Dimension Attribute not rolling up - attributes

I am relatively new to cube development and looking for some help from more seasoned developers. I am building a new cube that is based on a Invoice Number / Invoice Line hierarchy. What we see in other cubes we have built is when we have the same Invoice Number with multiple Invoice Lines and the Invoice Number attribute is selected that the dollars for all invoice lines roll up. When adding the Invoice line then the dollars separate to their associated Invoice Line.
For this cube, the data source is Epic and the keys to make a unique Invoice record are Invoice ID / Invoice Number / Invoice Line. We have set up attribute relationships and hierarchy but something is missing, please see behavior in screenshots below. We are not seeing the dollars roll up when only the Invoice Number attribute is selected. We are also not seeing the indent behavior when the Invoice Line is added. When collapsing the Invoice Line, only the row we collapse changes.
Simple cube report with Invoice Number showing line level details
When adding in the Invoice Line attribute the hierarchy is recognized with the minus sign
Simple cube report with Invoice Number and Invoice Line
When collapsing the Invoice Line only the row we collapse is affected, other cubes all rows are affected by collapsing.
Collapse Invoice Line
When expanding the Hierarchy Invoice Line a new column is added for the Line
Expanding Hierarchy Invoice Line
I have researched the attribute property settings but nothing I have tried changes this behavior. Please advise,


Showing multiple lines on Acumatica charts

I am trying to build a chart comparing Actual and Budgeted expenses per Department. I created GI that has columns Department, Budget Amount and Actual Amount.
Any chart type can show either of these amounts.
Is there a way to show both amounts per Department on the same chart?
Thank you.
I did not find a way to add a second independent value because there is only a single value field in chart configuration.
It is however possible to have a breakdown of the value. In chart design mode, edit the chart and try the Series Legend field.
For example, I started with this chart that shows Activity Count per Sales Person:
And I added a breakdown per activity Status in the Legend field:
This fulfills the requirement to have multiple lines in the chart but each line is still showing an aggregate value on the same Activity Count All field.

Business Central: How to retrieve revenue gross (incl. VAT) from posted sales invoice lines table with Power BI?

I use Power BI to retrieve & visualize sales data from Business Central and so far I did not find any ways to:
retrieve revenue gross on line level (per invoice and item number) of my posted sales invoice
retrieve revenue gross on header level (invoice number) of my posted sales invoice
retrieve VAT on line level (per invoice and item number) of my posted sales invoice, in order to calculate the revenue gross based on the revenue net
Anyone with an easy solution (i m sure there is one as it seems to be a fairly classic request)???
Best and let me know if you need any extra info,
There's an 'Amount' and 'Amount Including VAT' column on the Sales Line table, those should give you everything you need.
Annoyingly these are not on the 'Power BI Sales List' query/web service as default, nor the Sales Lines page. If you're a BC developer you could write your own extension to publish a better query.
If not, there is a 'Sales Document Line Entity' page (6403) which includes them as 'Amount' and 'AmountInclVat'. This page is published by default (in SAAS at least) as the 'workflowSalesDocumentLines' web service and you can access it from PowerBI, you will probably want to also include workflowSalesDocuments, the two are related on a composite of Document Type AND DocumentNumber, so that's another challenge for you!

Formula Saved Search

I have a saved search to display invoices with original amount due, then if any credit memos applied, along with if any discount taken by the customer for terms, and then the actual payments against the invoices. The issues I'm having is when I'm adding new formula column to display the date invoice was paid in full. When I do that, numbers for "Credit Memo Amount" line and "Disc. Taken" are going wonky when I try to add any this new formula column to the saved search. Does anyone have any idea why that is? System seems to be multiplying numbers many times over. Any input is appreciated.
The issue is that as soon as you take one value from the System Information you will now get a row for each of the lines in the System Notes on the Invoice, which is going to affect your SUM columns. To prevent against this you need to add something to your criteria to limit the number of System Notes fields. For example, you could add a System Notes : New Value filter and set it equal to Paid In Full. This should limit it down to one line.

In Excel, creating new rows based on presence of data in columns

I am very new to most of this. I am trying to analyze account attribution a large Excel spreadsheet containing invoice information. My columns A:AF are all the data describing each invoice in our system (name of provider, name of person billed, date received, date billed, etc...). These invoices are assigned to several different GL numbers (up to 22 per invoice). I was given a long string which I was able to break down into columns 4 columns per GL attribution and which I appended to the end of every invoice, where applicable (AG:EL).
Each GL attribution has 4 columns (always in the same order):
GL number
Billed amount before taxes
Amount of tax 1
Amount of tax 2
I would like to see whether there is any way I can have rows created automatically to have one entry per GL attribution instead of one entry per invoice. I would like for the general invoice information (A:AF) to be copied onto the newly created rows. I would really appreciate your help on this as I feel rather lost!
Thank you in advance! :)
I'm not entirely sure what you are trying to accomplish from your description, but if you look into using VBA and make an "if...Then..." statement that will copy and paste the information you want depending on the value of the GL columns that should be a good place for you to start.

How to add discount per item in NetSuite?

While integrating Salesforce into Netsuite, when creating a Sales Order, I want to be able to add discount per item (and not a single discount for the entire SO)
Going through the help at Netsuite I can't figure if this is possible or not.
It mentions of "Discount Items" - What I understand of this, is that there are "Special Items" that give discount. This is far from the behavior I want. (plus it will duplicate the invoice size)
Is it possible?
Discounts in netsuite are "basically" items so you have a couple of choices here:
A) add a discount item for every item on line
B) add a discount field on every item and apply conditionally on the sales order
C) you could manage B on a different record and match item vs discount plan = discount %
The problem with B is that you wouldn't keep record of when the discount was applied, which is not the case for A and can be avoided in C by populating tue discount record there.
Have you looked into "Price Levels" yet? This will allow you to specify a discount amount on the line itself. Price levels can be set as percentages of the "Base price."
