How to implement location buffer that in Arcgis runtime Scene - xamarin.ios

Hi i am trying to implement location buffer for a scene, I know how to implement one for map but i don't know how to implement for one in Scene.
I tried to implement a graphics overlay symbol at the location which would appear and disappear and reappear so that it looks like its moving while in latitude and longitude changes but it's not working.


Prevent modulating color of specific child sprites in godot

Updated: I had a hacky way to fix this in the answers below, but #Theraots answer is the proper way to go about it.
I am creating a game with fish.
In order to modularize my project, I decided to make a base Fish scene and use an instance of it for my FishPlayer and School scenes. This way I can simply use a base Fish in other areas in my game.
In my FishPlayer scene, I would like to add color to my fish which I do by using the modulate property in CanvasItem. However, the only problem with this is that it changes the color of the CPUParticles2D of my base Fish scene. The same thing happens as well in the FishSchool scene.
So, the end goal here is to keep the original particles color of the base Fish scene while in a new scene allowing color modulation of the rest of the base fish.
I've been messing with the shaders of the CPUParticles in hopes that it would prevent the parent instance from changing it but does not work in my case. Any ideas of what I'm missing here?
Here's a fix that I read about, but didn't work in my case: link
From the context menu of the scene tree on the scene where you instance the fish… Select Editable children. Then you will have access to the child nodes of the fish (while it is still an instance of that scene), so you can use modulate only on the nodes you want, instead of having to use modulate on the root of that scene.
The fix I ended up implementing isn't pretty, but the easiest is to grab the individual sprite nodes and modulate them

Phaser - How to access a certain element on the layer

Hello i recently started to study Phaser and i have came to a problem witch i need help with solving.
I created a 3 layer map with Tiled. SkyLayer, GroundLayer, BrickLayer. I added physics that allow the player to move around the GroundLayer. I also added physics that allow him to jump on the BrickLayer. I am struggling to make a motion that allows the player to jump from the bottom hit the brick with his head, when he hits his head the motion of the brick to move up a pixel and then back down a pixel just as in Mario. I have trouble finding out how to identify which brick section i have hit from the BrickLayer so i can later on apply the animation to the brick element.
Simple Layers itself contains only tiles, which has no any animation.
If you need something to have animation, you need to use object layer and convert its objects to sprites with TileMap.createFromObjects.

Moving elements on a layout controlled programmatically

My goal is to create something like the arrow from car that indicates the speed of the car. My problem is that I do not know what is the best practice for moving the green arrow. I have an image arrow.png and I guess I need to manipulate with the place that the picture is shown and with the rotation of the image.
Can someone point to me some guidelines ?
My basic idea is to have a relative layout for the background and to have one image view that will change the position, but the part changing position is little unclear to me. And I do not think that is good idea to play with layout params and margins...
I would probably extend ImageView then override your onDraw method and use canvas.rotate() to rotate the arrow depending on your app state.

Move texture data from one texture part into another part

Is it possible to move part of the texture into another texture part without performance hits?
I looked into opengl SDK, but haven't found anything that could do something like this.
glCopyPixels lets you to copy from one framebuffer area into another (I never used it).
glBlitFramebuffer lets you to copy pixels between framebuffers
glCopyTexImage lets you to copy pixels from framebuffer into a texture
Using these function you can accomplish the task by, for example, the following actions:
create FBO, attach texture-1 into the first color channel
bind fbo, set viewport to contain the source area
call glCopyTexSubImage into the texture-2 to get the contents

Are there other options of enabling an irregular shaped clickable area on a web page other than image maps?

(This is a post that I'm moving from ui stackexchange.)
We have some irregular shaped areas...imagine a map of the states of the US. Imagine also that inside each state there is a rectangular region that contains graphics and text. We want to make each of the states react to mouseover/mouseout/click.
If it is a straight up HTML/Javascript page (no Flash), are there other ways to implement this than image maps?
If this is not possible, I would also consider just having the rectangular region within each state react to mouse events.
Does "straight up HTML" mean you can use Javascript? If so, consider the Raphael javascript library, which wraps SVG. Check out their homepage for a great overview of what you can do, including this example of counties (?) of Australia:
You could also consider processing.js, which is a similar visualisation library but wraps canvas as opposed to SVG.
how about coordinates? grab your map of the us, figure out the polygons that contain a state, and every time the user clicks somewhere, get the position of the click and figure out what polygon that position is in.
the only tricky part is doing the translation from logical to physical. i.e. when you get the location of a click it'll probably give you the location in global browser positioning, and you'll need to figure out where your image is using jquery's .position().
