The changes that I put onto the GoDaddy server with Dreamweaver CC will not show up right away - browser

Recently I have been uploading changes to the GoDaddy hosting server for our website using Dreamweaver CC. Sometimes the changes show up right away and sometimes the changes don't show up for hours or even a day. I have tried clearing the browsing data on multiple browsers to no avail. I have tried disabling the cache in the developer tool panel. I have even tried inserting the following code that I found on StackOverflow:
> <meta http-equiv="Cache-Control" content="no-cache, no-store,
> must-revalidate">
> <meta http-equiv="Pragma" content="no-cache">
> <meta http-equiv="Expires" content="0">
All of this has not worked. I have conducted an experiment with another hosting server, "JustHost" and whatever I upload to that server always shows up right away.
GoDaddy told me that the internet sometimes doesn't "assimilate" information right away sometimes and that is why there is a delay. This seems strange to me, since I have never, ever had this issue in past years. So, how do I force the changes to show up on the internet that I've uploaded to the server??? There must be a way to strong arm the internet into complying.
Thanks in advance,

Looks like a cache issue, just need to find which cache is at fault.
Try loading the site on an online proxy like Any other ONLINE proxy will do the job, but I use this one.
If the site shows the latest changes you made it means GoDaddy is working fine and that this is a cache issue on your side. It can be your ISP doing some caching for you (usually on cheap contracts to save bandwidth, but unlikely) but sometimes your computer also will store cache in deeper places than your browser. Usually my cache troubleshooting goes like this:
Try refreshing the page a couple of times.
Try CTRL+F5.
Try loading the page on another browser (if this fails, means your ISP is caching the pages for you. Unfortunately you will have to wait or you can use CloudflareWARP.
Try adding a random number to your URL parameters, this forced to ignore the cache. For example
Open cmd.exe and type ipconfig /flushdns (particularly when I it's a new website or have change server setting).
Delete all cache and cookies (I hate doing this because you loose everything, that's why for me is the last resource).
Usually by this stage it works or you have established where's the issue.


Constantly get "?" as score and FMP error on pagespeed insight

I use pagespeed insight to audit thise site:
But I can't get result like usual, instead it shows "?" and "error (NO_FMP)" for First CPU Idle, FMP and dom ready.
Here's the screenshot
This appears to be a problem with the simulated throttling on Page Speed Insights.
I cannot pinpoint the problem but I would guess it is related to some strange behaviour on your site where the site starts loading in and then there is a quick flash and the content then animates in.
Also as you have a lot of assets set to https in source but don't have an SSL certificate the 307 redirects could cause an error somewhere.
Certain Chinese character combinations have been known to cause issues with Lighthouse (the engine behind Page Speed Insights) under throttling although the exact cause I am not sure of.
Obviously once the site has SSL etc. the problem could go away.
In the mean time if you go to Developer Tools -> Audits you have the option to deselect 'Simulated Throttling'. If you do that then it does work, although the score is always about 3-5 points lower than simulated throttling so bear that in mind.
newer chrome versions -> the option to deselect the 'Simulated Throttling' is now only visible if you click the settings icon (gear / cog) in the top right of the audits page, took me a few seconds to work out where they had hidden it. Also make sure that 'Clear Storage' is checked so that you get a score as if it was a new visitor to the site.
PageSpeed Lighthouse reports an error on the "too many redirects" as well as an error for "defer off -screen content".
It works as expected if the page is scrolled to the end before the audit is complete. And as noted, it only happens if a slow network is simulated.
There seems to be more than one plugin trying to cache content. Try turning one or both of those off.
Some of the lazy loaded image tags have a src value with a HTTPS protocol on the CDN and a lazy loaded image (data-src) on the server with a HTTP protocol. Try turning lazy loaded images off and if that fixes it, try making sure both src and data-src use the same protocol.
It also seems like something is causing assets that are 404 errors to return the URL of the page.
One last thing I noticed: The Autoptimize plugin does not seem to be resulting in optimized performance—the time to first byte is sometimes over 4 seconds. Maybe try turning it and any other plugins caching off, empty the caches they've created and look at PageSpeed.
In general, turn plugins off and see if the PageSpeed problem is fixed and even if performance is better with them off.

How can I clear a stubborn browser cache in Safari, Chrome and Firefox?

I have several ASP pages that refuse to reload showing the latest changes in several browsers.
I have placed
Response.expires = -1
Response.CacheControl = "Private"
Response.AddHeader "pragma","no-cache"
at the top of each page.
I have also placed
<meta http-equiv="Cache-Control" content="no-cache, no-store, must-revalidate" />
<meta http-equiv="Pragma" content="no-cache" />
<meta http-equiv="Expires" content="0" />
inside the html head area.
In Safari, Chrome and Firefox each page loads fine the first time. But if I make a change to the file, large or small, the cached file reappears even though I have religiously used the cache clearing techniques recommended for each browser. I have ftp downloaded the files and indeed they show the changes.
Has anyone else experienced such a thing?
I am using Mac 10.12.5, Safari 10.1.1, Chrome 59.0.3071.115, Firefox 54.0.1
You might be affected by a couple of things here.
One is your IIS instance's caching settings. If you're able to open IIS Manager, go to your website instance and open up the 'Output Caching' feature, check if there's anything in this list that could affect your asp files.
If that doesn't work, I suspect your issue is FTP. You mentioned you were using FTP to download the files. If you are using them to upload your files too, you might find that your client is not updating the timestamp on those files (I have had this issue before). When ASP runs a script, it caches the compiled version to reuse later, which saves time. If the file's timestamp doesn't change, ASP will continue to use its precompiled version instead of recompiling the new file. You must force the timestamp to be updated if possible (some FTP clients have an option for this). Failing that, deleting and recreating the file should work.

VueJS - Disabling cache results in network request errors

EDIT This issue seems to only affect Chrome and Safari on my Macbook Pro. I can't replicate this issue on other computers and browsers. I thought it might have been malware or virus, so I reformatted my Macbook. Didn't fix the issue All of a sudden, I am running into this issue when developing on my local server as well with MAMP. Assets are missing everywhere and some pages fail to load all together
I've noticed recently when I refresh my Vue SPA with the cache disabled, the page tends to look messed up with missing images/resources.
When I check the console, I see a lot of ERR_CONNECTION_REFUSED for resources that are definitely there. If I refresh the page, the errors go away. It tends to happen after I clear cache and load up the webpage for the first time, or if I disable cache in the developer console.
It turns out there had recently been a DDos attack against my IP address so my hosting service forced rate limit connections to my IP address. So if you ever run into the same issues, check with your hosting company first.

Google links opens wrong pages

Our website has been recently hacked (Joomla 1.5, hosted on VPS). Attacker added few php scripts that were redirecting to some ad sites. We have cleaned everything (or at least we think we did), and now everything works as it should.
However, links on Google (or Yahoo) that are pointing to our web site are still trying to include these php scripts (and returns 404 as these are deleted now). Direct links from browser works as they should.
We have cleaned site 10 days ago, so I do not think that something is cached at Google servers. Re-indexing should be done by now.
To reproduce this behavior:
Go to
type in "anitex socks"
click any php link that starts with ""
You will get "The requested URL /wp-includes/client.php was not found on this server" + 404 error
Refresh page and everything works without issues
Why are only Google links making troubles?
Any help is welcome. Thanks!
As for the reason why this is happening, I installed a firefox add-on which blocks my browser's Referrer Header and then followed a Google link to your site and it worked fine. Then I disabled the add-on and the problem started occurring again.
This shows that there is still some malicious code running on your website which is checking all http requests to see if they come from Google (based on checking the HTTP Referrer header) and redirecting them to /wp-includes/client.php if they do,
To try to determine where this code may lie, try performing a recursive grep through all your www files on your server as well as your www configuration files,somewhere in there there must still be a reference to that client.php script, hopefully you can find and eliminate it.
That said, if it were my site and I knew a hacker had had free reign over my server to do whatever they wanted to it, I would not mess around with trying to undo the damage and would instead restore the most recent backup from before the site was hacked. You only have to miss one back door the hacker left in place and they can re-enter your site. After restoring backups, you should also upgrade/reconfigure the software they used to gain access in the first place so they can't simply rehack it in the same manner again.

How To Tell What Files IE Thinks Are "nonsecure"?

We have a CMS system whose web interface gets served over HTTPS. This works beautifully for Firefox, but when we load it in IE6 or IE7, it complains that "This page contains both secure and nonsecure items."
I've loaded the page in Firefox and checked with Firebug, and every connection seems to be going through HTTPS, as should be the case.
Is there any way to tell what is causing IE to throw this apparently spurious error?
Firefox has a number of bugs in mixed content detection. Generally you should try using Fiddler to spot insecure resources.
If you install a tool I wrote ( you will get a different mixed content prompt which shows the exact URL of the first insecure resource on the page. That tool is basically a prototype and you should uninstall it when you're done with it.
Use Fiddler to watch the traffic between the server and IE.
Be sure to go to Tools > Fiddler Options... > HTTPS > and check 'Decrypt HTTPS traffic'
Any non-HTTPS traffic generated between any server and IE should be easy to spot in the Web Sessions list.
I used Eric's tool (thanks Eric you saved me hours...) and it turns out that IE6 treats a background image specified with a relative path as nonsecure content. Even though it actually requests it over https. So if you're stumped - converting your relative paths to absolute ones might really help...
Are one or more resources (CSS url-image ref overlooked easily) pointing to a subdomain that's not covered by the certificate ( vs
If you can't see anything that isn't using SSL, then this is usually down to a broken SSL certificate somewhere. I don't know of anything off-hand that will tell you what exactly what the problem is, but you can get a list of everything that's loaded easily enough.
The media tab on Firefox's 'page info' dialog (right click on the page) will do it, it might also be worth having a go with Fiddler (which is an excellent, and extremely useful piece of software).
