How to use NodeJs logo on Windows Terminal? - node.js

I recently downloaded Windows Terminal from the Windows Store and I'm setting it up. Unfortunately node is not automatically available, so I added it manually, it was localed at "C:\Program Files\nodejs\node.exe". But the icon is missing. Does anyone know how to find it, and also have any other tips on finding icons for other shells if needed?

You can find the icons to most shells at and download them from their github repo at
Because these icons are in svg format, you will need to use an svg viewer like inkscape (which is free), to export them as a png at your required resolution.
Then you can use the icons in the windows terminal.


WSL2 GUI programs not respecting my screen resolution

I mainly run Cypress and Chrome through WSL2, whenever I try and make any of the windows that open full screen a part of them always displays on my second monitor.
Is there anything I can change in a config file or something to fix it?
I don't know if it's related but the cursor on the WSL2 GUI programs is huge. Is this something that can be fixed too?

Xamarin iOS Black screen only after update UnifiedAPI. apparently all resources not loading

After migrate Xamarin iOS project to Unified API, the app shows black screen only.
Apparently all resources are not loaded at all.
Not only all images including icon, splash are not loaded, but also all XIBs are not loaded.
Now only default black window screen is shown.
Any advice to solve this?
In some cases XI 8.6.0 new msbuild-based build system can forget to copy some files into the app bundle.
This is fixed in the service release (8.6.1) which is in the alpha channel (right now). You might want to try it to see if this is the issue (if not then please file a bug report so it can be investigated).

Open website from within eclipse's internal browser?

Could anyone help me with opening web pages from within Eclipse's internal (embedded) browser? I'm running Linux (tiling window manager) and Eclipse-3.7.2 side-by-side with browser and it's a pain.
I want this to be able to comfortably read requirements from my code and at the same time code. This could be a question for superuser but it's Eclipse related so I guess I have better shot for an answer here.
Thanks in advance.
edit: I'm running gentoo linux and swt-3.7.1 with compiled in xulrunner support.
edit2: adding picture of gui menu in response to answer bellow.
Open Window / Customize Perspective... menu then on "Command Group Availability" tab find "Web Browser" entry and make sure it is checked. Then confirm that "Web Browser" is also checked on "Tool Bar Visibility" tab. Then you should see a web browser globe icon on toolbar that would open a web browser editor in the IDE.
Though you'll have to change settings on your picture to use "Internal Web Browser" then it will be opened as an Eclipse editor.
I know the question is old but I just had the same problem and was able to find the soloution.
The internal browser of SWT is using the webkitgtk browser engine. Because you're running gentoo I suppose you currently have net-libs/webkit-gtk:3 installed which is incompatible with SWT. But this is no problem because you can install the compatible net-libs/webkit-gtk:2 in a new slot.
Just install it like this:
emerge net-libs/webkit-gtk:2
After the package is installed the internal webbrowser is working again (for me)
On Ubuntu 13.04 using Eclipse it automagically worked, I was not sure which webkit I was missing, so I installed all that seemed relevant, if someone has pinpointed which it is, please comment,
Gabriel Medina
aptitude install libqt4-webkit libqt5webkit5 libqtscript4-webkit libqtwebkit4 libswt-webkit-gtk-3-jni libwebkitgtk-1.0-0 libwebkitgtk-3.0-0

Excel export with apache POI driving me crazy

using smartgwt on tomcat running on openjdk on debian squeeze.
I have a grid on my site which you can excel-export. It transfers to server and it exports the data using Apache POI. You then get a popup in the browser so that you can save the excel file.
When running Tomcat locally, all works fine - however on my debian server, the Excel file looks empty when i open it. It IS not empty since if i save it as CSV i can see the data. MY colleague opened it on his phone and could look at the data. However in Excel 11 on Mac or Windows the file appears blank...
I think it has something to do with the Fonts installed on the server, so i have installed the "ttf-mscorefonts-installer" package that contains the Microsoft truetype fonts via apt-get, but still no success. I've tried copying fonts, using both XSL and OOXSL, but to no avail.
has anyone had any experience with this? I feel like i've tried everything now.
For others: This was caused by certain fonts not being available in OpenJDK, without any errors being logged anywhere.
I switched to Sun's JDK on my Debian as well, and the Excel files now open and display properly.

tortoise svn folder icons not coming

I have been experiencing a problem with tortoise .
when i checked out the code the tortoise icons usually green or red on the folders are not coming.Any solution???
Thanks in advance.
1 - Check If Your TortoiseSVN Settings are Correct
Right-Click in an SVN Folder >> TortoiseSVN >> Settings
Select Icon Overlays:
1. Status Cache to Default
2. Drive Types: (SELECT) Network Drive, Fixed Drive
2 - Find out if there are too many Icon Sets installed in Windows
Window allows up to 11 IconSets, if other programs like DropBox are installed they will hijack those spots
Since we are working in the registry, be careful not to edit things, unless you are sure!
Run regedit
If there are more than 11 Folders, then you have too many IconSets
:: In my case, it was because of DropBox - the folder names were ("DropboxExt1","DropboxExt2") and my Tortoise was named (1TortoiseNormal,2TortoiseModified)--The problem is that Windows reads this and enables them based on alpha numeric order ('"' comes before '1' in the alphanumeric stack)
SOLUTION : If you had the same problem as me, you can simply rename the Dropbox registry listings. I renamed my Dropbox listings from('"DropboxExt1"') to ('X"DropboxExt1"'), just adding an 'X' to the beginning of the registry. >>Restart your machine to see the registry listing take effect.
Try also to repair the installation, if you upgraded from 1.6.8 or 1.6.9. Just re-launch the TortoisSVN installer and choose "Repair". There are known problems with overlay icons and TortoiseSVN upgrades (see this blog post).
If you have checked out your code onto a network, or removable drive, you need to set some preferences to see the icons.
Please refer the following link I have also experienced simillar problem and the icon usually starts appearing after two or three reboots.
Also refer the following links
TortoiseSVN icons not showing up under Windows 7
You can go to TortoiseSVN>Settings>Icon Overlays>Status Cache.
If default is selected then change from default to shell. If shell is selected then change it from shell to default. it should fix it.
Maybe it depends on your platform? You need to install 64-bit TortoiseSVN if you want the TortoiseSVN Overlay icons in Windows Explorer, because Windows Explorer is 64-bit on Windows 64-bit.
Make sure you have installed the x64 version of TortoiseSVN if you're
using XP or Vista 64-bit. Since the explorer on those OS versions is a
64-bit application, it can not load the 32-bit version of TortoiseSVN.
You can still keep the 32-bit version of TortoiseSVN installed on
those OS versions though: it will show up in the 32-bit applications
file-open/save dialogs of those applications.
In the recent versions of the TortoiseSVN, old _svn folders are deprecated. it's better to rename them to .svn.
attrib -h _svn
rename _svn .svn
attrib +h .svn
