Widgets such as dropdown disappear when publishing dashboard in databricks - databricks

I have created a dashboard with a few widgets which runs varies queries to change the visualisations.I would like to share the dashboard alone but unable to do so via publishing it as the dropdowns are removed in the published dashboard.
is there any solution to this problem without integrating any other third party visualisation tools.
searched various documentation for the solution but could not find any hints.

Widgets should be visible when you share the dashboard. Double check the permissions the dashboard receiver has as well as the sharing setting (which credentials are used when running the queries behind the dashboard).
For more details, refer to Dashboard access control
Note: If permissions look okay you could file a support ticket via the portal for further investigation.
FYI - There are more publishing options for dashboards in the roadmap.


Azure MS Team integration with Azure DevOps Taskboard only showing Issues, where are my work items?

Azure boards MS Team integration. Only showing Issues or Epics, where are my work items?
I added a tab into a Team channel, and I can see Issues, but there is not option for showing the Work Item field?
On the Azure Boards website I see both fields: Issues and Work items.
Here is no Work Item field
This is the website showing both types at once
As I understand, you are not able to see work item field.
If you need to see work item field,
you need to connect to a project and not just a repository.
From the connect to a Project dialog.
Use CTRL-Shift to select your options and then choose Connect.
The new Work Items experience is available when you connect to a Azure Repos Git repository.
For further reading please follow the document.
You need to set up and manage subscriptions for creating and updating work items. You can create subscriptions to monitor work items at any time using the #azure boards subscriptions command.
Please go through the documentation for more info.
wow I can believe after almost a year nobody replied you. You can set it up in the Organization Settings > Boards > Settings then you can see the process selected. e.g Agile, Basic (what you mentioned) Scrum, etc.
I hope helped someone after this.

Display Azure Insights on an external website

I have a main website which is making use of Azure Insights to get statistics and information concerning what the users are doing. I am able to see all these activities from the Azure Portal (sessions, users flows, etc...), however I also have an admin dashboard website that controls activities for the main website and I would like to display some of the information gathered in Azure over there. Is there any way to retrieve them or are they limited to be seen inside the Azure Portal? For example is there an API or a way to retrieve the "User Flows" from the Insights for specific components and display elsewhere?
You can definitely use the Application Insights REST API. Even though you will not be able to get the results of user flows for a specific components. you might have to query the data and build your logic.

No longer able to Customize a Blade in Azure Portal

Up until recently, it was possible to customize Azure resource blades by clicking the buttons maked "Add Tiles".
See these out-of-date instructions.
It appears that the latest iteration of the portal has minor changes to the look-and-feel, but has also moved or removed vital controls.
Now there is no clickackable element titled "Add parts" or "Add tiles". The image below shows what my Web App blade currently looks like, and the image below that shows what it had previously looked like.
So, for THIS month at least, how do we begin customizing a blade in the Azure portal?
Here is what the Web App blade used to look like. See the 'Add tiles' buttons that are no longer there.
From Docs:
Since launching dashboards a few months ago, there has been a steady decline in blade customizations and a rapid increase in dashboard customizations. This strong usage trend shows that you prefer customizing dashboards over blades. To support that trend, we will remove the ability to customize blades and dedicate our efforts to enhancing dashboard functionality.
If you customized a blade, your customization will soon be removed. To preserve that customization, pin the customized tiles to a dashboard. Simply right-click the tile and select Pin to dashboard as shown in the following image.
The Azure portal no longer allows customizing blades. This was removed due to low usage and to improve performance. Use dashboards instead.

Get Azure Dashboard data via api

One team had built one application, and application is running on azure.
maintenance is taken care by same team, we don't want to give full access of production instance to developer team, but want to give read permission, like - monitoring of logs, cpu usages etc.
Solution according to me is build an application which will get dashboard data and log data from azure via api and that data will be displayed to development team.
I am referring these 2 links
Still I am not able to find api which will give the dashboard data. if anyone know api for the same, please help.
Is there any alternative solution for this scenario.
If you deploy your app using the new Azure Resource Manager mode, it provides a Role Based Access Control to your resources. You can deploy your app inside a Resource Group and provide read access to your developers. They will be able to view the information about the services that your app are made of but without the option to change anything.
This session from Build 2015 can help you to understand what ARM is and what you can do with it: https://channel9.msdn.com/Events/Build/2015/2-659

Unable to Deploy PerformancePoint Dashboard Page to SharePoint 2007

I'm creating a PerformancePoint (henceforth PP) Dashboard that contains a web report to be deployed to the a SharePoint web application that I had created. I followed the instruction in the link below.
Deploy a PerformancePoint dashboard to a SharePoint site
In summary, following the instructions in the link, I published the Dashboard to the PP site. Then, I added my account in PP as Creator in the Application level, Editor in both the Dashboard and the Web Report. In the SharePoint site, I added my account under Contributor. I even added the PerformancePointDefault.master just to be sure.
Now, when I deploy my Dashboard to a Report Library, I was able deploy the folder for the Dashboard, but not the Dashboard Page file.
I googled for this, but I could not find any article helpful.
UPDATE 2009-09-30:
I was able to resolve the issue by creating another site collection. Maybe the first site collection is messed up.
I had the EXACT same problem. I was about to take the best advice I could find and delete my site collection and create a new one from scratch, but by the grace of God, I had one final thought.
In our case, the site created was originally http://ServerName but we later added a host header (i.e. http://BiSite). I had been deploying the dashboard using the host header the entire time, so I decided to try using the original name of the site using the server name and viola, the dashboard finally deployed correctly, pages and all.
When you publish a dashboard in MOSS, you have to make sure that you select Publish a Major Version in the dashboard page's drop-down in the report library.
Why is this a community wiki? Seems like there should be a right answer to this question...
