Switching to Google Workspace. Have lots of alias emails that were created as regular users. How does one change them to be aliases? - gmail

Title says it all. I probably have 20 "users", but I have to switch them to being aliases since I'll be billed for each of these users.

First you need to delete the users to "release" the email addresses, otherwise if you try to create the aliases with the exact same email addresses the Admin console will show an error saying that the email addresses are already in use.
Once you delete the users you can start creating the aliases. Be aware that there may be some propagation time (up to 24h) for the Admin console to "understand" that the email addresses have been released.
To create the aliases you must go to the list of users, then click the user you want to add the alias to and go to the "User information" section. Once there click "Alternate email addresses (email alias)" and you will be able to add the alias there. Be aware that aliases can only be added to a specific user. In case you want to have more users linked to that alias I would recommend creating a group and adding all the users to that group instead.
In case you don't like the group option, you could also leave the alias linked to one user and just create a forwarding rule so that all the users you need receive a copy of the messages.
How to delete users
How to create user aliases
How to create groups
How to create a forwarding rule
How propagation affects Google Workspace


How to protect Helix Perforce/p4 to not allow create new users?

I have an installed P4-server for Windows 10 for personally usage.
Now I want to include my friend to my project and want to let my p4 server be visible to the public internet.
Now everyone is allowed to create new users, they just need the ip and port to access to create new users and get access to all files..
Is it possible to disable the "New..." in the p4 "Open Connection" dialog?
There are two methods, both of which can only be done by an admin (super user).
Set up your protection table to ensure that only explicitly named users have permission to run any command that would entail user creation. This is easily done by replacing any user * lines in p4 protect with group * and making sure that all existing users are in a group.
Set dm.user.noautocreate to 2 so that users can only be created by a superuser.
I prefer (1) because it potentially allows you to delegate user creation to (non-admin) group owners, but (2) is sometimes preferred by admins who have a wide-open protection table and don't want to have to think about managing it at all.

Add users (members) to Azure Active Directory that isn't of a verified domain name in the directory

When I try to add a user with a login that's a regular email address like john#gmail.com, I have the following message on the right:
'gmail.com' is not a verified domain name in this directory
I want them to be able to authenticate without a name like 'john#MyApp.onmicrosoft.com'. I read an answer that said this isn't possible, but I can see gmail and outlook email addresses that someone else added (they aren't around). They are members, not guests. How do you add users like that?
Add Guest User is the button you are looking for.
It allows you to add users with any email address.

Can you use email addresses instead of user names in a security group?

I haven't been able to get this to work and don't think it will but thought I'd ask just in case.
I have a security Group. Instead of putting user names in the Members field, I put email addresses.
I added the email addresses to the users' 'user name' field in their Domino Directory user document.
I added the security group to a database's ACL then assigned it a role.
I create a form which displays a user's role and the role does not show up.
If I put the user's name in the security group Members fields, the role does show up.
Has anyone done this before?
Decided to open a PMR on the issue and IBM confirmed that you CAN'T do this.

Custom domain is "not planned" for Single Sign-On in Azure Active Directory

We have Single Sign-on working for a test application in Azure, using Azure Active Directory and the on-premise server running DirSync to synchronise the user details.
I have added a Custom Domain and verified it, by adding TXT records to the DNS entries at my registrar's website. In order to do this, I followed advice (from stackoverflow questions) that I needed to untick the option that said "I plan to configure this domain for single sign-on with my local Active Directory", in order to gain access to the additional information that allows me to prove ownership of the domain.
As a result, the domain has been verified and Azure recognises this, allowing me to see the domain as being 'verified', but the Single Sign-On value for this custom domain is set to 'Not Planned'.
The problem is now, I want to be able to re-tick that check box, and enable this domain to be used with the single sign-on, as I don't want to have to tell my users to use their log-in email addresses as 'username#something.onmicrosoft.com' as they'll never get it and will pester me to change it.
So, my question is: Is there a way to re-tick this box, and change the status of this field away from that of 'Not Planned', and (hopefully) to allow my users to sign in using their username#domain.com instead?
I have tried to remove the domain and re-add it, but Azure stops me from deleting it, as it's probably already well utilised in the rest of the processes. Also, I have no ability (or at least that's how it seems!) to go back into this custom domain within Azure and modify it.
UPDATE: I have tried to Deactivate the Directory Integration directory sync - this allows me to adjust the sync'd user's email addresses, but they're reverted back to .onmicrosoft.com once the sync is Activated again.
UPDATE 2: I have tried to install PowerShell to remotely administer the custom domain to becoming active, but I just cannot connect, despite several hours of trying.
If you added (and verified) a domain without ticking the checkbox, your domain is considered "standard", or "managed". You can convert this domain to a "federated" domain with the Convert-MsolDomainToFederated cmdlet from the Azure Active Directory PowerShell module:
Convert-MsolDomainToFederated -DomainName "contoso.com"
Tip for next time: After you add the domain with the single sign-on tick, you can run the following to get the DNS records to verify the domain:
Get-MsolDomainVerificationDns -DomainName "contoso.com"

what is the need of creating multiple accounts with same email ID in Netsuite?

I am new to Netsuite.
While creating accounts on Netsuite, I found that i can create multiple accounts with same email ID (Netsuite does not check whether the email id is unique or not).
Is there any specific scenario where creating multiple accounts with same email ID will be useful in Netsuite ?
You can associate one email address to multiple Netsuite account. When you login it will redirect you to a window where you can select the account where you want to use the existing login session.
No, It doesnt add or make any advantages to administration at all. You SHOULD NOT associate two separate employees with the same Email ID. Besides, when you set the same email to be associated across different places, it will force logout the current user when the next user attempts to login.
Advantage for the user for sure as they have access to all the roles associated to employee, customer, and partner records associated to their email address. Definitely no advantage for NS administration. If you are looking to do scalable things for implementation, then you need to do mass updates within netsuite across entities...don't try to use a single email placeholder as a shortcut for users or access as this gets derailed by the logout mechanism I mentioned above. If you absolutely need multiple users to have access, you could do something like a limited partner or customer center role to an employee that can act as a parent for all assigned customers within their territory...but that basically is manipulating the system to work differently than intended and could be considered a violation of NS TOS...I would suggest to avoid this as it could mean they could shut off your account and access to your customization.
