How to connect two different ViewModels in Kotlin AndroidStudio - android-studio

I have two different View Models with their own fragments, and I want my arrayListB in ViewModelB have the same value of my arrayListA in ViewModelA.

I am sure this may help you to do that!
Architecture Components provides ViewModel helper class for the UI controller that is responsible for preparing data for the UI. ViewModel objects are automatically retained during configuration changes so that data they hold is immediately available to the next activity or fragment instance. For example, if you need to display a list of users in your app, make sure to assign responsibility to acquire and keep the list of users to a ViewModel, instead of an activity or fragment, as illustrated by the following sample code:
class MyViewModel : ViewModel() {
private val users: MutableLiveData<List<User>> by lazy {
MutableLiveData<List<User>>().also {
fun getUsers(): LiveData<List<User>> {
return users
private fun loadUsers() {
// Do an asynchronous operation to fetch users.
for more information see this :


What type of data should be passed to domain events?

I've been struggling with this for a few days now, and I'm still not clear on the correct approach. I've seen many examples online, but each one does it differently. The options I see are:
Pass only primitive values
Pass the complete model
Pass new instances of value objects that refer to changes in the domain/model
Create a specific DTO/object for each event with the data.
This is what I am currently doing, but it doesn't convince me. The example is in PHP, but I think it's perfectly understandable.
class MyModel {
private MediaId $id;
private Thumbnails $thumbnails;
private File $file;
public function delete(): void
new MediaDeleted(
'name' => $this->file->name(),
'thumbnails' => $this->thumbnails->toArray(),
final class MediaDeleted extends AbstractDomainEvent
public function name(): string
return $this->payload()['name'];
* #return array<ThumbnailArray>
public function thumbnails(): array
return $this->payload()['thumbnails'];
As you can see, I am passing the ID as a string, the filename as a string, and an array of the Thumbnail value object's properties to the MediaDeleted event.
How do you see it? What type of data is preferable to pass to domain events?
The answer of #pgorecki has convinced me, so I will put an example to confirm if this way is correct, in order not to change too much.
It would now look like this.
public function delete(): void
new MediaDeleted(
new MediaDeletedEventPayload($this->file->copy(), $this->thumbnail->copy())
I'll explain a bit:
The ID of the aggregate is still outside the DTO, because MediaDeleted extends an abstract class that needs the ID parameter, so now the only thing I'm changing is the $payload array for the MediaDeletedEventPayload DTO, to this DTO I'm passing a copy of the value objects related to the change in the domain, in this way I'm passing objects in a reliable way and not having strange behaviours if I pass the same instance.
What do you think about it?
A domain event is simply a data-holding structure or class (DTO), with all the information related to what just happened in the domain, and no logic. So I'd say Create a specific DTO/object for each event with the data. is the best choice. Why don't you start with the less is more approach? - think about the consumers of the event, and what data might they need.
Also, being able to serialize and deserialize the event objects is a good practice, since you could want to send them via a message broker (although this relates more to integration events than domain events).

How to share same data among two same component called twice on the same html template

I have created a pagination component that I am using above and below a table.
Issue is they create different memory reference for each call.
and hence creating a contradicting view as below:-
Above Table
Below Table
As we can see the Data on the html is same and 8 number is showing active on both but the array hold by both components contains different data.
How can I mirror both the components and make sure they share same data?
any help would be great thanks!
If you move the data to a service, then both instances of the component can share the same instance of the service and hence share the same data.
Would that work for you?
Here is an example service I have that shares these two values between multiple components:
import { Injectable } from '#angular/core';
export class ProductParameterService {
showImage: boolean;
filterBy: string;
constructor() { }
The class that uses the service then gets and sets the property into the service.
Class that uses the service
get showImage(): boolean {
return this.productParameterService.showImage;
set showImage(value: boolean) {
this.productParameterService.showImage = value;

Is there a way to ignore some entity properties when calling EdmxWriter.WriteEdmx

I am specifically using breezejs and the server code for breeze js converts the dbcontext into a form which is useable on the clientside using EdmxWriter.WriteEdmx. There are many properties which I have added JsonIgnore attributes to so that they don't get passed to the client side. However, the metadata that is generated (and passed to the clientside) from EdmxWriter.WriteEdmx still has those properties. Is there any additional attribute that I can add to those properties that I want ignored so that they are ignored by EdmxWriter.WriteEdmx? Or, would I need to make a separate method so as not to have any other unintended side effects.
You can sub-class your DbContext with a more restrictive variant that you use solely for metadata generation. You can continue to use your base context for persistence purposes.
The DocCode sample illustrates this technique with its NorthwindMetadataContext which hides the UserSessionId property from the metadata.
It's just a few extra lines of code that do the trick.
public class NorthwindMetadataContext : NorthwindContext
protected override void OnModelCreating(DbModelBuilder modelBuilder)
// Hide from clients
modelBuilder.Entity<Customer>().Ignore(t => t.CustomerID_OLD);
// Ignore UserSessionId in metadata (but keep it in base DbContext)
modelBuilder.Entity<Customer>().Ignore(t => t.UserSessionId);
modelBuilder.Entity<Employee>().Ignore(t => t.UserSessionId);
modelBuilder.Entity<Order>().Ignore(t => t.UserSessionId);
// ... more of the same ...
The Web API controller delegates to the NorthwindRepository where you'll see that the Metadata property gets metadata from the NorthwindMetadataContext while the other repository members reference an EFContextProvider for the full NorthwindContext.
public class NorthwindRepository
public NorthwindRepository()
_contextProvider = new EFContextProvider<NorthwindContext>();
public string Metadata
// Returns metadata from a dedicated DbContext that is different from
// the DbContext used for other operations
// See NorthwindMetadataContext for more about the scenario behind this.
var metaContextProvider = new EFContextProvider<NorthwindMetadataContext>();
return metaContextProvider.Metadata();
public SaveResult SaveChanges(JObject saveBundle)
return _contextProvider.SaveChanges(saveBundle);
public IQueryable<Category> Categories {
get { return Context.Categories; }
// ... more members ...
Pretty clever, eh?
Just remember that the UserSessionId is still on the server-side class model and could be set by a rogue client's saveChanges requests. DocCode guards against that risk in its SaveChanges validation processing.
You can sub-class your DbContext with a more restrictive variant that you use solely for metadata generation. You can continue to use your base context for persistence purposes.
The DocCode sample illustrates this technique with its NorthwindMetadataContext which hides the UserSessionId property from the metadata.
It's just a few extra lines of code that do the trick.
The Web API controller delegates to the NorthwindRepository where you'll see that the Metadata property gets metadata from the NorthwindMetadataContext while the other repository members reference an EFContextProvider for the full NorthwindContext.
Pretty clever, eh?
If you use the [NotMapped] attribute on a property, then it should be ignored by the EDMX process.

Eloquent: Scope for getting related models?

I have 3 models: User, Project, Task
Each user has many projects, each project has many tasks.
I want to do something like:
$user->projects()->tasks() to get the tasks of the projects of a user. projects() is a hasMany() relation and I believe tasks() should be a Scope, but have no idea how to implement it.
Well, suppose you have 3 models defined in this way:
class User extends Eloquent
public function projects()
return $this->hasMany('Project');
class Project extends Eloquent
public function tasks()
return $this->hasMany('Task');
public function user()
return $this->belongsTo('User');
class Task extends Eloquent
public function project()
return $this->belongsTo('Project');
I believe this would be enough to query all the user projects and tasks.
If you already have an instance of User class you can just load the required relations:
Having belongsTo relations defined allows you to query all the tasks with projects and users they belong to:
I am not sure about getting just a list of tasks. This is the first solution that comes to my mind:
$tasks = Task::whereHas('project', function($query) use ($user){
$query->whereHas('user', function($query) use ($user){
$query->where('id', $user->id);
I believe there are other ways to achieve it using query builder and join() method.

Castle Windsor Factory implementation

I am using a Typed Factory supplied by Windsor Castle DI container. I am quite new to DI containers, so am after a bit of guidance with my solution.
Here is my implementation:
*updated registration & DB call
public interface IAgent { }
public class Agent : IAgent { }
public interface IAgentFactory
IAgent Create();
IAgent Create(int agentId);
IAgent Create(AgentDTO agentDTO);
class AgentFactory : IAgentFactory
public IAgent Create()
return InitNewEntity(new Agent());
public IAgent Create(int agentId, IDBContext dbContext) //Not happy with this, as it's a dependency that isn't factored out :(
return dbContext.GetAgent(agentId);
public IAgent Create(AgentDTO agentDTO)
Agent agent = InitNewEntity(new Agent());
return agent;
private IAgent InitNewEntity(IAgent agent)
agent.Username = ""; /// + other fields to initialise
agent.DOB = DateTime.Now; /// etc.
return agent;
.Register( Component.For<IAgentFactory>()
which I'm using the following call to get some entities
IAgentFactory agentFactory = ViewModel.Container.Resolve<IAgentFactory>();
IAgent agent = agentFactory.Create(); //Creates new Agent entity
agent = agentFactory.Create(66, dbContext); //Looks up entity in database, don't like passing in a db context, another dependency
agent = agentFactory.Create(agentDTO); //Creates Agent entity from DTO object
I have several concerns about this.
There are 3 possible scenarios regarding creating a new Agent,
1: Create a new agent from scratch
2: Create an agent using an existing DTO (Data Transfer Object)
3: Create an agent with a call to the database.
I decided to put all this functionality into a factory, as it seems to fit the bill, however, I am not entirely sure if this is the correct or best way to accomplish this.
The question is, is it possible to leverage all 3 Create scenarios into the DI container Register statement and omit the concrete factory implementation altogether, so that I no longer have an AgentFactory class, but only the IAgentFactory interface.
Another question I have regarding this implementation, is it possible to do a call, such that if I request an Agent entity, Windsor will first make a call to the factory and return the entity created from the factory, rather than create the entity without referencing the factory.
IAgent agent = Container.Resolve<IAgent>(66);
With a Callstack:
Container -> AgentFactory -> Create(66) -> returns agent from factory.
Which Windsor will intercept and automatically use the factory to create the instance. However, I tried this and it didn't use the factory to create it, it just went ahead and created the Agent without referencing the factory.
I did have this, but it doesn't call the factory methods that I have defined.
Advice is appreciated, thank you.
Typed Factory is designed to create "behaviour" instance, not "data" instance.
You do not register into the container a "model" component, but compenent to work w/ the model.
In other words you register into the container everything but the model.
You AgentFactory has to be registerted into the container, but that's not a "Typed Factory".
You may use TF for "late dependency" purpose.
I prefer be more decoupled w/ my design and also more "single responsability" oriented.
AgentFactory won't hide a repository (as per your Create from db) within the factory: I will pass a datareader as Create parameter instead.
