Jetbrains Rider read-only repository settings not working - jetbrains-ide

I can't seem to figure out how to setup the read-only sources for repository settings. I want to be able to share some C# live templates.
Question 1: Is is possible to share .DotSettings with read-only repository settings.
Question 2: What am I doing wrong if you can.
Steps I did:
Create a simple C# live template
Export template to .DotSettings file
Uploaded the file to a public repository
Disabled IDE Settings Sync plugin
Enabled Settings Repository plugin
Added a read-only source with
Can't use the live template after restart/update project.


Why Register GIT Repository disabled in Botium-Box community edition?

In my Botium-Box community login I am not able to add my Git repository test cases.Is that any configuration need to be enabled or It is not available in Botium-Box community ?
Test Case Versioning is a Botium Box Professional/Enterprise feature - see here for details.
EDIT: You can use a shared folder to hold your test cases, and you can then in turn add this shared folder to git.

How do I add solution build configurations into TFS source control?

I am setting up some solutions/projects for my small team here however the solution/project build configurations don't seem to go into TFS.
When we download the solution on another computer? They are empty.
Also, sometimes on the same computer, they just disappear alltogether?
Any ideas how to add this into source control? When I change them, there doesn't appear to be any pending files in the solution to check into source control.
The build configuration information is saved in the solution file. When you add/update the configuration from "Configuration Manager", the solution file will be updated accordingly and the changes will be displayed in "Pending Changes". Check in the pending changes will sync the configuration update to Source Control. Following is a screenshot for configuration change:

TFS copy build output to source control

I have been working with a TFS project that supports copying build output to source control. If I open the build definition, this is under "Build Defaults". There is an option to copy build output to a source control folder.
I have just installed TFS Server 2013 (with update 2) and I want to use this feature with a new Team Project. However, if I create new build in VS 2012 or VS 2013 on the new server, I am not given the option to copy build output to source control. What gives?
I am not looking for a workaround, I want to know what to change so that my server acts like the first one I described. Thanks!
Screenshots of what I'm talking about:
This was a feature that was temporarily present in TFS, but I believe has since been removed. If I recall it was put in there specifically to support the cloud-hosted elastic build servers which didn't have access to network shares to drop the builds in.
Most people recommend against putting your build outputs into TFS. The best approach is to publish them to a NuGet feed.
In any case if you want to put your build outputs into TFS (or a NuGet feed) you'll have to modify the build workflow to do that yourself.
Open a new build definition > process.
Under template select new and you should be able to choose project and folder. Find your original template and link it. Your option should appear.
In TFS 2013 this has changed to be "store drops in TFS". When you select this option the drop I'd stored in a new inversioned store that you can access.
While you can easily get the files out as indecision or zips the built in tools like release management do not support it yet. I would recommend that you use this option but publish your assets to a nugget repository.
If your TFS is available online (VSO or https) then you can use MyGet to dynamically load the nugget packages that you are publish and make them available on a feed.

TFS: Automated publish a folder to Azure website

I am trying to create automated build to publish a folder with files onto Azure web-site. And I cannot accomplish this.
I am NOT publishing a solution (.sln), but rather a folder with files. I am using VS2013 and Visual Studio Online.
I have experience with TFS web publishing, so I published solutions many times.
So, what I did so far:
Created an MSBuild build.xml file that just copies files from the folder to the output.
Created a build definition based on AzureContinuousDeployment.11.xaml
Specified build.xml in my build definition, Process tab, in "Solution to build" parameter:
If I build my project, it is correctly built, files are copied to the output, etc (I can verify it by opening drop location, all files are there).
Then, I:
Created a web-site in Azure, linked it to my TFS subscription.
Downloaded a publish profile (.PublishSettings from a web-site).
Created a Web publish profile (.pubxml) in Visual Studio based on .PublishSettings file).
Specified Web Deploy Publish Profile and Deployment Settings Name:
But now I am getting an error during build:
Exception Message: Please specify a Visual Studio Solution (.sln) to build. (type BuildFromSolutionException)
So it asks me for a Visual Studio solution, but earlier it worked perfectly with MSBuild file (after step 3).
I tried to rename my .xml to .sln (probably it is not what I should have done), and build now says "There was no Windows Azure project (.ccproj) detected in the solution. Continuous delivery to an Azure Cloud Service requires an Azure project. (type CCProjNotFoundException)"
If I don't specify "Deployment Settings Name", build completes without errors, but again no publishing to Azure.
So, the question is, how to publish a custom MSBuild build, without a solution, onto Azure? Is TFS continuous Azure publishing for Solutions only? I expect it to be agile, like I published folders from Local Git to Web-site without any hassle.
What should I do?
There are a few confused ideas in your question. Fits, there is no relationship between and automated build and Git. You are using Team Foundation Build to run the workflow of deployment. It is the workflow that is not working for you. In effect the build and deployment script. In fact the script you are using works with both Git and TFVC so that is not the issue.
That specific script is designed specifically for building an azure project that is then continuously delivers to Azure and you likley can't use it as you are. You can however create another script and use that. I would suggest you try instead to use the Default build script and use a powershell script within the build to collect the files and then push them to Azure.
If you want to go a little more advanced you could create a copy of the default and make one that does not require MSBuild at all.

Maven - copying properties file from SVN to Linux based App Server machines

We are using Maven and Jenkins for our automated Build and Deployment needs. Our Build Engineer has left and it is now up to me (Java Architect) to implement a few remaining stuff. I tried a lot of things to resolve this issue we are having. The problem statement is -
We have made a separate project in Eclipse to store properties files. The Developers check-in the properties file into SVN once they make any changes to it. Now we want that Maven, when triggered to do a deploy, to do the following -
1. Take the latest properties files from the SVN from the project used to store properties files.
2. Copy the same onto the Linux based JBoss App Server's /conf/ folder
3. Carry on with its deployment task.
We would like to have solution to point 1 and 2 above.
I dont know the exact answer. But it is quite doable. Quick google search did not show up any svn related plugin to retrieve properties. But you can always write your own maven plugin to do that task. For an example, if you want to retrieve properties file from a svn location to a local file system, just write a simple maven plugin[1] using the svn-kit [2].
we can use maven-wagon plugin[3] to transfer any artifact to a destination. Given that it supports SCP i would go with that. (just like a doing a scp to a remote Linux machine)
