Python - Write the header without double quotes in pandas(df.to_csv) - python-3.x

i might be missing a small trick here but i couldn't get it right from today afternoon
I have 4 columns that needs to separated by ~. Out of this 4 column, one column is having ~ symbol as part of its name itself which is !~ID. This is how my output should look
My code
df.to_csv(r'myout.txt', header=['!~ID','Rev','Type','Name'], index=None, sep='~', mode='w')
But this always gives me
After seeing couple of post i have tried quoting options
df.to_csv(r'myout.txt', header=['!~ID','Rev','Type','Name'], index=None, sep='~', mode='w',
quoting = csv.QUOTE_NONE,
escapechar = '~')
But this gives me one extra ~ for ID. Please help

Since the file you want isn't a valid csv, I suggest you edit the file afterwards to get the desired result:
df.to_csv(r'myout.txt', header=['!#ID','Rev','Type','Name'], index=None, sep='~') # replacing the first ~ with # (use any character you like)
with open('myout.txt', 'r+') as f: # position of #
f.write('~') # replacing


Replacing "" script with flexible functions that match DFs on partial string matching of column names [Python3] [Pandas] [Merge]

I spent too much time trying to write a generic solution to a problem (below this). I ran into a couple issues, so I ended up writing a Do-It script, which is here:
# No imports necessary
# set file paths
# Read all the annotation data into a dict:
with open(annofh, 'r') as annoObj:
for l in annoObj:
k=l[0] + ':' + l[1] + ' ' + l[3] + ' ' + l[4]
with open(mergedfh, 'w') as oF:
with open(datafh, 'r') as dataObj:
h2=dataObj.readline().strip(); oF.write(h2 + '\t'+ h1) # write the header line to the output file
for l in dataObj:
l=l.strip().split('\t') # Read through the data to be annotated line-by-line:
if "-" in l[13]:
key=l[12][3:] + ":" + l[13] + " " + l[15] + " " + l[16]
if key in annoD.keys():
l = l + annoD[key]
oF.write('\t'.join(l) + '\n')
oF.write('\t'.join(l) + '\n')
The function of (which functions correctly, above ^ ) is simple:
first read a file containing annotation information into a dictionary.
read through the data to be annotated line-by-line, and add annotation info. to the data by matching a string constructed by pasting together 4 columns.
As you can see, this script contains index positions, that I obtained by writing a quick awk one-liner, finding the corresponding columns in both files, then putting these into the python script.
Here's the thing. I do this kind of task all the time. I want to write a robust solution that will enable me to automate this task, *even if column names vary. My first goal is to use partial string matching; but eventually it would be nice to be even more robust.
I got part of the way to doing this, but at present the below solution is actually no better than the script...
# Across many projects, the correct columns names vary.
# For example, the name might be "#CHROM" or "Chromosome" or "CHR" for the first DF, But "Chrom" for the second df.
# in any case, if I conduct str.lower() then search for a substring, it should match any of the above options.
MasterColNamesList=["chr", "pos", "ref", "alt"]
def selectFields(h, columnNames):
##### currently this will only fix lower case uppercase problems. need to fix to catch any kind of mapping issue, like a partial string match (e.g., chr will match #CHROM)
for fld in columnNames:
if fld in h:
#### Now, this will work, but only if the field names are an exact match.
def MergeDFsByCols(DF1, DF2, colnames): # <-- Single set of colnames; no need to use indices
# eventually, need to write the merge statement; I could paste the cols together to a string and make that the indices for both DFs, then match on the indices, for example.
def mergeData(annoData, studyData, MasterColNamesList):
import pandas as pd
aDF=pd.read_csv(annoData, header=True, sep='\t')
sDF=pd.read_csv(studyData, header=True, sep='\t')
annoFieldIdx=selectFields(list(aVT.columns.values), columnNames1) # currently, columnNames1; should be MasterColNamesList
dataFieldIdx=selectFields(list(sD.columns.values), columnNames2)
mergeDFsByCols(aVT, sD):
Now, although the above works, it is actually no more automated than the script, because the columnNames1 and 2 are specific to each file and still need to be found manually ...
What I want to be able to do is enter a list of generic strings that, if processed, will result in the correct columns being pulled from both files, then merge the pandas DFs on those columns.
Greatly appreciate your help.

Remove double quotes while printing string in dataframe to text file

I have a dataframe which contains one column with multiple strings. Here is what the data looks like:
EU-1050-22345,201908 XYZ DETAILS, CD_123_123;CD_123_124,2;1
There are almost 100,000 such rows in the dataframe. I want to write this data into a text file.
For this, I tried the following:
df.to_csv(filename, header=None,index=None,mode='a')
But I am getting the entire string in quotes when I do this. The output I obtain is:
"EU-1050-22345,201908 XYZ DETAILS, CD_123_123;CD_123_124,2;1"
But what I want is:
EU-1050-22345,201908 XYZ DETAILS, CD_123_123;CD_123_124,2;1 -> No Quotes
I also tried this:
However, I get an error that an escapechar is required. If i add escapechar='/' into the code, I get '/' in multiple places (but no quotes). I don't want the '/' either.
Is there anyway I can remove the quotes while writing into a text file WITHOUT adding any other escape characters ?
Based on OP's comment, I believe the semicolon is messing things up. I no longer have unwanted \ if using tabs to delimit csv.
import pandas as pd
import csv
df = pd.DataFrame(columns=['col'])
df.loc[0] = "EU-1050-22345,201908 XYZ DETAILS, CD_123_123;CD_123_124,2;1"
df.to_csv("out.csv", sep="\t", quoting=csv.QUOTE_NONE, quotechar="", escapechar="")
Original Answer:
According to this answer, you need to specify escapechar="\\" to use csv.QUOTE_NONE.
Have you tried:
df.to_csv("out.csv", sep=",", quoting=csv.QUOTE_NONE, quotechar="", escapechar="\\")
I was able to write a df to a csv using a single space as the separator and get the "quotes" around strings removed by replacing existing in-string spaces in the dataframe with non-breaking spaces before I wrote it as as csv.
df = df.applymap(lambda x: str(x).replace(' ', u"\u00A0"))
df.to_csv(outpath+filename, header=True, index=None, sep=' ', mode='a')
I couldn't use a tab delimited file for what I was writing output for, though that solution also works using additional keywords to df.to_csv(): quoting=csv.QUOTE_NONE, quotechar="", escapechar="")

set function with file- python3

I have a text file with given below content
Written python code to convert text into set and discard \n.
with open('text_file_name', 'r') as file1:
same = set(file1)
print (same)
print (same.discard('\n'))
for first print statement print (same). I get correct result:
But for second print statement print (same.discard('\n')) . I am getting result as
Can anybody help me to figure out why I am getting None. I am using same.discard('\n') to discard \n in the set.
I am trying to understand the discard function with respect to set.
The discard method will only remove an element from the set, since your set doesn't contain just \n it can't discard it. What you are looking for is a map that strips the \n from each element like so:
set(map(lambda x: x.rstrip('\n'), same))
which will return {'Credit', 'Debit', '09:10:00', '21/12/2017'} as the set. This sample works by using the map builtin which applies it's first argument to each element in the set. The first argument in our map usage is lambda x: x.rstrip('\n') which is simply going to remove any occurrences of \n on the right-hand side of each string.
discard removes the given element from the set only if it presents in it.
In addition, the function doesn't return any value as it changes the set it was ran from.
with open('text_file_name', 'r') as file1:
same = set(file1)
print (same)
same = {elem[:len(elem) - 1] for elem in same if elem.endswith('\n')}
print (same)
There are 4 elements in the set, and none of them are newline.
It would be more usual to use a list in this case, as that preserves order while a set is not guaranteed to preserve order, plus it discards duplicate lines. Perhaps you have your reasons.
You seem to be looking for rstrip('\n'). Consider processing the file in this way:
s = {}
with open('text_file_name') as file1:
for line in file1:
print(s) # This displays 3 elements, without trailing newlines.

str.format places last variable first in print

The purpose of this script is to parse a text file (sys.argv[1]), extract certain strings, and print them in columns. I start by printing the header. Then I open the file, and scan through it, line by line. I make sure that the line has a specific start or contains a specific string, then I use regex to extract the specific value.
The matching and extraction work fine.
My final print statement doesn't work properly.
import re
import sys
print("{}\t{}\t{}\t{}\t{}".format("#query", "target", "e-value",
"identity(%)", "score"))
with open(sys.argv[1], 'r') as blastR:
for line in blastR:
if line.startswith("Query="):
queryIDMatch = re.match('Query= (([^ ])+)', line)
queryID =
if line[0] == '>':
targetMatch = re.match('> (([^ ])+)', line)
target =
if "Score = " in line:
eValue ='Expect = (([^ ])+)', line)
trueEvalue =
trueEvalue = trueEvalue[:-1]
print('{0}\t{1}\t{2}'.format(queryID, target, trueEvalue), end='')
The problem occurs when I try to print the columns. When I print the first 2 columns, it works as expected (except that it's still printing new lines):
#query target e-value identity(%) score
YAL002W Paxin1_129011
YAL003W Paxin1_167503
YAL005C Paxin1_162475
YAL005C Paxin1_167442
The 3rd column is a number in scientific notation like 2e-34
But when I add the 3rd column, eValue, it breaks down:
#query target e-value identity(%) score
YAL002W Paxin1_129011
4e-43YAL003W Paxin1_167503
1e-55YAL005C Paxin1_162475
0.0YAL005C Paxin1_167442
0.0YAL005C Paxin1_73182
I have removed all new lines, as far I know, using the rstrip() method.
At least three problems:
1) queryID.rstrip and target.rstrip are lacking closing ()
2) Something like trueEValue.rstrip() doesn't mutate the string, you would need
trueEValue = trueEValue.rstrip()
if you want to keep the change.
3) This might be a problem, but without seeing your data I can't be 100% sure. The r in rstrip stands for "right". If trueEvalue is 4e-43\n then it is true the trueEValue.rstrip() would be free of newlines. But the problem is that your values seem to be something like \n43-43. If you simply use .strip() then newlines will be removed from either side.

Python code to read first 14 characters, uniquefy based on them, and parse duplicates

I have a list of more than 10k os string that look like different versions of this (HN5ML6A02FL4UI_3 [14 numbers or letters_1-6]), where some are duplicates except for the _1 to _6.
I am trying to find a way to list these and remove the duplicate 14 character (that comes before the _1-_6).
Example of part of the list:
I have tried versions of scripts using Reg Expressions: var n = /\d+/.exec(info)[0]; into the following that were posted into my previous question. and
I also used a modified version of the code from : How can I strip the first 14 characters in an list element using python?
More recently I used this script and I am still not getting the correct output.
import os, re
def trunclist('rhodopsins_play', 'hope4'):
with open('rhodopsins_play','r') as f:
for line in f:
if line.strip().split('_')[0] not in trunclist:
print newlist, trunclist
# write newlist to file, with carriage returns
with open('hope4','w') as out:
for line in newlist:
My inputfile.txt contains more than 10k of data which looks like the list above, where the important part are the characters are in front of the '_' (underscore), then outputting a file of the uniquified ABCD12356_1.
Can someone help?
Thank you for your help
Import python and run this script that is similar to the above. It is slitting at the '_' This worked on the file
def trunclist(inputfile, outputfile):
with open(inputfile,'r') as f:
for line in f:
if line.strip().split('_')[0] not in trunclist:
print newlist, trunclist
# write newlist to file, with carriage returns
with open(outputfile,'w') as out:
for line in newlist:
