Since a few days a good working Xamarin App does not RUN on iOS anymore. On opening the splashscreen opens and than following error occurs: SpringBoard(UIKitCore)Error creating the CFMessagePort needed to communicate with PPT (Do not really know if this is the crash error)
I have tried rebuild, reinstalling, rebooting, removing splash screen.Also tried on real device and several emulators.
I set breakpoint in Main.cs, AppDelegate.cs and App.xaml.cs but these are never reached.
I use Firebase pushmessages and Analytics. I think there is the issue, but I do not know how to debug or see log?
I am new to react-native, I worked with different work-arounds but got fail nothing gone to work, when I use react native camera in my application it perfectly works on Android device or simulator but when it comes to IOS application crashes, many posts said that is because of info.plist and I added the permissions there as well by going to: ios/myproject/info.plist via myproject.xcworkspace I added the below information, the permissions works correctly when I allow my application by pressing OK it suddenly crashes with no error and when I try to reopen it, it is not able to open on IOS, simulator as well as on device.
In some examples I got the text on the screen Camera is not Authorized, while some crashes it thoroughly.
note: when it take permissions from me and I allow the permissions the application crashes in IOS only, and in some cases it gives a string on the screen by saying "camera is not authorised".
I hope somebody help me
This is the info.plist
set my paths as in the pod file:
I'm currently trying to debug an iOS application (created with Xamarin.Forms) with VS for Mac (also tested through VS2019 Enterprise on Windows). Unfortunately, the debugging process is not started successfully. It stops without any exception or error report (except "Application 'com.XYZ.MyApp' terminated." which is not helpful at all). This happens with the simulator and the device debugging.
When debugging it shows the launch screen and from time to time the following page. Then the debugging crashes without any report. This may be caused by an asyncronous process. However, there is no information in the log files.
The same app can be successfully debugged with the andriod simulator. Moreover, a generally similiar application can be debugged under iOS.
Is there any possibility to get a more detailed error report that shows why the debugger is closing?
Edit: I just created a TestFlight version which works pretty stable and pretty well... So I have no clue anymore why the debugging is not working... Is it maybe because I had Xcode 11 beta installed for a short time to test iOS 13 on my device with my apps? I uninstalled Xcode 11 after the iOS update but is there a chance that this causes problems with the Xcode 10 installation?
Everytime i try to debug in VS2013 i get "vshost32.exe has stopped working error."
I tried debugging it on x86 cpu only and changing the settings to disable visual studio hosting process or to allow unsafe code in project settings (solutions I've seen while searching online),yet I keep getting the same error and I can not debug,however the program compiles correctly,if I go to the debug folder and run the exe independently it works.The only change I get is;if I turn the visual studio hosting process to off,I dont get the vshost error but i get "myprogram.exe" has stopped working error.Does anybody have a solution for this,because i'm about to get nuts here :(
Oh and the same thing also happens in VS2012...
I am developing an iPad application with Xamarin.iOS and MVVMcross. So I have a PCL with my View-Model and my Model, and an iOS project with the view. I use Visual Studio.
Before, I used Xamarin.iOS 6.3.6 beta version, and when I tried to launch the app on the device, an .app file was created and getting it with my Ipad, I could launch the application (impossible to launch directly from Visual Studio).
Yesterday, I uploaded Xamarin.iOS to 6.4.1. On simulator, everything's okay. When I try to launch the application on device, now the app is directly installed but the build stop and the following error appear in the debug output :
Failed to load AOT module '<my PCL>' while running in aot-only mode: doesn't match assembly.
And if I click on my app icon on the device,a black screen appear and disappear immediately.
Does someone know why this error appear?
This looks like something was cached somewhere or not updated correctly.
Here are a few ideas to try:
Delete the app from the device.
Clean & Rebuild your app.
Build & install from Xamarin Studio on your Mac.
Copy the Debug configuration to a new configuration (DebugTest for instance), and run that configuration instead.
I regularly get the same issue here.
The workaround that I use is to switch the platform in the Visual Studio build Configuration Manager to "iPhoneSimulator", run a quick debug session on that, then switch the platform back to "iPhone", and the problem disappears for a while.
Unfortunately I have no intelligent reason as to why this works. It seems to be doing a better job of the "Clean and Rebuild".
After reading a similar bug, I found that clearing the mtbs folder on the OS X host which is located at $HOME/Library/Caches/Xamarin/mtbs/ fixes this problem for me.
I have to do it so frequently I just have a PuTTY session open on my Windows box to clear the folder. I do hope that Xamarin fixes this issue soon.
Make sure Linker Behaviour is set to Don't Link
Clean, rebuild, remove old version from app.
Worked for me at least.
This happened to me after I upgraded to XCode 5/iOS7. I noticed a warning that I hadn't installed XCode Command Line Tools. After I did that I rebuilt the application and it now runs.
I just had this problem and got it to work again by opening the Apple project properties and changing the provisioning profile identity from "Distribution" to "Developer".
My workaround on Mac is to
Close Solution in XS
Quit XS. Command-Q
Reopen it and reopen solution.
After that it usually works again.
I have a Lightswitch 2012 application. It's been working fine for weeks. I made some changes and F5 stopped working. When I click on Start (toolbar) it gives this error message and does nothing.
"The Debugger cannot continue running the process. Unable to start debugging"
Note: It does compile file, it just doesn't run.
If I rollback to an earlier version then it works fine - i.e. it is solution specific.
Here is a video of the current version of my solution with the problem:
and here is the previous version of the solution from earlier today (and no, I don't know what I changed). As you can see, at least it does something with F5 or Start:
Rebooting doesn't help... ;)
Maybe you should select start up project which can be started.
Solution Explorer -> On your startable project right mouse click -> Set as Start up Project.
I had this situation when i unloaded my main lightswitch project and other project which is dll has been selected automatically and when i reloaded my main project "The Debugger cannot continue running the process. Unable to start debugging" exception was shown, because debuger was trying to load DLL.
Sometimes you need to start up a project which is compiled as a dll, for instance when testing WCF services.
To do so:
Projects -> 'Set Startup Projects...' -> Select 'Multiple Startup Projects' and set action to 'Start' for each one.
It's a pity you didn't recorded the whole screen, so I can't confirm, but I had the same error a few times...
When this happens, my "output panel" isn't visible and even I try to go on Menu -> View -> Output the panel don't appear.
I need to restart my Visual Studio 2013.
Then my output panel is visible again and everything works fine.
I discovered the cause was an extension which I installed on my Visual Studio.
I encountered this problem after removing some projects from the solution. I wasn't able to pinpoint the exact cause, but closing the solution, deleting the solution file, then opening the project and re-adding supporting projects solved the issue for me. Kind of a sledge hammer, but only takes a minute to do if you don't have a lot of projects.
Also, there are some people that uses a "One Click" Certification in your settings that you'll want to make sure its set up right, re-install or unchecked in-which this case was my problem. I finally got it working myself, but check that too just in case. Again this would be for most Visual Studio Versions only. Im 2013 Ult.