'Model' object has no attribute 'shape' - conv-neural-network

I added squeeze_excitation_block but it keeps showing error
enter image description here


AttributeError: 'tuple' object has no attribute 'shape'when I put my hand in front of the camera, the page closes directly, and this error appears

When i running the code and And I put my hand in front of the camera, the page closes directly, and this error appears to me.

Error on Displaying attribute

I was trying to display one of the 'Estimated Hours Remaining' attribute of 'Project' in a new page called 'Appointments'.
So, I created an unbound field name 'ProjectEstimatedRemainingHours'. Then customized attribute of the field like this:
using PX.Objects.IN;
using PX.Objects.PM;
[PXUIField(DisplayName="Project Estimated Remaining Hours")]
Where<PMProject.productID, Equal<FSServiceOrder.productID>>>))]
I was trying to see if I can get any property of 'Project' first.
But then, I encountered the following error:
The weird part is even if I unpublish or even remove the customize project on which I was making this change, this error persists.
I need help to get the 'Estimated Remaining Hours' attribute of 'Project' without getting error.

Unable to set desired icon in dialog box

I want to set an icon on the picture control of my dialog box. I created a Control variable for my picture control and I tried setting the icon using loadimage and seticon funcitons as below.
CStatic pic_var;
But my LoadImage fails. The error code returned was
The specified resource type cannot be found in the image file."
I tried with LoadIcon, but nothing changed. Can any one spot the problem?
Did you load the picture into your resource folder and assign a resource ID?

Unable to add webpart

I'm trying to add a webpart, but when clicking on 'Add a Web Part' link the javascript debugger window shows an error :
SCRIPT5007: Unable to get property 'value' of undefined or null reference
wpadder.js, line 1 character 6109
The property is :
var k=this._getHiddenField("selZone").value
I'm using jquery-1.10.2 and bootstrap in my master page.

Error when creating a copy of ViewModel object

I'm trying to create a copy of my ViewModel object by serializing and deserializing it:
var copyOfObj= ko.mapping.fromJSON(ko.toJSON(myViewModel))
If i do some manipulation on objects i got following error:
Uncaught TypeError: Accessing selectionDirection on an input element that cannot have a selection.
Hope someone will be able to explain me this issue
Now i'm starting to think it is something to do with edit dialog form with inputs binded to values of this view model
I was seeing this same issue, and in my case it was due to a jQuery object as a property of my viewmodel. It was infinite looping for a reason I'm not sure of.
Once I removed the property, everything started working
