I have a question about Haxe, does Haxe support method.apply(this, paramArray) that is similar to Javascript? Thanks.
Peter Zhou
Is the method Reflect.callMethod or you need something else?
You can use following code to ease conversion. However, you can't use thisArg like in AS3 because callMethod ignores first argument (o:Dynamic): pay attention to second trace call.
using Main.StaticExtender;
class Main {
public var value:Int;
function new() {}
function foo(x:Int): Int {
return value = x;
static public function main() {
var m = new Main();
var m2 = new Main();
class StaticExtender {
static public function apply(f:Dynamic,o:Dynamic,a:Array<Dynamic>):Dynamic {
return Reflect.callMethod(o,f,a);
What if I have classes that are different only by some constant used in code. Is it possible to have one generic implementation without runtime cost?
Here is the example (it's a little bit too long...)
#:enum abstract Param(Int) {
var foo = 0;
var bar = 1;
class WorkBase {
public function new() {}
private inline function work_impl(p: Param): Void {
if(p == foo) {
else {
public function work(): Void {
class WorkFoo extends WorkBase{
override public function work(): Void {
class WorkBar extends WorkBase {
override public function work(): Void {
class Test {
public static function main() {
var workFoo = new WorkFoo();
var workBar = new WorkBar();
After compilation with -D analyzer-optimize we will see that WorkFoo.work() and WorkBar.work() functions were optimized and contain only one branch of code that matches one of the Param values. In real life there are lot of such comparisons in work_impl(), and they all are optimized out. That's good.
But what if I do not want to create WorkFoo and WorkBar by hand. Is it possible to do something like this:
class WorkBase<PARAM> {
private inline function work_impl(p: Param): Void {
public function work(): Void {
The closest thing I know is const-type-parameter. But I do not feel generic build is a good choice here.
The closest thing I know is const-type-parameter. But I do not feel generic build is a good choice here.
Const type parameters can be used without #:genericBuild - a const type parameter in combination with #:generic is enough to get the desired optimization:
#:enum abstract Param(Int) from Int {
var foo = 0;
var bar = 1;
#:generic class Work<#:const PARAM:Int> {
public function new() {}
public function work():Void {
if (PARAM == foo) {
} else {
class Main {
public static function main() {
var workFoo = new Work<0>();
var workBar = new Work<1>();
Due to #:generic, one class is generated for each constant value, for instance on JS the output looks like this:
var Work_$0 = function() {
Work_$0.prototype = {
work: function() {
var Work_$1 = function() {
Work_$1.prototype = {
work: function() {
Note that this example fails with a "constraint check failure" in Haxe 3.4.7 for some reason, but works fine with Haxe 4 preview 4 and later. Another limitation is that neither new Work<Param.foo>() nor new Work<foo>() work - you need to pass the actual constant value.
In the programming language Haxe, I have multiple different 'item' classes that should be able to give a value when provided with some arguments. These functions should have no contact with actual object instances, but still belong in these class, thus, they should be static.
However, I want to be able to pass in the 'Apple' or 'Mango' class (not an instance) and call a static method. Normally I would create a typedef if I wanted to be able to access method, however what do I do when the method is static?
eg -
class food
Apple extends food
+(static) getFatLevels (p:Person)
Mango extends food
+(static) getFatLevels (p:Person)
function chooseBestFood () {
for (food in Foods){
if (food.getFatLevels(person) < lowest){
return (food);
Typedefs work fine, but you need to use class notation to avoid "is method but should be var" errors:
typedef HasMagic = {
function magic():Void;
class Foo {
public static function magic()
return 314;
class Bar {
public static function magic()
return 42;
class Test {
static function main()
var items:Array<HasMagic> = [Foo, Bar];
for (i in items)
(on try haxe)
You might also need to restrict DCE in some cases.
I don't follow how you would use typedefs here. However, if you know your child classes will all implement this static method, you can do the following in a non-type-safe way:
class Food
static function main() {
var myFoodClass:Class<Food> = Apple;
var method = Reflect.field(myFoodClass, "getFatLevels");
trace(Reflect.callMethod(myFoodClass, method, []));
class Apple extends Food
public static function getFatLevels():Int
return 5;
I was looking into Haxe abstracts and was very interested in building an abstract that would wrap a class and unify it to, in my case, an Int.
abstract Abs(Op)
public inline function new(value:Int = 0, name:String = "unnamed" )
this = new Op();
this.value = value;
this.name = name;
private inline function toInt():Int
return this.value;
class Op
public var value:Int = 0;
public var name:String = "no name";
public function new()
The problem I ran in to is when defining a #:from method - it has to be static and can take only one parameter - a new value. So whenever I set the abstract's instance value from the #:from method I will have to create a new instance of the abstract, thus resetting all the variables.
Basically what I'm talking about is this:
var a = new Abs(5, "my abs"); // value is 5; name is "my abs"
a = 100; // value is 100; name is reset to "unnamed" but I want it to be preserved
As much as I could find out we cannot overload the = operator in abstracts other than through implicit casting with a #:from method and I haven't found a way to really achieve this with macros.
If you have any ideas on how this can be done, please provide a minimalist example.
It depends what you want to do, but if you use this:
var a = new Abs(5, "my abs");
var myInt:Int = a;
It will use the abstract Abs.toInt function.
private inline function toInt():Int
return this.value;
The other way around also works:
var million = 1000000;
var myAbs:Abs = million;
It will use the static Abs.fromInt function.
static inline function fromInt(value:Int)
return new Abs(value, "what");
This is because it uses the implicit cast. http://haxe.org/manual/types-abstract-implicit-casts.html
Try it yourself: http://try.haxe.org/#Ae1a8
Is that what you are looking for?
If one pass a method as a funarg, how one can tell if passed function is a method, and get `this' object of a method is?
class A {
public function f():Void{
class B {
static function withFunarg(f:Void->Void):Void{
public static function main(){
var a = new A();
You cannot and there is no way to retrieve this. But it seems to me like an anti-pattern trying to do that. If you want the method and the container you can define a typedef:
typedef F = {
f : Void -> Void
Now you have the method and the container.
Haxe doesn't offer a cross-platform way to do that and it is generally not recomended.
But if you ultimately need this feature, you can use some platform-specific ways.
For example on js the following will work(at least on current haxe dev version):
static function getThis(f:Dynamic):Dynamic{
return (f.scope && f.method) ? f.scope : null;
It will return the object if the function is a method and a null otherwise. Result on calling on non-function is unspecified.
If you want to get the implicit `this' argument of a method, you have to make it explicit, like this
static function withMethodFunarg(o:{}, f:{}->Void):Void{
//HERE you have both object and function on this object
public static function main(){
var a = new A();
Which is, actually, pretty straight-forward: function is a function, no implicits, method caller is a method caller.
I am relatively new to C#, maybe you could help me with this.
I got a couple of methods callServiceXY(param1, param2, ...) that call a certain service. For many reasons these service calls can go wrong (and I don't really care for the reason in the end). So basically I need to always wrap them with something like this - to have them execute again if something goes wrong:
var i = 3;
} catch{
I'd rather write this code only once. Could I somehow have a method like tryXtimes(int x, callService()) that allows me to execute an undefined or anonymous method? (I have Javascript in mind where this is possible...)?
Yes this is possible. C# 3.5 added support for Action and Func<T> types. An Action won't return any value, a Func will always return a value.
You have several different versions that also accept a number of parameters. The following Console Applications describes how you could do this:
using System;
namespace Stackoverflow
class Service
public int MyMethod() { return 42; }
public void MyMethod(string param1, bool param2) { }
public int MyMethod(object paramY) { return 42; }
class Program
static void ExecuteWithRetry(Action action)
static T ExecuteWithRetry<T>(Func<T> function)
return function();
return function();
static void Main(string[] args)
Service s = new Service();
ExecuteWithRetry(() => s.MyMethod("a", true));
int a = ExecuteWithRetry(() => s.MyMethod(1));
int b = ExecuteWithRetry(() => s.MyMethod(true));
As you can see, there are two overloads for ExecuteWithRetry. One returning void, one returning a type. You can call ExecuteWithRetry by passing an Action or a Func.
--> Edit: Awesome! Just a little extra code to complete the example:
With anonymous function/method:
ExecuteWithRetry(() =>
And with more parameters (action, int)
Method header:
public static void ExecuteWithRetryX(Action a, int x)
Method call:
ExecuteWithRetryX(() => { logger.Debug("test"); }, 2);
I would use the strategy/factory pattern(s) for this. This answer https://stackoverflow.com/a/13641801/626442 gives and example of the use of the strategy/factory pattern with links. The question at the above link will give you another type of example where this pattern can be adopted.
There are great examples of these design patterns here and the following are detailed intros to the Strategy pattern and the Factory pattern. The former of the last two links also shows you how to combine the two to do something like what you require.
I hope this helps.
Try following
void CallServiceXY(params object []objects)
throw new Exception("");
void Retry(int maxRetryCount, Action<object[]> action, params object[] obj)
int retryCount = 1;
while ( retryCount <= maxRetryCount)
void Main()
Demo here
Trick is Action<object[]> that accepts object array and return void and params keyword in Retry method.
To return non void value, Change Action<object[]> to Func<T, object[]>.