I am new to Azure AD B2C custom policies. I need some guidance on how do we add Forgot Username and Forgot Password hyperlink in custom policy? I have tried with Localization String IDs, but somehow not able to achieve it. Any help will be really appreciated. Thanks in advance.
We have implemented the split username login page, where the first page will take only username and the second page will take password and PIN, we have to add the forgot password link in the second page.
I have tried the code given in the Microsoft documentation, but that doesn't work with the username based sign in .
Could you please suggest of there are any ways to implement this?
I have tried the mentioned steps for username based sign in profiles, but that doesnot showing the password link in the second page.
The document you are following is correct, please try rechecking whether you have missed any step.
If you are still facing the issue, please go through the below workarounds:
Try setting up the force password reset flow by using this MsDoc.
Otherwise, try setting up Sign-up and Sign-in with embedded password reset.
To add forgot password link make use of custom policy starter pack , as it is included in all the template by default.
Make sure setting.forgotPasswordLinkLocation Metadata key is NOT present under TechnicalProfile.
Please go through below references if they are helpful,
Azure Active Directory B2C: Add Forgot password Link in my custom sign in policy - Microsoft Q&A.
Azure AD B2C Password Reset (newbedev.com).
Is there a way to remove autofill from email and password field in adb2c with custom policies?
Thank you rbrayb for the comment.
It seems to be browser functionality. No way to restrict this from the AAD B2C custom policy.
Clear cache and history and Clear saved password and email ID's on browser.
Also change instead of autocomplete="off" use autocomplete="false" on Chrome
We are using Azure AD B2C with Custom Policies. We noticed that Email-verification on Signup is pretty hard to do for the majority of users from a usability perspective. Hence, we would like to implement the following flow:
Step 1: Provide user data (Email, First Name, Last Name, Paswword + Confirm Password) and user can click next
Step 2: User sees a text that an email was send to him with a verification code. User should have the capability:
to enter the code and continue or
resend the code
On clicking continue, the user is redirected to the target app if code is correct.
Is this flow possible? If yes, can someone give a concrete example on how it needs to be setup as custom policy?
Thanks a lot in advance for your help!
There is a sample here that demonstrates the concepts you are looking for
I'm trying to configure a B2C tenant using policies instead of user flows.For that, I'm using the SocialAndLocalAccount template as start base. One of the things I'd like to do is to configure the email's verification parameters so I can choose the code's length, expiration time, etc. I don't really care about having a custom email like the example with SendGrid, just want to be able to configure the basic parameters.
I've been following the otp example they have in the documentation and managed to display the option properly but I never receive the email when clicking on "Send Code". Am I missing something? Is there another way to achieve this?
I'm new to Azure B2C and policies so I would appreciate any suggestions you might have. Thanks!
Currently, if you want to use the custom OTP generation within B2C, you have to use an external mail provider. The built in email verification has a separate combined OTP and mail provider service that is not able to be decoupled.
we have a schoolversion of Office365-Cloud. I want to write a PowerApp so that teachers can reset the password of their students.
But I'm not finding a Connector to update/reset passwords of users.
Is there a Connector for this? Is there another way to achive this?
Thank you
Ideally you could use the Azure Active Directory connector. Unfortunately it doesn't have a password reset action. The exception being it allows creating a temporary password for a new user. If that is sufficient for you check out this Microsoft blog.
The functionality to reset a password does exist in the Azure AD graph API. You can likely use the HTTP with Azure AD connector, as it should help with some of the authentication hassle (Otherwise see this doc for the whole authentication flow). Here is a discussion with helpful tips on how to use.