Is it possible to use a registry look up in Toothpick 3.x? - toothpick-di

Toothpick is working great for us on Android, but the required proguard / R8 rules mean that classes using injection cannot be obfuscated to the degree we need. It seems like the reason the rules are required is for the Class.forName calls in the FactoryLocator and MemberInjectorLocator classes. The wiki mentions a config option disableReflection which could help, but it seems like this was discontinued after TP 1.x.
I'm hoping to play around with the code and perhaps re-add a registry generator. But before I do - have I correctly identified the reason the proguard / R8 rules are required, or have I missed some other subtlety in the code? Was there a specific reason the registry approach was dropped after 1.x? Did the original registry approach just generate code which explicitly mapped a class to its factory / member injector, or did it take a different approach?


PropsValues in liferay

why we should not use any classes from portal-impl.jar inside your portlet?
In my case, how can I read PropsValues without adding portal-impl to maven dependencies.
I'm using Liferay 6.2
#Origineil - in a comment to your question - gave you the alternative of what to do instead of using portal-impl.jar (e.g. use GetterUtil.getBoolean(PropsUtil.get(PropsKeys.SESSION_TIMEOUT_AUTO_EXTEND)); instead of PropsValues.SESSION_TIMEOUT_AUTO_EXTEND.
Why shouldn't you add portal-impl.jar to your project? Well, there are many reasons. First of all: It doesn't work. If you add portal-impl.jar to your plugin, there are quite a lot of spring components in there that would re-initialize - and they'd assume they're in the portal context. They'll be missing other code they're dependent on and you'd basically pull in a lot of Liferay's implementation and dependency code, making your plugin ridiculously big. And the initialization can't be done twice, so it won't even work anyways.
Plus, in portal-impl.jar you'll only find Liferay's implementation details - none of this code is ever promised to be stable. Not only will nobody care if you're depending on it, it'll most likely break your assumptions even on minor upgrades. Of course some components in there are more stable then others, but the basic assumption is a good one.
Liferay's API (that you're encouraged to use) lives in portal-service.jar. This is automatically available to all plugins and it contains the implementation mentioned above. Don't depend on someone's (Liferay's) internal implementation. Rather depend on the published API. If this means that you'll have to implement something again - so be it. It might be slightly less elegant, but a lot more future proof. And if you compare the size of portal-impl.jar to the amount of code that you'd duplicate in the case of PropsValues, you'll see that this single expansion is actually a nobrainer. Don't pull in 30M of code just because you'd rather type 30 characters than 60.

Catel application initialization

I'm looking into Catel. I started following along in the Getting Started for WPF Developers. I create the initial project using the template and run it. All well and good.
Then I take a detailed look at the generated source files. I see references to DataWindow, StyleHelper, and ViewModelBase. And I run in the debugger and watch the Catel debug output, stepping so that I can see when things happen.
And it is all magical.
The view manager somehow runs and registers the MainWindow. And the ViewModelFactory is invoked to create MainWindowViewModel, and the MainWindow DataContext gets set.
How does this all happen? I am missing the documentation that puts together for me the sequence of events when an application starts. I am reluctant to take it on faith, and reluctant to dive into the giant code base without an inkling of where to start. I have read the CodeProject articles and the intro part of the documentation.
Is this driven off of the behaviors some way? How are they invoked? I just can't find the thread that starts me on my way.
Aside: I look at Catel because I found myself implementing a ton of plumbing for a significant MVVM application, and decided that someone else had already solved this problem.
Thanks for any leads. (And thanks, Geert. This is a significant work.)
If I understand correctly, you are looking for advanced information of the inner workings. I think this part of the documentation might be of interest for you.
It might not provide all information you are looking for, but it should provide some.
About some basic questions:
1) The startup windows is defined in App.xaml (that's standard WPF)
2) Since it derives from DataWindow, it uses WindowLogic => LogicBase. The LogicBase uses the IViewModelLocator to find the right view model based on naming conventions (all documented)
3) Then the IViewModelFactory will instantiate the vm (using dependency injection) and return it to the logic which will set it as datacontext.
Note that as the advanced documentation tells you, Catel injects an additional layer to make a difference between the outside datacontext and the VM datacontext (of a window or user control content).
ps. I really recommend starting to use the latest prereleases via NuGet. Catel 4.0 (will be released very soon) is nearly feature complete and will prevent you from a lot of breaking changes that you have to go through (and it is of course much better :-))

Avoiding CA2122 from Code Analysis in VS2012 with SecuritySafeCritical fails

I have here a C++/CLI solution which isn't mixed with native C++ (although we have this type too). It consists of three projects, where are two relevant for my question.
The first one is a static library (.lib) and deals with Acitve Diretytory matters.
The second one is the executable main project (.exe) which depends on the other projects.
I'm new to Visual Studio 2012 and want to use the advantages of tools like the code analysis. Running the code analysis over the solution reveals several CA2122 warnings:
CA2122 Do not indirectly expose methods with link demands
I understand the security concerns related to this warning and I think I understood how to deal with it, although I'm also new to this security stuff. This warnings are related to the Active Directory code when the whole solution is examined, while examining only the lib-project they will not appear and everything seems to be ok.
Now to the core of the problem:
I tried to mark all methods where I'm warned with the SecuritySafeCritical attribute
--> no changes, same warnings
I've solved this warning in another project by marking the whole assembly as SecurityCritical and adding the SecuritySafeCritical to the problematic method. This will not work since adding a AssemblyInfo.cpp with marking the assembly as SecurityCritical will not affect this problem. (I know that *.cpp seem to be obsolete in managed static librarys since the code seem to have to be complete in the header files making this kind of project obsolete... but we don't want to have .dll for every small part and we also want to have this stuff capsulated in an own project instead of having some loose header files or have it mixed with other regions)
After that I tried to mark the whole assembly of the main project as SecurityTransparent because so far I understand this SecuritySafeCritical marked code can be called by SecurityTransparent or SecurityCritical code (what is for me every kind of security). --> My as SecuritySafeCritical marked methods now are marked with CA2141 warnings and many other methods produce new warnings (most of them are related to exception handling):
CA2141:Transparent methods must not satisfy LinkDemands
CA2140: Transparent code must not reference security critical items
So I decided to try marking this assembly as SecurityCritical too.
--> My SecuritySafeCritical methods finally produce no warnings, but there are still all these other warnings from methods having exceptionhandling.
So I don't know how to solve this problem. I assume that having a managed static library is the problem and when having just a dll-project maybe I could solve the problem as mentionend in 2., but I want to avoid to share another *.dll project with our programs.
I searched for a solution but found nothing which would help in this case. Also informations on this topic are rare, out of date (because related to .Net Framework 2.0 while the whole security thing seems to be changed massively with .Net Framework 4.0) or hard to understand for me. So I hope someone has an idea what I could try or what I should do.

adding extra codes at runtime in java

I am developing a library and I need to add extra codes to some of my methods of my objects at run time. there are two points here. first of all, the program I wanted to add extra code, is written before by some body else, and I don't wanted to edit it. second, my work is very similar to adding aspect before calling a method.
After searching and reading on in internet, I found out many frameworks like aspectj, ASPECTWERKZ and etc. that could do this job, but for example the problem with aspectj(when using in spring context) is that it doesn't provide you any API to do your weaving at runtime.
I also found out there are some libraries like ASM and javassist and etc. but they are so general and hard to learn, and my job is more likely to aspects.
So what do you suggest? is there any good library out there? Am I wrong about above libraries i mentioned earlier? Please Help!
With AspectJ you can apply your aspects when classes are loaded at runtime. See Load-Time Weaving documentation. Alternatively, you don't have to change your old code and can apply aspects at compile time.

Is there a typical config or property file format and library in Haskell?

I need a set of key-value pairs for configuration read in from a file. I tried using show on a Data.Map and it doesn't look at all like what I want. It seems this is something many others might have already done so I'm wondering if there is a standard way to do it and what library to use.
Go to hackage.
Click on "packages"
Search for "config".
Notice ConfigFile(TH), EEConfig, and tconfig.
Read the Haddock documentation
Select a couple and implement your task.
Blog about your findings so the rest of us can learn from your new found expertise (thanks!).
I've recently used configurator - which was easy enough. I suggest you try that one!
(Yes, yes. If I took my own advice I would have made a blog for you all)
The configuration category on Hackage should list all relevant libraries:
I have researched the topic myself now, and my conclusion is:
configurator is very good, but it's currently only for user-edited configurations. The application only reads the configuration and cannot modify it. So it's more for server-side applications.
tconfig has a a simple API and looked like it was what I wanted, maybe a bit raw, until I realized it's unmaintained and that some commits which are really important to use the app are applied on github but the hackage package was not updated
Other solutions didn't look like they'd work for me, I didn't like the API, but every application (and tastes) are different.
I think using JSON for instance is not a good solution because at least with Aeson when you add new settings in a new release, the old JSON without the new member from the previous version won't load. Also, i find that solution a bit verbose.
The conclusion of my research is that I wrote my own library, app-settings, which aims to be key-value, read-write, with a as succint and type-safe API as possible. And you'll find it also in the hackage links for the configurations category that I gave.
So to summarize, I think configurator is the standard for read-only configurations (and it's very powerful too, you can split the configuration file with imports for instance). For read-write there are many small libraries, some unmaintained, and no real standard I think.
UPDATE 2018 be sure to look at dhall
I'd also suggest just using Text.JSON or one of the yaml libraries available (I prefer JSON myself, but...).
The configfile package looks like what you want.
