I don't understand JFET/this diagram Associate CET study guide - circuit

I need help understanding JFET amplifier circuit I have a lot of questions of basic questions I'm sorry.
This is a N-channel Jfet so it has negative voltage but what does that even mean “negative voltage ” (image 2 image2 and 3image 3)
Image 2 what is amplification factor is it the max it can amplify or is it amplifying that amount in this example. Also what is I,d constant in the mu equation or maybe why is I,d constant?
What is dynamic drain resistance and why is V,gs constant?
I don't know what the first paragraph (image 2) is saying “bias” I know a bias can be forward or reverse is that what the diagram show (image 1) what is the last sentence explaining “short,,; I,d is maximum”?
How did they chose their numbers in paragraph 2 and “establish a V,gs to swing +1v -1v ”what is this and why
Paragraph 3 they chose -2v for V,gs why. If it because of the graph I don't know how to interpret it
RL on the diagram (image 1) is 13.3k they explain why in paragraph 3 but why is the resistor source related to the drain idk could be a dumb question image1
the final calculations


What process does happen in 'Input Transform' in PointNet architecture?

I am reading a papers to understand the method which convert the raw point cloud data into machine learning readable dataset. Here I would like to ask you one question that I have in the research paper PointNet: Deep Learning on Point Sets for 3D Classification and Segmentation. I want to understand that in the PointNet architecture (shown in Picture below), in the first step, after taking the raw point cloud data into the algorithm, data goes into 'Input transform' part where some process happens in T-Net (Transformation network) and matrix multiplication. My question is 'What does happen in the 'Input Transform' and 'Feature transform' part? what is the input data and what is the output data? Kindly give an explanation about this as that was my main question.
You can find the research paper by the doi: 10.1109/CVPR.2017.16
I'm trying to work this out as well, consider this an incomplete answer. I think the Input transformer with a 3x3 matrix acts to spacially transform (via some affine transformation) the nx3 inputs (3 dimensional think x,y,z). Intuitively you may think of it this way: say you give it a rotated object (say an upside down chair), it would de-rotate the object to a canonical representation (an upright chair). Its a 3x3 matrix to preserve the dimensionality of the input. That way the input become invarient to changes of pose (perspective). After this the shared mlps (essentially a 1x1 conv) increase the number of features from nx3 to (nx64), the next T-net does the same as in the other example, it moves the higher dimensional feature space into a canonical form. As to exactly how the box works Im reading the code and will let you know.

Am I reading the notation of a heavysidestep function correclty for the leaky integrate-fire-or-burst neuron model?

As a passion project I'm recreating a neuronal model from XJ Wang's lab at NYU. The paper is Wei, W., & Wang, X. J. (2016). Inhibitory control in the cortico-basal ganglia-thalamocortical loop: complex regulation and interplay with memory and decision processes. Neuron, 92(5), 1093-1105.
The main problem I'm having is interpreting the equation for calculating the differential of the neurons membrane voltage. They have included a bursting neuronal model for cells in the basal ganglia and subthalamic nucleus. The differential equation for membrane voltage in these regions incorporates a hyperpolarization rebound which results in bursts and tonic spiking. The equation is on page 2 of a prior paper which uses basically the exact same model. I have linked to the paper below and I have provided an image link to the exact passage as well.
This is the equation I'm having trouble reading, don't worry about Isyn its the input current from the synapses
The equation is taken from this paper: https://www.physiology.org/doi/pdf/10.1152/jn.2000.83.1.588
Obviously the equation will need to be discritized so I can run it with numpy but I ill ignore that for now as it will be relatively easy to do so. The middle term with all the H's is whats giving me trouble. As I understand it I should be running code which dos the following:
gt * h * H(V-Vh) * (V-Vt)
Where H(V-Vh) is the heavyside step function, V is the membrane voltage at the prior timestep Vh = -60mV and Vt = 120mV. gt is a conductance efficacy constant in nanoSiemens. I think the correct way to interpret this for python is...
gt * h * heavyside(-60, 0.5)*(V-120)
But I'm not 100% sure I'm reading the notation correctly. Could someone please confirm I've read it as it is intended?
Secondly h is the deactivation term which gives rise to bursting as described in the final paragraph on page 2 of Smith et al., 2000 (the second pdf I've linked to). I understand the differential equations that govern the evolution of h well enough but what is the value of h? In Smith et al. 2000 the authors say that h relaxes to zero with a time constant of 20ms and it relaxes to unity with a time constant of 100ms. What value is h relaxing from and what does it mean to relax to unity?
For you x1 (of the numpy.heaviside) is = V-Vh; you are comparing that difference to zero. You might try writing your own version of the Heaviside function to deepen understanding, and then move back to the numpy version if you need it for speed or compatibility. The pseudo-code wordy version would be something like,
if (V<Vh): return(0); else: return(1);
You could probably just write (V>=Vh) in your code as Python will treat the boolean as 1 if true and 0 if false.
This ignores the possibility of V==Vh in the complete version of Heaviside, but for most practical work with real values (even discretized in a computer) that is unlikely to be a case to worth concerning yourself with, but you could easily add it in.

Ideal feature map size for a tic-tac-toe game CNN?

I've read many other posts with similar questions but most answers seem to be around it being an "art", which is probably ok for arbitrary images because we don't know exactly which and how many features are going to be learned. But if we already know the features that we want the CNN to learn, can we make educated guesses?
For example, in the game of tic-tac-toe (noughts and crosses), we know that we're looking for straight lines 2 pixels deep and placements where our move ends up taking the center or corner positions (lets ignore any other features for now). So, we can probably count the ideal feature map size as follows -
2 (2 slanted lines) + 1 (1 vertical line) + 1 (1 horizontal line) + 1 (center placement) + 4 (corner placement) = 9 feature maps?
Is my above understanding of feature maps correct?
Note: I'm using tic-tac-toe (noughts and crosses) just as a very simple example for learning CNN programming. My understanding of feature maps (please feel free to correct if wrong) is that they correspond to actual features like lines, curves etc (at least in the first layer).

interpretation of SVD for text mining topic analysis

I'm learning about text mining by building my own text mining toolkit from scratch - the best way to learn!
The Singular Value Decomposition is often cited as a good way to:
Visualise high dimensional data (word-document matrix) in 2d/3d
Extract key topics by reducing dimensions
I've spent about a month learning about the SVD .. I must admit much of the online tutorials, papers, university lecture slides, .. and even proper printed textbooks are not that easy to digest.
Here's my understanding so far: SVD demystified (blog)
I think I have understood the following:
Any (real) matrix can be decomposed uniquely into 3 multiplied
matrices using SVD, A=U⋅S⋅V^T
S is a diagonal matrix of singular values, in descending order of magnitude
U and V^T are matrices of orthonormal vectors
I understand that we can reduce the dimensions by filtering out less significant information by zero-ing the smaller elements of S, and reconstructing the original data. If I wanted to reduce dimensions to 2, I'd only keep the 2 top-left-most elements of the diagonal S to form a new matrix S'
My Problem
To see the documents projected onto the reduced dimension space, I've seen people use S'⋅V^T. Why? What's the interpretation of S'⋅V^T?
Similarly, to see the topics, I've seen people use U⋅S'. Why? What's the interpretation of this?
My limited school maths tells me I should look at these as transformations (rotation, scale) ... but that doesn't help clarify it either.
** Update **
I've added an update to my blog explanation at SVD demystified (blog) which reflects the rationale from one of the textbooks I looked at to explain why S'.V^T is a document view, and why U.S' is a word view. Still not really convinced ...

Programmatically increase the pitch of an array of audio samples

Hello kind people of the audio computing world,
I have an array of samples that respresent a recording. Let us say that it is 5 seconds at 44100Hz. How would I play this back at an increased pitch? And is it possible to increase and decrease the pitch dynamically? Like have the pitch slowly increase to double the speed and then back down.
In other words I want to take a recording and play it back as if it is being 'scratched' by a d.j.
Pseudocode is always welcomed. I will be writing this up in C.
Allow me to clarify my intentions. I want to keep the playback at 44100Hz and so therefore I need to manipulate the samples before playback. This is also because I would want to mix the audio that has an increased pitch with audio that is running at a normal rate.
Expressed in another way, maybe I need to shrink the audio over the same number of samples somehow? That way when it is played back it will sound faster?
Also, I would like to do this myself. No libraries please (unless you feel I could pick through the code and find something interesting).
A sample piece of code written in C that takes 2 arguments (array of samples and pitch factor) and then returns an array of the new audio would be fantastic!
PS I've started a bounty on this not because I don't think the answers already given aren't valid. I just thought it would be good to get more feedback on the subject.
Honestly I wish I could distribute the bounty over several different answers as they were quite a few that I thought were super helpful. Special shoutout to Daniel for passing me some code and AShelly and Hotpaw2 for putting in such detailed responses.
Ultimately though I used an answer from another SO question referenced by datageist and so the award goes to him.
Thanks again everyone!
Take a look at the "Elephant" paper in Nosredna's answer to this (very similar) SO question:
How do you do bicubic (or other non-linear) interpolation of re-sampled audio data?
Sample implementations are provided starting on page 37, and for reference, AShelly's answer corresponds to linear interpolation (on that same page). With a little tweaking, any of the other formulas in the paper could be plugged into that framework.
For evaluating the quality of a given interpolation method (and understanding the potential problems with using "cheaper" schemes), take a look at this page:
For more theory than you probably want to deal with (with source code), this is a good reference as well:
One way is to keep a floating point index into the original wave, and mix interpolated samples into the output wave.
//Simulate scratching of `inwave`:
// `rate` is the speedup/slowdown factor.
// result mixed into `outwave`
// "Sample" is a typedef for the raw audio type.
void ScratchMix(Sample* outwave, Sample* inwave, float rate)
float index = 0;
while (index < inputLen)
int i = (int)index;
float frac = index-i; //will be between 0 and 1
Sample s1 = inwave[i];
Sample s2 = inwave[i+1];
*outwave++ += s1 + (s2-s1)*frac; //do clipping here if needed
If you want to change rate on the fly, you can do that too.
If this creates noisy artifacts when rate > 1, try replacing *outwave++ += s1 + (s2-s1)*frac; with this technique (from this question)
*outwave++ = InterpolateHermite4pt3oX(inwave+i-1,frac);
public static float InterpolateHermite4pt3oX(Sample* x, float t)
float c0 = x[1];
float c1 = .5F * (x[2] - x[0]);
float c2 = x[0] - (2.5F * x[1]) + (2 * x[2]) - (.5F * x[3]);
float c3 = (.5F * (x[3] - x[0])) + (1.5F * (x[1] - x[2]));
return (((((c3 * t) + c2) * t) + c1) * t) + c0;
Example of using the linear interpolation technique on "Windows Startup.wav" with a factor of 1.1. The original is on top, the sped-up version is on the bottom:
It may not be mathematically perfect, but it sounds like it should, and ought to work fine for the OP's needs..
Yes, it is possible.
But this is not a small amount of pseudo code. You are asking for a time pitch modification algorithm, which is a fairly large and complicated amount of DSP code for decent results.
Here's a Time Pitch stretching overview from DSP Dimensions. You can also Google for phase vocoder algorithms.
If you want to "scratch", as a DJ might do with an LP on a physical turntable, you don't need time-pitch modification. Scratching changes the pitch and the speed of play by the same amount (not independently as would require time-pitch modification).
And the resulting array won't be of the same length, but will be shorter or longer by the amont of pitch/speed change.
You can change the pitch, as well as make the sound play faster or slower by the same ratio, by just resampling the signal using properly filtered interpolation. Just move each sample point, instead of by 1.0, by floating point addition by your desired rate change, then filter and interpolate the data at that point. Interpolation using a windowed Sinc interpolation kernel, with a low-pass filter transition frequency below the lower of the original and interpolated local sample rate, will work fairly well. Searching for "windowed Sinc interpolation" on the web returns lots of suitable result.
You need an interpolation method that includes a low-pass filter, or else you will hear horrible aliasing noise. (The exception to this might be if your original sound file is already severely low-pass filtered a decade or more below the sample rate.)
If you want this done easily, see AShelly's suggestion [edit: as a matter of fact, try it first anyway]. If you need good quality, you basically need a phase vocoder.
The very basic idea of a phase vocoder is to find the frequencies that the sound consists of, change those frequencies as needed and resynthesize the sound. So a brutal simplification would be:
run FFT
change all frequencies by a factor
run inverse FFT
If you're going to implement this yourself, you definitely should read a thorough explanation of how a phase vocoder works. The algorithm really needs many more considerations than the three-step simplification above.
Of course, ready-made implementations exist, but from the question I gather you want to do this yourself.
To decrease and increase the pitch is as simple as playing the sample back at a lower or higher rate than 44.1kHz. This will produce the slower/faster record sound but you'll need to add the 'scratchiness' of real records.
This helped me with resampling, which is same thing you need just looked from the opposite side.
If you can't find code, ping me, I have a nice C routine for this.
