Is there a way to make a macro replace things in strings? - rust

This macro should be able to replace entries in a string via an argument. For example, this would work:
let string = "Hello, world!";
replace_macro!(string, "world", "Rust"); // Hello, Rust!
I'm not sure how to do this, as all my previous attempts of just writing a regular function and calling that don't work inside macros. If possible, I'd like to be using macro_rules as opposed to a proc macro.

It is not possible. Macros cannot inspect and/or change the value of variables.
It is possible if the literal is embedded in the call (replace_macro!("Hello, world!", "world", "Rust");) but requires a proc-macro: macro_rules! macros cannot inspect and/or change literals.
It's a rather simple with a proc macro:
use quote::ToTokens;
use syn::parse::Parser;
use syn::spanned::Spanned;
type Args = syn::punctuated::Punctuated<syn::LitStr, syn::Token![,]>;
pub fn replace_macro(input: proc_macro::TokenStream) -> proc_macro::TokenStream {
let input_span = input.span();
let args = match Args::parse_terminated.parse(input) {
Ok(args) => Vec::from_iter(args),
Err(err) => return err.into_compile_error().into(),
let (original, text, replacement) = match args.as_slice() {
[original, text, replacement] => (original.value(), text.value(), replacement.value()),
_ => {
return syn::Error::new(
r#"expected `"<original>", "<text>", "<replacement>"`"#,
.replace(&text, &replacement)
It parses a list of three string literals, punctated by commas, then calls str::replace() to do the real work.


Zip iterables with Optional and Non Optional parameter in macro

For the testing part of my lexer, I came up with a simple macro that let met define the expected token type (enum) and the token literal (string):
macro_rules! token_test {
($($ttype:ident: $literal:literal)*) => {
and then I can use it like this:
for (ttype, literal) in token_test! {
Let: "let" Identifier: "five" Assign: "=" Int: "5" Semicolon: ";"
} {
However, this is a little bit verbose and we don't need to specify the literal for most of the token since I have another macro that transforms an enum variant into a string (eg: Let -> "let").
So what I hope to do is something like:
for (ttype, literal) in token_test! {
Let Identifier: "five" Assign Int: "5" Semicolon
} {
And if I understood properly, I can use optional parameters to match either TYPE: LITERAL or TYPE. Maybe something like:
macro_rules! token_test {
($($ttype:ident$(: $literal:literal)?)*) => {
So then my question is is there a way to build Vector out of this?
To be more clear:
In the case of no literal passed, it should add the string representation of my enum (eg: Let -> "let")
In the case of literal passed, it should add the literal directly
Made it work with the following macro (any improvement welcomed):
macro_rules! token_test {
($($ttype:ident$(: $literal:literal)?)*) => {
let mut literal = $ttype.as_str().unwrap();
$(literal = $literal;)?
This 'iterates' over the literal macro arguments and initially set the value of the as_str which transform a enum variant to a string. Then if the $literal is defined, it replaces the local literal value to that. And finally, it returns the local literal variable.
macro_rules! some_or_none {
() => { None };
($entity:literal) => { Some($entity) }
macro_rules! token_test {
($($ttype:ident$(: $literal:literal)?)*) => {
Removed some unnecessary scopes, the second .iter(), and added some_or_none macro. With this way I don't need to do the as_str if there is a literal provided.
Further improvement
In the above example, there are two macros that are provided. One is clearly a "private" macro, because its existence is only useful for the implementation of the other one. However, there is a small catch about how macro exports work. Unlike functions, macros cannot access a macro that was defined in the same scope, but which are not accessible from the caller. See this playground example. This is not a problem if you don't intend to export that macro, which is possible since its only purpose is to be used in a test suite. However, you might still want to expose it publicly at a crate level, without exposing some_or_none!. The conventional way to do this is to integrate some_or_none! inside the token_test! macro, by prepending it with #:
macro_rules! token_test {
(#some_or_none) => {
(#some_or_none $entity:literal) => {
($($ttype:ident $(: $literal:literal)?)*) => {
token_test!(#some_or_none $($literal)?)
With this version, you can safely export test_token without any fears as shown in this playground.
Little bit more
original idea from steffahn on the Rust Forum
There is another similar way to solve that and without involving unwrap_or, instead of wrapping into an Option in the some_or_none, we can actually create two branches that take either TYPE + LITERAL or TYPE, like so:
macro_rules! token_test {
(#ttype_or_literal $ttype:ident) => { $ttype.as_str().unwrap() };
(#ttype_or_literal $ttype:ident: $literal:literal) => { $literal };
($($ttype:ident $(: $literal:literal)?)*) => {
.zip(vec![$(token_test!(#ttype_or_literal $ttype$(: $literal)?)),*])
And again
As I only need an iterable than can be deconstructed as (type, iterable), an array of pair is enough:
macro_rules! token_test {
(#ttype_or_literal $ttype:ident) => { $ttype.as_str().unwrap() };
(#ttype_or_literal $ttype:ident: $literal:literal) => { $literal };
($($ttype:ident $(: $literal:literal)?)*) => {
[$(($ttype, token_test!(#ttype_or_literal $ttype$(: $literal)?))),*]
so no more vec and no more zip.
A Smart trick
A user on the Rust forum gave this potential trick involving ignoring the second argument if it exists. I made the solution a little bit more compact by not having two macros:
macro_rules! token_test {
(#ignore_second $value:expr $(, $_ignored:expr)? $(,)?) => { $value };
($($ttype:ident $(: $literal:literal)?)*) => {
[$(($ttype, token_test!(#ignore_second $($literal,)? $ttype.as_str().unwrap()))),*]

How to match an argument with dots in Rust macros?

I am writing a program and it contains a lot of matchblocks as I keep calling methods and functions that return Result struct type results.
So I was thinking maybe a macro will reduce the amount of code.
And the final macro is like this:
macro_rules! ok_or_return {
//when calls on methods
($self: ident, $method: ident($($args: tt)*), $Error: ident::$err: ident) => {{
match $self.$method($($args)*) {
Ok(v) => v,
Err(e) => {
return Err($Error::$err);
As yo can see, I use $($args: tt)* to match multiple arguments, and it goes pretty well. Even when I use struct.method() as a form of argument, it compiled.
ok_or_return!(self, meth(node.get_num()), Error::GetNumError);
However, if I use the same form to match a normal macro argument, it failed. I changed the specifier to tt, and it didn't work out. Like:
ok_or_return!(self.people, meth(node.get_num()), Error::GetNumError);
So my problem is why node.get_num() can be matched and self.people can't?

Is there a way to pass a function as a parameter of a macro?

I'm trying to write a function similar to g_signal_connect_swapped in gtk+.
macro_rules! connect_clicked_swap {
($widget: tt,$other_widget: expr,$function: ident) => {
$widget.connect_clicked(|widget| $function($other_widget))
ident doesn't work here since I'd like to pass full path to the gtk::ApplicationWindow::close. so I can do something like connect_clicked_swap!(button, &window, gtk::ApplicationWindow::close)
You can use path instead of ident in order to specify a path. But the most flexible would be to use expr, which would accept paths but also expressions that return functions, including closures.
macro_rules! connect_clicked_swap {
($widget: tt, $other_widget: expr, $function: expr) => {
$widget.connect_clicked(|widget| $function($other_widget))
connect_clicked_swap!(widget1, widget2, path::to::function);
connect_clicked_swap!(widget1, widget2, |widget| println!("widget = {}", widget);

Idiomatic rust way to properly parse Clap ArgMatches

I'm learning rust and trying to make a find like utility (yes another one), im using clap and trying to support command line and config file for the program's parameters(this has nothing to do with the clap yml file).
Im trying to parse the commands and if no commands were passed to the app, i will try to load them from a config file.
Now I don't know how to do this in an idiomatic way.
fn main() {
let matches = App::new("findx")
.about("find + directory operations utility")
let paths;
let patterns;
let operation;
if matches.is_present("patterns") && matches.is_present("operation") {
patterns = matches.values_of("patterns").unwrap().collect();
paths = matches.values_of("paths").unwrap_or(clap::Values<&str>{"./"}).collect(); // this doesn't work
operation = match matches.value_of("operation").unwrap() { // I dont like this
"Append" => Operation::Append,
"Prepend" => Operation::Prepend,
"Rename" => Operation::Rename,
_ => {
print!("Operation unsupported");
}else if Path::new("findx.yml").is_file(){
//TODO: try load from config file
eprintln!("Command line parameters or findx.yml file must be provided");
if let Err(e) = findx::run(Config {
paths: paths,
patterns: patterns,
operation: operation,
}) {
eprintln!("Application error: {}", e);
There is an idiomatic way to extract Option and Result types values to the same scope, i mean all examples that i have read, uses match or if let Some(x) to consume the x value inside the scope of the pattern matching, but I need to assign the value to a variable.
Can someone help me with this, or point me to the right direction?
Best Regards
Personally I see nothing wrong with using the match statements and folding it or placing it in another function. But if you want to remove it there are many options.
There is the ability to use the .default_value_if() method which is impl for clap::Arg and have a different default value depending on which match arm is matched.
From the clap documentation
//sets value of arg "other" to "default" if value of "--opt" is "special"
let m = App::new("prog")
.default_value_if("opt", Some("special"), "default"))
"prog", "--opt", "special"
assert_eq!(m.value_of("other"), Some("default"));
In addition you can add a validator to your operation OR convert your valid operation values into flags.
Here's an example converting your match arm values into individual flags (smaller example for clarity).
extern crate clap;
use clap::{Arg,App};
fn command_line_interface<'a>() -> clap::ArgMatches<'a> {
//Sets the command line interface of the program.
.help("renames something")
.help("prepends something")
.help("appends something")
enum Operation {
fn main() {
let matches = command_line_interface();
let operation = if matches.is_present("rename") {
} else if matches.is_present("prepend"){
} else {
println!("Value of operation is {:?}",operation);
I hope this helps!
You can also use Subcommands with your specific operations. It all depends on what you want to interface to be like.
let app_m = App::new("git")
match app_m.subcommand() {
("clone", Some(sub_m)) => {}, // clone was used
("push", Some(sub_m)) => {}, // push was used
("commit", Some(sub_m)) => {}, // commit was used
_ => {}, // Either no subcommand or one not tested for...

Can you write a macro to invoke the default() operator in rust?

Something like:
macro_rules! default(
($T:ty, $($args:expr)*) => (
$T { $($args)*, ..Default::default() };
...but with a magical type instead of expr, so you could do something like:
let p = default!(CItem, _z: ~"Hi2", x: 10);
let q = default!(CItem, _z, ~"Hi2", x, 10);
let r = default!(CItem, { _z: ~"Hi2", x: 10 });
Or something along those lines?
Is there any macro symbol that simply picks up a literal block of characters without first parsing it as a type/expr/etc?
(I realize you'd typically just write a CItem::new(), but this seems like a nice situation in some circumstances)
Macros can have multiple pattern to match the syntax, so you have to write a seperate pattern for every case seperatly like this:
macro_rules! default(
($t:ident, $($n:ident, $v:expr),*) => {
$t { $($n: $v),*, ..Default::default() }
($t:ident, $($n:ident: $v:expr),*) => {
default!($t, $($n, $v),*)
As you can see there are two patterns, the first matching pairs seperated by comma and the second one pairs seperated by colon.
