iPython in a REPL inside vim. Is there any variable explorer? - vim

I am wondering if there is any variable explorer like this: https://github.com/ipselium/cpyvke that can be opened directly from the iPython console, i.e.
In [1]: <I call the variable explorer directly from here>
I am aware of %whos but I would like something more interactive.
FYI: I have a batch script that automatically opens gvim and open an iPython REPL.
I am working on Windows 10.
My work environment looks like this:


VS Code Keybinding Command to create a new PYTHON file

I had Ctrl+N Ctrl+P bound to the command Python:createNewFile but it stopped working after a recent VSCode update (I believe, not sure if it was something else).
Does anyone know the VSCode key binding command to create a new Python file?
Ctrl+N gets me a new text file and I have to select the language or save it with .py for it to be a python file, which is cumbersome since I mostly use VSCode only for python.

How to open a new terminal in VS Code from command line?

Is it possible to open a new terminal tab in VS Code from the command line? I know it's possible to have hotkeys and click the icon in the GUI. However, I need to do this from a script to have several terminals. I am running Ubuntu within a Docker devcontainer. I looked at the solution of using a terminal multiplexer, which might work, but it doesn't seem necessary.

Remap keys for groovysh when opened in ConEmu

Previous Title: Groovy shell settings/config file location on windows and an example
Where can I find/create a groovysh/groovy shell settings/config file in Microsoft Windows 7?
Groovysh currently has an issue GROOVY-6453 where certain keys don't work correctly on windows for my version of groovy. I'd previously used AutoHotkey to remap the keys but I've started to use ConEMU and haven't figured out how to differentiate the tabs so far with AutoHotkey.
I'm hoping I'll be able to remap the keys in the config file so it works globally for my user and not need the AutoHotkey script anymore.
Just to clarify there is nothing wrong with ConEmu just the specific version of groovysh I'm using.
If you set the title of a cmd window then start the groovysh the title will stick and AutoHotkey can check the window title.
In the ConEmu Commands input box enter -new_console:t:Groovy"cmd.exe /c title Groovy&&groovysh"
The t:Groovy sets the title for the tab from ConEmu's viewpoint and the cmd.exe /c title Groovy sets the title from the cmd's viewpoint. The additional &&groovysh starts the groovy console. AutoHotkey sees the title as 'Groovy (Admin)'
I use AutoHotkey to 'fix' several of the keys mentioned in the GROOVY-6453.
#If (WinActive("Groovy (Admin)") || WinActive("Administrator: C:\Windows\system32\cmd.exe - groovysh"))
Update: the 'Right' arrow no longer works for me in Windows 10, it opens the find now.

Python Launcher is Editor?

So I've been playing around with IDLE. Then the Lesson2 tells me to open the editor window, not the shell window. I'm not sure which is Editor? I have EDLE, Python Launcher (downloaded from python.org) and TextWranger...maybe I misunderstood about sth? :'(
IDLE combines several functionalities. It contains an interactive interpreter (the window where the >>> appears in, and in which you can bring code to execution immediately), and it's a small-scale IDE (integrated development environment), which means you can load, edit and save python-files, and launch them conveniently. This functionality is meant with "Editor". Probably just go to the Menu and pick something like "New File".

How to run Python in komodo

I am completely new to Python and wanted to try this code from the tutorial:
istrue = 1
if istrue:
print ("be carefull!")
The code itself should be fine, but I can not find any way to execute this code inside the editor [Komodo-Edit](http://www.activestate.com/komodo-edit)
I am used to Visual Studio and QtCreator (experienced C++/Qt developer). I would expect a menu for debugging and a command such as 'start debugging' which should open a console or use a console inside the editor. I would in any case refuse to use a dos console because then the whole idea of using an IDE would be useless.
If other Python IDEs would be more useful (on windows, no costs) I could switch to another one (except for vim/emacs).
I used to use Komodo edit, but not anymore as It's more of a text editor than an IDE. I reccomend using Ninja-IDE or Eclipse with PyDev. But if you insist on using Konodo Edit, here's an option:
Go here: Toolbox > Add > New Command...
in the top field enter the name 'Run Python file' or something else. Then go to the 'command' field and enter this:
%(python) "%F"
Optionally, you could also specify key binding for fast python executing.
I tried Komodo Edit version 9 and 10. Matthias' method work for the version 9. Version 10, I couldn't see the option to choose the Interpreter.
