projection for nested array in mongo and node - node.js

hi everyone i am trying to project the cities which are belongs to particular state by taking the country_code and state_code
'$match': {
'iso2': 'IN'
}, {
'$project': {
'states': {
'$slice': [
'$', 1, 1
when i tried this i am getting the result but is there any better way to do it

I would do it as follow:
"$match": {
"iso2": "IN",
"states.state_code": "AG"
$addFields: {
states: {
"$filter": {
"input": "$states",
"as": "state",
"cond": {
"$eq": [
$project: {
cities: "$"
$unwind: "$cities"
Match only documents having iso2=IN and states.state_code=AG
( For this stage is good if you have index on at least {iso2:1} or compound index on {iso2:1,states.state_code:1} )
Filter only the states with state_code=AG
$project the names only
$unwind to flatten first array.


Mongoose - How to query field in the last object of an array of objects

I have MongoDB documents structured like this:
"_id": "5d8b987f9f8b9f9c8c8b9f9",
"targetsList": [
"target": "user",
"statusList": [
"date": "2018-01-01",
"type": "OK"
"date": "2018-01-02",
"type": "FAILD"
And I want to count all documents that in their "targetList" array, there is an object with "target"=="user" - and also that object conatin on the last element of its "statusList" array, an object with "type" != "FAILD".
Any ideas on how to implement this kind of query?
Mongo playground:
In this example, I expected the count to be 1, because only the second object meets the conditions.
An aggregation pipeline
1st step - Filtering out where "": "user"
2nd step - $unwind on targetsList to get it out of array
3rd step - getting the last element of the targetsList.statusList array using $arrayElemAt
4th step - getting the results where that last element is not FAILD
5th step - getting the count
demo - you can try removing parts of the pipeline to see what the intermediate results are
$match: {
"": "user"
$unwind: "$targetsList"
$project: {
"targetsList.statusList": {
$arrayElemAt: [
$match: {
"targetsList.statusList.type": {
$ne: "FAILD"
$count: "withoutFailedInLastElemCount"
Unless it's crucial that the element be the last index, this should work for your case.
"targetsList.statusList.type": {
$in: [
This will retrieve documents where the type value is FAILD. To invert this you can swap $in for $nin.
Updated playground here
Here's another way to do it with a leading monster "$match".
"$match": {
"": "user",
"$expr": {
"$reduce": {
"input": "$targetsList",
"initialValue": false,
"in": {
"$or": [
"$ne": [
"$last": "$$this.statusList.type"
"$count": "noFailedLastCount"
Try it on

How to sum values of third level nested array of objects across all documents in MongoDB?

I have a mongoose document having the following Schema:
"category":"Food & Drink",
"sub_category":"Main Dish",
"description":"Served with sauted vegetables",
"variant_title":"Rib Eye",
The above document shows only one object in the product_variants field but please note that there could be several objects as well. I need to sum the quantity for each size and product variant.
How would I do that using aggregate function? I am using mongoose in node js environment.
(its based on the last comment in the previous answer, similar query but multiplies that quantity with the local price)
Test code here
"$unwind": "$product_variants"
"$unwind": "$product_variants.variant_details"
"$unwind": "$product_variants.variant_details.inventory"
"$set": {
"total_local_price": {
"$multiply": [
$group: {
_id: null, // or "$_id" if you want only for 1 document
total_qty: {
$sum: "$total_local_price"
You can use this aggregation query:
Fisrt $project to get only the quantity values. It generates the following output:
"array": [
So next step is to use $unwind three times to flat the array.
And $group by _id using $sum
"$project": {
"array": "$product_variants.variant_details.inventory.quantity"
"$unwind": "$array"
"$unwind": "$array"
"$unwind": "$array"
"$group": {
"_id": "$_id",
"size": {
"$sum": "$array"
Example here
As Takis _ suggested into the comments if you want to get all values from your entire collection (not only for each document) you can $group using null as this example

How to find array greater than document size in MongoDB

I have schema like below
id: "222"
I want to find all documents where tags array size is greater than document size returned by $match in aggregation pipeline, so in above Ex. the number of documents are 3 so i want to return all documents having tags array size greater that 3
I am using aggregation pipeline to process other info, I am stuck at how to have store document size so that i can find all tags greater than document size
below is query which i am using, i want to do it in aggregation and in one call
Facet helps you to solve this problem.
$facet helps to categorize the incoming documents. We use totalDoc for counting the document and allDocuments for getting all the documents
$arrayElemAt helps to get the first object from totalDoc where we already know that only one object should be inside the totalDoc. Because when we group it, we use _id:null
$unwind helps to de-structure the allDocuments array
Here is the code
$facet: {
totalDoc: [
$group: {
_id: null,
count: {
$sum: 1
allDocuments: [
$project: {
tags: 1
$addFields: {
totalDoc: {
"$arrayElemAt": [
$unwind: "$allDocuments"
$addFields: {
sizeGtDoc: {
$gt: [
$size: "$allDocuments.tags"
$match: {
sizeGtDoc: true
"$replaceRoot": {
"newRoot": "$allDocuments"
Working Mongo playground
You can try,
$match you condition
$group by null and make root array of documents and get count of root documents in count
$unwind deconstruct root array
$match tags size and count greater than or not using $expr expression match
$replaceRoot to replace root object in root
{ $match: { id: { $in: ["111", "222", "333"] } } },
$group: {
_id: null,
root: { $push: "$$ROOT" },
count: { $sum: 1 }
{ $unwind: "$root" },
{ $match: { $expr: { $gt: [{ $size: "$root.tags" }, "$count"] } } },
{ $replaceRoot: { newRoot: "$root" } }
Second option:
first 2 stages $match and $group both are same as like above query,
$project to filter root array match condition if tags size and count greater than or not, this will return filtered root array
$unwind deconstruct root array
$replaceRoot replace root object to root
{ $match: { id: { $in: ["111", "222", "333"] } } },
$group: {
_id: null,
root: { $push: "$$ROOT" },
count: { $sum: 1 }
$project: {
root: {
$filter: {
input: "$root",
cond: { $gt: [{ $size: "$$this.tags" }, "$count"] }
{ $unwind: "$root" },
{ $replaceRoot: { newRoot: "$root" } }
You can skip $unwind and $replaceRoot stages if you want because this query always return one document in root, so you can easily access like this result[0]['root'], you can save 2 stages processing and execution time.
You could use $facet to get two streams i.e. one with the filtered documents and the counts using $count. The resulting streams can then
be aggregated further with a $filter as follows to get the desired result
{ '$facet': {
'counts': [
{ '$match': { 'id': { '$in': ['111', '222', '333'] } } },
{ '$count': "numberOfMatches" }
'docs': [
{ '$match': { 'id': { '$in': ['111', '222', '333'] } } },
} },
{ '$project': {
'result': {
'$filter': {
'input': '$docs',
'cond': {
'$gt': [
{ '$size': '$$this.tags' },
{ '$arrayElemAt': ['$counts.numberOfMatches', 0] }
} }

Mongodb lookup array of elements with combined result

So these are my two documents
Order document:
"id": "e68fc86a-b4ad-4588-b182-ae9ee3db25e4",
"version": "2020-03-14T13:18:41.296+00:00"
Product document:
"name": "My Product",
"image": "someimage"
So I'm trying to do a lookup for a products in order document, but the result should contain combined fields, like so:
"_id": "e68fc86a-b4ad-4588-b182-ae9ee3db25e4",
"version": "2020-03-14T13:18:41.296+00:00",
"name": "My Product",
"image": "someimage"
Not sure how to do this, should I do it outside of the lookup, or inside? This is my aggregation
You need to run that mapping outside of $lookup by running $map along with $arrayElemAt to get single pair from both arrays and then apply $mergeObjects to get one object as a result:
$lookup: {
from: "products",
localField: "",
foreignField: "_id",
as: "productDetails"
$addFields: {
productDetails: {
$map: {
input: "$productDetails",
in: {
_id: "$$this._id",
name: "$$"
$project: {
_id: 1,
"context.products": {
$map: {
input: "$context.products",
as: "prod",
in: {
$mergeObjects: [
{ $arrayElemAt: [ { $filter: { input: "$productDetails", cond: { $eq: [ "$$this._id", "$$" ] } } }, 0 ] }
Mongo Playground
The goals of the last step is to take take two arrays: products and productDetails (the output of $lookup) and find matches between them. We know there's always one match so we can get only one item $arrayElemAt 0. As an output of $map there will be single array containing "merged" documents.

Query by data already in the object

I'm writing a query that gets data from "coll2" based on data that is inside "coll1".
Coll1 has the following data structure:
"_id": "asdf",
"name": "John",
"bags": [
"type": "typ1",
"size": "siz1"
"type": "typ2",
"size": "siz2"
Coll2 has the following data structure:
_id: "qwer",
coll1Name: "John",
types: ["typ1", "typ3"],
sizes: ["siz1", "siz4"]
_id: "zxcv",
coll1Name: "John",
types: ["typ2", "typ3"],
sizes: ["siz1", "siz2"]
_id: "fghj",
coll1Name: "John",
types: ["typ2", "typ3"],
sizes: ["siz1", "siz4"]
I want to get all the documents in coll2 that have the same Type+Size combo as in coll1 using the $lookup stage of the aggregation pipeline. I understand that this can be achieved by using the $lookup pipeline and $expr but I cant seem to figure out how to dynamically make a query to pass into the $match stage.
The output I would like to get for the above data would be:
_id: "qwer",
coll1Name: "John",
types: ["typ1", "typ3"],
sizes: ["siz1", "siz4"]
_id: "zxcv",
coll1Name: "John",
types: ["typ2", "typ3"],
sizes: ["siz1", "siz2"]
You can use $lookup to get the data from Col2. Then you need to check if there's any element in Col2 ($anyElemenTrue) that matches with Col1. $map and $in can be used here. Then you just need to $unwind and promote Col2 to root level using $replaceRoot
$lookup: {
from: "Col2",
localField: "name",
foreignField: "coll1Name",
as: "Col2"
$project: {
Col2: {
$filter: {
input: "$Col2",
as: "c2",
cond: {
$anyElementTrue: {
$map: {
input: "$bags",
as: "b",
in: {
$and: [
{ $in: [ "$$b.type", "$$c2.types" ] },
{ $in: [ "$$b.size", "$$c2.sizes" ] },
$unwind: "$Col2"
$replaceRoot: {
newRoot: "$Col2"
You are correct in your approach to use $lookup with the pipeline field to filter the input documents in the $match pipeline
The $expr expression should typically follow
"$expr": {
"$and": [
{ "$eq": [ "$name", "$$coll1_name" ] },
{ "$setEquals": [ "$bags.type", "$$types" ] },
{ "$setEquals": [ "$bags.size", "$$sizes" ] }
where the first match expression in the $and conditional { "$eq": [ "$name", "$$coll1_name" ] } checks to see if the name field in coll1 collection matches the coll1Name field in the input documents from coll2.
Of course the fields from coll2 should be defined in a variable in the pipeline with the let field for the $lookup pipeline to access them.
The other match filters are basically checking if the arrays are equal where "$bags.type" from coll1 resolves to an array of types i.e. [ "typ1", "typ3" ] for example.
On getting the output field from $lookup which happens to be an array, you can filter the documents in coll2 on that array field where there can be some empty lists as a resul of the above $lookup pipeline $match filter:
{ "$match": { "coll1Data.0": { "$exists": true } } }
Overall your aggregate pipeline operation would be as follows:
{ "$lookup" : {
"from": "coll1",
"let": { "coll1_name": "$coll1Name", "types": "$types", "sizes": "$sizes" },
"pipeline": [
{ "$match": {
"$expr": {
"$and": [
{ "$eq": [ "$name", "$$coll1_name" ] },
{ "$setEquals": [ "$bags.type", "$$types" ] },
{ "$setEquals": [ "$bags.size", "$$sizes" ] }
} }
"as": "coll1Data"
} },
{ "$match": { "coll1Data.0": { "$exists": true } } },
{ "$project": { "coll1Data": 0 } }
