Business Central: How to retrieve revenue gross (incl. VAT) from posted sales invoice lines table with Power BI? - powerbi-datasource

I use Power BI to retrieve & visualize sales data from Business Central and so far I did not find any ways to:
retrieve revenue gross on line level (per invoice and item number) of my posted sales invoice
retrieve revenue gross on header level (invoice number) of my posted sales invoice
retrieve VAT on line level (per invoice and item number) of my posted sales invoice, in order to calculate the revenue gross based on the revenue net
Anyone with an easy solution (i m sure there is one as it seems to be a fairly classic request)???
Best and let me know if you need any extra info,

There's an 'Amount' and 'Amount Including VAT' column on the Sales Line table, those should give you everything you need.
Annoyingly these are not on the 'Power BI Sales List' query/web service as default, nor the Sales Lines page. If you're a BC developer you could write your own extension to publish a better query.
If not, there is a 'Sales Document Line Entity' page (6403) which includes them as 'Amount' and 'AmountInclVat'. This page is published by default (in SAAS at least) as the 'workflowSalesDocumentLines' web service and you can access it from PowerBI, you will probably want to also include workflowSalesDocuments, the two are related on a composite of Document Type AND DocumentNumber, so that's another challenge for you!


Stripe: Can I create a single "1 month free" promo code for multiple products?

I've been reading though the Stripe documentation but can't figure out if it's possible to have a single promotion code for multiple products, to give a 1-month discount, for products which have both monthly and yearly pricing.
Our product setup is like this:
Basic tier product
Monthly price (upsells to yearly price)
Yearly price
Plus tier product
Monthly price (upsells to yearly price)
Yearly price
I’d like to set up a single promotion code to give to customers, to discount the price of one month, regardless of the product they choose and whether they select monthly or yearly billing.
If I set up a 100% discount coupon then I can apply it to both products, but then if the user chooses annual billing, it discounts the price of the entire year (we only want to discount the price of one month).
If we set up fixed-amount discount coupons, then I'd need to create different promotion codes for each product (we only want to give customers a single code).
Maybe this simply isn't possible with Stripe, but it seems like quite a reasonable/common use case, so wanted check.
Any help much appreciated!
Unfortunately this is not possible with a single Stripe coupon. You would need to create at least two different coupons: one for the basic tier product worth one month, and one for the plus tier worth one month.

Product discounted price in product page - Hybris Commerce 6.6

I have target discounted price for an SKU, with no product group or customer group filters, just a "target price" delimited by dates, that I want to show in the product page. This is maintained in the product management screen, and it's not promotions related.
As far as I can tell Hybris only calculates the discount when the product is placed in an order (the target price does show correctly in the cart page).
I tried creating a virtual cart in the product detail page, but unless I save the cart, Hybris doesn't allow me to calculate the discount. I don't want to save a cart each time a person goes into a product page.
What's the correct approach for this? Seems a pretty normal requirement.
Thank you
You can use Price Rows with validity period (start and end date). Import all prices with validity date to system. List product prices in PDP on custom section with custom code.
A voucher/discount is applied to a cart, not to a product. Even if a voucher is only applicable for a specific product, hybris will only calculate a discount for an order/cart.

Multiple conditions for a cell value in Microsoft Excel

I'm an insurance broker and currently I'm using Microsoft Excel to organize my insurance commissions. There are multiple insurance companies I'm cooperating with, like {Asia, Iran, Dey} and each of them offers a variety of insurance policies which I have selected a few to simplify the question: {Liability, Life, Third Party, Health}. Each company calculates commissions differently, as an example Dey would calculate commissions related to Liability policies with 30 Percents.
What I want to do is an excel document which the first column is the Premium which I type in for every policy; Imagine $200 for a Life insurance sold by Asia. The second column will be the insurance companies name - selected from a dropdown list -, in this case Asia. Next Column should be another dropdown list with policies that in this example I should choose life. at this point I want an automated process which understands that this was a life insurance policy by Asia, so the commission should be calculated with 8 percents and print this into the next column. and automatically multiply the premium and commission percentage ($200 * 8% = $16) and output this number to the last column.
I have prepared a schematic image of what information I have :
Schematic design of my information
I used to do this with extremely nested if and and with 2 insurance companies but when the third one was added I ran out of options.
In the following example, the lookup table (G1:I13) retrieves the commission percentage. This is used to calculate the actual commission from the policy cost.
=INDEX(I:I, AGGREGATE(15, 6, ROW($2:$99)/(($G$2:$G$99=$B2)*($H$2:$H$9=$C2)), 1))

Acumatica, generic inquiry related to budgets

In Acumatica, I'm trying to build a generic inquiry related to budgets. What table has the budget per month data?
I have gathered the YTD information from the 'GL Budget Line' table. But I need further information.
Please help. Brandon
The amounts allocated for each particular period may be found in the GLBudgetLineDetail table (and through the corresponding DAC). Each record in this table presents data for a particular Account, Subaccount and Financial Period.
The columns that may be of particular interest for you are Amount and ReleasedAmount. The first one stores the editable budget amount - that is actually what user edits through the Budgets screen. The second reflects the released amount of budget for the period, account and sub - this field is populated with the value of Amount during the budget release process.

How to add discount per item in NetSuite?

While integrating Salesforce into Netsuite, when creating a Sales Order, I want to be able to add discount per item (and not a single discount for the entire SO)
Going through the help at Netsuite I can't figure if this is possible or not.
It mentions of "Discount Items" - What I understand of this, is that there are "Special Items" that give discount. This is far from the behavior I want. (plus it will duplicate the invoice size)
Is it possible?
Discounts in netsuite are "basically" items so you have a couple of choices here:
A) add a discount item for every item on line
B) add a discount field on every item and apply conditionally on the sales order
C) you could manage B on a different record and match item vs discount plan = discount %
The problem with B is that you wouldn't keep record of when the discount was applied, which is not the case for A and can be avoided in C by populating tue discount record there.
Have you looked into "Price Levels" yet? This will allow you to specify a discount amount on the line itself. Price levels can be set as percentages of the "Base price."
