Create date ranges from an array of dates - python-3.x

Let's say I have below array of dates (not necessarily sorted):
import numpy as np
np.array(["2000Q1", "2000Q2", "2000Q3", "2000Q4", "2001Q1", "2001Q2", "2001Q3", "2001Q4", "2002Q1",
"2002Q2", "2002Q3", "2002Q4", "2003Q1", "2003Q2", "2003Q3", "2003Q4", "2004Q1", "2004Q2", "2004Q3",
"2004Q4", "2005Q1", "2005Q2", "2005Q3", "2005Q4", "2006Q1", "2006Q2", "2006Q3", "2006Q4", "2007Q1",
"2007Q2", "2007Q3", "2007Q4", "2008Q1", "2008Q2", "2008Q3", "2008Q4", "2009Q1", "2009Q2", "2009Q3",
From this I want to create a DataFrame with 2 columns for start-date and end-date, where this dates corresponds to the starting date of a date range and ending date for that date rage spanning 4 years. This will continue for each element of above array until the last element. For example, first 3 rows of this new DataFrame would look like below
Is there any direct function/method to achieve above in Python?

Here's one way using PeriodIndex and DateOffset functions in pandas. Note that I named your array arr below:
df = pd.DataFrame({'start-date': arr,
'end-date': (pd.PeriodIndex(arr, freq='Q').to_timestamp() +
pd.DateOffset(years=4, months=10)).to_period('Q')})
start-date end-date
0 2000Q1 2004Q4
1 2000Q2 2005Q1
2 2000Q3 2005Q2
3 2000Q4 2005Q3
4 2001Q1 2005Q4
5 2001Q2 2006Q1
6 2001Q3 2006Q2
7 2001Q4 2006Q3
8 2002Q1 2006Q4
9 2002Q2 2007Q1
10 2002Q3 2007Q2
11 2002Q4 2007Q3
12 2003Q1 2007Q4
13 2003Q2 2008Q1
14 2003Q3 2008Q2
15 2003Q4 2008Q3
16 2004Q1 2008Q4
17 2004Q2 2009Q1
18 2004Q3 2009Q2
19 2004Q4 2009Q3
20 2005Q1 2009Q4
21 2005Q2 2010Q1
22 2005Q3 2010Q2
23 2005Q4 2010Q3
24 2006Q1 2010Q4
25 2006Q2 2011Q1
26 2006Q3 2011Q2
27 2006Q4 2011Q3
28 2007Q1 2011Q4
29 2007Q2 2012Q1
30 2007Q3 2012Q2
31 2007Q4 2012Q3
32 2008Q1 2012Q4
33 2008Q2 2013Q1
34 2008Q3 2013Q2
35 2008Q4 2013Q3
36 2009Q1 2013Q4
37 2009Q2 2014Q1
38 2009Q3 2014Q2
39 2009Q4 2014Q3


LabVIEW array index

I am new to LabVIEW programming, and the problem is, that I need index numbers of each element in a array, and also select values by those indexes into another array, like so:
Array 13 15 16 17 18 19 12 17 17 162 626 36 828 463 565 665 565 32 587
Index 5 6 7 8 9 12 13 14 20 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 29 30 21
In the result program should get these index values .
Thanks in advance!
Upd: here is code snippet of how to get indexes of elements in the array.
Also, there is OpenG Array library (you could install it via VI Package Manager), it has built-in function of how to get all entries of element (see it on the picture).
Below is the code snippet for search in 2D array:
Update: search 2D array in 2D array, LV2013 snippet

I have a spreadsheet with rows of text in a single column

23 HL*3*2*23*0
24 PAT*19
27 N4*CORA*PA*15108
28 DMG*D8*19940921*M
29 CLM*945405*5332.54***12>B>1*Y*A*Y*Y*P
30 HI*BK>2533
31 LX*1
32 SV1*HC>J2941*5332.54*UN*84***1
33 DTP*472*RD8*20110511-20110511
34 REF*6R*1099999731
36 LIN**N4*00013264681
37 CTP****7*UN
I want to populate column C with the text from row 29 as a min row with "945405" all the way to row 37 (the one with the text "CTP" in it). I cannot do this in VBA due to permissions. Is there a formula that will grab this value (it is always CLM * xxxxxx *...), assign it to column C using the "CLM" as the min row and CTP as the MAX row all the way through the SS? IE:
23 HL*3*2*23*0
24 PAT*19
27 N4*CORA*PA*15108
28 DMG*D8*19940921*M
29 CLM*945405*5332.54***12>B>1*Y*A*Y*Y*P 945405
30 HI*BK>2533 945405
31 LX*1 945405
32 SV1*HC>J2941*5332.54*UN*84***1 945405
33 DTP*472*RD8*20110511-20110511 945405
34 REF*6R*1099999731 945405
36 LIN**N4*00013264681 945405
37 CTP****7*UN 945405
39 N3*123 MAIN ST*APT B
I was given permissions in VBA. How would I loop this?
Here is a clearer picture of what I am trying to accomplish
enter image description here
you can use the =MID(Source_Cell, Start_Position, Desired_Length) function to pull the substring. In your case it would be:
=MID(B29, 5, 6)
You can then put this formula in all of the cells you'd like it to be in.

How to generate 3 natural number that sum to 60 using awk

I am trying to write awk script that generate 3 natural numbers that sum to 60. I am trying with rand function but I`ve got problem with sum to 60
Here is one way:
awk -v n=60 'BEGIN{srand();a=int(rand()*n);b=int(rand()*(n-a));c=n-a-b;
print a,b,c}'
Idea is:
generate random number a :0=<a<60
generate random number b :0=<b<60-a
here, I set a variable n=60, to make it easy if you have other sum.
If we run this one-liner 10 times, we get output:
kent$ awk 'BEGIN{srand();for(i=1;i<=10;i++){a=int(rand()*60);b=int(rand()*(60-a));c=60-a-b;print a,b,c}}'
46 7 7
56 1 3
26 15 19
14 12 34
44 6 10
1 36 23
32 1 27
41 0 19
55 1 4
54 1 5

Excel formula to get the count of certain value based on odd/even line

I have this data in Excel.
Line Number Value #1 Value #2
1 21 35
2 21 27
3 21 18
4 10 47
5 50 5
6 37 68
7 10 21
8 75 21
I tried to calculate the total "21" based on odd line number. In this situation, the answer should be 3. However, neither" IF(MOD(A1:A8,2)=1,COUNTIF(B1:C8,21)) " nor " {IF(MOD(A1:A8,2)=1,COUNTIF(B1:C8,21))} "worked and Google didn't yield anything helpful. Could anyone help me? Thanks!!
This works for odd lines:
there may be a better way of writing this formula.
Use this to count even lines:

Fortran: read numeric data from string

I've already checked a similarly existing topic (How to read numeric data from a string in FORTRAN), but I'm not being able to do what I want.
I need to open a file and read a numeric value from a string. Bellow there's a section of the file in question. I want to read the integer next to 'ELEMENTS:', but so far I'm not being able to do so.
1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10
11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20
21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 29 30
31 32 33 34 35 36 37 38 39 40
Can someone please help me here?
Ok guys, thanks to your answers the program is working!
For further reference, here's the reading part of the code:
READ(77,'(A)') str
ipos = INDEX(str,"ELEMENTS:",back=.true.) + 9
READ (str(1+ipos:),*) k
Thank for the answers.
