Drupal 7 Search Module Increase snippet result - search

I want to increase my snippet result. When I'm going to print . It display few data from the content along with "..." 3 dots. Please help me to increase the snippet result.

I found an answer. In your search-result.tpl.php file.
Try to find the value of your body from result array and mentioned in under node_load function. For ex:- node_load($result['node']->entity_id)->body['und'][0]['value'];
This will fetch all the results. :)


%7B and %7D being included in URL query

I'm making an IMBD movie-searching tool with streamlit. I've completed the code, however, my URL query line is not working.
url = f'http://www.omdbapi.com/?t={title}&apikey={APIKEY}'
The code can be seen above:
The issue seems to be when the URL is taken in the braces {} gets changed into their ASCII counterparts instead of being interpreted as taking in the movie title and API key.
The issue can be seen below:
Any advice would be appreciated.

I'm not getting any output in the correct code (2nd code)?

Hi and thanks in advance for any help.
Here is the code that works with the proper output.
full_name=f"{first_name} {last_name}"
message=(f"Hello, {full_name.title()}!")
Here is the similar code with no output...and I can't figure out why?
full_name=f"{first_name} {last_name}"
I know it is correct coding based on the teacher's response but can't figure out why?
Thank you for any help!
You forgot to add .title() to your string formatting request.
You can do either:
# to get both capitalized add .title() twice here at "full name".
full_name=f"{first_name.title()} {last_name.title()}"
# to get both capitalized add .title() once here at "message".
full_name=f"{first_name} {last_name}"

First Result Only Using Google-Search-API

I am using abenassi/Google-Search-API https://github.com/abenassi/Google-Search-API to make multiple Google queries in a small python script. I typically only need the first result (link) but the program is built to collect whole pages of results. So far I have been limiting the result as such:
results = google.search(query)
for result in iter(results[0:1]):
loc = result.link
The problem is that the script is slow as a result (I think) of having to wade through the whole page before I get my one link. Does anyone see something obvious I'm missing, or alternately, a simple way to modify the standard_search module https://github.com/abenassi/Google-Search-API/blob/master/google/modules/standard_search.py to limit results to first link only? Thanks!

Embedded IF AND Statements in Excel

I searched around on this site and found something similar to what I need, but I haven't been able to get it to work for me yet. I was able to get it to work when I do only half of it, but when I try to work in the other 2 conditions with AND statements, it gets messed up and I can't figure out what's going wrong.
The partial string of code that worked for me is this
=IF(M7>O7, IF(P7="R", 3, IF(P7="O", 2, IF)))
I have statements that would give different output...
If m7>o7 and p7="R" output a value of 3
If m7>o7 and p7="O" output a value of 2
If o7>m7 and p7="O" output a value of 1
If o7>m7 and p7="R" output a value of 0
Thanks in advance!
Per the comment:

three pdf-documents in one appendix

I wanted to ask how I can join three different pdf documents so that it appears in one single appendix. The command I gave was:
See Appendix~\ref{sec:corr-1}~\ref{sec:corr-2}~\ref{sec:corr-3}
and I have the following on my appendixes list:
Unforunately I cannot compile the final document.
Thanks a lot in advance.
Have a nice day.
In your example you just include tex files.
Have a look at the package pdfpages: http://mirror.ox.ac.uk/sites/ctan.org/macros/latex/contrib/pdfpages/pdfpages.pdf
Add to the top of your document:
You should call this in the text where you want the PDF to appear:
