How to get gingerbread on the styles? - styles

I have gingerbread for material isn,t cancelled gingerbread Using Apkeditor edit "Theme.Dialog"
Such can,t find "how to gingerbread material" in youtube search.
Make apps by sketchware.


Implement a carousel in uwp similar to an Iphone Home screen

Am currently working on a uwp project which involves using a carousel that has some sort of grid of pictures that can be swiped by clicking some round navigation buttons. This is also similar to the carousel in Twitter bootstrap. To get a better picture of this, an example is shown below
Rather than different apps on display, different pictures from the user library would be shown. I would like to dynamically display the first 100 pictures from the user's library. I have searched the internet for something similar to this, but the closest I can get is
How can I achieve this?
Have you taken a look at the FlipView class?
Or the CaouselPanel class?
and implemented them with a different data template (perhaps a styled gridview) instead of strictly images?
This is the flipview page from the windows dev center:
It should explain the basics of how the itemcontrol works.
Have a look at FlipView. I hope that is what you are looking for.

How to display still 360 images in full screen like YouTube

I have to display 360 still images in my Android app. I want the exact same feature like YouTube's 360 video but for still images.
I am essentially lookin for the same functionality of full screen 360 and when clicked on cardboard button switch to cardboard view.
I want to use this in both modes as it will enable the user to choose whether to use the cardboard or not but still be able to move around and view everything.
I want the same features when you open YouTube 360 example
I started reading from getting started for cardboard sdk for Android from here. It talks about using opengl and functionality of selection and updating the UI dynamically using opengl. I don't need those features, I only need to display static 360 images.
Please point me in the right direction.
You can use VrPanoramaView
For the fullscreen, use setDisplayMode
It's really simple to load a panorama image using the cardboard SDK. You need to just include a VrPanoramaView like this in your layout
android:layout_height="250dip" />
Inside the Activity, the primary method is
VrPanoramaView.loadImageFromBitmap(). It is given a standard Android
Bitmap object and an optional VrPanoramaView.Options object. The
latter is used to configure the format of the image. The Activity also
implements a VrPanoramaEventListener which receives events when the
load operation succeeds or fails.
Quoted from the Getting Started here.

how to get rid of MS Azure Media Services logo overlay (water mark)

How do you get rid of or replace the Microsoft Azure Media Services logo overlay (water mark) that is put onto dynamic packaged video? The following link shows the topic area:
My html contains embedded code taken from
It seems that you are attempting to use the iframe embed code on the "get embed code" section of the player. Please note that this is currently under development, as it is listed on the site: "this embed code is for demo purposes only. Do not use in production."
For your player needs in production, especially if you want to use the large amounts of API's available, you should create your own player page following the instructions in the documentation and by using the samples provided.
Specifically for the question regarding the logo, there is an API available to remove to logo and can be found in the logo option section of the documentation. This is the correct way to remove to logo using the APIs provided.
It might be helpful to post some of the HTML that you are using when you say "My html contains embedded code taken from..."
It looks like the code on that page has the following div:
<div class="amp-logo" style="opacity: 0.5;"></div>
This appears to be what is placing the logo on the page you reference. Not know what HTML is actually in your page, I don't know if this is the HTML they are generating for you as embedded or whether you cut and paste the HTML from the given page.
You may be able to remove it from your HTML. If not, try creating a style that overrides the amp-logo class.

How to create own WIDGET for adobe muse?

How to create own widget for adobe muse? So that I can add my own created widget in library to use it.
What tools & ide required for it? If it can be done in adobe muse only then how?
You can't create complete new widgets for Muse.
You can create embedded HTML/CSS/JS widgets with some UI for users to configure options by using the mucow widgets introduced with Muse 7.0.
The documentation for creating a mucow widget is here:
If you have questions about building mucow widgets in Muse, the Muse forum is probably the best place to ask:

HTML Editor in Orchard 1.4

I had a look around on SO to see if someone has asked this question before or not, but couldn't find any posts. My apologizes, if this is a duplicate question.
In Orchard 1.3, there is a module for HTML field that one can use...but there is nothing in Orchard 1.4. How do I go about creating a content type with multiple HTML fields? ( Just adding it in UI and not coding).
It's the opposite. There wasn't one out of the box in 1.3, and you had to download one from the gallery, whereas it's built-in 1.4.
