In JetBrains Rider, how to hide directory output in Console? - jetbrains-ide

How to hide directory output in Console in JetBrains Rider?


How to execute .sh file on Linux MInt 19.3 "Tricia"

I've downloaded android studio from it's official page:
and I got a .tar.gz file.
After following [this tutorial][1] of "how to install android studio on Linux Mint" I wanted to execute the "" file directly like an executable, so I followed some tutorials but i didn't work as expected.
Right click on panel > Panel > Panel preferences > Items > Double click on added launcher > Add new empty item > Set up like the 2nd image.
So I just added a launcher on Panel and set the command like: "/opt/android-studio/bin/" and I got it! :D

Can I input Git command in Android Studio IDE?

I use Github in Android Studio 3.3.1. I know I can open Version Control using Alt+9.
And Git command and result will be displayed in Console of Version Control. Can I input Git command and run it directly in Android Studio IDE ?
Yes sure.
About android studio on Windows you can change default command line to "bash"
First install git bash
then Setting in android studio to run terminal from bash
File -> Settings search for "terminal"
In topic "terminal" select on "Application settings" title then change "Shell path" to the directory of installed "git bash"
default root shell is "C/Program file/git/bin/bash"
close your current terminal and open new one in android so you will see new terminal with can use git command.
From your Android studio ->
Go to -
Make your settings there.
Hope you will be able to find out the Terminal.
or, for windows 10 on the File->Setting->Terminal->Shell path change the cmd.exe to powershell.exe. You will get git and also more linux commands plus some cool colors etc.

where is the Android Studio executable

Where is the Android Studio executable file stored in the system?
I have it installed, but have unpinned it from the taskbar, which was the only shortcut I had. Since I can't find it in File Explorer, I can't load it.
I've tried the Start menu search function, and used File Explorer to search the entire install directory. The only thing left I can think of to do is reinstall it, but I don't really want to do that, as it was working fine.
P.S. I wasn't sure if this was more appropriate for SuperUser, since it's not directly coding related, or SO, since I doubt the number of people on SuperUser with the answer.
You can find the executable file in bin folder where the android studio is installed, default location is
C:\Program Files\Android\Android Studio\bin\studio.exe
There is also studio64.exe in the same directory for 64-bit machines
In Ubuntu/Gnome make sure you create an application file in
with the following content
[Desktop Entry]
Comment=Android Studio
This way you will be able to find Android Studio in the applications list, create desktop shortcuts for Android Studio or add it to the favourites bar.
I don't remember how did I installed Android Studio on my Ubuntu 16.04, but my android studio executable is located as /snap/bin/android-studio.

Error:13 - Permission Denied android studio

I have
this problem and I set chmod -x gradlew file
and change jcenter() to mavencentral()
and use cisco anyconnect vpn for im in asia and filtering
please help and offer me solotion
change sdk platform to java sdk 1.8 latest version
I too ran into the same problem today and i found the solution as:
1) Open the installation location of the android studio using the the files.Then right click on the file select-> Open in terminal
2)Then change the ownership by su command
zeus#debian:~/Downloads$ su
root#debian:/home/zeus/Downloads# chown zeus android-studio
3)Then open the file explorer window and right click the folder and select -> Properties
4)Under the permissions tab,click on "Change permissions for Enclosed files"
5)Change the file options to "Read and Write" for group and others.
6)Change the folder options to "Create and Delete files" for group and others.
7)Restart the application.
That solved my problem!
In my case, after viewing the log file, Android studio couldn't get the permission to run the jre that came embedded with it. Switching to the systems jdk solved it.
Here are the steps:
Go to File > Project Structure
Uncheck the option that says Use embedded JDK
Choose the location of your jdk installation in the system. In my case, it was located at /usr/lib/jvm
This is issue of jdk. Check your jdk location by typing which java in linux and just search jsk location in windows and insert that location in Android Studio File > Project Structure. embeded jdk (uncheck the checkbox above it first).

Making Android Studio accessible across multiple users in ubuntu

I have a small problem. I have installed Android Studio on Ubuntu successfully. It is working fine. It is installed in the Admin account. I would like to make the studio available in the user account that I have created. Please guide.
The problem got solved. I hope this answers helps people who are facing a similar problem.
Solution to the problem:
Open terminal. Using sudo -i, become a root user and move the unzipped android studio folder into /opt
mv <your current folder location>/android-studio /opt
Once the folder is moved, cd into /usr/share/applications folder
Open the text editor and create a file named android-studio.desktop. Enter the following code into the file and save it.
[Desktop Entry]
Name=Android Studio
Exec=bash -i "/opt/android-studio/bin/" %f
Now install the desktop file.
desktop-file-install android-studio.desktop
Now android studio is accessible from the search menu
Close the terminal.
Launch android studio from the search menu (top left icon on the launcher)
Once android studio is running, you can right click on the icon on the launcher and lock it to the launcher.
