How to execute generic query in ArangoJs? - arangodb

I need to execute the following query:
const query = `FOR u IN ${collection} FILTER ${filter} RETURN u`
so that filter variable is generated somehow by me (it is corrects, checked with Arango console)
always returns empty cursor, and
db.query(aql`FOR u IN ${db.collection(collection)} FILTER ${filter} RETURN u`)
ignores my filter - data is not filtered.
How to execute query with arangojs with pre-generated filter?

Fix: db.query(query).all() worked


Writing a subquery to display records in a grid

I have two DAC's POReceipt, and and POReceiptLine. POReceiptLine containts a field called MfrPartNbr.
I want the user to be able to lookup all the POReceipts where the POReceiptLine.MfrPartNbr is equal to an entered value.
The SQL would be
FROM dbo.POReceipt
WHERE POReceipt.ReceiptNbr IN
SELECT ReceiptNbr
FROM dbo.POReceiptLine
Any idea how to write the BQL Statement for this?
As stated, an inner join won't work in this case because you will receive the same POReceipt multiple times (once for each POReceiptLine). The following BQL query shows how you can get the desired results using a sub query. If mfrPartNbr is an extension field, then replace POReceiptLine.mfrPartNbr with the correct extension name (e.g. POReceiptLineExtension.mfrPartNbr).
PXSelect<POReceipt, Where<Exists<
Where<POReceiptLine.receiptNbr, Equal<POReceipt.receiptNbr>,
And<POReceiptLine.mfrPartNbr, Equal<Required<POReceiptLine.mfrPartNbr>>>>>>>>.Select(this, "MY_ENTERED_PART_NBR");

How to check if ArangoDB query is not empty?

I would like to make an exists PostgreSQL query.
Let's say I have a Q ArangoDB query (AQL). How can I check if Q returns any result?
Q = "For u in users FILTER '' ="
What is the best way to do it (most performant)?
I have ideas, but couldn't find an easy way to measure the performance:
Idea 1: using Length:
Idea 2: using Frist:
RETURN First(%Q RETURN 1) != null
Above, %Q is a substitution for the query defined at the beginning.
I think the best way to achieve this for a generic selection query with a structure like
Q = "For u in users FILTER '' ="
is to first add a LIMIT clause to the query, and only make it return a constant value (in contrast to the full document).
For example, the following query returns a single match if there is such document or an empty array if there is no match:
FOR u IN users FILTER '' == LIMIT 1 RETURN 1
(please note that I also changed the operator from = to == because otherwise the query won't parse).
Please note that this query may benefit a lot from creating an index on the search attribute, i.e. email. Without the index the query will do a full collection scan and stop at the first match, whereas with the index it will just read at most a single index entry.
Finally, to answer your question, the template for the EXISTS-like query will then become
or fleshed out via the example query:
LENGTH(...) will return the number of matches, which in this case will either be 0 or 1. And it can also be used in filter conditions like as follows
FOR ....
because LENGTH(...) will be either 0 or 1, which in context of a FILTER condition will evaluate to either false or true.
Do you need and AQL solution?
Only the count:
var q = "For u in users FILTER '' =";
var res = db._createStatement({query: q, count: true}).execute();
var ct = res.count();
Is the fastest I can think of.

How to filter on view using complex query

I am trying to filter on a view which emits bookName and bookItem.
emit([doc.basicInfo.bookName,doc.basicInfo.bookItem], 1);
it gives me below result without any query:
Now I am trying to query on it using complex keys:
It should return me:
But it still gives me all 10 records. I want to filter only records of type "asset".
To use key ranges, you must narrow down your research starting with the left fields to the right fields.
For example, if your key would be: [doc.basicInfo.bookItem,doc.basicInfo.bookName]
You could search with start_key=["asset",null]&end_key=["asset",{}]
Also, your current query is equivalent to key=[{},"asset"]. Instead, you should have tried: start_key=[null,"asset"]&end_key=[{},"asset"] but it should not work.
function (doc) {
emit([doc.basicInfo.bookItem,doc.basicInfo.bookName], 1);

Want to know how to bind a map type column in a prepared insert statement in Cassandra with php drivers

Can someone please help me with the exact syntax to use prepared insert / update statements containing map type columns.
suppose :
UPDATE abc SET map = map + ? where id = ?
where map is the map type column,
I found an answer
Cassandra prepared statements with collections
but it just contained the syntax to generate a particular map type object rather binding.
You need to execute it as usual for prepared queries, but you need to pass Cassandra::Map object as first parameter, something like this:
$statement = $session->prepare('....')
$map = Cassandra\Type::map(Cassandra\Type::varchar(), Cassandra\Type::int())
->create('a', 1);
$id = 'something'
$session->execute($statement, array('arguments' => array($map, $id)));
You need to pass Map object because CQL's appending to the map expects another map as an argument.

Function for `fq` field of SOLR in SOLR-node-client

For various fields such as q , start , row etc in SOLR we have corresponding functions in SOLR-node-client.
So if I want to construct a query for the following:
I can use something like this:
var query = client.createQuery()
.q({cats.0 : 1})
However, there is a filter query field in SOLR, fq. I don't seem to find a corresponding function for this in SOLR-node-client.
Following gives me error:
var query = client.createQuery()
.q({cats.0 : 1})
I get an error saying that fq function doesn't exist.
Am I doing anything wrong or is there any other way to achieve filter query using SOLR-node-client?
createQuery() returns a Query object and it has a matchFilter method.
var query = client.createQuery()
.q({cats.0 : 1})
.matchFilter('brand', 'real')
I have checked a bit the source code and found out:
So, the usage should be like,
let searchQuery = solrClient.query()
searchQuery = searchQuery.fq({field:"tags",value: this.filterTag});
If anyone can update the doc, that would be great.
