Install error in VS Code - eslint - node.js

When I try to install eslint (npm i eslint) I get the error
"`-- eslint#2.7.0 extraneous"
I'm new to npm and vs code. I installed several extensions with no problem, this installed with errors via the ctl-p input box.

"`-- eslint#2.7.0 extraneous" means that this package installed but isn't listed in your package.json.


Typescript is not removed even after reinstalling node

While working on Angular 5 project, I got the following error on compilation :
#angular/compiler-cli#5.2.11 requires typescript#'>=2.4.2 <2.7.0' but 2.7.2 was found instead.
Using this version can result in undefined behaviour and difficult to debug problems.
Please run the following command to install a compatible version of TypeScript.
npm install typescript#'>=2.4.2 <2.7.0'
To disable this warning run "ng set warnings.typescriptMismatch=false".
To fix this error did the following:
Deleted all node_module instances, and uninstalled node from control panel -> add/remove programs.
Reinstalled node
Checked in cmd:npm view typescript version
I received version as 3.2.2
npm uninstall -g typescript
npm cache verify
Still typescript is not removed from npm.
Can some one help me uninstall typescript completely? Been stuck on this for 2 days now.
It seems there is a small mistake in compiler log:
Please run the following command to install a compatible version of TypeScript.
npm install typescript#'>=2.4.2 <2.7.0'
should be
npm install typescript#">=2.4.2 <2.7.0"
Maybe there is a mismatch in your package json. Update the typescript version as suggested and update package.json
npm install typescript#'>=2.4.2 <2.7.0' --save
Check following step:
You call #angular/compiler-cli in global or local(just one folder), you need install typescript same.
Install typescript match '>=2.4.2 <2.7.0', example : typescript#2.6.2, local or global with -g.
Try close your cmd, reopen it (if typescript install global, cmd don't know it change if you don't reopen).
Check your eviroment variable NODE_PATH, if it exist, go to that folder to remove module in that.
To check NODE_PATH, type in your cmd : echo %NODE_PATH%

eslint won't update past v4.5.0, "Error: Cannot find module 'eslint-config-google'"

I had an old version of eslint:
eslint -v
To update eslint I ran:
npm install -g eslint
The response said that eslint#5.9.0 had been installed successfully. Following the instructions in the documentation in my project root I ran
eslint --init
I selected the Google style guide. The install said
The style guide "google" requires eslint#>=5.4.0. You are currently using eslint#4.5.0.
Do you want to upgrade? (Y/n)
That seemed odd, as I'd just installed 5.9.0, but I said Yes. The response said that the installation was successful:
Successfully created .eslintrc.json file in /Users/TDK/LanguageTwo
ESLint was installed locally. We recommend using this local copy instead of your globally-installed copy.
Then I ran
eslint -v
I checked echo $PATH and didn't see anything like eslintvm locking in an old version.
I tried to lint a file and got this error message:
Error: Cannot find module 'eslint-config-google'
eslint v5.9.0 is now installed locally in my project root and I can see eslint-config-google in the node modules. eslint 5.9.0 is installed globally. My guess is that the "missing" eslint-config-google is because my computer is still running eslint v4.5.0. I restarted my computer. What is keeping eslint at v4.5.0?
I used find . -name 'eslint' to remove every copy of eslint from every directoty. npm uninstall -g eslint didn't remove every module. Then I reinstalled eslint and ran eslint init. Now it's at v5.9.0. It still has the error
Error: Cannot find module 'eslint-config-google'
I don't know what's causing this problem.

Grommet installation and configuration in windows 7

When I try to install Grommet in windows 7 using command prompt, it gives the errors as "Cannot find Module". I have been following this tutorial to set up the environment... I run gulp dev, it gives the error as "Cannot find Module"..I even tried npm uninstall and then npm install but it doesn't work either.
"node version":"4.4.0","npm version":"2.14.20".
Also, I am not behind a proxy.
It is a problem with the node js and npm version. Required version is mentioned in the docs. If even that doesn't work, try installing in a different folder, which worked in my case.

can't install mmmagic with npm install

I want to install module mmmmagic in my projet using npm install mmmgic, I come across the following error
You either don't have MSVC installed or your build environment isn't set up properly. If you do have MSVC installed, you might try using one of the special VS201x Command Prompts and executing your npm install mmmagic from there instead.

Node.js modules installed through npm not recognized

So I've installed and reinstalled node.js many times and tried various installs of the npm. I am currently on node version 0.6.11. When I try to install a new module with npm I get several errors. I am extremely new to programming with node but I have tried researching this problem but haven't found a proper answer. When I install a module with npm and then try to use it in command prompt nothing happens. All I get is for example
'haraka' is not recognized as an internal or external command,
operable program or batch file.
This happens to every module I install. What am I missing here. Please help. I am getting really frustrated with node
By default, npm will install packages locally, in ./node_modules. So if you are in /home/foo:
user#host:/home/foo$ npm install Haraka
Haraka will be installed in /home/foo/node_modules/Haraka. If you want to install a module globally (by default in /usr/local/lib/node_modules), supply the -g switch:
user#host:/home/foo$ sudo npm install -g Haraka
Haraka will be installed in /usr/local/lib/node_modules/Haraka, and the command haraka will be symlinked to /usr/local/bin/haraka.
It's recommended that any dependencies be installed locally. This way, you never have to bother with different packages requiring different versions of their dependencies, aka "dependency hell". I have all my projects in ~/development/projects, and each node project has it's own node_modules folder.
