Error: Can't resolve 'react-loader-spinner/dist/loader/css/react-spinner-loader.css' - react-spinners

I am trying to use react-loader-spinner package in my current project Here is the package, but it shows me an error.
When I imported (import "react-loader-spinner/dist/loader/css/react-spinner-loader.css";) in the main app.js the error showed in vs code.
I also followed the documentation nothing worked for me.
I attached the picture of the error
Here is the error

I also have the same problem as I installed the package as follows 'npm install react-loader-spinner --save'.I think there was some package version limitation. Try to install the package with the version below :
"npm install react-loader-spinner#4.0.0 --save" I presume this will resolve above error.


Can someone help me understand and solve this "Failed to install #parcel/transformer-image"? (JS)

I've been trying and failing repeatedly to install this parcel module and because of it I can't show images. I'm new to both using JS and using parcel and english is not my native language, so please ask for some patience here.
The error that appears is
Failed to install #parcel/transformer-image: npm failed to install modules: Unexpected token > in JSON at position 1
I've tried numerous solutions:
I've tried to uninstall and reinstall only the parcel/transformer-image module
I've already tried uninstalling and reinstalling the entire parcel
I've already tried uninstalling and reinstalling node-js and npm
I've already tried to install node through node manager nodist, but I ran into another error
At first, the build didn't work, but when I deactivated and activated the parcel again, it worked, but without loading the images.
At this the moment the error doesn't appear anymore, but the image still doesn't load (and I inspected the element and saw that the link where the image should be loaded is correct).
After installing nodist and even after uninstalling it I'm having problems installing the parcel, but I managed it anyway.
This is how I solved it. There were two issues I needed to resolve:
"npm install parcel" in any form/version did not work. After consulting Parcel's install guide they recommend installing parcel-bundler NOT parcel:
npm install parcel-bundler --save-dev
Once installed, I immediately ran into an error - Uncaught ReferenceError: regeneratorRuntime is not defined - when doing the first async/await function.
To solve this I had to add the code below for "browserslist" to package.json
"name": "my-app",
"browserslist": [
"last 1 Chrome versions"
package.json settings shown in the pic attached.
most recent that worked for me:
npm install --save-dev parcel
found on the parcel website

Issues Installing Phenotrex

So I'm trying to install a package called phenotrex but I can't install the dependencies correctly.
a sample command I have tried to run is :
phenotrex compute-genotype --out Pse_aerug Pseudomonas_aeruginosa.fna
but it gives the error:
ModuleNotFoundError: No module named 'deepnog.models.deepencoding'
Has anyone else had an issue installing deepnog modules? If so, how do you fix such an issue?

Unable to resolve "./prebuilt.rn-f9cd27ba.js" from "node_modules\#firebase\firestore\dist\rn\index.js"

I was writing my code and I want some module to be installed so I installed all the required module but after that, I am getting this (Unable to resolve "./prebuilt.rn-f9cd27ba.js" from "node_modules#firebase\firestore\dist\rn\index.js") error again and again so I tried to uninstall all the module which I have installed and I also tried to reinstall, run npm install, and much more but this issue is not fixed pls help
Make sure you are running a modern version of Node.js (or whatever version your project is using (nvm can help with this).
Delete your node_modules directory and run npm install again.

Cannot find module node-sass while running Ionic 4

I have a big problem with node-sass. I have installed Ionic 4 and did my 'ionic serve' but the compile process failed.
I got the following issue:
"Module build failed: Error: Cannot find module 'node-sass'"
I tried a lot, but it is not possible for me to install the node-sass folder under my node_module. I found a notice with a node-sass bug [here]. But nothing works for me. I tried to uninstall node-sass, but this failed too.
I had the same bug with my every Ionic Project Start. I had this at Ionic V3 too. But know its not possible to get this bug fixed.
Hope someone could help me.
I am also facing Cannot find module 'node-sass'" problem. i will use npm rebuild node-sass --force to install node-sass forcefully to my project. And also what i found it node-sass required python to build their library. i installed Python in my C:/ location to fix rebuild fail problem.

Install error in VS Code - eslint

When I try to install eslint (npm i eslint) I get the error
"`-- eslint#2.7.0 extraneous"
I'm new to npm and vs code. I installed several extensions with no problem, this installed with errors via the ctl-p input box.
"`-- eslint#2.7.0 extraneous" means that this package installed but isn't listed in your package.json.
