GIS Vector use in Netlogo and patches compatibility - attributes

Using the gis extension in Netlogo I aim to upload a large vector into NETLOGO.
Between the apply-coveragecommand and the following lines of codes, I picked the following because they are faster and lead to the same results (I checked using export-world command.
The following lines of codes are inspired from this source and the book "Agent-based modelling and GIS" from Brooks (2019).
The idea is to apply the attributes of each polygons to the centroid of each patches in order to be used.
let n 1
foreach gis:feature-list-of Parcels_2015 [
polygone ->
let center-point gis:location-of gis:centroid-of polygone
let x-coordinate item 0 center-point
let y-coordinate item 1 center-point
ask patch x-coordinate y-coordinate [
;; set an ID to the patch
set ID_temp n
set ID_Parcel gis:property-value polygone "ID_PRCL"
;; and others....
;; we set the variables of each patch
set LU gis:property-value polygone "LUCTGRY"
;; and other variable....
;;and color the map depending on the LUCTGRY
if gis:property-value polygone "LUCTGRY" = "Extensive grassland" [
set pcolor green
set n n + 1
I have however realised that the patches remain "square" and do not represent the "real world".
Afterwards I increased Netlogo map so two patches would not be on the same parcels, see below :
However, in the next lines of my code (not yet written), the goal would be to work with neighboring patches. If you look at the picture, the patch identifying one parcel (in color) is the neighbourgh of a patch reprensenting nothing.
So in the end, is it really possible to populate a netlogo world with "continuous" vector GIS data ?

Yes, but no, but maybe. It depends what you actually need to do. Raster datasets in GIS are a good example of this 'problem'- they are discrete representations of real-world data, but typically broken up into cells / a grid. For example, elevation is sometimes represented in 20-30 meter cells- that doesn't mean the whole cell is the same elevation, but there are restrictions in how we can represent real world 'analog' data in a digital world. The NetLogo 'world' is similar- you can modify the resolution of your world by changing the patch sizes to best allow you to explore the question at hand. If you use a very small patch size (relative to your spatial dataset) and use something like gis:apply-coverage, you could likely get a decent approximation of a continuous world. You could check out the Model Library example called "GIS Gradient Example" for an example of 'continuous' real-world data being represented in a grid system.
Alternatively, you may find that the gis:have-relationship? or the gis:relationship-of functions will allow you to explore the way that your different parcels are related, and potentially process things in this way. However, it really will depend on your need / goals if either of these options would work.


How to identify joints in the profile of a shape?

I'm working on a system to automatically take 2D profiles of components and assemble them into 3D shapes.
Imagine given these pieces:
You want to make this shape:
I'm highlighting one of the components to show how they fit together.
I'm open to any suggestions on how to go about doing this but the current approach I'm attempting first finds joints that may fit together just by looking at the 2D profile.
How could I go about identifying the "tabs" from the polyline profile?
The same technique should also work on assemblies like such:
see How to compare two shapes?
so you basically trying to find the "same" sequences in polylines encoded in the polar increment format (turn angle, line length) and then just check if relative position of matched sequences are the same in both shapes ...
Beware that the locks might have some gap between the joined shapes to ensure assembly is possible... in same case the gap might be even negative (overlap) depends on material and function so You need to compare the sequences with some margin ...
Also I would divide each shape into its sides to speed up the process as the lock is most likely not crossing sides ...
You may define the "code" for a tab. For example:
3,C,5,C,3 would mean: Three units length, then turn 90º counter-clockwise, then 5 units length, then turn 90º counter-clockwise, then 3 units length.
Of course more identifiers than C can be used, for different angles and so.
A tab in another piece that fits in the tab of the first piece has the same (or very similar) 3,C,5,C,3 code
So, finding same code in both pieces may be a fit. Check if adjacents codes in both pieces also fit, and you're done.
Notice that pieces can be rotated. This case doesn't change the code, but may change the order of adjacents codes.

3d Graphing Application Questions

For one of my classes, I made a 3D graphing application (using Visual Basic). It takes in a string (z=f(x,y)) as input, parses it into RPN notation, then evaluates and graphs the equation. While it did work, it took about 20 seconds to graph. I would have liked to add slide bars to rotate the graph vertically and horizontally, but it was definitely too slow to allow that.
Does anyone know what programming languages would be best for this type of thing? Ideally, I will be able to smoothly rotate the function once it is graphed.
Also, I’m trying to find a better way to rotate the function. Right now, I evaluate it at a bunch of points, and then plot the points to the screen. Every time it is rotated, it must be re-evaluated and plot all the new points. This takes just as long as the original graph process, as it basically treats it as a completely new function.
Lastly, I need a better way to display the graph. Currently (using VB with visual studio) I plot 200,000 points to a chart, but this does not look great by any means. Eventually, I would like to be able to change color based on height, and other graphics manipulation to make it look better.
To be clear, I am not asking for someone to do any of this for me, but rather the means to go about coding this in an efficient way. I will greatly appreciate any advice anyone can give to help with any of these three concerns.
So I will explain how I would go about it using C++ and OpenGL. This doesn't mean those are the tools that you must use, it's just those are standard graphics tools.
Your function's surface is essentially a 2D manifold, which has the nice property of having an intuitive mapping to a 2D space. What is commonly referred to as UV mapping.
What you should do is pick the ranges for the rectangle domain you want to display (minimum x, maximum x, minimum y, maximum y) And make 2 nested for loops of the form:
// Pseudocode
for (x=minimum; x<maximum; x++)
for (y=minimum; y=maximum; y++)
3D point = (x,y, f(x,y))
Store all of these points into a container (std vector for c++ works fine) and this will be your "mesh".
This is done once, prior to rendering. You then render those points using, for example GL_POINTS, and rotate your graph mesh using rotations on the GPU.
This will only show scattered points, not a surface.
If you also wish to show the surface of your function, and not just the points, you can triangulate that set of points fairly easily.
Group each 4 contiguous vertices (i.e the vertices at indices <x,y>, <x+1,y>, <x+1,y>, <x+1,y+1>) and create the 2 triangles:
(<x,y>, <x+1,y>, <x,y+1>), (<x+1,y>, <x+1,y+1>, <x,y+1>)
This will fill triangulate the surface of your mesh.
Essentially you only need to build your mesh once, and this way rendering should be 60 fps for something with 20 000 vertices, regardless of whether you only render points or triangles too.
Programming language is mostly not relevant, so VB itself is probably not the issue. You can have the same issues in Python, C#, C++, etc. Of course you must master the programming language you choose.
One key aspect is using the right algorithms and data-structures. Proper use of memory allocations and memory layout for maximizing CPU (and GPU) cache are also key. Then you must take advantage of the platform and hardware capabilities (GPU and Multithreading). For the last point you definetely need to use a graphics library such as OpenGL or Vulkan.

Create offset line contours from a line set with arbitrary topology

Example image:
Given a set of connected lines (see thick black lines in example image), how can you generate a set of offset contour lines that form loops (see thin blue lines)? The offset is constant across all lines, and the contours are always parallel to its associated lines.
The input line topology is arbitrary: i.e. it may contain cycles. Note that the number of contour loops is equal to the number of cycles plus one. A solution that just deals with tree topologies only (no cycles) could also be of interest.
Any papers or relevant algorithms out there that tackle this problem?
The basic method is to construct the bissectrix of the angles (on the right side) and draw on it a length such that it achieves the desired offset (a little of trigonometry). And to link them in the loop traversal order. Different capping rules can be used at free endpoints.
For this to be possible, you need a representation of the geometry as a planar graph (quad-edge for instance). Maybe have a look here:
Anyway, this method will not avoid the overlaps that can arise, nor self-intersecting offsets. These are much more difficult problems that require a global approach, and are similar to the polygon union problem.

Interpolation technique for weirdly spaced point data

I have a spatial dataset that consists of a large number of point measurements (n=10^4) that were taken along regular grid lines (500m x 500m) and some arbitrary lines and blocks in between. Single measurements taken with a spacing of about 0.3-1.0m (varying) along these lines (see example showing every 10th point).
The data can be assumed to be normally distributed but shows a strong small-scale variability in some regions. And there is some trend with elevation (r=0.5) that can easily be removed.
Regardless of the coding platform, I'm looking for a good or "the optimal" way to interpolate these points to a regular 25 x 25m grid over the entire area of interest (5000 x 7000m). I know about the wide range of kriging techniques but I wondered if somebody has a specific idea on how to handle the "oversampling along lines" with rather large gaps between the lines.
Thank you for any advice!
Kriging technique does not perform well when the points to interpolate are taken on a regular grid, because it is necessary to have a wide range of different inter-points distances in order to well estimate the covariance model.
Your case is a bit particular... The oversampling over the lines is not a problem at all. The main problem is the big holes you have in your grid. If think that these holes will create problems whatever the interpolation technique you use.
However it is difficult to predict a priori if kriging will behave well. I advise you to try it anyway.
Kriging is only suited for interpolating. You cannot extrapolate with kriging metamodel, so that you won't be able to predict values in the bottom left part of your figure for example (because you have no point here).
To perform kriging, I advise you to use the following tools (depending the languages you're more familiar with):
DiceKriging package in R (the one I use preferably)
fields package in R (which is more specialized on spatial fields)
DACE toolbox in matlab
Bonus: a link to a reference book about kriging which is available online:
PS: This type of question is more statistics oriented than programming and may be better suited to the website.

Fast(er) way of matching feature to database

I'm working on a project where I have a feature in an image described as a set of X & Y coordinates (5-10 points per feature) which are unique for this feature. I also have a database with thousands of features where each have the same type of descriptor. The result looks like this:
myFeature: (x1,y1), (x2,y2), (x3,y3)...
myDatabase: Feature1: (x1,y1), (x2,y2), (x3,y3)...
Feature2: (x1,y1), (x2,y2), (x3,y3)...
Feature3: (x1,y1), (x2,y2), (x3,y3)...
I want to find the best match of myFeature in the features in myDatabase.
What is the fastest way to match these features? Currently I am stepping though each feature in the database and comparing each individual point:
bestScore = 0
for each feature in myDatabase:
score = 0
for each point descriptor in MyFeature:
find minimum distance from the current point to the...
points describing the current feature in the database
if the distance < threshold:
there is a match to the current point in the target feature
score += 1
if score > bestScore:
save feature as new best match
This search works, but clearly it gets painfully slow on large databases. Does anyone know of a faster method to do this type of search, or at least if there is a way to quickly rule out features that clearly won't match the descriptor?
Create a bitset (an array of 1s and 0s) from each feature.
Create such a bitmask for your search criteria and then just use a bitwise and to compare the search mask to your features.
With this approach, you can shift most work to the routines responsible for saving the stuff. Also, creating the bitmasks should not be that computationally intensive.
If you just want to rule out features that absolutely can't match, then your mask-creation algorithm should take care of that and create the bitmasks a bit fuzzy.
The easiest way to create such masks is probably by creating a matrix as big as the matrix of your features and put a one in every coordinate that is set for the feature and a zero in every coordinate that isn't. Then turn that matrix into a one dimensional row. Compare the feature-row then to the search mask bitwise.
This is similar to the way bitmap indexes work on large databases (oracle e.g.), but with a different intention and without a full bitmap-image of all database rows in memory.
The power of this is in the bitwise comparisons.
On a 32bit machine you can perform 32 comparisons per instruction when you can just do one with integer numbers in a point comparison. It yields even higher boni for floating point operations, depending on the architecture.
This in general looks like a spatial index problem. It's not my field, but you'll probably need to build a sort of tree index, such as a quadtree, that you can use to easily search for features. You can find some links from this wikipedia article:
It might be a problem that you can easily implement in an existing spatial database. It's very GIS-like in its description.
One thing you can do is calculate a point of gravity for every feature and use that to whittle down the search space a bit (a one dimensional search is a lot easier to build an index for), but that has the downside of being just a heuristic (depending on the shapes of your feature, the point of gravity may end up in weird places).
