How to generate Open CASCADE TopoDS_Shape object from vtkPolyData? - vtk

I got the output vtkPolyData of vtkContourFilter, next I want to generate TopoDS_Shape by vtkPolyData.PolyData is a completely closed box)
My current approach is to store the PolyData as an STL file, then use Open CASCADE to read the file, and finally use BRepBuilderAPI_Sewing to concatenate the data to get the TopoDS_Shape. But the splicing process is relatively slow, usually takes a few minutes, and I don’t think this can meet my requirements.
Is there a better way to solve this problem, please let me know, thanks


n columns of data frame discarded

I am using spatstat package in R to read my road network shapefile which also has some additional attributes.
When i am reading my shapefiles and converting them to as.psp(before I make them an object of linnet), I am getting n columns of data frame discarded. I do not understand why? The columns being discarded are my covariates for a linear network, so I am not able to bring them into my analysis.
Could someone give me an idea why this happens and how to correct it?
Why it happens:
I would guess that we (spatstat authors) need to spend a bit of time discussing with the maptools guys how to handle the additional info in the SpatialLinesDataFrame object, and we haven't done that yet.
How to correct it:
You have to write some code on your own at the moment. You can extract the data from SpatialLinesDataFrame object by accessing the #data slot. Please provide specific data and how you need to use the additional data (what format do you need it in) if you need more help. You can find a few helpful commands here:

Adding records to VSAM DATASET [closed]

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Closed 8 years ago.
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I have some confusions regarding VSAM as I am new to it. Do correct me where I am wrong and solve the queries.
A cluster contains control areas and a control area contains control intervals. One control interval contains one dataset. Now for defining a cluster we mention a data component and index component. Now this name of data component that we gives creates a dataset and name of index generates a key. My queries are as follows-
1)If I have to add a new record in that dataset, what is the procedure?
2)What is the procedure for creating a new dataset in control area?
3)How to access a dataset and a particular record after they are created?
I tried finding a simple code but was unable so kindly explain with a simple example.
One thing that is going to help you is the IBM Redbook VSAM Demystified: which, these days, you can even get on your smartphone, amongst several other ways.
However, your current understanding is a bit astray so you'll need to drop all of that understanding first.
There are three main types of VSAM file and you'll probably only come across two of those as a beginner: KSDS; ESDS.
KSDS is a Key Sequenced Data Set (an indexed file) and ESDS is an Entry Sequenced Data Set (a sequential file but not a "flat" file).
When you write a COBOL program, there is little difference between using an ESDS and a flat/PS/QSAM file, and not even that much difference when using a KSDS.
Rather than providing an example, I'll refer you to the chapter in the Enterprise COBOL Programming Guide for your release of COBOL, it is Chapter 10 you want, up to and including the section on handling errors, and the publication can be found here:, you can also use the Language Reference for the details of what you can use with VSAM once you have a better understanding of what it is to COBOL.
As a beginning programmer, you don't have to worry about what the structure of a VSAM dataset is. However, you've had some exposure to the topic, and taken a wrong turn.
VSAM datasets themselves can only exist on disk (what we often refer to as DASD). They can be backed-up to non-DASD, but are only directly usable on DASD.
They consist of Control Areas (CA), which you can regard as just being a lump of DASD, and almost exclusively that lump of DASD will be one Cylinder (30 Tracks on a 3390 (which these days is very likely emulated 3390). You won't need to know much more about CAs. CAs are more of a conceptual thing that an actual physical thing.
Control Intervals (CI) are where any data (including index data) is. CIs live in CAs.
Records, the things you will have in the FILE SECTION under an FD in a COBOL program, will live in CIs.
Your COBOL program needs to know nothing about the structure of a VSAM dataset. COBOL uses VSAM Access Method Services (AMS) to do all VSAM file accesses, as far as your COBOL program is concerned it is an "indexed" file with a little bit on the SELECT statement to say that it is a VSAM file. Or is is a sequential file with a little... you know by now.

How do I create an array of resources using Jena?

I am using Jena and Java, and am reading a CSV file. For each line of the file there is a subject resource. Two subject resources, on adjacent lines, might have share the same value of a field in the line (e.g: both lines have the same process id). In this case, I need to combine the two subject resources as each one represents a sub-process in production (for example).
My question is: how can I reference those two resources dynamically so that I can combine them? I came to the idea that when I find that they share the same property to store them in an array resource subjects. Is it the right approach?
This question would be a lot easier to answer if you could show some sample data. As it is, I think you're focusing on the wrong bit of the question. If you can decide clearly what it means to have two rows in your CSV with identical process, and then you decide how you're going to encode that meaning in your RDF model, then the question of how to write the code - as an array or whatever - will be much clearer.
For example (and I'm going to make up some data here - as I said, it would be easier if you show an actual example), suppose your CSV contains:
So process 123 has, apparently two start and end time pairs. If you model this naively in RDF, you'll end up with a confusing model:
a :Process;
process:start "15:22:00"^^xsd:time;
process:end "15:23:00"^^xsd:time;
process:start "16:22:00"^^xsd:time;
process:end "16:25:00"^^xsd:time;
which would suggest that one process had two start times (and two end times) which looks nonsensical. However, it might be that in reality you have a single process with multiple episodes, suggesting one way to model it, or a periodic process which occurs at different times, or, as you suggested, sub-processes of a parent process. Or something else entirely (I'm only guessing, I don't know your domain). Once you are clear what the data means, you can produce a suitable RDF model. For example, an episodic process might be:
a :Process;
process:episode [
a process:Episode;
process:start "15:22:00"^^xsd:time;
process:end "15:23:00"^^xsd:time;
process:episode [
a process:Episode;
process:start "16:22:00"^^xsd:time;
process:end "16:25:00"^^xsd:time;
Once the modelling is clear in your mind, I think you can see that the question of how to produce the desire RDF triples from Java code - and whether or not you need an array - is much clearer. Equally importantly, you can think in terms of the JUnit tests you would write to test whether your code is behaving correctly.

matching common strings between two data sets

I am working on a website conversion. I have a dump of the database backend as an sql file. I also have a scrape of the website from wget.
What I'm wanting to do is map database tables and columns to directories, pages, and sections of pages in the scrape. I'd like to automate this.
Is there some tool or a script out there that could pull strings from one source and look for them in the other? Ideally, it would return a set of results that would say soemthing like
string "piece of website content here" on line 453 in table.sql matches string in on line 56.
I don't want to do line comparisons because lines from the database dump (INSERT INTO table VALUES (...) ) aren't going to match lines in the page where it actually populates (<div id='left_column'><div id='left_content'>...</div></div>).
I realize this is a computationally intensive task, but even letting it run over the weekend is fine.
I've found similar questions, but I don't have enough CS background to know if they are identical to my problem or not. SO kindly suggested this question, but it appears to be dealing with a known set of needles to match against the haystack. In my case, I need to compare haystack to haystack, and see matching straws of hay.
Is there a command-line script or command out there, or is this something I need to build? If I build it, should I use the Aho–Corasick algorithm, as suggested in the other question?
So your two questions are 1) Is there already a solution that will do what you want, and 2) Should you use the Aho-Corasick algorithm.
The first answer is that I doubt you'll find a ready-built tool that will meet your needs.
The second answer is that, since you don't care about performance and have a limited CS background, that you should use whatever algorithm you find simplest to implement.
I will go one step further and propose an architecture.
First, you need to be able to parse the .sql files into a meaningful way, one that go line-by-line and return tablename, column_name, and value. A StreamReader is probably best for this.
Second, you need a parser for your webpages that will go element-by-element and return each text node and the name of each parent element all the way up to the html element and its parent filename. An XmlTextReader or similar streaming XML parser, such as SAXON is probably best, as long as it will operate on non-valid XML.
You would need to tie these two parsers together with a mutual search algorithm of some sort. You will have to customize it to suit your needs. Aho-Corasick will apparently get you the best performance if you can pull it off. A naive algorithm is easy to implement, though, and here's how:
Assuming you have your two parsers that loop through each field (on the one hand) and each text node (on the other hand), pick one of the two parsers and have it go through each of the strings in its data source, calling the other parser to search the other data source for all possible matches, and logging the ones it finds.
This cannot work, at least not reliably. Best case: you would fit every piece of data to its counterpart in your HTML files, but you would have many false positives. For example user names that are actual words etc.
Furthermore text is often manipulated before it is displayed. Sites often capitalize titles or truncate texts for preview etc.
AFAIK there is no such tool, and in my opinion there cannot exist one that solves your problem adequately.
Your best choice is to get the source code the site uses/used and analyze it. If that fails/is not possible you have to analyse the database manually. Get as much content as possible from the URL and try to fit the puzzle.

force excel to stop applying "auto-corrections" to csv import data [closed]

Closed. This question is off-topic. It is not currently accepting answers.
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Closed 9 years ago.
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NOTE: this question is almost a dupe of:
stop Ms Excel auto-formatting numeric strings as numbers
I say "almost" because this specific question was not asked ...
Is there a way to attach a "schema" to a CSV file, prior to Excel import, that allows Excel to understand the correct formatting of the CSV file without requiring post-processing of the CSV file and without requiring end-user intervention in order to correctly format the fields by hand?
By schema, I mean any method whatsoever of generating a text-based definition that can be saved somewhere on Customer X's machine and then referenced whenever the usual CSV import has to take place, including but not limited to XSD, VBMacro, or whatever conventions Excel has for this kind of operation (if any).
Excel has a habit of being "helpful" by modifying input data when opened from plain-text such as a CSV file.
For an example of what is meant by this, see any of the various following links:
We regularly have to send CSV files to customer X and we do not have the luxury of modifying the CSV files directly in order to "morph" them into a format that Excel will render exactly as intended.
Moreover, customer X does not always have the personnel who are trained with Excel in order to do the import correctly.
What I've done when facing this problem is create a macro to run after the import which "un-fixes" Excel's fixes. It's not a great solution, but it's a working workaround.
I'm afraid I don't completely follow. You say you send the CSV files, but you can't modify the CSV files? So you're not generating them? And you can't process them before sending them to the customer?
Though I find it difficult to imagine such a situation, I'll assume that's the case. Is there any chance you can get the customer to run a script instead of launching Excel directly? For example, could they be trained to double-click on a VBScript instead of double-clicking the CSV or using Open from Excel?
That's the closest I can think of given the constraints you've described, but I can't help but think there has to be something you can do further upstream before it leaves your hands and enters the customer's.
Here is another answer, reformat the data with quotes as follows:
Zip, ="00123", etc.
This will render in Excel as:
Zip | 00123 | etc.

