How to charge less than 0.5 USD using Stripe - stripe-payments

I'm using Stripe for my Laravel based project. Stripe allows only 0.5 USD as the minimum value when charge or checkout. But I want to charge 0.2 USD in one-time payment in my project. I know stripe allowed only 0.5 USD as the default minimum value for payments. So I want to know is there any way or any method to charge less amount than 0.5 USD using Stripe. If anyone knows, please help me...

The minimum charge amount for USD is 0.5. If your bank account support foreign currencies for settlement, you can charge an amount with a different currency that's equivalent to < 0.5 USD.
You can view the minimum amount for each settlement currency in this table.


How to calculate prices in near calculation

I would like to calculate the prices in IQD. 1 USD is equal to 1458 IQD today.
There are 250, 500, 1,000, 5,000, 10,000, 25,000 and 50,000 denominations.
I need to sell my items based on USD. I have multicurrency plugin in my website. But it exchanges so precisely. It calculates smaller than cents.
For example, if I sell an item costs 1 dollar, the buyer need to pay 1458 IQD.
Is there anyway to calculate the prices what so called “near calculation”? Like, if an item costs 6820 it automatically shows 7000 at the checkout page. Or if it costs 6760, then shows 6750.
Thanks for your response.
unfortunately, there is no option in the plugin to do so.

Stripe Subscriptions : 2 months free with yearly subscription?

This may be a bigger question than how do I give 2 months free but if it is that simple... awesome
I want to have 3 levels of pricing so that the consumable credits get cheaper the more you commit to buying per month. You basically get more savings when you purchase a yearly subscription of buy 10 get 2 free
Here's the math:
Base subscription - $99
App Addon (optional) - $100
Consumable Credits (Volume Pricing?) - starts at $20 each for 15, $18.33 each for 30 - $16 each for 50.
this works great for the monthly subscription plan and I think I can set up a subscription with multiple products / prices
Then the complicated math:
$20 each per year for 180 and $16 each per year for 600 THEN apply a buy 10 months get 2 months free logic to this as well so they get a 16.66666667% discount? and mind you they would also get the base fee and addon fee reduction as well.
How would you set this up in stripe?
I think I could have 3 products in stripe and each would have a monthly price and a yearly price, then just have a coupon for 16.666667% off?
is there a better way?

Avoiding dual conversion of currency in Stripe

We are using Stripe to charge our customers with monthly subscriptions. We are based in the UK and we have a GBP bank. We publish prices in USD so our plans in Stripe have dollar amounts.
When charging a British customer, how do I avoid going from the GBP of the customer credit card to the USD of my price to the GBP of my bank account? I'd rathe do GBP -> GBP with no conversion.
More or less the same would apply for other currencies, I'd rather do EUR -> GBP than EUR -> USD -> GBP.
From Fred from Stripe support:
Conversion between currencies only happens once when funds are
transferred to your Stripe account. If your account is in GBP, and
your customer is in GBP, you won't be charged the 2% conversion fee.
When you charge in USD, and have a GBP bank account, Stripe does a
quick exchange rate calculation to convert the USD amount into the
equivalent GBP amount. Conversion fees are only charged when your
customer's currency doesn't match your bank's currency.
More documentation on this here:
So, what I want happens automatically.
You'd need to have different plans set in GBP, and subscribe your UK customers to one of those plans rather than one of the USD plans.
One possible way to do this would be something like this:
Collect the customer's card information using Stripe.js or Checkout.
On your backend, retrieve the full token object using the token ID, and check the card's issuing country via the attribute.
Depending on the country ("GB" or not), display the correct amount and currency to your customer (in GBP or USD).
Once the customer has confirmed, create a customer object with the token and subscribe them to the correct plan.

Stripe Currency - Are all amounts in cents / 100ths, or does it depend on currency?

I am currently writing the code to migrate to Stripe from a different payment processor.
I know that when the currency is USD, stripe uses cents. So stripe(1000 USD) == $10.00. Same for Euros I assume stripe(1000 EUR) == € 10.00.
But what about JPY? 100 JPY is roughly $1. So do I send Stripe 10000 JPY to get 100 Yen ~= $1. Do I send Stripe 100 JPY to get 100 Yen ~= $1?
Is there a special divisor? Is everything denominated in 100/ths for any currency? I can't find an answer in the documentation, and I don't want to charge Japanese people $0.1 or $1000 for a $10 USD service.
How is AED denominated. They use 1/10ths as the smallest unit / coinage. Should I multiply by 10?
All amounts are in the "smallest common currency unit". While in most places this would be cents, in Japan there is no decimal for their currency so amount=1 (1 JPY), since ¥1 is the smallest currency unit.
Additional info can be found at this doc.

How to plan Currency Symbol in Stripe?

How to change plan Currency in Stripe Account,Am Create plan using Currency USD But now want to change GBP Currency in plan edit details in stripe account cant find to edit currency option having to edit name and description only.
You can't do this, you'll need to create a new plan.
There's only a few options you can change on a plan. See here -
Think about this -
A customer signs up to your plan at $10 / month.
You now change this to £10 / month. This is 1.4(aprox) the value (current exchange rate) The customers who signed up to the plan when it was in USD would now be out of pocket
