How to reply linux prompt (based on keywords in prompt) - linux

rm -i test_file*
rm: remove regular empty file 'test_file'?
rm: remove regular file 'test_file1'?
I want to reply "yes" in key word empty present in prompt and reply other in not.
I tried (it's not working)
yes | grep "empty" | rm -i test_file*

When you are typing:
yes | grep "empty" | rm -i test_file*
You are passing yes result to grep which has no idea it should pass yes result to rm
YOu can do it this way (on bash) on a single file:
file test_file |grep empty && yes | rm -i test_file
On multiple files (still bash):
for file in *.dat; do file $file | grep empty && yes | rm -v $file ; done


How to get latest file from sftp server to local using mget in linux?

Hi I am following below logic to get the latest file from sftp server. But it is copying all the files. Please help what I need to correct in my logic?
cd ${datadir}
rm -f ${datadir}/my_data*.csv
rm -f ${logfile}
open sftp://${sftphost}
user ${sftpuser} ${sftppassword}
cd ${sftpfolder}
lcd $datadir
mget my_data*csv | sed 's/-\([1-9]\)\./-0\1\./g' | sort -r | sed 's/-0\([1-9]\)\./-\1\./g' | head -1
In this code, mget my_data*csv will execute first, and its output will be provided to sed as a parameter:
mget my_data*csv | sed 's/-\([1-9]\)\./-0\1\./g' | sort -r | sed 's/-0\([1-9]\)\./-\1\./g' | head -1
You just need to get the filename you want first and then do the mget filename.

lftp delete multiples files with Bash

I try to create a script who delete all the olds files except the three more recent files on my backup directory with lftp.
I have try to do this with ls -1tr who return all the files in ascending date order, and after I do a head -$NB_BACKUP_TO_RM ($NB_BACKUP_TO_RM is the numbers of files that I want to delete in my lists), this two commands return the correct files.
After this I want to remove all of them, so I do a xargs rm --, but Bash returns that the files don't exist... I think this command is not running into the remote directory, but in the local directory, and I don't know what I can do for delete this files (of my return lists).
Here is the full code:
NB_BACKUP=$(lftp -e "ls -1tr $REMOTE_DIR/full_backup_ftp* | wc -l ; quit" -u $USER,$PASSWORD $HOST)
REMOVE=$(lftp -e "ls -1tr $REMOTE_DIR/full_backup_ftp* | head -$NB_BACKUP_TO_RM | xargs rm -- ; quit" -u $USER,$PASSWORD $HOST)
echo $REMOVE
Have you an idea of the problem? How can I delete the files of my lists (after ls -1tr $REMOTE_DIR/full_backup_ftp* and head -$NB_BACKUP_TO_RM)
Thanks for your help
Starting SFTP connection can be time consuming. Slightly modified solution to avoid multiple lftp sessions below. It will perform much better the the alternative solution, especially if large number of files have to be purged.
Basically, leveraging lftp flexibility to mix lftp command with external commands. It creates a command file with a series of 'rm' (leveraging head ,xargs, ...), and executing those commands INSIDE the same lftp session.
Also note that lftp 'ls' does not allow wildcard, use 'cls' instead
Make sure you test this carefully, because of potential removal of important files
lftp -e $USER,$PASSWORD $HOST <<__CMD__
cls -1tr $REMOTE_DIR/full_backup_ftp* | head -$NB_BACKUP_TO_RM | xarg -I{} echo rm {} > rm_list.txt
source rm_list.txt
Or with one liner, using 'lftp' ability to execute dynamically generated command (source -e). It eliminate the temporary file.
lftp -e $USER,$PASSWORD $HOST <<__CMD__
source -e 'cls -1tr $REMOTE_DIR/full_backup_ftp* | head -$NB_BACKUP_TO_RM | xarg -I{} echo rm {}'
Looks xargs is unknown cmd for lftp after man lftp. And xargs rm is deleting local files not remote files.
so please use xargs as below, it works for me.
lftp -e "ls -1tr $REMOTE_DIR/full_backup_ftp*; quit" -u $USER,$PASSWORD $HOST | head -$NB_BACKUP_TO_RM | xargs -I {} lftp -e 'rm '{}'; quit' -u $USER,$PASSWORD $HOST

How to parse file for filenames and remove interactively

I want to read a file and and parse out filenames and remove them. In my case this means removing everything after the first tab for each line in the file to get the filenames and then calling rm -i on the files.
This is what I have so far but it just removes them all without prompting...if I add the -i to xargs rm it gives me a wall of text without letting me choose y/n
while IFS=' ' read -r line; do
#echo ${line%*}
sed -e 's/\t.*$//' | xargs rm
done < $1
The problem is that rm -i asks for yes/no on stdin. You redirect to the while loop and pipe to xargs, both of which will override stdin for rm -i.
You can rewrite to avoid xargs and also use a different FD for your loop:
while IFS=$'\t' read -u 3 -r file _
rm -i "$file"
done 3< yourfile.txt
You can avoid rm -i and use xargs -p for prompting use for each file to be deleted:
cut -f1 file | xargs -n1 -p rm

Perl Script to Grep Directory For String and Print

I would like to create a perl or bash script that will read keyboard input and assign a variable, perform a fixed string grep recursively within the current directory filled with Snort logs, and then automatically tcpdump the matched files, grep its output, and print the specified lines to the terminal. Does anyone have a good idea of how this should work?
Here is an example of the methodology I want from the script:
step 1: Read keyboard input and assign it to variable named string.
step 2 command: grep -Fr "$string"
step 2 output: snort.log.1470609906 matches
step 3 command: tcpdump -r snort.log.1470609906 | grep -F "$string" C-10
step 3 output:
Snort log
Here's some bash code that does that:
grep -Frl "$s" | \
while IFS= read -r x; do
tcpdump -r "$x" | grep -F "$s" -C10
idk about perl but you can do it easily enough just in shell:
find . -type f -name 'snort.log.*' -exec grep -FlZ "$str" {} + |
xargs -0 -I {} sh -c 'tcpdump -r "{}" | grep -F '"$str"' -C10'

grep and tee to identify errors during installation

In order to identify if my installation has errors that I should notice, I am using grep command on the file and write the file using tee because I need to elevate permissions.
sudo grep -inw ${LOGFOLDER}/$1.log -e "failed" | sudo tee -a ${LOGFOLDER}/$1.errors.log
sudo grep -inw ${LOGFOLDER}/$1.log -e "error" | sudo tee -a ${LOGFOLDER}/$1.errors.log
The thing is that the file is created even if the grep didn't find anything.
Is there any way I can create the file only if the grep found a match ?
You may replace tee with awk, it won't create file if there is nothing to write to it:
... | sudo awk "{print; print \$0 >> \"errors.log\";}"
But such feature of awk is rarely used. I'd rather remove empty error file if nothing is found:
test -s error.log || rm -f error.log
And, by the way, you may grep for multiple words simultaneously:
grep -E 'failed|error' ...
