How to raise the number of active tasks in spark databricks? - apache-spark

I'm in a configuration of databricks with 1 work, which gives a cluster two nodes and 12 cores each. The distribuition of this is stage is almost 2 per cluster. I tried to raise the number of works in Databrics to 4 workers and number of runnings (active tasks) raised to 8.
I searched over the internet and got no answer. i'm new in pyspark too.
There's any way to grow this number without need to scale the number of workers?

As per your existing configuration, it depends on the way you partitioned. But if you are having a finite number of partitions, use the below code to execute.
val input: DStream[...] = ...
val partitionedInput = input.repartition(numPartitions = your number of partitions)

It looks like an issue or missconfiguration in spark (or databricks). The problem was solved running the same code on a cluster without gpu. It went from 2 runnings to 20.


Why is the pyspark code not parallelizing to all the executors?

I have created a 7 nodes cluster on dataproc (1 master and 6 executors. 3 primary executors and 3 secondary preemptible executors). I can see in the console the cluster is created corrected. I have all 6 ips and VM names. I am trying to test the cluster but it seems the code is not running on all the executors but just 2 at max. Following is the code I am using to check the number of executors that the code executed on:
import numpy as np
import socket
set(sc.parallelize(range(1,1000000)).map(lambda x : socket.gethostname()).collect())
{'monsoon-testing-sw-543d', 'monsoon-testing-sw-p7w7'}
I have restarted the kernel many times but, though the executors change the number of executors on which the code is executed remains the same.
Can somebody help me understand what is going on here and why pyspark is not parallelizing my code to all the executors?
You have many executer to work, but not enough data partitions to work on. You can add the parameter numSlices in the parallelize() method to define how many partitions should be created:
rdd = sc.parallelize(range(1,1000000), numSlices=12)
The number of partitions should at least equal or larger than the number of executors for optimal work distribution.
Btw: with rdd.getNumPartitions() you can get the number of partitions you have in your RDD.

Spark number of tasks vs number of partitions

I am running Spark on my local machine with i5 and quad core processor i.e. 4 core, 8 threads. I run a simple Spark job to understand the behaviour but got confused how number of partitions and number of tasks are different on Spark UI.
Below operations I did:
read CSV file in Spark dataframe with 2 partitions.
I have checked number of underlying partitions using df.rdd.getNumPartitions() which is giving 2.
Apply withColumn logic to add another column.
df1.withColumn("partitionId", spark_partition_id()).groupBy("partitionId").count().show() to get size of each partition.
With above operations spark creates 7 JobIds. Why 7? My understanding is, a job is created when action is called and I do not have 7 actions.
I have 2 partitions, so shouldn't there be 2 tasks running ? Why I see different number of tasks on different stages?

Spark 12 GB data load with Window function Performance issue

I am using sparksql to transform 12 GB data.My Transformation is to apply row number function with partition by on one of fields then divide data into two sets first set where row number is 1 and 2nd set include rest of data then write data to target location in 30 partitions.
My job is currently taking approximately 1 hour.I want to run it in less than 10 mins.
I am running this job on 3 Node cluster with specs(16 Cores & 32 GB RAM).
Node 1 yarn master node.
Node 2 Two Executors 1 driver and 1 other
Node 3 Two executors both for processing.
Each executor is assigned 5 cores and 10GB memory.
Is my hardware enough or i need more powerful hardware?
Is executors configuration right?
If both hardware and configuration is good then definitely i need to improve my code.
My code is as follow.
SalesDf ='true').load(path, format='csv')
initialLoad = SalesDf_Version.withColumn('partition',SalesDf_Version.year).withColumn('isActive', when(col('row_number') == 1, lit('Y')).when(col('row_number') != 1, lit('N')))
initialLoad = initialLoad.withColumn('version_flag',col ('isActive')).withColumn('partition',col('city'))
initialLoad = initialLoad.drop('row_number')
initialLoad.coalesce(1).write.partitionBy('isActive','partition').option("header", "true").mode('overwrite').csv(path +'Temp/target/')
initialLoad.coalesce(1).write.partitionBy('isActive','partition').option("header", "true").mode('overwrite').csv(path +'Temp/target/')
Thanks in advance for your help
You have a coalesce(1) before writing, what is the reason for that? Coalesce reduces the parallelization of that stage which in your case will cause the windowing query to run on 1 core, so you're losing the benefit of the 16 cores per node.
Remove the coalesce and that should start improving things.
Following were the changes that we implemented to improve performance of our code.
We removed coalesce and used repartition(50).We tried higher and lower numbers in the brackets but 50 was the optimized number in our case.
We were using s3 as our target but it was costing us alot because of rename thing in spark so we used HDFS instead and our job time was reduced to half of what it was before.
Overall by above changes our code ran 12 mins previously it was 50 mins.

Spark write to CSV fails even after 8 hours

I have a dataframe with roughly 200-600 gb of data I am reading, manipulating, and then writing to csv using the spark shell (scala) on an elastic map reduce cluster.Spark write to CSV fails even after 8 hours
here's how I'm writing to csv:
The result variable is created through a mix of columns from some other dataframes:
var result=sources.join(destinations, Seq("source_d","destination_d")).select("source_i","destination_i")
Now, I am able to read the csv data it is based on in roughly 22 minutes. In this same program, I'm also able to write another (smaller) dataframe to csv in 8 minutes. However, for this result dataframe it takes 8+ hours and still fails ... saying one of the connections was closed.
I'm also running this job on 13 x c4.8xlarge instances on ec2, with 36 cores each and 60 gb of ram, so I thought I'd have the capacity to write to csv, especially after 8 hours.
Many stages required retries or had failed tasks and I can't figure out what I'm doing wrong or why it's taking so long. I can see from the Spark UI that it never even got to the write CSV stage and was busy with persist stages, but without the persist function it was still failing after 8 hours. Any ideas? Help is greatly appreciated!
I've ran the following command to repartition the result variable into 66K partitions:
val r2 = result.repartition(66000) #confirmed with numpartitions
However, even after several hours, the jobs are still failing. What am I doing wrong still?
note, I'm running spark shell via spark-shell yarn --driver-memory 50G
Update 2:
I've tried running the write with a persist first:
But I had many stages fail, returning a, Job aborted due to stage failure: ShuffleMapStage 10 (persist at <console>:36) has failed the maximum allowable number of times: 4. Most recent failure reason: org.apache.spark.shuffle.MetadataFetchFailedException: Missing an output location for shuffle 3' or saying Connection from ip-172-31-48-180.ec2.internal/ closed
Executors page
Spark web UI page for a node returning a shuffle error
Spark web UI page for a node returning an ec2 connection closed error
Overall Job Summary page
I can see from the Spark UI that it never even got to the write CSV
stage and was busy with persist stages, but without the persist
function it was still failing after 8 hours. Any ideas?
It is FetchFailedException i.e Failed to fetch a shuffle block
Since you are able to deal with small files, only huge data its failed...
I strongly feel that not enough partitions.
Fist thing is verify/Print source.rdd.getNumPartitions(). and destinations.rdd.getNumPartitions(). and result.rdd.getNumPartitions().
You need to repartition after the data is loaded in order to partition the data (via shuffle) to other nodes in the cluster. This will give you the parallelism that you need for faster processing with out fail
Further more, to verify the other configurations applied...
print all the config like this, adjust them to correct values as per demand.
Also have a look at
Spark-TaskRunner-FetchFailedException Possible reasons : OOM or Container memory limits
repartition both source and destination before joining, with number of partitions such that each partition would be 10MB - 128MB(try to tune), there is no need to make it 20000(imho too many).
then join by those two columns and then write, without repartitioning(ie. output partitions should be same as reparitioning before join)
if you still have trouble, try to make same thing after converting to both dataframes to rdd(there are some differences between apis, and especially regarding repartitions, key-value rdds etc)

Spark Performance issue while adding more worker nodes

I am being new on Spark. I am facing performance issue when the number of worker nodes are increased. So to investigate that, I have tried some sample code on spark-shell.
I have created a Amazon AWS EMR with 2 worker nodes (m3.xlarge). I have used the following code on spark-shell on the master node.
var df = sqlContext.range(0,6000000000L).withColumn("col1",rand(10)).withColumn("col2",rand(20))
df.selectExpr("id","col1","col2","if(id%2=0,1,0) as key").groupBy("key").agg(avg("col1"),avg("col2")).show()
This code executed without any issues and took around 8 mins. But when I have added 2 more worker nodes (m3.xlarge) and executed the same code using spark-shell on master node, the time increased to 10 mins.
Here is the issue, I think the time should be decreased, not by half, but I should decrease. I have no idea why on increasing worker node same spark job is taking more time. Any idea why this is happening? Am I missing any thing?
This should not happen, but it is possible for an algorithm to run slower when distributed.
Basically, if the synchronization part is a heavy one, doing that with 2 nodes will take more time then with one.
I would start by comparing some simpler transformations, running a more asynchronous code, as without any sync points (such as group by key), and see if you get the same issue.
#z-star, yes an algorithm might b slow when distributed. I found the solution by using Spark Dynamic Allocation. This enable spark to use only required executors. While the static allocation runs a job on all executors, which was increasing the execution time with more nodes.
