create a powerForm from template with custom envelop fields API - docusignapi

For application integration purposes, I need to create via DocuSign REST API powerForms from a predefined template. The powerForms should have envelop custom field.
I'm using powerForm since I want to share link to recipient and not via email.
What is Docusign Rest API URL and body to create the powerForm with envelop custom field?

The endpoint to create powerforms is:
You can find codesamples to create a powerfrom from your teamplates here:
create a powerForm from template with custom envelop fields API
Unfortunately it is not possible to provide an envelope custom field in the request to create the powerform. The envelope custom field has to already exist in the template you use


How to add a single custom field to every recipient of template using docusign ui

How can i add the same custom field to every recipient in template ?
Recipient level custom field/values can be set only via API

Passing a dynamic URL to a DocuSign envelope

We are using salesforce connect and have a payment URL that is specific to a customer. How do I pass that URL to a DocuSign envelope so that the customer, while signing the envelope, can click a link to be directed to their unique payment page. We have used #HREF for similar functionality, but this creates a static destination (via the data tag and tool tip) and we need it to be dynamic and something we can generate creating the envelope. Can we modify the tool tip text on a custom tag when the envelope is created, or is there another way to meet this requirement?

Developer account - DocuSign Envelopes - Custom object

Hi I'm integrating from Developer account to my sandbox salesforce via REST API. The document signing API is working, but how do I associate the envelop to a salesforce record so that it shows up on the DocuSign Envelopes related list? It works if I send the document via a custom button on the custom object in the UI. Is it possible to do so via API calls?
I believe the creation of the DocuSign Envelopes records are controlled by the DocuSign for Salesforce managed package. That would explain why it works when utilizing your custom button, but not your API integration.
Out of the box, "DocuSign Envelope Statuses" are generated regardless of where it is sent from. As long as you pass the Salesforce record ID within a DocuSign Envelope Custom Field within your request, you could configure Connect to relate the envelope to a specific Salesforce record.

Can brandId be retrieved for an envelope using REST API?

We are using the API to retrieve data from envelopes, mainly text tabs, but one of the fields we need is the brand. I've seen where brandId can be set when creating an envelope but is this data available when doing a GET on an envelope?
I'm not aware of any way to retrieve brandId for an existing Envelope, and there is no mention of this possibility in the DocuSign REST API Guide.
A work-around would be to use a "Custom Envelope Field" (type = Text) to store brandId as a piece of metadata associated with the Envelope when the Envelope is created. For example, to set a (text) custom Envelope field in the Create Envelope API request to store the Brand Id, you could simply include this structure as part of the Create Envelope API request:
See the DocuSign REST API Guide ( for more details.
Then, once the Envelope has been created, you can retrieve the value(s) of Custom Envelope Field(s) by using this request:
GET /accounts/{accountId}/envelopes/{envelopeId}/custom_fields
Once again, the REST API Guide contains details about this operation.

DocuSign API : Captive recipient

I am using SOAP based API call "CreateAndSendEnvelope" to create an envelope into my DocuSign account for remote recipients. I haven't used captive recipients and I also have not created any envelopes from templates so far.
My main reason for not creating envelopes from templates is my document to be included in the DocuSign envelope is not static, it gets generated dynamically based upon certain conditions.
If I need to include recipients as captive recipients in an envelope, do I always have to create an envelope from a template?
As I mentioned earlier, I cannot create an envelope using template as then every time I need to create an envelope, I need to create a template first.
Is there a way to create an envelope first and then redirect a recipient to a signing page/console/URL?
I assume that as remote recipients, captive recipients need not be the DocuSign account users.
Yes you can definitely embed recipients without using any templates - they are two separate, unrelated things. To configure embedded recipients through the SOAP API you just need to set their captive info.
On each recipient there is CaptiveInfo property which has a clientUserId element that you need to set if you want to embed them. It's up to you what value to use for each recipient, but you just need to remember that info when later requesting the URL for them.
There's a whole page on the DocuSign Developer Center that discusses Embedding functionality and even though it's tailored for the REST API it will still give you some needed info:
Then to link it back to the SOAP API you can view sample code through the DocuSign SOAP SDK that's up on GitHub. It has 5 sample projects, written in Java, PHP, .NET, Ruby, and Salesforce (apex).
