Pandas DataFrame: Same operation on multiple sets of columns - python-3.x

I want to do the same operation on multiple sets of columns of a DataFrame.
Since "for-loops" are frowned upon I'm searching for a decent alternative.
An example:
df = pd.DataFrame({
'a': [1, 11, 111],
'b': [222, 22, 2],
'a_x': [10, 80, 30],
'b_x': [20, 20, 60],
This is a simple for-loop approach. It's short and well readable.
cols = ['a', 'b']
for col in cols:
df[f'{col}_res'] = df[[col, f'{col}_x']].min(axis=1)
a b a_x b_x a_res b_res
0 1 222 10 20 1 20
1 11 22 80 20 11 20
2 111 2 30 60 30 2
This is an alternative (w/o for-loop), but I feel that the additional complexity is not really for the better.
cols = ['a', 'b']
def res_df(df, col, name):
res = pd.Series(
df[[col, f'{col}_x']].min(axis=1), index=df.index, name=name)
return res
res = [res_df(df, col, f'{col}_res') for col in cols]
df = pd.concat([df, pd.concat(res, axis=1)], axis=1)
Does anyone have a better/more pythonic solution?
Inspired by the proposal from mozway I find the following solution quite appealing.
Imho it's short, readable and generic, since the particular operation can be swapped into a function and the list comprehension applies the function to the given sets of columns.
def operation(s1, s2):
# fill in any operation on pandas series'
# e.g. res = s1 * s2 / (s1 + s2)
res = np.minimum(s1, s2)
return res
df = df.join(
[operation(df[f'{col}'], df[f'{col}_x']).rename(f'{col}_res') for col in cols]

You can use numpy.minimum after setting the arrays to identical column names:
cols = ['a', 'b']
cols2 = [f'{x}_x' for x in cols]
df = df.join(np.minimum(df[cols],
df[cols2].set_axis(cols, axis=1))
a b a_x b_x a_res b_res
0 1 222 10 20 1 20
1 11 22 80 20 11 20
2 111 2 30 60 30 2
or, using rename as suggested in the other answer:
cols = ['a', 'b']
cols2 = {f'{x}_x': x for x in cols}
df = df.join(np.minimum(df[cols],

One idea is rename columns names by dictionary, select columns by list cols and then group by columns names with aggregate min, sum, max or use custom function:
cols = ['a', 'b']
suffix = '_x'
d = {f'{x}{suffix}':x for x in cols}
print (d)
{'a_x': 'a', 'b_x': 'b'}
print (df.rename(columns=d)[cols])
a a b b
0 1 10 222 20
1 11 80 22 20
2 111 30 2 60
df1 = df.rename(columns=d)[cols].groupby(axis=1,level=0).min().add_suffix('_res')
print (df1)
a_res b_res
0 1 20
1 11 20
2 30 2
Last add to original DataFrame:
df = df.join(df1)
print (df)
a b a_x b_x a_res b_res
0 1 222 10 20 1 20
1 11 22 80 20 11 20
2 111 2 30 60 30 2


Remove duplicate couple values [duplicate]

My question is similar to Pandas: remove reverse duplicates from dataframe but I have an additional requirement. I need to maintain row value pairs.
For example:
I have data where column A corresponds to column C and column B corresponds to column D.
import pandas as pd
# Initial data frame
data = pd.DataFrame({'A': [0, 10, 11, 21, 22, 35, 5, 50],
'B': [50, 22, 35, 5, 10, 11, 21, 0],
'C': ["a", "b", "r", "x", "c", "w", "z", "y"],
'D': ["y", "c", "w", "z", "b", "r", "x", "a"]})
# A B C D
#0 0 50 a y
#1 10 22 b c
#2 11 35 r w
#3 21 5 x z
#4 22 10 c b
#5 35 11 w r
#6 5 21 z x
#7 50 0 y a
I would like to remove duplicates that exist in columns A and B but I need to preserve their corresponding letter value in columns C and D.
I have a solution here but is there a more elegant way of doing this?
# Desired data frame
new_data = pd.DataFrame()
# Concat numbers and corresponding letters
new_data['AC'] = data['A'].astype(str) + ',' + data['C']
new_data['BD'] = data['B'].astype(str) + ',' + data['D']
# Drop duplicates despite order
new_data = new_data.apply(lambda r: sorted(r), axis = 1).drop_duplicates()
# Recreate dataframe
new_data = pd.DataFrame.from_items(zip(new_data.index, new_data.values)).T
new_data = pd.concat([new_data.iloc[:,0].str.split(',', expand=True),
new_data.iloc[:,1].str.split(',', expand=True)], axis=1)
new_data.columns=['A', 'B', 'C', 'D']
# A B C D
#0 0 a 50 y
#1 10 b 22 c
#2 11 r 35 w
#3 21 x 5 z
EDIT technically output should look like this:
new_data.columns=['A', 'C', 'B', 'D']
# A B C D
#0 0 a 50 y
#1 10 b 22 c
#2 11 r 35 w
#3 21 x 5 z
I think that you can do this with stack, drop_duplicates and unstack:
0 0 50 a y
1 10 22 b c
2 11 35 r w
3 21 5 x z
create two additional columns taking the data the sorted data in columns
columns = ['A', 'B']
df = pd.concat([data, pd.DataFrame(np.sort(data[columns], axis=1), axis=1)
drop duplicates using the sorted data & select the original columns
0 0 50 a y
1 10 22 b c
2 11 35 r w
3 21 5 x z
Base on the link you provided
newdf=data[['A','B']].apply(lambda r: sorted(r), axis = 1).drop_duplicates()
0 0 50 a y
1 10 22 b c
2 11 35 r w
3 5 21 z x

Indexing based on multiple columns

I'm new to python and below mentioned is an ongoing data engineering issue I'm currently trying to resolve.
Table structure
Index 1 :
Is sequential and would increment by 1 as rows are added.
Index 2 : The problem <<-- To tabulate index 2
This is dependent on values stored in the columns [A,B,C,D,E]. If the value remains the same, we need to assign a single index for these rows.
eg: Rows 1,2,3 have 567 as a value for A,B,C respectively.
Therefore, index 2 is 100 for these 3 rows.
Record types :
1 - A
2 - B
3 - C
4 - D
5 - E
data = [(100, 100, 1 , 567,'','','','') ,
(101, 100, 2 , '',567,'','','') ,
(102, 100, 3 , '','',567,'','') ,
(103, 101, 3 , '','',568,'','') ,
(104, 101, 4 , '','','',568,'') ,
(105, 101, 5 , '','','','',568) ]
#Creates the data frame
df = pd.DataFrame( data, columns = ['index1' , 'index2', 'record_type' , 'A','B','C','D','E'], dtype=str)
#Combines columns A,B,C,D,E and adds a $ where ever it is null in order to stack these values
df['combined'] = df[['A', 'B', 'C','D','E']].stack().groupby(level=0).agg('$'.join)
# Cleans the column 'combined'
df['combined_cleaned']= df['combined'].replace({'\$':''}, regex = True)
Attempting to use the combined_cleaned column to calculate index2.
Not sure if this is the right approach, open to suggestions.
A few assumptions here, but seem to fit your problem.
If there is only ever 1 value over those columns for each row then you can take the max along the row, and then find consecutive groups checking whether that Series is equal to itself, shifted.
We add 99 because by definition the counting will start at 1, but you seem to want 100.
val_cols = ['A', 'B', 'C', 'D', 'E']
s = df[val_cols].apply(pd.to_numeric).max(1)
#0 567.0
#1 567.0
#2 567.0
#3 568.0
#4 568.0
#5 568.0
#dtype: float64
df['index2'] = + 99
index1 record_type A B C D E index2
0 100 1 567 100
1 101 2 567 100
2 102 3 567 100
3 103 3 568 101
4 104 4 568 101
5 105 5 568 101
If instead of a single value, 'record_type' points to the appropriate column you can use numpy indexing.
import numpy as np
arr = df[val_cols].to_numpy()
idx = df['record_type'].astype(int).to_numpy()
vals = arr[np.arange(len(arr)), idx-1]
#array(['567', '567', '567', '568', '568', '568'], dtype=object)
The combined_cleaned column could be generated directly using
cols = ['A', 'B', 'C','D','E']
df[cols].replace('', np.nan).apply(lambda x: x.dropna().item(), axis=1)
You can also try with stack followed by factorize:
cols = ['A', 'B', 'C','D','E']
s = pd.factorize(df[cols].replace('',np.nan).stack())[0]
df['index2_new'] = int(df['index1'].iat[0]) + s
index1 index2 record_type A B C D E index2_new
0 100 100 1 567 100
1 101 100 2 567 100
2 102 100 3 567 100
3 103 101 3 568 101
4 104 101 4 568 101
5 105 101 5 568 101

Pandas: apply list of functions on columns, one function per column

Setting: for a dataframe with 10 columns I have a list of 10 functions which I wish to apply in a function1(column1), function2(column2), ..., function10(column10) fashion. I have looked into pandas.DataFrame.apply and pandas.DataFrame.transform but they seem to broadcast and apply each function on all possible columns.
IIUC, with zip and a for loop:
def function1(x):
return x + 1
def function2(x):
return x * 2
def function3(x):
return x**2
df = pd.DataFrame({'A': [1, 2, 3], 'B': [1, 2, 3], 'C': [1, 2, 3]})
functions = [function1, function2, function3]
# A B C
# 0 1 1 1
# 1 2 2 2
# 2 3 3 3
for col, func in zip(df, functions):
df[col] = df[col].apply(func)
# A B C
# 0 2 2 1
# 1 3 4 4
# 2 4 6 9
You could do something like:
# list containing functions
fun_list = []
# assume df is your dataframe
for i, fun in enumerate(fun_list):
df.iloc[:,i] = fun(df.iloc[:,i])
You can probably try to map your N functions to each row by using a lambda containing a Series with your operations, check the following code:
import pandas as pd
matrix = [(22, 34, 23), (33, 31, 11), (44, 16, 21), (55, 32, 22), (66, 33, 27),
(77, 35, 11)]
df = pd.DataFrame(matrix, columns=list('xyz'), index=list('abcdef'))
Will produce:
x y z
a 22 34 23
b 33 31 11
c 44 16 21
d 55 32 22
e 66 33 27
f 77 35 11
and then:
res_df = df.apply(lambda row: pd.Series([row[0] + 1, row[1] + 2, row[2] + 3]), axis=1)
will give you:
0 1 2
a 23 36 26
b 34 33 14
c 45 18 24
d 56 34 25
e 67 35 30
f 78 37 14
You can simply apply to specific column
df['x'] = df['X'].apply(lambda x: x*2)
Similar to #Chris Adams's answer but makes a copy of the dataframe using dictionary comprehension and zip.
def function1(x):
return x + 1
def function2(x):
return x * 2
def function3(x):
return x**2
df = pd.DataFrame({'A': [1, 2, 3], 'B': [1, 2, 3], 'C': [1, 2, 3]})
functions = [function1, function2, function3]
# A B C
# 0 1 1 1
# 1 2 2 2
# 2 3 3 3
df_2 = pd.DataFrame({col: func(df[col]) for col, func in zip(df, functions)})
# A B C
# 0 2 2 1
# 1 3 4 4
# 2 4 6 9

Replace a special character with a new line within same row in pandas [duplicate]

I have a pandas dataframe in which one column of text strings contains comma-separated values. I want to split each CSV field and create a new row per entry (assume that CSV are clean and need only be split on ','). For example, a should become b:
In [7]: a
var1 var2
0 a,b,c 1
1 d,e,f 2
In [8]: b
var1 var2
0 a 1
1 b 1
2 c 1
3 d 2
4 e 2
5 f 2
So far, I have tried various simple functions, but the .apply method seems to only accept one row as return value when it is used on an axis, and I can't get .transform to work. Any suggestions would be much appreciated!
Example data:
from pandas import DataFrame
import numpy as np
a = DataFrame([{'var1': 'a,b,c', 'var2': 1},
{'var1': 'd,e,f', 'var2': 2}])
b = DataFrame([{'var1': 'a', 'var2': 1},
{'var1': 'b', 'var2': 1},
{'var1': 'c', 'var2': 1},
{'var1': 'd', 'var2': 2},
{'var1': 'e', 'var2': 2},
{'var1': 'f', 'var2': 2}])
I know this won't work because we lose DataFrame meta-data by going through numpy, but it should give you a sense of what I tried to do:
def fun(row):
letters = row['var1']
letters = letters.split(',')
out = np.array([row] * len(letters))
out['var1'] = letters
a['idx'] = range(a.shape[0])
z = a.groupby('idx')
UPDATE 3: it makes more sense to use Series.explode() / DataFrame.explode() methods (implemented in Pandas 0.25.0 and extended in Pandas 1.3.0 to support multi-column explode) as is shown in the usage example:
for a single column:
In [1]: df = pd.DataFrame({'A': [[0, 1, 2], 'foo', [], [3, 4]],
...: 'B': 1,
...: 'C': [['a', 'b', 'c'], np.nan, [], ['d', 'e']]})
In [2]: df
0 [0, 1, 2] 1 [a, b, c]
1 foo 1 NaN
2 [] 1 []
3 [3, 4] 1 [d, e]
In [3]: df.explode('A')
0 0 1 [a, b, c]
0 1 1 [a, b, c]
0 2 1 [a, b, c]
1 foo 1 NaN
2 NaN 1 []
3 3 1 [d, e]
3 4 1 [d, e]
for multiple columns (for Pandas 1.3.0+):
In [4]: df.explode(['A', 'C'])
0 0 1 a
0 1 1 b
0 2 1 c
1 foo 1 NaN
2 NaN 1 NaN
3 3 1 d
3 4 1 e
UPDATE 2: more generic vectorized function, which will work for multiple normal and multiple list columns
def explode(df, lst_cols, fill_value='', preserve_index=False):
# make sure `lst_cols` is list-alike
if (lst_cols is not None
and len(lst_cols) > 0
and not isinstance(lst_cols, (list, tuple, np.ndarray, pd.Series))):
lst_cols = [lst_cols]
# all columns except `lst_cols`
idx_cols = df.columns.difference(lst_cols)
# calculate lengths of lists
lens = df[lst_cols[0]].str.len()
# preserve original index values
idx = np.repeat(df.index.values, lens)
# create "exploded" DF
res = (pd.DataFrame({
col:np.repeat(df[col].values, lens)
for col in idx_cols},
.assign(**{col:np.concatenate(df.loc[lens>0, col].values)
for col in lst_cols}))
# append those rows that have empty lists
if (lens == 0).any():
# at least one list in cells is empty
res = (res.append(df.loc[lens==0, idx_cols], sort=False)
# revert the original index order
res = res.sort_index()
# reset index if requested
if not preserve_index:
res = res.reset_index(drop=True)
return res
Multiple list columns - all list columns must have the same # of elements in each row:
In [134]: df
aaa myid num text
0 10 1 [1, 2, 3] [aa, bb, cc]
1 11 2 [] []
2 12 3 [1, 2] [cc, dd]
3 13 4 [] []
In [135]: explode(df, ['num','text'], fill_value='')
aaa myid num text
0 10 1 1 aa
1 10 1 2 bb
2 10 1 3 cc
3 11 2
4 12 3 1 cc
5 12 3 2 dd
6 13 4
preserving original index values:
In [136]: explode(df, ['num','text'], fill_value='', preserve_index=True)
aaa myid num text
0 10 1 1 aa
0 10 1 2 bb
0 10 1 3 cc
1 11 2
2 12 3 1 cc
2 12 3 2 dd
3 13 4
df = pd.DataFrame({
'aaa': {0: 10, 1: 11, 2: 12, 3: 13},
'myid': {0: 1, 1: 2, 2: 3, 3: 4},
'num': {0: [1, 2, 3], 1: [], 2: [1, 2], 3: []},
'text': {0: ['aa', 'bb', 'cc'], 1: [], 2: ['cc', 'dd'], 3: []}
CSV column:
In [46]: df
var1 var2 var3
0 a,b,c 1 XX
1 d,e,f,x,y 2 ZZ
In [47]: explode(df.assign(var1=df.var1.str.split(',')), 'var1')
var1 var2 var3
0 a 1 XX
1 b 1 XX
2 c 1 XX
3 d 2 ZZ
4 e 2 ZZ
5 f 2 ZZ
6 x 2 ZZ
7 y 2 ZZ
using this little trick we can convert CSV-like column to list column:
In [48]: df.assign(var1=df.var1.str.split(','))
var1 var2 var3
0 [a, b, c] 1 XX
1 [d, e, f, x, y] 2 ZZ
UPDATE: generic vectorized approach (will work also for multiple columns):
Original DF:
In [177]: df
var1 var2 var3
0 a,b,c 1 XX
1 d,e,f,x,y 2 ZZ
first let's convert CSV strings to lists:
In [178]: lst_col = 'var1'
In [179]: x = df.assign(**{lst_col:df[lst_col].str.split(',')})
In [180]: x
var1 var2 var3
0 [a, b, c] 1 XX
1 [d, e, f, x, y] 2 ZZ
Now we can do this:
In [181]: pd.DataFrame({
...: col:np.repeat(x[col].values, x[lst_col].str.len())
...: for col in x.columns.difference([lst_col])
...: }).assign(**{lst_col:np.concatenate(x[lst_col].values)})[x.columns.tolist()]
var1 var2 var3
0 a 1 XX
1 b 1 XX
2 c 1 XX
3 d 2 ZZ
4 e 2 ZZ
5 f 2 ZZ
6 x 2 ZZ
7 y 2 ZZ
OLD answer:
Inspired by #AFinkelstein solution, i wanted to make it bit more generalized which could be applied to DF with more than two columns and as fast, well almost, as fast as AFinkelstein's solution):
In [2]: df = pd.DataFrame(
...: [{'var1': 'a,b,c', 'var2': 1, 'var3': 'XX'},
...: {'var1': 'd,e,f,x,y', 'var2': 2, 'var3': 'ZZ'}]
...: )
In [3]: df
var1 var2 var3
0 a,b,c 1 XX
1 d,e,f,x,y 2 ZZ
In [4]: (df.set_index(df.columns.drop('var1',1).tolist())
...: .var1.str.split(',', expand=True)
...: .stack()
...: .reset_index()
...: .rename(columns={0:'var1'})
...: .loc[:, df.columns]
...: )
var1 var2 var3
0 a 1 XX
1 b 1 XX
2 c 1 XX
3 d 2 ZZ
4 e 2 ZZ
5 f 2 ZZ
6 x 2 ZZ
7 y 2 ZZ
After painful experimentation to find something faster than the accepted answer, I got this to work. It ran around 100x faster on the dataset I tried it on.
If someone knows a way to make this more elegant, by all means please modify my code. I couldn't find a way that works without setting the other columns you want to keep as the index and then resetting the index and re-naming the columns, but I'd imagine there's something else that works.
b = DataFrame(a.var1.str.split(',').tolist(), index=a.var2).stack()
b = b.reset_index()[[0, 'var2']] # var1 variable is currently labeled 0
b.columns = ['var1', 'var2'] # renaming var1
Pandas >= 0.25
Series and DataFrame methods define a .explode() method that explodes lists into separate rows. See the docs section on Exploding a list-like column.
Since you have a list of comma separated strings, split the string on comma to get a list of elements, then call explode on that column.
df = pd.DataFrame({'var1': ['a,b,c', 'd,e,f'], 'var2': [1, 2]})
var1 var2
0 a,b,c 1
1 d,e,f 2
var1 var2
0 a 1
0 b 1
0 c 1
1 d 2
1 e 2
1 f 2
Note that explode only works on a single column (for now). To explode multiple columns at once, see below.
NaNs and empty lists get the treatment they deserve without you having to jump through hoops to get it right.
df = pd.DataFrame({'var1': ['d,e,f', '', np.nan], 'var2': [1, 2, 3]})
var1 var2
0 d,e,f 1
1 2
2 NaN 3
0 [d, e, f]
1 []
2 NaN
var1 var2
0 d 1
0 e 1
0 f 1
1 2 # empty list entry becomes empty string after exploding
2 NaN 3 # NaN left un-touched
This is a serious advantage over ravel/repeat -based solutions (which ignore empty lists completely, and choke on NaNs).
Exploding Multiple Columns
pandas 1.3 update
df.explode works on multiple columns starting from pandas 1.3:
df = pd.DataFrame({'var1': ['a,b,c', 'd,e,f'],
'var2': ['i,j,k', 'l,m,n'],
'var3': [1, 2]})
var1 var2 var3
0 a,b,c i,j,k 1
1 d,e,f l,m,n 2
.apply(lambda col: col.str.split(','))
.explode(['var1', 'var2'])
.reindex(df.columns, axis=1))
var1 var2 var3
0 a i 1
1 b j 1
2 c k 1
3 d l 2
4 e m 2
5 f n 2
On older versions, you would move the explode column inside the apply which is a lot less performant:
.apply(lambda col: col.str.split(',').explode())
.reindex(df.columns, axis=1))
The idea is to set as the index, all the columns that should NOT be exploded, then explode the remaining columns via apply. This works well when the lists are equally sized.
How about something like this:
In [55]: pd.concat([Series(row['var2'], row['var1'].split(','))
for _, row in a.iterrows()]).reset_index()
index 0
0 a 1
1 b 1
2 c 1
3 d 2
4 e 2
5 f 2
Then you just have to rename the columns
Here's a function I wrote for this common task. It's more efficient than the Series/stack methods. Column order and names are retained.
def tidy_split(df, column, sep='|', keep=False):
Split the values of a column and expand so the new DataFrame has one split
value per row. Filters rows where the column is missing.
df : pandas.DataFrame
dataframe with the column to split and expand
column : str
the column to split and expand
sep : str
the string used to split the column's values
keep : bool
whether to retain the presplit value as it's own row
Returns a dataframe with the same columns as `df`.
indexes = list()
new_values = list()
df = df.dropna(subset=[column])
for i, presplit in enumerate(df[column].astype(str)):
values = presplit.split(sep)
if keep and len(values) > 1:
for value in values:
new_df = df.iloc[indexes, :].copy()
new_df[column] = new_values
return new_df
With this function, the original question is as simple as:
tidy_split(a, 'var1', sep=',')
Similar question as: pandas: How do I split text in a column into multiple rows?
You could do:
>> a=pd.DataFrame({"var1":"a,b,c d,e,f".split(),"var2":[1,2]})
>> s = a.var1.str.split(",").apply(pd.Series, 1).stack()
>> s.index = s.index.droplevel(-1)
>> del a['var1']
>> a.join(s)
var2 var1
0 1 a
0 1 b
0 1 c
1 2 d
1 2 e
1 2 f
There is a possibility to split and explode the dataframe without changing the structure of dataframe
Split and expand data of specific columns
var1 var2
0 a,b,c 1
1 d,e,f 2
#Get the indexes which are repetative with the split
df['var1'] = df['var1'].str.split(',')
df = df.explode('var1')
var1 var2
0 a 1
0 b 1
0 c 1
1 d 2
1 e 2
1 f 2
Split and Expand of rows for Multiple columns
Filename RGB RGB_type
0 A [[0, 1650, 6, 39], [0, 1691, 1, 59], [50, 1402... [r, g, b]
1 B [[0, 1423, 16, 38], [0, 1445, 16, 46], [0, 141... [r, g, b]
Re indexing based on the reference column and aligning the column value information with stack
df = df.reindex(df.index.repeat(df['RGB_type'].apply(len)))
df = df.groupby('Filename').apply(lambda x:x.apply(lambda y: pd.Series(y.iloc[0])))
Filename RGB_type Top 1 colour Top 1 frequency Top 2 colour Top 2 frequency
A 0 A r 0 1650 6 39
1 A g 0 1691 1 59
2 A b 50 1402 49 187
B 0 B r 0 1423 16 38
1 B g 0 1445 16 46
2 B b 0 1419 16 39
import pandas as pd
import numpy as np
def explode_str(df, col, sep):
s = df[col]
i = np.arange(len(s)).repeat(s.str.count(sep) + 1)
return df.iloc[i].assign(**{col: sep.join(s).split(sep)})
def explode_list(df, col):
s = df[col]
i = np.arange(len(s)).repeat(s.str.len())
return df.iloc[i].assign(**{col: np.concatenate(s)})
explode_str(a, 'var1', ',')
var1 var2
0 a 1
0 b 1
0 c 1
1 d 2
1 e 2
1 f 2
Let's create a new dataframe d that has lists
d = a.assign(var1=lambda d: d.var1.str.split(','))
explode_list(d, 'var1')
var1 var2
0 a 1
0 b 1
0 c 1
1 d 2
1 e 2
1 f 2
General Comments
I'll use np.arange with repeat to produce dataframe index positions that I can use with iloc.
Why don't I use loc?
Because the index may not be unique and using loc will return every row that matches a queried index.
Why don't you use the values attribute and slice that?
When calling values, if the entirety of the the dataframe is in one cohesive "block", Pandas will return a view of the array that is the "block". Otherwise Pandas will have to cobble together a new array. When cobbling, that array must be of a uniform dtype. Often that means returning an array with dtype that is object. By using iloc instead of slicing the values attribute, I alleviate myself from having to deal with that.
Why do you use assign?
When I use assign using the same column name that I'm exploding, I overwrite the existing column and maintain its position in the dataframe.
Why are the index values repeat?
By virtue of using iloc on repeated positions, the resulting index shows the same repeated pattern. One repeat for each element the list or string.
This can be reset with reset_index(drop=True)
For Strings
I don't want to have to split the strings prematurely. So instead I count the occurrences of the sep argument assuming that if I were to split, the length of the resulting list would be one more than the number of separators.
I then use that sep to join the strings then split.
def explode_str(df, col, sep):
s = df[col]
i = np.arange(len(s)).repeat(s.str.count(sep) + 1)
return df.iloc[i].assign(**{col: sep.join(s).split(sep)})
For Lists
Similar as for strings except I don't need to count occurrences of sep because its already split.
I use Numpy's concatenate to jam the lists together.
import pandas as pd
import numpy as np
def explode_list(df, col):
s = df[col]
i = np.arange(len(s)).repeat(s.str.len())
return df.iloc[i].assign(**{col: np.concatenate(s)})
I came up with a solution for dataframes with arbitrary numbers of columns (while still only separating one column's entries at a time).
def splitDataFrameList(df,target_column,separator):
''' df = dataframe to split,
target_column = the column containing the values to split
separator = the symbol used to perform the split
returns: a dataframe with each entry for the target column separated, with each element moved into a new row.
The values in the other columns are duplicated across the newly divided rows.
def splitListToRows(row,row_accumulator,target_column,separator):
split_row = row[target_column].split(separator)
for s in split_row:
new_row = row.to_dict()
new_row[target_column] = s
new_rows = []
df.apply(splitListToRows,axis=1,args = (new_rows,target_column,separator))
new_df = pandas.DataFrame(new_rows)
return new_df
Here is a fairly straightforward message that uses the split method from pandas str accessor and then uses NumPy to flatten each row into a single array.
The corresponding values are retrieved by repeating the non-split column the correct number of times with np.repeat.
var1 = df.var1.str.split(',', expand=True).values.ravel()
var2 = np.repeat(df.var2.values, len(var1) / len(df))
pd.DataFrame({'var1': var1,
'var2': var2})
var1 var2
0 a 1
1 b 1
2 c 1
3 d 2
4 e 2
5 f 2
I have been struggling with out-of-memory experience using various way to explode my lists so I prepared some benchmarks to help me decide which answers to upvote. I tested five scenarios with varying proportions of the list length to the number of lists. Sharing the results below:
Time: (less is better, click to view large version)
Peak memory usage: (less is better)
#MaxU's answer (update 2), codename concatenate offers the best speed in almost every case, while keeping the peek memory usage low,
see #DMulligan's answer (codename stack) if you need to process lots of rows with relatively small lists and can afford increased peak memory,
the accepted #Chang's answer works well for data frames that have a few rows but very large lists.
Full details (functions and benchmarking code) are in this GitHub gist. Please note that the benchmark problem was simplified and did not include splitting of strings into the list - which most solutions performed in a similar fashion.
One-liner using split(___, expand=True) and the level and name arguments to reset_index():
>>> b = a.var1.str.split(',', expand=True).set_index(a.var2).stack().reset_index(level=0, name='var1')
>>> b
var2 var1
0 1 a
1 1 b
2 1 c
0 2 d
1 2 e
2 2 f
If you need b to look exactly like in the question, you can additionally do:
>>> b = b.reset_index(drop=True)[['var1', 'var2']]
>>> b
var1 var2
0 a 1
1 b 1
2 c 1
3 d 2
4 e 2
5 f 2
Based on the excellent #DMulligan's solution, here is a generic vectorized (no loops) function which splits a column of a dataframe into multiple rows, and merges it back to the original dataframe. It also uses a great generic change_column_order function from this answer.
def change_column_order(df, col_name, index):
cols = df.columns.tolist()
cols.insert(index, col_name)
return df[cols]
def split_df(dataframe, col_name, sep):
orig_col_index = dataframe.columns.tolist().index(col_name)
orig_index_name =
orig_columns = dataframe.columns
dataframe = dataframe.reset_index() # we need a natural 0-based index for proper merge
index_col_name = (set(dataframe.columns) - set(orig_columns)).pop()
df_split = pd.DataFrame(
.stack().reset_index(level=1, drop=1), columns=[col_name])
df = dataframe.drop(col_name, axis=1)
df = pd.merge(df, df_split, left_index=True, right_index=True, how='inner')
df = df.set_index(index_col_name) = orig_index_name
# merge adds the column to the last place, so we need to move it back
return change_column_order(df, col_name, orig_col_index)
df = pd.DataFrame([['a:b', 1, 4], ['c:d', 2, 5], ['e:f:g:h', 3, 6]],
columns=['Name', 'A', 'B'], index=[10, 12, 13])
Name A B
10 a:b 1 4
12 c:d 2 5
13 e:f:g:h 3 6
split_df(df, 'Name', ':')
Name A B
10 a 1 4
10 b 1 4
12 c 2 5
12 d 2 5
13 e 3 6
13 f 3 6
13 g 3 6
13 h 3 6
Note that it preserves the original index and order of the columns. It also works with dataframes which have non-sequential index.
The string function split can take an option boolean argument 'expand'.
Here is a solution using this argument:
.reset_index(level=1, drop=True)
I do appreciate the answer of "Chang She", really, but the iterrows() function takes long time on large dataset. I faced that issue and I came to this.
# First, reset_index to make the index a column
a = a.reset_index().rename(columns={'index':'duplicated_idx'})
# Get a longer series with exploded cells to rows
series = pd.DataFrame(a['var1'].str.split('/')
.tolist(), index=a.duplicated_idx).stack()
# New df from series and merge with the old one
b = series.reset_index([0, 'duplicated_idx'])
b = b.rename(columns={0:'var1'})
# Optional & Advanced: In case, there are other columns apart from var1 & var2
# Optional: Delete the "duplicated_index"'s column, and reorder columns
b = b[a.columns.difference(['duplicated_idx'])]
One-liner using assign and explode:
col1 col2
0 a,b,c 1
1 d,e,f 2
df.assign(col1 = df.col1.str.split(',')).explode('col1', ignore_index=True)
col1 col2
0 a 1
1 b 1
2 c 1
3 d 2
4 e 2
5 f 2
Just used jiln's excellent answer from above, but needed to expand to split multiple columns. Thought I would share.
def splitDataFrameList(df,target_column,separator):
''' df = dataframe to split,
target_column = the column containing the values to split
separator = the symbol used to perform the split
returns: a dataframe with each entry for the target column separated, with each element moved into a new row.
The values in the other columns are duplicated across the newly divided rows.
def splitListToRows(row, row_accumulator, target_columns, separator):
split_rows = []
for target_column in target_columns:
# Seperate for multiple columns
for i in range(len(split_rows[0])):
new_row = row.to_dict()
for j in range(len(split_rows)):
new_row[target_columns[j]] = split_rows[j][i]
new_rows = []
df.apply(splitListToRows,axis=1,args = (new_rows,target_column,separator))
new_df = pd.DataFrame(new_rows)
return new_df
upgraded MaxU's answer with MultiIndex support
def explode(df, lst_cols, fill_value='', preserve_index=False):
In [134]: df
aaa myid num text
0 10 1 [1, 2, 3] [aa, bb, cc]
1 11 2 [] []
2 12 3 [1, 2] [cc, dd]
3 13 4 [] []
In [135]: explode(df, ['num','text'], fill_value='')
aaa myid num text
0 10 1 1 aa
1 10 1 2 bb
2 10 1 3 cc
3 11 2
4 12 3 1 cc
5 12 3 2 dd
6 13 4
# make sure `lst_cols` is list-alike
if (lst_cols is not None
and len(lst_cols) > 0
and not isinstance(lst_cols, (list, tuple, np.ndarray, pd.Series))):
lst_cols = [lst_cols]
# all columns except `lst_cols`
idx_cols = df.columns.difference(lst_cols)
# calculate lengths of lists
lens = df[lst_cols[0]].str.len()
# preserve original index values
idx = np.repeat(df.index.values, lens)
res = (pd.DataFrame({
col:np.repeat(df[col].values, lens)
for col in idx_cols},
.assign(**{col:np.concatenate(df.loc[lens>0, col].values)
for col in lst_cols}))
# append those rows that have empty lists
if (lens == 0).any():
# at least one list in cells is empty
res = (res.append(df.loc[lens==0, idx_cols], sort=False)
# revert the original index order
res = res.sort_index()
# reset index if requested
if not preserve_index:
res = res.reset_index(drop=True)
# if original index is MultiIndex build the dataframe from the multiindex
# create "exploded" DF
if isinstance(df.index, pd.MultiIndex):
res = res.reindex(
names=['number', 'color']
return res
My version of the solution to add to this collection! :-)
# Original problem
from pandas import DataFrame
import numpy as np
a = DataFrame([{'var1': 'a,b,c', 'var2': 1},
{'var1': 'd,e,f', 'var2': 2}])
b = DataFrame([{'var1': 'a', 'var2': 1},
{'var1': 'b', 'var2': 1},
{'var1': 'c', 'var2': 1},
{'var1': 'd', 'var2': 2},
{'var1': 'e', 'var2': 2},
{'var1': 'f', 'var2': 2}])
### My solution
import pandas as pd
import functools
def expand_on_cols(df, fuse_cols, delim=","):
def expand_on_col(df, fuse_col):
col_order = df.columns
df_expanded = pd.DataFrame(
df.set_index([x for x in df.columns if x != fuse_col])[fuse_col]
.apply(lambda x: x.split(delim))
return df_expanded[col_order]
all_expanded = functools.reduce(expand_on_col, fuse_cols, df)
return all_expanded
assert(b.equals(expand_on_cols(a, ["var1"], delim=",")))
I have come up with the following solution to this problem:
def iter_var1(d):
for _, row in d.iterrows():
for v in row["var1"].split(","):
yield (v, row["var2"])
new_a = DataFrame.from_records([i for i in iter_var1(a)],
columns=["var1", "var2"])
Another solution that uses python copy package
import copy
new_observations = list()
def pandas_explode(df, column_to_explode):
new_observations = list()
for row in df.to_dict(orient='records'):
explode_values = row[column_to_explode]
del row[column_to_explode]
if type(explode_values) is list or type(explode_values) is tuple:
for explode_value in explode_values:
new_observation = copy.deepcopy(row)
new_observation[column_to_explode] = explode_value
new_observation = copy.deepcopy(row)
new_observation[column_to_explode] = explode_values
return_df = pd.DataFrame(new_observations)
return return_df
df = pandas_explode(df, column_name)
There are a lot of answers here but I'm surprised no one has mentioned the built in pandas explode function. Check out the link below:
For some reason I was unable to access that function, so I used the below code:
import pandas_explode
df_zlp_people_cnt3 = df_zlp_people_cnt2.explode('people')
Above is a sample of my data. As you can see the people column had series of people, and I was trying to explode it. The code I have given works for list type data. So try to get your comma separated text data into list format. Also since my code uses built in functions, it is much faster than custom/apply functions.
Note: You may need to install pandas_explode with pip.
I had a similar problem, my solution was converting the dataframe to a list of dictionaries first, then do the transition. Here is the function:
import re
import pandas as pd
def separate_row(df, column_name):
ls = []
for row_dict in df.to_dict('records'):
for word in re.split(',', row_dict[column_name]):
row = row_dict.copy()
return pd.DataFrame(ls)
>>> from pandas import DataFrame
>>> import numpy as np
>>> a = DataFrame([{'var1': 'a,b,c', 'var2': 1},
{'var1': 'd,e,f', 'var2': 2}])
>>> a
var1 var2
0 a,b,c 1
1 d,e,f 2
>>> separate_row(a, "var1")
var1 var2
0 a 1
1 b 1
2 c 1
3 d 2
4 e 2
5 f 2
You can also change the function a bit to support separating list type rows.
Upon adding few bits and pieces from all the solutions on this page, I was able to get something like this(for someone who need to use it right away).
parameters to the function are df(input dataframe) and key(column that has delimiter separated string). Just replace with your delimiter if that is different to semicolon ";".
def split_df_rows_for_semicolon_separated_key(key, df):
df=df.set_index(df.columns.drop(key,1).tolist())[key].str.split(';', expand=True).stack().reset_index().rename(columns={0:key}).loc[:, df.columns]
df=df[df[key] != '']
return df
vals = np.array(a.var1.str.split(",").values.tolist())
var = np.repeat(a.var2, vals.shape[1])
out = pd.DataFrame(np.column_stack((var, vals.ravel())), columns=a.columns)
var1 var2
0 1 a
1 1 b
2 1 c
3 2 d
4 2 e
5 2 f
In recent version of pandas you can use split followed by explode
var1 var2
0 a 1
0 b 1
0 c 1
1 d 2
1 e 2
1 f 2
A short and simple way to change the format of the column using .apply() so that it can be used by .explod():
import string
import pandas as pd
from io import StringIO
file = StringIO(""" var1 var2
0 a,b,c 1
1 d,e,f 2""")
df = pd.read_csv(file, sep=r'\s\s+')
df['var1'] = df['var1'].apply(lambda x : str(x).split(','))
var1 var2
0 a 1
0 b 1
0 c 1
1 d 2
1 e 2
1 f 2

Flatten dataframe cell of comma separated list (not list type) in pandas [duplicate]

I have a pandas dataframe in which one column of text strings contains comma-separated values. I want to split each CSV field and create a new row per entry (assume that CSV are clean and need only be split on ','). For example, a should become b:
In [7]: a
var1 var2
0 a,b,c 1
1 d,e,f 2
In [8]: b
var1 var2
0 a 1
1 b 1
2 c 1
3 d 2
4 e 2
5 f 2
So far, I have tried various simple functions, but the .apply method seems to only accept one row as return value when it is used on an axis, and I can't get .transform to work. Any suggestions would be much appreciated!
Example data:
from pandas import DataFrame
import numpy as np
a = DataFrame([{'var1': 'a,b,c', 'var2': 1},
{'var1': 'd,e,f', 'var2': 2}])
b = DataFrame([{'var1': 'a', 'var2': 1},
{'var1': 'b', 'var2': 1},
{'var1': 'c', 'var2': 1},
{'var1': 'd', 'var2': 2},
{'var1': 'e', 'var2': 2},
{'var1': 'f', 'var2': 2}])
I know this won't work because we lose DataFrame meta-data by going through numpy, but it should give you a sense of what I tried to do:
def fun(row):
letters = row['var1']
letters = letters.split(',')
out = np.array([row] * len(letters))
out['var1'] = letters
a['idx'] = range(a.shape[0])
z = a.groupby('idx')
UPDATE 3: it makes more sense to use Series.explode() / DataFrame.explode() methods (implemented in Pandas 0.25.0 and extended in Pandas 1.3.0 to support multi-column explode) as is shown in the usage example:
for a single column:
In [1]: df = pd.DataFrame({'A': [[0, 1, 2], 'foo', [], [3, 4]],
...: 'B': 1,
...: 'C': [['a', 'b', 'c'], np.nan, [], ['d', 'e']]})
In [2]: df
0 [0, 1, 2] 1 [a, b, c]
1 foo 1 NaN
2 [] 1 []
3 [3, 4] 1 [d, e]
In [3]: df.explode('A')
0 0 1 [a, b, c]
0 1 1 [a, b, c]
0 2 1 [a, b, c]
1 foo 1 NaN
2 NaN 1 []
3 3 1 [d, e]
3 4 1 [d, e]
for multiple columns (for Pandas 1.3.0+):
In [4]: df.explode(['A', 'C'])
0 0 1 a
0 1 1 b
0 2 1 c
1 foo 1 NaN
2 NaN 1 NaN
3 3 1 d
3 4 1 e
UPDATE 2: more generic vectorized function, which will work for multiple normal and multiple list columns
def explode(df, lst_cols, fill_value='', preserve_index=False):
# make sure `lst_cols` is list-alike
if (lst_cols is not None
and len(lst_cols) > 0
and not isinstance(lst_cols, (list, tuple, np.ndarray, pd.Series))):
lst_cols = [lst_cols]
# all columns except `lst_cols`
idx_cols = df.columns.difference(lst_cols)
# calculate lengths of lists
lens = df[lst_cols[0]].str.len()
# preserve original index values
idx = np.repeat(df.index.values, lens)
# create "exploded" DF
res = (pd.DataFrame({
col:np.repeat(df[col].values, lens)
for col in idx_cols},
.assign(**{col:np.concatenate(df.loc[lens>0, col].values)
for col in lst_cols}))
# append those rows that have empty lists
if (lens == 0).any():
# at least one list in cells is empty
res = (res.append(df.loc[lens==0, idx_cols], sort=False)
# revert the original index order
res = res.sort_index()
# reset index if requested
if not preserve_index:
res = res.reset_index(drop=True)
return res
Multiple list columns - all list columns must have the same # of elements in each row:
In [134]: df
aaa myid num text
0 10 1 [1, 2, 3] [aa, bb, cc]
1 11 2 [] []
2 12 3 [1, 2] [cc, dd]
3 13 4 [] []
In [135]: explode(df, ['num','text'], fill_value='')
aaa myid num text
0 10 1 1 aa
1 10 1 2 bb
2 10 1 3 cc
3 11 2
4 12 3 1 cc
5 12 3 2 dd
6 13 4
preserving original index values:
In [136]: explode(df, ['num','text'], fill_value='', preserve_index=True)
aaa myid num text
0 10 1 1 aa
0 10 1 2 bb
0 10 1 3 cc
1 11 2
2 12 3 1 cc
2 12 3 2 dd
3 13 4
df = pd.DataFrame({
'aaa': {0: 10, 1: 11, 2: 12, 3: 13},
'myid': {0: 1, 1: 2, 2: 3, 3: 4},
'num': {0: [1, 2, 3], 1: [], 2: [1, 2], 3: []},
'text': {0: ['aa', 'bb', 'cc'], 1: [], 2: ['cc', 'dd'], 3: []}
CSV column:
In [46]: df
var1 var2 var3
0 a,b,c 1 XX
1 d,e,f,x,y 2 ZZ
In [47]: explode(df.assign(var1=df.var1.str.split(',')), 'var1')
var1 var2 var3
0 a 1 XX
1 b 1 XX
2 c 1 XX
3 d 2 ZZ
4 e 2 ZZ
5 f 2 ZZ
6 x 2 ZZ
7 y 2 ZZ
using this little trick we can convert CSV-like column to list column:
In [48]: df.assign(var1=df.var1.str.split(','))
var1 var2 var3
0 [a, b, c] 1 XX
1 [d, e, f, x, y] 2 ZZ
UPDATE: generic vectorized approach (will work also for multiple columns):
Original DF:
In [177]: df
var1 var2 var3
0 a,b,c 1 XX
1 d,e,f,x,y 2 ZZ
first let's convert CSV strings to lists:
In [178]: lst_col = 'var1'
In [179]: x = df.assign(**{lst_col:df[lst_col].str.split(',')})
In [180]: x
var1 var2 var3
0 [a, b, c] 1 XX
1 [d, e, f, x, y] 2 ZZ
Now we can do this:
In [181]: pd.DataFrame({
...: col:np.repeat(x[col].values, x[lst_col].str.len())
...: for col in x.columns.difference([lst_col])
...: }).assign(**{lst_col:np.concatenate(x[lst_col].values)})[x.columns.tolist()]
var1 var2 var3
0 a 1 XX
1 b 1 XX
2 c 1 XX
3 d 2 ZZ
4 e 2 ZZ
5 f 2 ZZ
6 x 2 ZZ
7 y 2 ZZ
OLD answer:
Inspired by #AFinkelstein solution, i wanted to make it bit more generalized which could be applied to DF with more than two columns and as fast, well almost, as fast as AFinkelstein's solution):
In [2]: df = pd.DataFrame(
...: [{'var1': 'a,b,c', 'var2': 1, 'var3': 'XX'},
...: {'var1': 'd,e,f,x,y', 'var2': 2, 'var3': 'ZZ'}]
...: )
In [3]: df
var1 var2 var3
0 a,b,c 1 XX
1 d,e,f,x,y 2 ZZ
In [4]: (df.set_index(df.columns.drop('var1',1).tolist())
...: .var1.str.split(',', expand=True)
...: .stack()
...: .reset_index()
...: .rename(columns={0:'var1'})
...: .loc[:, df.columns]
...: )
var1 var2 var3
0 a 1 XX
1 b 1 XX
2 c 1 XX
3 d 2 ZZ
4 e 2 ZZ
5 f 2 ZZ
6 x 2 ZZ
7 y 2 ZZ
After painful experimentation to find something faster than the accepted answer, I got this to work. It ran around 100x faster on the dataset I tried it on.
If someone knows a way to make this more elegant, by all means please modify my code. I couldn't find a way that works without setting the other columns you want to keep as the index and then resetting the index and re-naming the columns, but I'd imagine there's something else that works.
b = DataFrame(a.var1.str.split(',').tolist(), index=a.var2).stack()
b = b.reset_index()[[0, 'var2']] # var1 variable is currently labeled 0
b.columns = ['var1', 'var2'] # renaming var1
Pandas >= 0.25
Series and DataFrame methods define a .explode() method that explodes lists into separate rows. See the docs section on Exploding a list-like column.
Since you have a list of comma separated strings, split the string on comma to get a list of elements, then call explode on that column.
df = pd.DataFrame({'var1': ['a,b,c', 'd,e,f'], 'var2': [1, 2]})
var1 var2
0 a,b,c 1
1 d,e,f 2
var1 var2
0 a 1
0 b 1
0 c 1
1 d 2
1 e 2
1 f 2
Note that explode only works on a single column (for now). To explode multiple columns at once, see below.
NaNs and empty lists get the treatment they deserve without you having to jump through hoops to get it right.
df = pd.DataFrame({'var1': ['d,e,f', '', np.nan], 'var2': [1, 2, 3]})
var1 var2
0 d,e,f 1
1 2
2 NaN 3
0 [d, e, f]
1 []
2 NaN
var1 var2
0 d 1
0 e 1
0 f 1
1 2 # empty list entry becomes empty string after exploding
2 NaN 3 # NaN left un-touched
This is a serious advantage over ravel/repeat -based solutions (which ignore empty lists completely, and choke on NaNs).
Exploding Multiple Columns
pandas 1.3 update
df.explode works on multiple columns starting from pandas 1.3:
df = pd.DataFrame({'var1': ['a,b,c', 'd,e,f'],
'var2': ['i,j,k', 'l,m,n'],
'var3': [1, 2]})
var1 var2 var3
0 a,b,c i,j,k 1
1 d,e,f l,m,n 2
.apply(lambda col: col.str.split(','))
.explode(['var1', 'var2'])
.reindex(df.columns, axis=1))
var1 var2 var3
0 a i 1
1 b j 1
2 c k 1
3 d l 2
4 e m 2
5 f n 2
On older versions, you would move the explode column inside the apply which is a lot less performant:
.apply(lambda col: col.str.split(',').explode())
.reindex(df.columns, axis=1))
The idea is to set as the index, all the columns that should NOT be exploded, then explode the remaining columns via apply. This works well when the lists are equally sized.
How about something like this:
In [55]: pd.concat([Series(row['var2'], row['var1'].split(','))
for _, row in a.iterrows()]).reset_index()
index 0
0 a 1
1 b 1
2 c 1
3 d 2
4 e 2
5 f 2
Then you just have to rename the columns
Here's a function I wrote for this common task. It's more efficient than the Series/stack methods. Column order and names are retained.
def tidy_split(df, column, sep='|', keep=False):
Split the values of a column and expand so the new DataFrame has one split
value per row. Filters rows where the column is missing.
df : pandas.DataFrame
dataframe with the column to split and expand
column : str
the column to split and expand
sep : str
the string used to split the column's values
keep : bool
whether to retain the presplit value as it's own row
Returns a dataframe with the same columns as `df`.
indexes = list()
new_values = list()
df = df.dropna(subset=[column])
for i, presplit in enumerate(df[column].astype(str)):
values = presplit.split(sep)
if keep and len(values) > 1:
for value in values:
new_df = df.iloc[indexes, :].copy()
new_df[column] = new_values
return new_df
With this function, the original question is as simple as:
tidy_split(a, 'var1', sep=',')
Similar question as: pandas: How do I split text in a column into multiple rows?
You could do:
>> a=pd.DataFrame({"var1":"a,b,c d,e,f".split(),"var2":[1,2]})
>> s = a.var1.str.split(",").apply(pd.Series, 1).stack()
>> s.index = s.index.droplevel(-1)
>> del a['var1']
>> a.join(s)
var2 var1
0 1 a
0 1 b
0 1 c
1 2 d
1 2 e
1 2 f
There is a possibility to split and explode the dataframe without changing the structure of dataframe
Split and expand data of specific columns
var1 var2
0 a,b,c 1
1 d,e,f 2
#Get the indexes which are repetative with the split
df['var1'] = df['var1'].str.split(',')
df = df.explode('var1')
var1 var2
0 a 1
0 b 1
0 c 1
1 d 2
1 e 2
1 f 2
Split and Expand of rows for Multiple columns
Filename RGB RGB_type
0 A [[0, 1650, 6, 39], [0, 1691, 1, 59], [50, 1402... [r, g, b]
1 B [[0, 1423, 16, 38], [0, 1445, 16, 46], [0, 141... [r, g, b]
Re indexing based on the reference column and aligning the column value information with stack
df = df.reindex(df.index.repeat(df['RGB_type'].apply(len)))
df = df.groupby('Filename').apply(lambda x:x.apply(lambda y: pd.Series(y.iloc[0])))
Filename RGB_type Top 1 colour Top 1 frequency Top 2 colour Top 2 frequency
A 0 A r 0 1650 6 39
1 A g 0 1691 1 59
2 A b 50 1402 49 187
B 0 B r 0 1423 16 38
1 B g 0 1445 16 46
2 B b 0 1419 16 39
import pandas as pd
import numpy as np
def explode_str(df, col, sep):
s = df[col]
i = np.arange(len(s)).repeat(s.str.count(sep) + 1)
return df.iloc[i].assign(**{col: sep.join(s).split(sep)})
def explode_list(df, col):
s = df[col]
i = np.arange(len(s)).repeat(s.str.len())
return df.iloc[i].assign(**{col: np.concatenate(s)})
explode_str(a, 'var1', ',')
var1 var2
0 a 1
0 b 1
0 c 1
1 d 2
1 e 2
1 f 2
Let's create a new dataframe d that has lists
d = a.assign(var1=lambda d: d.var1.str.split(','))
explode_list(d, 'var1')
var1 var2
0 a 1
0 b 1
0 c 1
1 d 2
1 e 2
1 f 2
General Comments
I'll use np.arange with repeat to produce dataframe index positions that I can use with iloc.
Why don't I use loc?
Because the index may not be unique and using loc will return every row that matches a queried index.
Why don't you use the values attribute and slice that?
When calling values, if the entirety of the the dataframe is in one cohesive "block", Pandas will return a view of the array that is the "block". Otherwise Pandas will have to cobble together a new array. When cobbling, that array must be of a uniform dtype. Often that means returning an array with dtype that is object. By using iloc instead of slicing the values attribute, I alleviate myself from having to deal with that.
Why do you use assign?
When I use assign using the same column name that I'm exploding, I overwrite the existing column and maintain its position in the dataframe.
Why are the index values repeat?
By virtue of using iloc on repeated positions, the resulting index shows the same repeated pattern. One repeat for each element the list or string.
This can be reset with reset_index(drop=True)
For Strings
I don't want to have to split the strings prematurely. So instead I count the occurrences of the sep argument assuming that if I were to split, the length of the resulting list would be one more than the number of separators.
I then use that sep to join the strings then split.
def explode_str(df, col, sep):
s = df[col]
i = np.arange(len(s)).repeat(s.str.count(sep) + 1)
return df.iloc[i].assign(**{col: sep.join(s).split(sep)})
For Lists
Similar as for strings except I don't need to count occurrences of sep because its already split.
I use Numpy's concatenate to jam the lists together.
import pandas as pd
import numpy as np
def explode_list(df, col):
s = df[col]
i = np.arange(len(s)).repeat(s.str.len())
return df.iloc[i].assign(**{col: np.concatenate(s)})
I came up with a solution for dataframes with arbitrary numbers of columns (while still only separating one column's entries at a time).
def splitDataFrameList(df,target_column,separator):
''' df = dataframe to split,
target_column = the column containing the values to split
separator = the symbol used to perform the split
returns: a dataframe with each entry for the target column separated, with each element moved into a new row.
The values in the other columns are duplicated across the newly divided rows.
def splitListToRows(row,row_accumulator,target_column,separator):
split_row = row[target_column].split(separator)
for s in split_row:
new_row = row.to_dict()
new_row[target_column] = s
new_rows = []
df.apply(splitListToRows,axis=1,args = (new_rows,target_column,separator))
new_df = pandas.DataFrame(new_rows)
return new_df
Here is a fairly straightforward message that uses the split method from pandas str accessor and then uses NumPy to flatten each row into a single array.
The corresponding values are retrieved by repeating the non-split column the correct number of times with np.repeat.
var1 = df.var1.str.split(',', expand=True).values.ravel()
var2 = np.repeat(df.var2.values, len(var1) / len(df))
pd.DataFrame({'var1': var1,
'var2': var2})
var1 var2
0 a 1
1 b 1
2 c 1
3 d 2
4 e 2
5 f 2
I have been struggling with out-of-memory experience using various way to explode my lists so I prepared some benchmarks to help me decide which answers to upvote. I tested five scenarios with varying proportions of the list length to the number of lists. Sharing the results below:
Time: (less is better, click to view large version)
Peak memory usage: (less is better)
#MaxU's answer (update 2), codename concatenate offers the best speed in almost every case, while keeping the peek memory usage low,
see #DMulligan's answer (codename stack) if you need to process lots of rows with relatively small lists and can afford increased peak memory,
the accepted #Chang's answer works well for data frames that have a few rows but very large lists.
Full details (functions and benchmarking code) are in this GitHub gist. Please note that the benchmark problem was simplified and did not include splitting of strings into the list - which most solutions performed in a similar fashion.
One-liner using split(___, expand=True) and the level and name arguments to reset_index():
>>> b = a.var1.str.split(',', expand=True).set_index(a.var2).stack().reset_index(level=0, name='var1')
>>> b
var2 var1
0 1 a
1 1 b
2 1 c
0 2 d
1 2 e
2 2 f
If you need b to look exactly like in the question, you can additionally do:
>>> b = b.reset_index(drop=True)[['var1', 'var2']]
>>> b
var1 var2
0 a 1
1 b 1
2 c 1
3 d 2
4 e 2
5 f 2
Based on the excellent #DMulligan's solution, here is a generic vectorized (no loops) function which splits a column of a dataframe into multiple rows, and merges it back to the original dataframe. It also uses a great generic change_column_order function from this answer.
def change_column_order(df, col_name, index):
cols = df.columns.tolist()
cols.insert(index, col_name)
return df[cols]
def split_df(dataframe, col_name, sep):
orig_col_index = dataframe.columns.tolist().index(col_name)
orig_index_name =
orig_columns = dataframe.columns
dataframe = dataframe.reset_index() # we need a natural 0-based index for proper merge
index_col_name = (set(dataframe.columns) - set(orig_columns)).pop()
df_split = pd.DataFrame(
.stack().reset_index(level=1, drop=1), columns=[col_name])
df = dataframe.drop(col_name, axis=1)
df = pd.merge(df, df_split, left_index=True, right_index=True, how='inner')
df = df.set_index(index_col_name) = orig_index_name
# merge adds the column to the last place, so we need to move it back
return change_column_order(df, col_name, orig_col_index)
df = pd.DataFrame([['a:b', 1, 4], ['c:d', 2, 5], ['e:f:g:h', 3, 6]],
columns=['Name', 'A', 'B'], index=[10, 12, 13])
Name A B
10 a:b 1 4
12 c:d 2 5
13 e:f:g:h 3 6
split_df(df, 'Name', ':')
Name A B
10 a 1 4
10 b 1 4
12 c 2 5
12 d 2 5
13 e 3 6
13 f 3 6
13 g 3 6
13 h 3 6
Note that it preserves the original index and order of the columns. It also works with dataframes which have non-sequential index.
The string function split can take an option boolean argument 'expand'.
Here is a solution using this argument:
.reset_index(level=1, drop=True)
I do appreciate the answer of "Chang She", really, but the iterrows() function takes long time on large dataset. I faced that issue and I came to this.
# First, reset_index to make the index a column
a = a.reset_index().rename(columns={'index':'duplicated_idx'})
# Get a longer series with exploded cells to rows
series = pd.DataFrame(a['var1'].str.split('/')
.tolist(), index=a.duplicated_idx).stack()
# New df from series and merge with the old one
b = series.reset_index([0, 'duplicated_idx'])
b = b.rename(columns={0:'var1'})
# Optional & Advanced: In case, there are other columns apart from var1 & var2
# Optional: Delete the "duplicated_index"'s column, and reorder columns
b = b[a.columns.difference(['duplicated_idx'])]
One-liner using assign and explode:
col1 col2
0 a,b,c 1
1 d,e,f 2
df.assign(col1 = df.col1.str.split(',')).explode('col1', ignore_index=True)
col1 col2
0 a 1
1 b 1
2 c 1
3 d 2
4 e 2
5 f 2
Just used jiln's excellent answer from above, but needed to expand to split multiple columns. Thought I would share.
def splitDataFrameList(df,target_column,separator):
''' df = dataframe to split,
target_column = the column containing the values to split
separator = the symbol used to perform the split
returns: a dataframe with each entry for the target column separated, with each element moved into a new row.
The values in the other columns are duplicated across the newly divided rows.
def splitListToRows(row, row_accumulator, target_columns, separator):
split_rows = []
for target_column in target_columns:
# Seperate for multiple columns
for i in range(len(split_rows[0])):
new_row = row.to_dict()
for j in range(len(split_rows)):
new_row[target_columns[j]] = split_rows[j][i]
new_rows = []
df.apply(splitListToRows,axis=1,args = (new_rows,target_column,separator))
new_df = pd.DataFrame(new_rows)
return new_df
upgraded MaxU's answer with MultiIndex support
def explode(df, lst_cols, fill_value='', preserve_index=False):
In [134]: df
aaa myid num text
0 10 1 [1, 2, 3] [aa, bb, cc]
1 11 2 [] []
2 12 3 [1, 2] [cc, dd]
3 13 4 [] []
In [135]: explode(df, ['num','text'], fill_value='')
aaa myid num text
0 10 1 1 aa
1 10 1 2 bb
2 10 1 3 cc
3 11 2
4 12 3 1 cc
5 12 3 2 dd
6 13 4
# make sure `lst_cols` is list-alike
if (lst_cols is not None
and len(lst_cols) > 0
and not isinstance(lst_cols, (list, tuple, np.ndarray, pd.Series))):
lst_cols = [lst_cols]
# all columns except `lst_cols`
idx_cols = df.columns.difference(lst_cols)
# calculate lengths of lists
lens = df[lst_cols[0]].str.len()
# preserve original index values
idx = np.repeat(df.index.values, lens)
res = (pd.DataFrame({
col:np.repeat(df[col].values, lens)
for col in idx_cols},
.assign(**{col:np.concatenate(df.loc[lens>0, col].values)
for col in lst_cols}))
# append those rows that have empty lists
if (lens == 0).any():
# at least one list in cells is empty
res = (res.append(df.loc[lens==0, idx_cols], sort=False)
# revert the original index order
res = res.sort_index()
# reset index if requested
if not preserve_index:
res = res.reset_index(drop=True)
# if original index is MultiIndex build the dataframe from the multiindex
# create "exploded" DF
if isinstance(df.index, pd.MultiIndex):
res = res.reindex(
names=['number', 'color']
return res
My version of the solution to add to this collection! :-)
# Original problem
from pandas import DataFrame
import numpy as np
a = DataFrame([{'var1': 'a,b,c', 'var2': 1},
{'var1': 'd,e,f', 'var2': 2}])
b = DataFrame([{'var1': 'a', 'var2': 1},
{'var1': 'b', 'var2': 1},
{'var1': 'c', 'var2': 1},
{'var1': 'd', 'var2': 2},
{'var1': 'e', 'var2': 2},
{'var1': 'f', 'var2': 2}])
### My solution
import pandas as pd
import functools
def expand_on_cols(df, fuse_cols, delim=","):
def expand_on_col(df, fuse_col):
col_order = df.columns
df_expanded = pd.DataFrame(
df.set_index([x for x in df.columns if x != fuse_col])[fuse_col]
.apply(lambda x: x.split(delim))
return df_expanded[col_order]
all_expanded = functools.reduce(expand_on_col, fuse_cols, df)
return all_expanded
assert(b.equals(expand_on_cols(a, ["var1"], delim=",")))
I have come up with the following solution to this problem:
def iter_var1(d):
for _, row in d.iterrows():
for v in row["var1"].split(","):
yield (v, row["var2"])
new_a = DataFrame.from_records([i for i in iter_var1(a)],
columns=["var1", "var2"])
Another solution that uses python copy package
import copy
new_observations = list()
def pandas_explode(df, column_to_explode):
new_observations = list()
for row in df.to_dict(orient='records'):
explode_values = row[column_to_explode]
del row[column_to_explode]
if type(explode_values) is list or type(explode_values) is tuple:
for explode_value in explode_values:
new_observation = copy.deepcopy(row)
new_observation[column_to_explode] = explode_value
new_observation = copy.deepcopy(row)
new_observation[column_to_explode] = explode_values
return_df = pd.DataFrame(new_observations)
return return_df
df = pandas_explode(df, column_name)
There are a lot of answers here but I'm surprised no one has mentioned the built in pandas explode function. Check out the link below:
For some reason I was unable to access that function, so I used the below code:
import pandas_explode
df_zlp_people_cnt3 = df_zlp_people_cnt2.explode('people')
Above is a sample of my data. As you can see the people column had series of people, and I was trying to explode it. The code I have given works for list type data. So try to get your comma separated text data into list format. Also since my code uses built in functions, it is much faster than custom/apply functions.
Note: You may need to install pandas_explode with pip.
I had a similar problem, my solution was converting the dataframe to a list of dictionaries first, then do the transition. Here is the function:
import re
import pandas as pd
def separate_row(df, column_name):
ls = []
for row_dict in df.to_dict('records'):
for word in re.split(',', row_dict[column_name]):
row = row_dict.copy()
return pd.DataFrame(ls)
>>> from pandas import DataFrame
>>> import numpy as np
>>> a = DataFrame([{'var1': 'a,b,c', 'var2': 1},
{'var1': 'd,e,f', 'var2': 2}])
>>> a
var1 var2
0 a,b,c 1
1 d,e,f 2
>>> separate_row(a, "var1")
var1 var2
0 a 1
1 b 1
2 c 1
3 d 2
4 e 2
5 f 2
You can also change the function a bit to support separating list type rows.
Upon adding few bits and pieces from all the solutions on this page, I was able to get something like this(for someone who need to use it right away).
parameters to the function are df(input dataframe) and key(column that has delimiter separated string). Just replace with your delimiter if that is different to semicolon ";".
def split_df_rows_for_semicolon_separated_key(key, df):
df=df.set_index(df.columns.drop(key,1).tolist())[key].str.split(';', expand=True).stack().reset_index().rename(columns={0:key}).loc[:, df.columns]
df=df[df[key] != '']
return df
vals = np.array(a.var1.str.split(",").values.tolist())
var = np.repeat(a.var2, vals.shape[1])
out = pd.DataFrame(np.column_stack((var, vals.ravel())), columns=a.columns)
var1 var2
0 1 a
1 1 b
2 1 c
3 2 d
4 2 e
5 2 f
In recent version of pandas you can use split followed by explode
var1 var2
0 a 1
0 b 1
0 c 1
1 d 2
1 e 2
1 f 2
A short and simple way to change the format of the column using .apply() so that it can be used by .explod():
import string
import pandas as pd
from io import StringIO
file = StringIO(""" var1 var2
0 a,b,c 1
1 d,e,f 2""")
df = pd.read_csv(file, sep=r'\s\s+')
df['var1'] = df['var1'].apply(lambda x : str(x).split(','))
var1 var2
0 a 1
0 b 1
0 c 1
1 d 2
1 e 2
1 f 2
