How to solve xamarin.ios MTouch error MT0000 - xamarin.ios

The error came suddenly when i was trying to compile, i didn't change anything but still it keeps coming again and again, i restarted everything and reverted back to 2 code versions and it still keeps coming, can anyone tell me what to do?


node.exe does not return output in case a package is given at the parameters

We are using node to build the LESS files in our .NET application.
To do so, we have prepared some stuff to support that easier for all the developers. In the end we have a node version in the source control.
Everything works fine for everyone except one developer that has joined our team in the last days.
Whenever he tries to run the stuff, the CSS files are just empty.
To find the reason we have tried to skip all the stuff around and call node with the less package directly from console. This is working as expected on my PC but there is no output at the affected developers PC.
Also when we are using a path to not existing package there is no output.
On my PC there is an error logged into the console, the affected developer does not get any output.
The only parameters that seems to work are "-h" and "-v"...
As we could not find any usefull hints in the internet, maybe anyone having an idea what can be reason?
Windows-configurations, ....
Finaly we could solve the problem:
Don't ask why but uninstalling Visual Studio 2019, installing VS 2017 and installing 2019 again solved the issue somehow... everthing works as expected.
Reinstalling VS 2019 alone did not solve the problem before.
Maybe a hint in case someone else comes to this question with the same issue:
The reason for going to VS 2017 where different issues with ReSharper as well. Mainly performance issues of VS when ReSharper was active, but some functional issues too. This issues where gone as well after that.
It seems there was something broken with the VS2019 installation that was not repaired by uninstalling and reinstalling VS2019 but by VS2017...

How can i debug:Xamarin SpringBoard(UIKitCore) Error?

Since a few days a good working Xamarin App does not RUN on iOS anymore. On opening the splashscreen opens and than following error occurs: SpringBoard(UIKitCore)Error creating the CFMessagePort needed to communicate with PPT (Do not really know if this is the crash error)
I have tried rebuild, reinstalling, rebooting, removing splash screen.Also tried on real device and several emulators.
I set breakpoint in Main.cs, AppDelegate.cs and App.xaml.cs but these are never reached.
I use Firebase pushmessages and Analytics. I think there is the issue, but I do not know how to debug or see log?

Getting 500 error when starting IIS Express localhost (500.19)

Ive got a project which i run on my main computer, everything works fine there. Then i also want to use that project on my laptop, so i get the code via git from azure devops, build the project and everything shows up as working. As soon as i want to run the project, either via npm start or via visual studio 2019, i get a 500 error displayed in the browser, like really quick.
And i get zero error codes or messages, the only push in the right direction is that the cmd that displays the status of IIS, displays 500.19, but thats it. I have no idea what this might be since it doesnt show any errors?
It is installed on a fresh computer, we tried installing this on another computer and it worked there, but not on my computer.
Ive tried numerous things, such as reinstalling IIS Express, editing / removing applicationHost.config, editing web.config, checking access rights for all the files and folders.
Possible solution?:
According to my project on my other pc and the internet there should be an applicationhost.config in .vs/config/****, which it doesnt for me? which may be a problem? i dont know to be honest, i have been stuck on this problems for a couple of days now..

Error: Could not find or load main class org.gradle.launcher.daemon.bootstrap.GradleDaemon

I have bought a few android codes from they used to work before today without any errors but today with every android project i open i get this message
Unable to start the daemon process.
This problem might be caused by incorrect configuration of the daemon.
For example, an unrecognized jvm option is used.
Please refer to the user guide chapter on the daemon at
Please read the following process output to find out more:
Error: Could not find or load main class
It started today when i opened my android studio (3.0.1
I have uninstalled and reinstalled to the latest version of android 3.1.2 and i still receive the error.
Ive done some research but i couldnt figure out what to do. this happens with everyone of the projects i open. I even opened android studio with admin privs.
Please help. Thanks
Ok so i think I figured it out. my antivirus was blocking it, i had turned off my protection and i got past the error.

vshost32.exe Error While Debugging

Everytime i try to debug in VS2013 i get "vshost32.exe has stopped working error."
I tried debugging it on x86 cpu only and changing the settings to disable visual studio hosting process or to allow unsafe code in project settings (solutions I've seen while searching online),yet I keep getting the same error and I can not debug,however the program compiles correctly,if I go to the debug folder and run the exe independently it works.The only change I get is;if I turn the visual studio hosting process to off,I dont get the vshost error but i get "myprogram.exe" has stopped working error.Does anybody have a solution for this,because i'm about to get nuts here :(
Oh and the same thing also happens in VS2012...
