How Can I Generate value for key address with consol.table - node.js

Please Help Me,..
This is main function
code function ListingNViews
here Ouput
in this output my mistake is.. i can't show value to field address in consol.table ..
Plese Help Me Sir.


SPE(Squared Predection Error), Statistics

In the address below, a formula was used to obtain the value of SPE, but I don't know where it comes from.
(7,27) (7,28)
Please let me know if you have any hints or where to look.

Multiple functions with same name in vba self duplicating

I found some code here Generating 2D (PDF417 or QR) barcodes using Excel VBA by Jonas Heilderberg. When I try to run Call RenderQRCode("Sheet1", "A13", "QR Value") I get an "ambiguous name detected: RenderQRCode" error.
Can anyone help and tell me where Call RenderQRCode("Sheet1", "A13", "QR Value") should be getting placed and how it should be called?
Thanks in advance

I'm not getting any output in the correct code (2nd code)?

Hi and thanks in advance for any help.
Here is the code that works with the proper output.
full_name=f"{first_name} {last_name}"
message=(f"Hello, {full_name.title()}!")
Here is the similar code with no output...and I can't figure out why?
full_name=f"{first_name} {last_name}"
I know it is correct coding based on the teacher's response but can't figure out why?
Thank you for any help!
You forgot to add .title() to your string formatting request.
You can do either:
# to get both capitalized add .title() twice here at "full name".
full_name=f"{first_name.title()} {last_name.title()}"
# to get both capitalized add .title() once here at "message".
full_name=f"{first_name} {last_name}"

Mac: Excel VBA - Do HTTP request to website with XPath and get value

I would like to get the value of a specified XPath of a website in Excel. However, I always get 0 returned in my spreadsheet...
This is my code so far:
Function HTTPGet2() As String
HTTPGet2 = MacScript("do shell script ""xmllint --html -xpath 'string(//*[#id=""AssetAllocationLongShortTable1""]/table/tbody/tr[1]/td[1])'\?LanguageId\=de-DE\&PortfolioType\=2\&SecurityTokenList\=F000000EM3\]2\]0\]ETEXG$XETR\|F00000J8T2\]2\]0\]FODEU$$ALL\&values\=50.00\|50.00\&CurrencyId\=EUR\&from\=editholding""")
End Function
If I execute this function in the terminal everything works fine!
But in the excel I get returned only a #VALUE! in the selected cell..
Could you guys may help me and explain whats wrong and help me out?
Don't forget, I am using a Mac!
Kind regards and Thank You!

Drupal 7 Search Module Increase snippet result

I want to increase my snippet result. When I'm going to print . It display few data from the content along with "..." 3 dots. Please help me to increase the snippet result.
I found an answer. In your search-result.tpl.php file.
Try to find the value of your body from result array and mentioned in under node_load function. For ex:- node_load($result['node']->entity_id)->body['und'][0]['value'];
This will fetch all the results. :)
