How to get latest file from sftp server to local using mget in linux? - linux

Hi I am following below logic to get the latest file from sftp server. But it is copying all the files. Please help what I need to correct in my logic?
cd ${datadir}
rm -f ${datadir}/my_data*.csv
rm -f ${logfile}
open sftp://${sftphost}
user ${sftpuser} ${sftppassword}
cd ${sftpfolder}
lcd $datadir
mget my_data*csv | sed 's/-\([1-9]\)\./-0\1\./g' | sort -r | sed 's/-0\([1-9]\)\./-\1\./g' | head -1

In this code, mget my_data*csv will execute first, and its output will be provided to sed as a parameter:
mget my_data*csv | sed 's/-\([1-9]\)\./-0\1\./g' | sort -r | sed 's/-0\([1-9]\)\./-\1\./g' | head -1
You just need to get the filename you want first and then do the mget filename.


How to copy latest file from sftp to local directory using shell script?

I have multiple file in SFTP server from which I need to copy only latest file. I have written sample code but in that I am passing filename. What logic I need to add that it identify the latest file from sftp and copy it into my local?
In SFTP server -
The code which I am running-
cd ${datadir}
rm -f ${datadir}/my_data*.csv
rm -f ${logfile}
open sftp://${sftphost}
user ${sftpuser} ${sftppassword}
cd ${sftpfolder}
lcd $datadir
mget my_data_20220504.csv
what changes I need to do it automatically pick the latest file from server without hardcoding the filename?
You can try this script mainly copied from your sample, so it is expected that the variables have already been created.
#!/usr/bin/env bash
rm -f "$datadir"/my_data*.csv
rm -f "$logfile"
new=$(echo "ls -halt $sftpfolder" | lftp -u "${sftpuser}","${sftppassword}" sftp://"${sftphost}" | sed -n '/my_data/s/.* \(.*\)/\1/p' | head -1)
lftp -u "${sftpuser}","${sftppassword}" sftp://"${sftphost}" << --EOF--
cd "$sftpfolder"
lcd "$datadir"
get "$new"
You could try:
latest=$(lftp "sftp://$sftpuser:$sftppassword#$sftphost" \
-e "cd $sftpfolder; glob rels -1t *.csv; bye" |
head -1)
lftp "sftp://$sftpuser:$sftppassword#myhost" \
-e "cd $sftpfolder; mget $latest; bye"

lftp delete multiples files with Bash

I try to create a script who delete all the olds files except the three more recent files on my backup directory with lftp.
I have try to do this with ls -1tr who return all the files in ascending date order, and after I do a head -$NB_BACKUP_TO_RM ($NB_BACKUP_TO_RM is the numbers of files that I want to delete in my lists), this two commands return the correct files.
After this I want to remove all of them, so I do a xargs rm --, but Bash returns that the files don't exist... I think this command is not running into the remote directory, but in the local directory, and I don't know what I can do for delete this files (of my return lists).
Here is the full code:
NB_BACKUP=$(lftp -e "ls -1tr $REMOTE_DIR/full_backup_ftp* | wc -l ; quit" -u $USER,$PASSWORD $HOST)
REMOVE=$(lftp -e "ls -1tr $REMOTE_DIR/full_backup_ftp* | head -$NB_BACKUP_TO_RM | xargs rm -- ; quit" -u $USER,$PASSWORD $HOST)
echo $REMOVE
Have you an idea of the problem? How can I delete the files of my lists (after ls -1tr $REMOTE_DIR/full_backup_ftp* and head -$NB_BACKUP_TO_RM)
Thanks for your help
Starting SFTP connection can be time consuming. Slightly modified solution to avoid multiple lftp sessions below. It will perform much better the the alternative solution, especially if large number of files have to be purged.
Basically, leveraging lftp flexibility to mix lftp command with external commands. It creates a command file with a series of 'rm' (leveraging head ,xargs, ...), and executing those commands INSIDE the same lftp session.
Also note that lftp 'ls' does not allow wildcard, use 'cls' instead
Make sure you test this carefully, because of potential removal of important files
lftp -e $USER,$PASSWORD $HOST <<__CMD__
cls -1tr $REMOTE_DIR/full_backup_ftp* | head -$NB_BACKUP_TO_RM | xarg -I{} echo rm {} > rm_list.txt
source rm_list.txt
Or with one liner, using 'lftp' ability to execute dynamically generated command (source -e). It eliminate the temporary file.
lftp -e $USER,$PASSWORD $HOST <<__CMD__
source -e 'cls -1tr $REMOTE_DIR/full_backup_ftp* | head -$NB_BACKUP_TO_RM | xarg -I{} echo rm {}'
Looks xargs is unknown cmd for lftp after man lftp. And xargs rm is deleting local files not remote files.
so please use xargs as below, it works for me.
lftp -e "ls -1tr $REMOTE_DIR/full_backup_ftp*; quit" -u $USER,$PASSWORD $HOST | head -$NB_BACKUP_TO_RM | xargs -I {} lftp -e 'rm '{}'; quit' -u $USER,$PASSWORD $HOST

How to reply linux prompt (based on keywords in prompt)

rm -i test_file*
rm: remove regular empty file 'test_file'?
rm: remove regular file 'test_file1'?
I want to reply "yes" in key word empty present in prompt and reply other in not.
I tried (it's not working)
yes | grep "empty" | rm -i test_file*
When you are typing:
yes | grep "empty" | rm -i test_file*
You are passing yes result to grep which has no idea it should pass yes result to rm
YOu can do it this way (on bash) on a single file:
file test_file |grep empty && yes | rm -i test_file
On multiple files (still bash):
for file in *.dat; do file $file | grep empty && yes | rm -v $file ; done

how to echo the filename?

I'm searching in a .docx content with this command:
unzip -p *.docx word/document.xml | sed -e 's/<[^>]\{1,\}>//g; s/[^[:print:]]\{1,\}//g' | grep $1
But I need the name of file which contains the word what I searched. How can I do it?
You can walk through the files via for cycle:
for file in *.docx; do
unzip -p "$file" word/document.xml | sed -e 's/<[^>]\{1,\}>//g; s/[^[:print:]]\{1,\}//g' | grep PATTERN && echo $file
The && echo $file part prints the filename when grep finds the pattern.
Try with:
find . -name "*your_file_name*" | xargs grep your_word | cut -d':' -f1
If you're using GNU grep (likely, as you're on Linux), you might want to use this option:
Display input actually coming from standard input as input coming from file LABEL. This is especially useful when implementing tools like zgrep, e.g., gzip -cd foo.gz | grep --label=foo -H something. See
also the -H option.
So you'd have something like
for f in *.docx
do unzip -p "$f" word/document.xml \
| sed -e "$sed_command" \
| grep -H --label="$f" "$1"

linux shell stream redirection to run a list of commands directly

I have this svn project... to get a list of unadded files (in my case, hundreds):
svn status |grep "^?"
? somefile.txt
? somefile1.txt
? somefile2.txt
I was recently introduced to sed... so now I have a list of commands I want to run
svn status | grep "^?"|sed "s/^?/svn add/"
svn add somefile.txt
svn add somefile1.txt
svn add somefile2.txt
I realize I could just pipe it to a file
svn status | grep "^?"|sed "s/^?/svn add/" > && sh && rm
But I'd like to avoid writing to a temporary file. Is there a way I pipe it to some command like this:
svn status | grep "^?"|sed "s/^?/svn add/" |some_command_that_runs_each_line
What about bash/sh?
svn status | grep "^?"|sed "s/^?/svn add/" | bash
What you are looking for is the xargs command:
svn status | grep "^?" | sed "s/^..//" | xargs svn add
You can also use substitution:
svn add `svn status | grep "^?"` | cut -c 3-`
How about:
for i in `svn status | grep "^?"|sed "s/^?/svn add/"`
