What is shortcut to navigate to file in project structure - android-studio

I used to ctrl+lbm click on package name in file declaration
package ua.sharehelp.volnteerereceive.ui.fragments.request_create
import ...
class RequestCreateFragment{}
and it navigates to file in project structure
however same hotkey can open unit test files instead. Through it looks pretty random what will be opened.
How to navigate only to working directories?

Found shortcut Alt+F1 ->1 . opens currently selected file in Project view


Renaming project name shown in JetBrains Toolbox

I've recently made a new Empty Project in IntelliJ IDEA and added a couple Gradle based modules to it. The project and the modules are under W:\IJ Workspace\ProjectName directory - the project itself is in W:\IJ Workspace\ProjectName\ProjectName folder, and the modules are in W:\IJ Workspace\ProjectName\ModuleName folders.
JetBrains Toolbox shows the project and its correct directory (W:\IJ Workspace\ProjectName\ProjectName) but the name it displays - is the name of first module I created in the project, not ProjectName. Is there any way to change the name Toolbox is displaying for that project? Or is there a way to manually add a project to Toolbox, forcing it to use its actual name?
Do this while IDE is closed (at very least while that project is closed).
Locate a folder with project settings (.idea subfolder, usually that would be PROJECT_ROOT/.idea).
See if you have .name file there. If not -- create new one.
Open that .name file in any text editor and write desired project name there -- it's a plain text file with a single line of text (no new lines).
Save the file and launch IDE.
Next time you open that project is should use the name from that .name file.
P.S. This works in PhpStorm (where IDE also has a special "Rename Project" action) but should work in IntelliJ IDEA (and other IDEA-based IDEs) as well.

Sublime or Atom- Open all files within a certain folder via sidebar

Sometimes I'm looking for a specific piece of code and I know it's in a certain folder but I forget which file I placed it in. It would be nice if I could move my cursor to the sidebar and right click on a folder to open all of the files that reside inside it. Is there a package/option for this?
You can use the goto anything feature in sublime with out needing to search folder by folder.
If the folder is with in your project you can press F12 and type the class name or search for a word that may be on the file and it will show you possible files to go to.
Hope this helps.

Android studio directory creation

I am working on a project in Android Studio. Whenever I try to create a new resource directory under the default /res directory it doesn't appear on the project scope, but it does appear on the packages scope. How can that be? Also, whenever I try to create a layout file (XML) in the directory I create, the file that is created is not placed under the selected and desired directory.
Hope it makes sense with an example.I got these:
If I create a file in /layout-land, Android IDE places it in the /layout directory.
Any suggestions appreciated.
When you have created the the layout-land folder it is not shown in the project view, however if you right click on the res folder and choose to show in project explorer you can see the folder has been created there as you have pointed out.
When you add an XML file to this layout-land folder (copy and paste the XML file in the existing layout folder), the XML file should become visible in the res/layout folder in the project view with (land) after it to indicate it is the landscape XML file.
Finally after a lot of testing trying every button in Android Studio I Knew how to do it.
In my case I wanted to create a folder layout-port and inside that folder two xml files: activity_main.xml and detail_activity.xml but every time I tried to add a xml file that was created in layout folder.
To create in layout_port folder I had to right click in layout-port then choose New -> Layout Resources File like the image below
Please see this insctruction for different layout orientation:
You can switch between layouts in the designer as you can see on the pictures.

Importing a Dreamweaver Project into CFBuilder

I have a Dreamweaver project created with Dreamweaver CS3 and need to import it into CFBuilder 2.0. When I do this, CFBuilder creates a new Project folder and adds a "1" to the folder name. That of course breaks links to other files in the project when they are located in a different folder.
How can I IMPORT the Dreamweaver Project into CFBuilder? It doesn't need to work in Dreamweaver in the future.
Here are the steps to Import an existing Dreamweaver project into ColdFusion Builder:-
Open the Import wizard. This is accessible from the main menu by going to File > Import or by right-clicking within either the Project or Navigator panels and selecting Import from the context menu.
Expand the ”Other” directory in the list and select “Existing Folder As New Project” and click Next to proceed. Open an existing folder as a new project.
Browse to the location of the folder containing the project and select the root directory. Specify the location of the folder and the root directory. Rename the project, as you wish.
At this moment, the project has been imported into ColdFusion Builder, but it contains no properties or references of a ColdFusion project. Right-click on the project folder and select Properties to display the dialog window. From here, you can see there is no reference to ColdFusion in the left-hand menu. Close the properties window.
Right-click the project folder once again and select “Apply CF Nature.” The icon for the folder in the Project panel should change to display the initials “CF” to confirm that the nature has been applied to the project.
Right-click the project folder once more and select Properties again. You can now see the ColdFusion options in the left-hand menu. Select “ColdFusion Server Settings” and either add a new server or select an existing server to apply to this project. Click Apply to save any changes.
Hope this helps.

Unreal development kit export textures

I am not familiar wit UDK tool, bot I have complete source code (Binaries directory, Development directory, Engine directory and UDKGame directory) from one game and I want to export all textures from this project. How is it possible?
In the UDKGame directory of the game should be a directory called Content. Copy all files in that directory to the directory of the same name of an installed version of UDK e.g. C:\UDK\UDK-2013-07\UDKGame\Content.
Start the UDK editor, the easiest way is to use the shortcut in the start menu called "UDK Editor". Open the Content Browser. If it is not already open, click on the black t symbol in the menu bar of the editor. The window of the content browser might be reduced to a little bar.
In the lower left of the Content Browser window, under "Packages", search for the name of the *.upk files you copied to the Content directory earlier. They are like zip files containing the textures among the assets of the game. But only the UDK Editor can view and interact with them.
When you are inspecting a upk/package look for icons with Texture2D written on them, these are textures. Right click on a Texture2d, choose "Export to File...".
If a package appears to be empty right click it and choose "fully load", the UDK Editor might not have it loaded yet.
