
GtkButton *button = data;
int value;
gchar *text;
// retrieve data
g_mutex_lock (&mutex);
value = data;
g_mutex_unlock (&mutex);
// update widget
text = g_strdup_printf ("Current data value: %i", value);
gpointer thread_func (gpointer data)
GtkButton *button = data;
while (TRUE)
sleep (rand_time);
g_mutex_lock (&mutex);
g_mutex_unlock (&mutex);
g_idle_add (change_label, button);
Make sure mutexes are held as little as possible. Imagine you lock a mutex in another thread and do some IO. The main loop will be stuck until the mutex is released. There is g_mutex_try_lock() that returns immidiately, but it can bring additional syncronization problems because you can't guarantee that the mutex will be unlocked when mainloop tries to lock it.
Follow up: but python is single-threaded and GIL et cetera?
You can imagine that python is multi-threaded application run on a single-core machine.
You never know when the threads will be switched. You call a GTK function but you don't know in which state the main loop is. Maybe it free'd resources just a moment before. Always schedule.
What is not discussed and further reading
Detailed documentation on glib main loop can be found here
GSource as a more low-level primitive.

Behavior of std::packaged_task and std::function

My question is from this implementation of a ThreadPool class in C++11. Following is relevant parts from the code:
whenever enqueue is called on the threadPool object, it binds the passed function with all passed arguments, to create a shared_ptr of std::packaged_task:
auto task = std::make_shared< std::packaged_task<return_type()> >(
std::bind(std::forward<F>(f), std::forward<Args>(args)...)
extracts the future from this std::packaged_taskto return to the caller and stores this task in a std::queue<std::function<void()>> tasks;.
In the constructor, it waits for the task in queue, and if it finds one, it executes the task:
for(size_t i = 0;i<threads;++i)
std::function<void()> task;
std::unique_lock<std::mutex> lock(this->queue_mutex);
this->condition.wait(lock,[this]{ return !this->tasks.empty(); });
task = std::move(this->tasks.front());
Now, based on this, following is my questions:
If std::packaged_task was stored in a std::queue<std::function<void()>>, then it just becomes a std::function object, right? then how does it still write to the shared state of std::future extracted earlier?
If stored std::packaged_task was not just a std::function object but still a std::packaged_taskthen when a std::thread executes task() through a lambda (code inside constructor), then why doesn't it run on another thread? as std::packaged_task are supposed to run on another thread, right?
As my questions suggest, I am unable to understand the conversion of std::packaged_task into std::function and the capability of std::function to write to the shared state of std::future. Whenever I tested this code with n threads, the maximum number of thread ids I could get was n but never more than n. Here is the complete code (including that of ThreadPool and it also includes a main function which counts the number of threads created).

cocos2d notification/event/message from a different thread

I have a worker thread doing calculation on the background and I want to send a event/message to call a update function to update the graphics on screen once the worker thread finish calculation.
How do I do that in cocos2d ?
Some demo code:
-(void) updateGraphic
//this one update all the graphics/sprite
//note workerThreadFunc is being used to start a new thread
-(void) workerThreadFunc
//finish calculation here
//since it's in a different thread, I cannot call updateGraphic directly here
//So I need a event to notify update Graphic here somehow
Cocos2D calls the -(void) draw {} method on all nodes automatically on the main thread. You do not need to call that method from another thread, and you can not perform custom OpenGL drawing outside the draw method.
In order to call a method that should be performed on the main thread, use the performSelectorOnMainThread method.
I've achieve it via pthreads, it needs to do some changes in CCDirector.cpp & CCDirector.h
the details is in this thread.
to use it, we can register handleMessageInUI in UI thread, then worker thread sends a message to UI thread, which will call handleMessageInUI to do UI drawing. some sample code is below:
In UI thread, we can register a handler to process message in UI thread.
bool HelloWorldScene::handleMessageInUIThread(const EXTCCMessage &msg) {
// implementations
// return true if this handler has processed this msg,
// otherwise, false is returned
switch (msg.msgId) {
case 2:
return false;
return true;
// register this Handler to UI Threader
CCDirector::mainLoopHandler()->registerHandler(this, (EXTCCHandleMessage)&HelloWorldScene::handleMessageInUIThread);
send a message to UI thread in a worker thread
EXTCCMessage msg;
msg.msgId = 2;
msg.msgData1 = NULL;
// "msg" will be processed by "handleMessageInUIThread" in UI thread

JavaFX Multi Threading

I'm writing a small programm where JavaFx acts as a viewer and controler and let Java do the other hard work. I can start multiple threads from Javafx however, I'm not able to stop them. If I try to use .stop(), the threads are still running.
Here is one of them:
public var sleepTask_connect;
function LogOutAction(): Void {
function LogInAction(): Void {
var listener = FXListener_interface_connection {
override function callback(errorCode, errorMessage): Void {
//do something
if(errorCode != 200){
sleepTask_connect = FXListener_connection {
listener: listener
Use JavaTaskBase to implement you Java thread. There is a stop method to kill the thread. Here is an example of how you use it.
I've had better luck with the JFXtras XWorker component for threading. See
However in general in order for your thread to respond to cancel/stop requests, you have to check the canceled or stopped flag in your code during your "do something" section. This works if your thread is in an infinite loop for example, or if you just have a series of long running processes you can check for canceled/stopped in between them. Alternatively, if your code calls some blocking method (like sockets or a blocking queue), then most of these will throw an InterruptedException when the thread is canceled.
