Spark number of tasks vs number of partitions - apache-spark

I am running Spark on my local machine with i5 and quad core processor i.e. 4 core, 8 threads. I run a simple Spark job to understand the behaviour but got confused how number of partitions and number of tasks are different on Spark UI.
Below operations I did:
read CSV file in Spark dataframe with 2 partitions.
I have checked number of underlying partitions using df.rdd.getNumPartitions() which is giving 2.
Apply withColumn logic to add another column.
df1.withColumn("partitionId", spark_partition_id()).groupBy("partitionId").count().show() to get size of each partition.
With above operations spark creates 7 JobIds. Why 7? My understanding is, a job is created when action is called and I do not have 7 actions.
I have 2 partitions, so shouldn't there be 2 tasks running ? Why I see different number of tasks on different stages?


Failure Handling of transformations in Spark

I read all the data into a pyspark dataframe from s3.
I apply the filter transform on the dataframe. And then write the dataframe to S3.
Lets say the dataframe had 10 partitions of 64MB each.
Now say for partition 1, 2, and 3 the filter and write were successful and there data was written to S3.
Now lets say for partition 4 the filter errors out.
What will happen after this. Will spark proceed for all the remaining partitions and leave partition 4, or will the program terminate after writing only 3 partitions?
Relevant parameter for non-local mode of operation is: spark.task.maxFailures.
If you have 32 tasks and 4 executors and 7 have run and 4 are running with 21 tasks waiting in that stage,
then if one of the 4 fails more times than spark.task.maxFailures after being re-scheduled,
then the Job will stop and no more stages will be executed.
the 3 running tasks will complete, but that's it.
A Job of multi-stages must stop, as a new stage can only start when all tasks of previous stage complete.
Transformations are all or none operations. In your case above, Spark will crash with errors from partition 4.

How will we come to know that the data are evenly distributed across cluster in Spark?

How will we come to know that the data are evenly distributed across cluster in Spark
You can check the same in Spark Web UI where you can see how many tasks are getting created and how are they executing in different nodes. You can also check whether your executors are getting skewed and taking time to write. You can also work on a real time example , take a file of 15 GB and process the file in your 4 node 16 GB 4 core machines. After reading do a re-partition of 10 and do some simple aggregation and write to some other directory. You will able to see how parallel tasks are getting create and executing in Task Nodes.

What is the relationship between tasks and partitions?

Can I say?
The number of the Spark tasks equal to the number of the Spark partitions?
The executor runs once (batch inside of executor) is equal to one task?
Every task produce only a partition?
(duplicate of 1.)
The degree of parallelism, or the number of tasks that can be ran concurrently, is set by:
The number of Executor Instances (configuration)
The Number of Cores per Executor (configuration)
The Number of Partitions being used (coded)
Actual parallelism is the smaller of
executors * cores - which gives the amount of slots available to run tasks
partitions - each partition will translate to a task whenever a slot opens up.
Tasks that run on the same executor will share the same JVM. This is used by the Broadcast feature as you only need one copy of the Broadcast data per Executor for all tasks to be able to access it through shared memory.
You can have multiple executors running, on the same machine, or on different machines. Executors are the true means of scalability.
Note that each Task takes up one Thread ¹, and is assumed to be assigned to one core ².
So -
Is the number of the Spark tasks equal to the number of the Spark partitions?
No (see previous).
The executor runs once (batch inside of executor) is equal to one task?
An Executor is started as an environment for the tasks to run. Multiple tasks will run concurrently within that Executor (multiple threads).
Every task produce only a partition?
For a task, it is one Partition in, one partition out. However, a repartitioning or shuffle/sort can happen in between tasks.
The number of the Spark tasks equal to the number of the Spark partitions?
Same as (1.)
(¹) Assumption is that within your tasks, you are not multithreading yourself (never do that, otherwise core estimate will be off).
(²) Note that due to hyper-threading, you might have more than one virtual core per physical core, and thus you can have several threads per core. You might even be able to handle multiple threads (2 to 3) on a single core without hyper-threading.
Partitions are a feature of RDD and are only available at design time (before an action is called).
Tasks are part of TaskSet per Stage per ActiveJob in a Spark application.
Is the number of the Spark tasks equal to the number of the Spark partitions?
The executor runs once (batch inside of executor) is equal to one task?
That recursively uses "executor" and does not make much sense to me.
Every task produce only a partition?
Every task produce an output of executing the code (it was created for) for the data in a partition.
The number of the Spark tasks equal to the number of the Spark partitions?
The number of the Spark tasks in a single stage equals to the number of RDD partitions.
1.The number of the Spark tasks equal to the number of the Spark partitions?
Spark breaks up the data into chunks called partitions. Is a collection of rows that sit on one physical machine in the cluster. Default partition size is 128MB. Allow every executor perform work in parallel. One partition will have a parallelism of only one, even if you have many executors.
With many partitions and only one executor will give you a parallelism of only one. You need to balance the number of executors and partitions to have the desired parallelism. This means that each partition will be processed by only one executor (1 executor for 1 partition for 1 task at a time).
A good rule is that the number of partitions should be larger than the number of executors on your cluster
See also: Chambers, Bill; Zaharia, Matei. Spark: The Definitive Guide: Big Data Processing Made Simple (p. 27). O'Reilly Media. Edição do Kindle.
2.The executor runs once (batch inside of executor) is equal to one task?
Cores are slot for tasks, and each executor can process more than one partition at a time if it has more than one core.
3.Every task produce only a partition?
It depend on the transformation.
Spark has Wide transformations and Narrow Transformation.
Wide Transformation: Will have input partitions contributing to many output partitions (shuffles -> Aggregation, sort, joins). Often referred to as a shuffle whereby Spark exchange partitions across the cluster. When we perform a shuffe, Spark write the results do disk
Narrow Transformation: Which input partition will contribute to only one output partition.
See also: Chambers, Bill; Zaharia, Matei. Spark: The Definitive Guide: Big Data Processing Made Simple. O'Reilly Media. Edição do Kindle.
Note: Read file is a narrow transformation because it does not require shuffle, but when you read one file that is splittable like parquet this file will be split into many partitions

When should I repartition an RDD?

I know that I can repartition an RDD to increase its partitions and use coalesce to decrease its partitions. I have two questions regarding this that I cannot completely understand after reading different resources.
Spark will use a sensible default (1 partition per block which is 64MB in first versions and now 128MB) when generating an RDD. But I also read that it is recommended to use 2 or 3 times the number of cores running the jobs. So here comes the question:
How many partitions should I use for a given file? For example, suppose I have a 10GB .parquet file, 3 executors with 2 cores and 3gb memory each.
Should I repartition? How many partitions should I use? What is the better way to make that choice?
Are all data types (ie .txt, .parquet, etc..) repartitioned by default if no partitioning is provided?
Spark can run a single concurrent task for every partition of an RDD, up to the total number of cores in the cluster.
For example :
val rdd= sc.textFile ("file.txt", 5)
The above line of code will create an RDD named textFile with 5 partitions.
Suppose that you have a cluster with 4 cores and assume that each partition needs to process for 5 minutes. In case of the above RDD with 5 partitions, 4 partition processes will run in parallel as there are 4 cores and the 5th partition process will process after 5 minutes when one of the 4 cores, is free.
The entire processing will be completed in 10 minutes and during the 5th partition process, the resources (remaining 3 cores) will remain idle.
The best way to decide on the number of partitions in a RDD is to make the number of partitions equal to the number of cores in the cluster so that all the
partitions will process in parallel and the resources will be utilized in an optimal way.
Question : Are all data types (ie .txt, .parquet, etc..) repartitioned
by default if no partitioning is provided?
There will be default no of partitions for every rdd.
to check you can use rdd.partitions.length right after rdd created.
to use existing cluster resources in optimal way and to speed up, we have to consider re-partitioning to ensure that all cores are utilized and all partitions have enough number of records which are uniformly distributed.
For better understanding, also have a look at
Note : There is no fixed formula for this. general convention most of them follow is
(numOf executors * no of cores) * replicationfactor (which may be 2 or 3 times more )

How the Number of partitions and Number of concurrent tasks in spark calculated

I have a cluster with 4 nodes (each with 16 cores) using Spark 1.0.1.
I have an RDD which I've repartitioned so it has 200 partitions (hoping to increase the parallelism).
When I do a transformation (such as filter) on this RDD, I can't seem to get more than 64 tasks (my total number of cores across the 4 nodes) going at one point in time. By tasks, I mean the number of tasks that appear under the Application Spark UI. I tried explicitly setting the spark.default.parallelism to 128 (hoping I would get 128 tasks concurrently running) and verified this in the Application UI for the running application but this had no effect. Perhaps, this is ignored for a 'filter' and the default is the total number of cores available.
I'm fairly new with Spark so maybe I'm just missing or misunderstanding something fundamental. Any help would be appreciated.
This is correct behavior. Each "core" can execute exactly one task at a time, with each task corresponding to a partition. If your cluster only has 64 cores, you can only run at most 64 tasks at once.
You could run multiple workers per node to get more executors. That would give you more cores in the cluster. But however many cores you have, each core will run only one task at a time.
you can see the more details on the following thread
How does Spark paralellize slices to tasks/executors/workers?
