Alternative for Deprecated NSKeyedUnarchiver.UnarchiveTopLevelObject in Xamarin IOS - xamarin.ios

I'm creating a .Net MAUI app, and since I need to render higher number of points to the UI, I'm going platform native to render.
I'm new to IOS, and for performance efficient renderings I have referred the sample given in this blog, where I'm decoding the existing layer and copying to a new CAShapeLayer. But I'm facing deprecated warning for these below changes.
var newDrawingLayer = NSKeyedUnarchiver.UnarchiveTopLevelObject(
data: NSKeyedArchiver.GetArchivedData(drawingLayer, false, out error), error: out error) as CAShapeLayer;
What would be the alternative to achieve this in Xamarin IOS?.

Finally I have solved myself. Instead using deprecated UnarchiveTopLevelObject we can use GetUnArchiveObject and additional parameter need to be given which represents type of object to get. Here I'm getting from CAShapeLyer, you can give as object.Class(here it is drawingLayer.Class). The following code solves my problem.
var newDrawingLayer = NSKeyedUnarchiver.GetUnArchiveObject(drawingLayer.Class,
data: NSKeyedArchiver.GetArchivedData(drawingLayer, false, out error), error: out error) as CAShapeLayer;


Can't load Features.Diagnostics

I'm creating a web client for joining Teams meetings with the ACS Calling SDK.
I'm having trouble loading the diagnostics API. Microsoft provides this page:
You are supposed to get the diagnostics this way:
const callDiagnostics = call.api(Features.Diagnostics);
This does not work.
I am loading the Features like this:
import { Features } from '#azure/communication-calling'
A statement console.log(Features) shows only these four features:
DominantSpeakers: (...)
Recording: (...)
Transcription: (...)
Transfer: (...)
Where are the Diagnostics??
User Facing Diagnostics
For anyone, like me, looking now...
ATOW, using the latest version of #azure/communication-calling SDK, the documented solution, still doesn't work:
const callDiagnostics = call.api(Features.Diagnostics);
call.api is undefined.
However, once the call is instantiated, this allows you to subscribe to changes:
const call = callAgent.join(/** your settings **/);
const userFacingDiagnostics = call.feature(Features.UserFacingDiagnostics);"diagnosticChanged", (diagnosticInfo) => {
});"diagnosticChanged", (diagnosticInfo) => {
This isn't documented in the latest version, but is under this alpha version.
Whether this will continue to work is anyone's guess ¯\(ツ)/¯
Accessing Pre-Call APIs
Confusingly, this doesn't currently work using the specified version, despite the docs saying it will...
Features.PreCallDiagnostics is undefined.
This is actually what I was looking for, but I can get what I want by setting up a test call asking for the latest values, like this:
const call = callAgent.join(/** your settings **/);
const userFacingDiagnostics = call.feature(Features.UserFacingDiagnostics);
Hope this helps :)
Currently the User Facing Diagnostics API is only available in the Public Preview and npm beta packages right now. I confirmed this with a quick test comparing the 1.1.0 and beta packages.
Check the following link:
Features are imported from the #azure/communication-calling,
for example:
const {
} = require('#azure/communication-calling');

Google Translate V2

I've used Google Translate for years with excellent results. Now, Google has deprecated my version and now employs Google.Cloud.Translation.V2.
The Nuget Install-Package Google.Cloud.Translation.V2 -Version 2.0.0 installs, but causes the dreaded yellow screen saying is can't find one thing after another, and also System.Net.Http version conflicts. Manually edit Web and Machine configs, and on and on.
Also, Google samples reference things with undefined namespaces. i have the Google credentials json file.
I really don't want to change Environment vars in a production environment.
Bottom line? I'm in agreement with hundreds of folks saying that this is a nightmare.
With Nuget, it's usually easy to install, reference and run. Not so here. Google's primers on this are unnecessarily verbose and impossible, at least for me, to follow. This should be Nuget, reference, code.
I think I'm up to about 100 folks with the same problem. Aaaargh!
OK, figured this out and while the instructions are all over the board, the process is not.
This is for C#.
You need an account at Google that enables Google.Cloud.Translation.V2.
Once enabled, you'll need a json credentials file. Download it and save it.
The instructions show how to use the Package Manager Console to allow these to work.
In your translate class, add these:
using Google.Cloud.Translation.V2; //PM> Install-Package Google.Cloud.Translation.V2 -Version 2.0.0
using Google.Apis.Auth.OAuth2; //PM> Install-Package Google.Apis.Oauth2.v2 -Version
Then this (the encoding can be whatever you need):
var translated = TranslateText("en", "ar", "Happy Translating");
public string TranslateText(string srclang, string destlang, string trns)
var utf8 = new UTF8Encoding(false);
var client = TranslationClient.Create(GoogleCredential.FromFile(path to json credentials file));
var result = client.TranslateText(
text: trns,
targetLanguage: destlang, // ar
sourceLanguage: srclang, // en
model: TranslationModel.Base);
// or model: TranslationModel.NeuralMachineTranslation);
return utf8.GetString(utf8.GetBytes(result.TranslatedText));
Result: سعيد الترجمة

Updating a Contentful entry

I've hit a brick wall whilst attempting to update a Contentful entry using a typical http request in Javascript; I receive the error code "VersionMismatch" which, according to the documentation, means:
This error occurs when you're trying to update an existing asset,
entry or content type, and you didn't specify the current version of
the object or specify an outdated version.
However, I have specified the current version of the entry using the 'X-Contentful-Version' header parameter as per the documentation, and have used the dynamic property value from 'entry.sys.revision' as the parameter value (as well as hardcoding the current version, plus a bunch of different numbers, but I always receive the same error). This post reported the exact same issue, but was seemingly resolved by adding this header parameter.
Here's my current code, that is also using the Contentful API to retrieve entries from my Contentful space, but I'm having to use plain Javascript to put the data back due to specific requirements:
var client = contentful.createClient(
space: space_id,
accessToken: client_token
client.getEntry(entry_id).then((entry) => entry).then(function(entry) {
// update values of entry
entry.fields.title = "Testing";
// post data to contentful API
var request = new XMLHttpRequest();'PUT', '' + space_id + '/entries/' + entry_id);
request.setRequestHeader('Authorization', 'Bearer my_access_token');
request.setRequestHeader('Content-Type', 'application/');
// setting the 'X-Contentful-Version' header with current/soon to be old version
request.setRequestHeader('X-Contentful-Version', entry.sys.revision);
// convert entry object to JSON before sending
var body = JSON.stringify({fields: entry.fields});
Contentful developer here.
It looks like you get your content with the Contentful Delivery SDK and then try yo use that data to update content. That will not work. Instead I recommend using the Contentful Management SDK which will take care of all the versioning header for you.
I know its too late to answer here, but I am also facing same issue while doing this process.
So I asked this question and got the answer how we can achieve this without using Contentful-management sdk. My intention is not to suppress this sdk but we should be go to perform operation without it. I am trying to do it via postman but facing issue.
So I just post it and got the answer but understand the problem why I am not able to update the content because of two things
URL ( is the correct url if we are trying to update the content)
access_token (if we are using which means we have to generate our personal token (management token) in the contentful, we cannot use preview/delivery tokens)
These are the highlighted point which we need to consider while doing update. I posted the link below may be it help someone in future.
Updating entry of Contentful using postman

Stop chrome extensions from injecting code into multipart response

Some extensions seem to want to modify the response of a request:
It changes the response from regular JSON:
{"fields":"A, B, C","success":true}
to this:
{"fields":"A, B, C","success":true}<script type="text/javascript">(function () {
return window.SIG_EXT = {};
This specific one is by the HubSpot Sidekick extension -
Is there any way to prevent this, aside from uninstalling the extension?
I'm one of the engineers working on the Sidekick extension. I wanted to give you a heads up that I've looked into this problem and diagnosed it as a small error in our JS code that was causing certain sites which fetched JSON to end up with adulterated payloads. This error has been fixed in the latest version of Sidekick (v2.4.49) released this afternoon and should not appear again. My apologies for any inconvenience the problem may have caused in the meantime.

Appcelerator. Handle memory usage. Best practice

Titanium SDK version: 1.7.0
iPhone SDK version: 4.2
I am developing an iOS app and I monitor the memory usage for each window And it keeps decreasing for every screen.
What is consuming memory in general? I use views, tables and XHR data.
How can I release memory / decrease usage on each window?
Thankful for all input!
Considering you are dealing with JavaScript being translated to Objective-C and can't necessarily write a native solution without using modules you could start by setting window variables to null (myJsWindowVar = null;), or delete those variables using delete (delete myJsWindowVar;). Personally I think setting variables to null will better translate to the suggested Objective-C best practice which is to set a pointer reference to null and prevent orphaned objects from hanging around.
Make sure you close unused windows and clear our any references to native objects you no longer need in the app.
// create a window object
var aWindow = Ti.UI.createWindow();
var aLabel = Ti.UI.createLabel({ text : "Hey" });
// done with window
aWindow = null;
Check out this presentation from the Appcelerator Codestrong conference for more details.
