InstallShield uninstall using InstallShield version 2020 R1 - installshield

We have created an installer using InstallShield version 2020 R1. We are using same product code/id but when a new version is installed, it does not uninstall old version. Do we need to do any additional steps?


InstallShield - Error 429 and missing sabuild.dll

We've recently upgraded from InstallShield 2015 to 2016 SP2. I opened my existing Projects in 2016, and InstallShield upgraded them with no errors. But when I try to build in the GUI I get the following:
Error 429: ActiveX component can't create object
When I try to build using the commandline...
IsCmdBld.exe -p "C:\Path to IS Project file\ProjectFile.ism" -v
...I get the following:
InstallShield (R) Release Builder Copyright (c) 2016 Flexera Software
All Rights Reserved.
-1131: Failed to load sabuild.dll.
We have several older versions of InstallShield on the particular machine. These Project files were working fine until I tried building them in 2016. I can open copies of the backed up Project files in 2015 and they still build without error. I have searched the entire computer for "sabuild.dll". None found.
This occurs when I try to build MSI or EXE.
We have InstallShield 2016 SP2 Professional and the update manager says we are on the latest. This is installed on Windows 10 Pro 32-bit (don't ask, I'm not operations and I inherited this setup).
Any thoughts?
Thanks in advance!
Install Microsoft Visual C++ 2013 Redistributable Package.
Also Installshield 2016 originally had an issue with detecting vc++ libraries, so you may need to update to SP2.
Refer IOJ-1742525 on

Cannot create or compile win32 projects in Visual Studio 2015

I have Visual Studio 2010, 2012, 2013, 2015, and 2017 installed on my windows pc.
All version have the C++ components installed.
When I try to build a win32 project in vs2015, I get the error:
TRACKER : error TRK0005: Failed to locate: "CL.exe". The system cannot find the file specified.
And If I try to create a new win32 project via the new project wizard, I can select the Win32 project types, but when I click OK, the wizard just reopens, with no error message.
This only occurs with vs2015. I have tried repairing the installation, and re-installing 2015, but no luck. Anything else I can try?
Try changing this: Build/Configuration Manager/Plataform/New/X86
The basic gist of this, is that you have to install your vs versions in chronological order.
If you fail to do this, for example, installing vs2015 first, certain tools or run-times will not be installed later, as installers for c++ runtimes are version number sensitive.
I had to uninstall all versions, and all c++ run times, then start again to solve the issue.

Azure.CloudService 2.7 incompatible with Visual Studio 2015

For some reason after I installed VS 2015 the project CloudService of azure SDK incompatible and can't be opened.
I tried to setup new project but then it throws this error:
Should I install something specific for Azure SDK 2.7? Why we have this issue?
Figured out! Eventually! If Azure SDK 2.7 (in my case) was installed before VS2015 (in my case), then you need to run the SDK installer again after you install VS and then select "Repair" option. Then it will install proper links to the project templates to new VS

Earlier Release of Visual Studio 2012 Extension

Is there anyway to downloangrade visual studio extensions. Visual Studio Extension keep the older version or not. if not where can i find the older version of extensions.
i'm trying to downgrade VS10X Extension to 3.68 or 3.67 version
Unless you have downloaded the visx file with the preovious version this is not possible via VS gallery. Contact the package owner - btw, release 3.69 is now available.

Packaging Visual Studio 2012 Redistributable into an InstalLShield setup

I have developed a software with visual studio 2012 using the c++ language. I use Installshield 2010 Premier to build my setup project. I am trying to package the visual studio 2012 redistributable into the setup package so that it installs automatically. Is there a way to do this? I cannot find the redistributable in question on the redistributable page while configuring the installer.
Can I add it manually?
Any help would be appreciated.
P.S. Currently, I'm just manually running the redistributable I downloaded from Microsoft page before I run the setup.
Update to read first:
You need to install IS2012 SP1 to get these prereqs. See:
InstallShield 2012 Spring Service Pack 1 is Now Available!
Otherwise the PRQ XML can be found at:
x86 PRQ XML On Saturn
x64 PRQ XML On Saturn
Additional background information:
InstallShield comes with a prerequisite editor that you can use to define your own PRQ files. For a tutorial see:
Using InstallShield 12 to Install .NET Framework 3.0
Note: The PRQ schema hasn't changed in a long time. You can frequently install a trial version of InstallShield on a VM, find a new/updated PRQ and then back port it to your 2010 environment. Add it, build and test and it usually works fine. Also sometimes InstallShield will have expansion packs and addon installers to add these without rereleasing the product.
Use the redistributable merge modules (*.msm files) to integrate them into your setup. If you have Visual Studio installed you can find them at Program Files (x86)\Common Files\Merge Modules .
