Get-PnPFile file hash convert cannot convert the "Microsoft.SharePoint.Client.File" value of type "Microsoft.SharePoint.Client.File" to type - sharepoint

Any ideas how to get the file hash of a OneDrive (SP) file? I really can't stand SP would be nice to do with PnP
$res = (Get-PnPFile -URL "/Documents/Au-Crouchy.xlsx").OpenBinaryStream()
$stream = Add-PnpFile -FileName $a -Folder "TargetLib" -Stream $res.Value
Get-FileHash -InputStream $stream | select-object hash
I tried other options for getting the file hash. Error received is:
Get-FileHash : Cannot process argument transformation on parameter 'InputStream'. Cannot convert the "Microsoft.SharePoint.Client.File" value of type "Microsoft.SharePoint.Client.File" to type "System.IO.Stream".


Export Azure key vault secrets as json list (or file)

Azure powershell - how to create json file with azure keyvaults secrets
(I know how to read the secrets with power shell). I do know how to put key values pairs and export as a file.
So, given I have this
secret1Name - secret1Value
secret2Name - secret2Value
secret3Name - secret3Value
I need a file saved to the file system
I found that there is something like this for reading from a file
$globalParametersJson = Get-Content $globalParametersFilePath
$globalParametersObject = [Newtonsoft.Json.Linq.JObject]::Parse($globalParametersJson)
And I (think) i need help doing it for writing a file.
Can anyone help ??
Export Azure key vault secrets as json list (or file)
I have tried to reproduce your ask and I have received expected results:
What I have understood from your question is that you want to write a secret to file (then below is the answer for that).
Firstly, created an empty Json file and copied its path and I followed Microsoft-Document.
Then I executed the below script:
$secret = Get-AzKeyVaultSecret -VaultName "rithkey"
$Target = #()
$result = New-Object -TypeName PSObject
foreach($em in $secretnames )
$Target=Get-AzKeyVaultSecret -VaultName rithkey -Name $em
$x=Get-AzKeyVaultSecret -VaultName rithkey -AsPlainText -Name $em
$result | Add-Member -Type NoteProperty -Name $Target.Name -Value $x
$result | ConvertTo-Json | Set-Content $y
Now we can check file emo.json as we used Set-Content to write to emo.json file and output is below:

What does #"String"# syntax mean in powershell

Not sure what this is an cant find it on the internet
$myString = #"
$myRegularString = "string"
write-output $myString.getType() # outputs System.String
write-output $myRegularString.getType() # outputs System.String
I encountered the latter when someone converted the text of a string to a .pbk file. They originally said there was a problem converting it to utf8 but when I imported the .pbk properties from a text using get-content $myString -encoding utf8 file it was fine
So whats the difference? Is one fancier?
Those are here-strings, they allow to preserve formatting, including line breaks:
$string = #"
this is
a test
Also please be aware that when you use Get-Content -Path test.txt the result is an array of strings (each line is an array item). If you want to get the file content as a single string object you will need to use Get-Content -Path test.txt -Raw.

New-item "Illegal Characters in path" when I use a Variable that contains a here string

foreach ($Target in $TargetUSBs)
$LogPath= #"
$SourceUSB\$(((Get-CimInstance -ClassName Win32_volume)|where {$_.DriveType -eq "2" -and $_.DriveLetter -eq $Target}).SerialNumber)_
$(((Get-CimInstance -ClassName Win32_OperatingSystem).LocalDateTime).Year)$(((Get-CimInstance -ClassName Win32_OperatingSystem).LocalDateTime).Month)
$(((Get-CimInstance -ClassName Win32_OperatingSystem).LocalDateTime).Day)_$(((Get-CimInstance -ClassName Win32_OperatingSystem).LocalDateTime).Hour)
$(((Get-CimInstance -ClassName Win32_OperatingSystem).LocalDateTime).Minute)$(((Get-CimInstance -ClassName Win32_OperatingSystem).LocalDateTime).Second).txt
$LogPath = $LogPath.Replace("`n","").Trim()
New-item -Path "$LogPath"
The Irony is when I copy and paste the contents of my variable and manually create a new-item -path and paste said contents it works but when I use the variable it does not...
Brief summary of my goal I am taking a USB labelled ORIGINAL and obtaining the S/N of every USB plugged in at the time and creating separate log files for each with the title consisting of SERIALNUMBER_DATE_TIME.txt and these files are created in ORIGINAL USB
$LogPath contains for example the following: E:\Mattel\1949721369_2018912_93427.txt
Yet when I use the Variable in New-item it indicates "Illegal characters in Path"
FYI $LogPath is a System.String not an object
$TargetUSBs is filled with all USB drives plugged into the system
this method of using a variable for a path usually works fine for me only difference is the here-string I used this time around does this cause my problem? I hope not because I really don't want to fill that variable all on one line. New-Item's helpfiles shows <String[]> for -path parameter does this mean I have to use a string array? and if so how do I convert this to make this work?
Your problem is that Windows uses CRLF line endings (Unix only LF), so you still have CR chars in your path.
To fix this just use:
However you can easily simplify your code so you do not require the messy here-string or replace/trim...
By using a single Get-Date call you can format it to your desired output. This means you can just build the Path as a simple string and involves much less code:
foreach ($Target in $TargetUSBs)
$SerialNumber = Get-CimInstance -ClassName Win32_volume | where {$_.DriveType -eq "2" -and $_.DriveLetter -eq $Target} | Select-Object -ExpandProperty SerialNumber
$DateTime = Get-Date -Format "yyyyMd_Hms"
New-item -Path "$SourceUSB\$SerialNumber_$DateTime.txt"

Outputting PowerShell data to a string

This is really PowerShell 101, I realise, but I'm stuck.
I'm trying to iterate through a folder tree, getting each subfolder name and a count of files. No problems there.
The new requirement is to get the ACLs on each subfolder as well. All of this data needs to be output as a CSV file, with a line consisting of each folder name, the file count, and the ACLs in a single string in one field of the CSV (I was going to delimit them with semicolons).
I am open to exporting to XML if the data can be viewed in Excel.
The part where I'm stuck is getting the ACL information into a single string for the CSV.
Get-ACL on each directory shows the data as follows (I'm doing a Select to just get the IdentityReference and FileSystemRights, which is all we're interested in):
IdentityReference FileSystemRights
----------------- ----------------
BUILTIN\Users ReadAndExecute, Synchronize
BUILTIN\Users AppendData
BUILTIN\Users CreateFiles
I would like the output file formatted with one line per subdirectory, similar to
I however can't get any kind of join working to have it presented in this way. I don't care about what combination of delimiters are used (again, must be readable in Excel).
The script, such as it is, is as follows. The output file has its line of data appended with each directory it traverses. I'm sure this isn't very efficient, but I don't want the process consuming all the server memory either. The bits I can't figure out are prepended with ###.
(Get-ChildItem C:\temp -recurse | Where-Object {$_.PSIsContainer -eq $True}) | foreach {
$a = ($_.GetFiles().Count)
$f = $_.FullName
$p = (get-acl $_.FullName).Access | select-object identityreference,filesystemrights
### do something with $p?
Out-File -FilePath c:\outfile.csv -Append -InputObject $a`,$f`,###$p?
Since you want all ACEs of a folder mangled into a single line you need something like this:
Get-ChildItem 'C:\temp' -Recurse | ? { $_.PSIsContainer } | % {
# build a list of "trustee:permissions" pairs
$perms = (Get-Acl $_.FullName).Access | % {
"{0}:{1}" -f $_.IdentityReference, $_.FileSystemRights
New-Object -Type PSObject -Property #{
'Filecount' = $_.GetFiles().Count
'Folder' = $_.FullName
'Permissions' = $perms -join ';' # join the list to a single string
} | Export-Csv 'c:\outfile.csv' -NoType
Repeated appending inside a loop usually guarantees poor performance, so it should be avoided whenever possible. The outer loop creates a list of custom objects, which can then be exported via Export-Csv in a single go.

Powershell: Cannot convert 'System.Object[]' to the type 'System.String'

When I run the following code i receive the message "cannot convert 'System.Object[]' to the type 'System.String'". How do i pass the event log list back to get-eventlog?
$EventLogList = Get-EventLog | Select-Object -ExpandProperty log
Get-evenlog -log $eventloglist
Get-EventLog : Cannot convert 'System.Object[]' to the type
'System.String' required by parameter 'LogName'.
your help is appreciated
LogName is a mandatory parameter to Get-EventLog and you have to supply it, unless you are trying to do a list with -list. Also, it expects a string and the second line is giving the error because you are passing in an array.
Apart from that, it is also not clear what you are trying to do with the statements.
I suppose you want something like:
get-eventlog -list | %{ get-eventlog -log $_.log }
